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    11165 research outputs found

    The Mars Ultor Coins of c. 19-16 BC = Monety z okresu ok. 16-19 r.p.n.e. związane z Marsem Ultorem

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    Is it homoerotic in this text? On the trail of the identity of characters nonheteronormative "Stones for the rampart" by Alexander Kaminski

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    Interpretation of the relationship Tadeusz Zawadzki ?Zośka? and Jan Bytnar ?Rudy? ? heroes Stones for the rampart by Alexander Kaminski made by Elizabeth Janicka, according to which the two men combined homoerotic love, caused the Polish literary environment and media controversy. On the one hand, there are calls for ?tarnish the national holiness?, on the other hand, other environmental endorsed a model of reading the text.Janicka basing their conclusions on passages from the novel Kaminski, specifically one more part, did not seriously examine philological work. This article attempts to answer the question: Is homosexuality in the text? With underlying thesis inspiring researcher, author Festung Warschau, is carried out detailed analysis of the Stones for the rampart. One of the main points of the article is an indication that the discussion is directed to novel wide audience literary text, fictional, despite existing prototypes characters actually work

    Giuseppe Squillace, I giardini di Saffo: profumi e aromi nella Grecia antica, Carocci Editore, Roma 2014, ss. 118 - recenzja

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    Aktorzy polityczni i media w procesie zarządzania informacją = Political actors and mass media in process of information management

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    Article is devoted to management of political information. Author tries to explain how process of information management is used by politicians and mass media. Both of them need each other to exist and to produce news. Politicians use mass media to inform the community, and mass media gain profit from spreading that information. Politicians seek to control some part of the news that is the consequence of their political interest. Examples of information management are gatekeeping and information priorities. Politics has always been the main topic of newscasts. Currently newscast are made in the different way in a different way that in the past. Article contains examples of information management taken from Polish policy and mass media area

    "Missao dada, missao cumprida". Kino polityczne José Padilhi wiwisekcją problemów współczesnej Brazylii = "Missao dada, missao cumprida". The political cinema of José Padilhi as the analysis of the modern Brazil problems

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    Intention of this article is to present problems with public safety and sources of urban violence in Brazil in the three movies of José Padilha: ?Ônibus 174?, ?Tropa de Elite? and ?Tropa de Elite 2. O Inimigo Agora É Outro?. In this films the director tried to shows how complex is the problem of violence in this country and in consequence he initiated a grave discussion about this question. Padilha focus attention on the most important factors which create this problem. His production are full of corruption in politics and police, violence in the streets, drugs and depravation of society. The director shows that the condition of Brazil and Brazilians is the result of the activity of all the members of society

    Rola systemów filozoficzno-religijnych w państwie i prawie japońskim po 1945 r.= The role of philosophical and religious systems in Japanese state and law after 1945

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    The author undertakes to discuss the relationship between the state and religion in Japanese law. This article aims to show the relation at the level of the state, law and religion. The latter is understood very broadly, in the context of the state in Japan, as a belief and a philosophy of life. At the same time the author looks at religion (belief) through the Japanese legislations, especially the Constitution of Japan of 11 Mars 1946, so called Showa Constitution and the existing legal regulations. Firstly, the article aims to explain the concept of religion and philosophy in Japan. Since it is difficult to clearly separate the philosophy from religion in the history of traditional Japanese thought.The concept of religion is identified with the philosophy of life. Showing the ?Japanese? understanding of the concept of philosophy as a metaphysical worldview, which is grounded in cultural values. The author presents the historical development of religion, belief and philosophical thoughts in Japan (including Shinto, Confucianism, Buddhism, folk beliefs, so-called Shinko shukyo and Christianity). This article attempts to discuss the impact of the religion, beliefs and different philosophical systems and thinking, which influenced the formation of the Japanese state, including the evolution of phenomena characteristic of Japanese culture.The article presents the development of religious and philosophical thought in Japan, in their historical context, and their impact on the social and political life of the country of the Rising Sun (e.g. the fundamental values of Japanese culture such as the cult of the emperor and the attitude of Japanese to the state, to the power and to the law). The article shows the relations between the state-religion (belief) in the history and law of Japan, both in the Meiji Constitution, and in the current Showa Constitution (including the role of religion in the Meiji period and its influence on the formation of the modern Japanese state). The article presents the relation between law, religion and state in the context of the constitutional regulations relating to the freedom of religion and conscience (i.e. the issues of guarantees of religious freedom and their actual preservation)

    Rzeczy niemieckie w poezji Joanny Ziembińskiej-Kurek i Marka Lobo Wojciechowskiego = German things in the poetry of Joanna Ziembińska-Kurek and Marek Lobo Wojciechowski

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    The poetry of the Polish-German border, which is Lubusz, often shows the role of things in the chain of historical events. The double origin of these lands is the starting point for considering the category of inanimate matter for the Lubusz writers. Concentrating on subjects of German provenance is visible especially in the poetry of Joanna Ziembińska-Kurek and Marek Lobo Wojciechowski. Each of these authors is biographically associated with a different place; and so Ziembińska ? with Sulęcin (GER Zielenzig), Wojciechowski ? with Gorzów Wielkopolski (GER Landsberg). In this article there is recalled the classification by Joanna Szydłowska (the researcher has proposed eight categories, according to which the meaning of things in post-Yalta Occident can be considered). The circle of issues associated with the circulation of objects and change of their owners will prove to be the most important for this article. It is the axis linking the world of the objects in the poetry of these authors

    Nadania obywatelstwa rzymskiego w Hiszpanii w okresie wojny sertoriańskiej = The granting of the Roman citizenship in Spain during the Sertorian War

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    In the years 80-71 BC in Spain played out a fierce war between the rebellious Marian governor, Quintus Sertorius, and Senate commanders, Q . Metellus Pius and Cn. Pompeius. An important issue for both sides during this conflict was to gain sympathy of local peoples and one of the elements of such a policy was giving the Roman citizenship to the population of the province. In the first part of the article the author considers the possibility of granting the Roman citizenship by Sertorius to representatives of the Spanish aristocracy.The Author does not deny this possibility, but he draws attention to the fact that the Marian governor could not abuse this privilege because he had to bear in mind the real possibility of fulfillment of promises made. In the second part of the text the author discusses the granting of the Roman citizenship by the Senate commanders. They are much better attested in the source material, especially when it comes to the granting citizenship by Pompey. They have been confirmed by the authorities in Rome specially carried out in this case law (lex Cornelia Gellia).It seems, however, that the granting of the Roman citizenship did not have a mass character and concerned mostly to the romanized population of Spain. The Roman citizenship was a reward for those among the inhabitants of Spain, who after moving there the Roman civil war not only kept fidelity to the Sullans, but also deserve a fight against Sertorius

    Wiesztortowie z Podbrzezia i Bakszt w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim w świetle źródeł z II połowy XV i I połowy XVI wieku = Wiesztortowicz of Podbrzezie and Bakszty in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

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    Research which was done so far proved that on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania existed at least several families named Wiesztort or Wiesztortowicz (Westortowicz). Wiesztortowicz is a patronymic name. Both name variations appear in the original documents. Most of the found Wiesztort/Wiesztortowicz belonged to higher class called boyars however there were found also families belonging to town people or peasantry. Hanko Wiesztortowicz was the first known member of the family. As a witness he was mentioned in a document issued in Łyntupy and dated on 1459. This document referred to Andruszko Dowgirdowicz, owner of Świrany and Łyntupy, who made donations to a church in Łyntupy.Besides Hanko the document mentioned also other witnesses as Sudywoj Wolimuntowicz, Castellan of Vilnius and Wieżgajło, koniuszy/equerry and ciwun of Vilnius. Hanko probably had a son named Jacko. In 1472 he was a witness to a document in which kniaź Sieńko Romanowicz Świrski donated some estate to the church in Świr. Jacko Wiesztortowicz wrote a will which was issued in Podbrzezie in 1484. He made donations to the nearby church in Mejszagoła and gave to his wife Anna estates in Podbrzezie and Bakszty as well. There were several places called Bakszty but the most probable is the one which was located between Łyntupy and Świr. In the same will Jacko mentioned several people who had owned him money.Some of them belonged to the highest Lithuanian social class at that time. The total amount of money mentioned in the will is 156 kop of the Prague Cents/grosz. The first executor of his testament was kniaź/prince Daumont Butwidowicz Świrski. The third generation of the investigated family is represented by Jan Wiesztortowicz. He was probably a son of the above mentioned Jacko. He appeared in two documents dated on 1501 and 1503. Those two documents concerned different donations to the church in Podbrzezie. Jan is mentioned there among other local nobles who gave land and serfs to the church. Personally Jan donated a field of 1.5 hectares and a meadow calculated as six wagon-driving of hay. It is hard to say whether next generation of the family is mentioned in the 1528 Lithuanian Enrollment List. The family could migrate to other territories.There is a high probability that above mentioned Hanko Wiesztortowicz was a brother of Miszko Wiesztortowicz a Lithuanian łowczy and namiestik Deputy of Słonim. Miszko started the most well-to-do Wiesztort/Wiesztortowicz family line of the Sulima coat-of-arms which existed in Ruś/Rus. The main estate of this family branch was Sielec (near the town of Bereza) and Krzemień in Podlasie

    Barbara Klassa, Siedziby joannitów na ziemiach polskich do 1312 roku, Zielona Góra 2012, Eternum Wydawnictwo z Pracownią Humanistyczną, ss. 206 - recenzja

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