Repository of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
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    33485 research outputs found

    Modeliranje i procjena krivulje prinosa

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    The European Central Bank (ECB) relies on the timely availability of high-quality financial market indicators to facilitate data-driven decision-making. Gauges of interest rate dynamics are of particular interest to the central bank, given their relevance for monetary policy and financial stability. By capturing the term structure of interest rates, zero-coupon yield curves serve as the key barometer of market expectations of monetary policy, economic growth, and inflation. Correspondingly, the prevailing practice among major central banks, including the ECB, is to maintain an internal system for estimating yield curves. This thesis aims to contribute to three areas relevant to implementing such systems. First, a natural generalization of the Nelson-Siegel model based on Laguerre polynomials is evaluated as an alternative to the popular Svensson extension. The evidence from the conducted evaluation study points to several theoretical and empirical arguments in favor of such an approach, particularly in the areas of model stability, flexibility, and out-of-sample forecasting performance. Second, the empirical study evaluates the nature of the trade-off between goodness-of-fit and model stability resulting from applying different methodologies to estimating the nonlinear decay parameter. Finally, a computationally efficient method based on iterated least-squares is considered for fitting the zero-coupon yield curve to a sample containing fixedcoupon bonds, under a fixed nonlinear decay parameter. The method provides an alternative to the common practice of minimizing either yield-to-maturity error or (weighted) price error

    Baseline plan considering atmospheric influences and worker acclimatization

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    Veliki problem građevinarstva u Republici Hrvatskoj jest odlazak kvalificirane domaće radne snage u zemlje gdje su bolji radni i životni uvjeti. To rezultira potrebom uvoza radne snage iz drugih zemalja. Jedan od glavnih problema uvoza radne snage je nekvalificiranost za obavljanje građevinskih radova i neprilagođenost klimi u RH što rezultira smanjenjem produktivnosti i kvalitete građevinskih projekata, ali i otežanim planiranjem trenutnih i budućih projekata. Osim što strani radnici zbog svoje nestručnosti povećavaju rizik od ozljeda na gradilištu, njihova neprilagođenost klimi može rezultirati njihovim zdravstvenim problemima ako ne prate upute nadređenih i može dovesti do produljenja trajanja projekta. Uz to se javlja i problem jezične barijere i ne znanja u čitanju nacrta koji dodatno pogoršavaju čitavu sliku gradilišta. Hrvatsko građevinarstvo primorano je nositi se s karakteristikama neaklimatiziranih radnika, dugotrajnim procesom dobivanja dozvole za njihov boravak i rad i brzim odlaskom istih u druge zemlje članice Europske unije gdje su bolje plaćeni i gdje imaju bolje radne uvjete, ali i gubitkom njihove radne efikasnosti uslijed rada pri visokim temperaturama. Sve to u konačnici rezultira produljenjem trajanja projekta i povećanjem troškova što govori da možda ipak jeftina radna snaga i nije ekonomski isplativa. U ovome radu prikazan je proračun produljenja trajanja projekta u odnosu na početno, planirano, trajanje u ovisnosti o atmosferskim utjecajima i aklimatiziranosti radnika.A significant problem in the construction industry in the Republic of Croatia is the emigration of qualified domestic labor to countries with better working and living conditions. This results in the need to import labor from other countries. One of the main issues with importing labor is the lack of qualifications for performing construction work and the lack of adaptation to the climate in Croatia, which leads to decreased productivity and quality of construction projects, as well as difficulties in planning current and future projects. In addition to the fact that foreign workers, due to their lack of expertise, increase the risk of injuries on the construction site, their lack of adaptation to the climate can result in health problems if they do not follow the instructions of their superiors and can lead to project delays. Furthermore, there is the issue of language barriers and the inability to read blueprints, which further deteriorates the overall situation on the construction site. Croatian construction is forced to deal with the characteristics of non-acclimatized workers, the lengthy process of obtaining permits for their stay and work, and their quick departure to other EU member states where they are better paid and have better working conditions. Additionally, there is a loss of their work efficiency due to working in high temperatures. All of this ultimately results in project delays and increased costs, suggesting that cheap labor may not be economically viable. This paper presents the calculation of the project duration extension about the initial planned duration, depending on atmospheric influences and worker acclimatization

    Relacijska topografija Puta prema Kišnoj planini N. Scotta Momadaya

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    This paper discusses N. Scott Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain (1969.) in light of several American Indian Studies critical concepts and methodologies – Daniel Heath Justice’s paradigms of kinship and relational identity, Tom Holm, Diane Pearson, and Ben Chavis’s Peoplehood Matrix, and Jace Weaver’s concept of communitism. It argues that Momaday’s narrative and imaginative reconstruction of Kiowa generational memory affirms the spiritual and holistic nucleus of peoplehood as well as a close correlation of language, sacred history, ceremony, and place to cultural identity and survival. It also maintains that Momaday’s distinctive narrative technique and its dialogic design – a strategic traversing and manipulation of discursive, epistemological, and generic boundaries – accentuates the continuity of Kiowa oral tradition as well as the relational intention and configuration of his text

    Guitar as an Instrument of Choice for Conducting Music Activities in Nature

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    U radu se teorijski i praktično pokazuje prednosti korištenja gitare za potrebe provođenja glazbenih aktivnosti u prirodi. U teorijskom dijelu obrađena je literatura koja pokazuje dobrobiti boravka djece na otvorenom, kao i dobrobiti kvalitetno izvedenih glazbenih aktivnosti. Opisana je građa i način sviranja gitare te je obrazloženo zašto je gitara prikladan instrument za izvođenje glazbenih aktivnosti u prirodi. Kako bi se pokazalo da se glazbene aktivnosti mogu jednako uspješno izvoditi i na gitari pristupnik je u praktičnom dijelu rada pripremio pjesme koje se na Fakultetu za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti uobičajeno izvode uz pratnju na klaviru za izvođenje uz pratnju gitare, te ih učinio prikladnima za izvođenje u prirodi.The paper shows the advantages of using the guitar for the purposes of conducting musical activities in nature both theoretically and practically. In the theoretical part, the literature that shows the benefits of children being outdoors, as well as the benefits of quality musical activities, are discussed. The structure and way of playing the guitar is described, and it is explained why the guitar is a suitable instrument for performing musical activities in nature. In order to show that musical activities can be performed equally successfully on the guitar, in the practical part of the paper, the candidate prepared songs that are usually performed with accompaniment on the piano at the Faculty of Education for performance with guitar accompaniment, and made them suitable for outdoor activities

    The life and work of the Kozarac brothers

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    Braća Kozarac svima su poznati kao vrlo značajne osobe koje su u svoje vrijeme utjecali na život ljudi, ali njihov je utjecaj vidljiv i danas. Rođeni su u Vinkovcima, a Ivan je u Vinkovcima i umro te je njegova rodna kuća obnovljena i otvorena za posjetitelje u stilu u kojem je izgrađena prvi put. Svojim je životom Josip Kozarac utjecao na razvoj šumarstva jer je godinama radio kao šumar, a poznat je u svijetu i kao šumar- književnik. Njegov se utjecaj za razvoj šuma vidi i danas, a trudio se istraživati i dolaziti do novih spoznaja o krčenju šuma i njihovom ponovnom pošumljavanju. Njegov književni rad obuhvaća poeziju, prozu i dramu, a u svojim djelima prikazuje slavonskoga seljaka kojega poznaje u potpunosti, sve njegove mane i vrline, a on se nalazi u ulozi liječnika. U svojim se djelima osvrće ina socijalne, ekonomske i druge probleme svoga vremena, a kako je iznosio probleme, za iste je nudio i rješenja. Ivan Kozarac od iznimnoga je značaja za grad Vinkovce i Slavoniju, a odrastajući u siromašnoj obitelji naučio se boriti za bolji život. Iz svoga života i iskustva pronalazi inspiraciju za svoja književna djela, a najpoznatiji je po novelama u kojima prikazuje tadašnje probleme kao što je propadanje zadruga, lijenost, svađa, pijanstva. Svoju Slavoniju opisuje u svojim pjesmama, a upravo je zbog toga i nazvan pjesnikom Slavonije. Najpoznatija djela Josipa Kozarca jesu novela Tena i roman Mrtvi kapitali, a Ivana Kozarca jesu roman Đuka Begović. Oba su autora napisala i vlastitu autobiografiju, a njima u čast svake se godine obilježavaju Dani Josipa i Ivana Kozarca u Vinkovcima.The Kozarac brothers are known to everyone as very significant people who influenced people's lives in their time, but their influence is still visible today. They were born in Vinkovci, and Ivan died in Vinkovci, and his birth house was renovated and opened to visitors in the style in which it was first built. With his life, Josip Kozarac influenced the development of forestry because he worked as a forester for years, and he is also known in the world as a forester-writer. His influence on the development of forests can be seen even today, and he tried to research and come to new knowledge about deforestation and their reforestation. His literary work includes poetry, prose and drama, and in his works he portrays a Slavonian peasant whom he knows completely, all his faults and virtues, and he is in the role of a doctor. In his works, he looked at various social, economic and other problems of his time, and as he presented the problems, he also offered solutions for them. Ivan Kozarac is of exceptional importance for the city of Vinkovci and Slavonia, and growing up in a poor family, he learned to fight for a better life. He finds inspiration for his literary works from his life and experience, and he is best known for his novels in which he depicts the problems of the time, such as the collapse of cooperatives, laziness, quarrels, and drunkenness. He describes his Slavonia in his poems, and that is precisely why he was called the poet of Slavonia. The most famous works of Josip Kozarac are the novel Tena and the novel Dead Capitals, and Ivan Kozarac's novel Đuka Begović. Both authors wrote their own autobiographies, and the Josip and Ivan Kozarac Days are celebrated in Vinkovci every year in their honor

    Features of the stage of intellectual realism in the drawings of the subject teaching scholars

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    Četiri su razdoblja razvoja dječjeg likovnog izraza. Razlikujemo razdoblja izraţavanja primarnim i sloţenim simbolima te razdoblja intelektualnog i vizualnog realizma. U ovom je radu naglasak stavljen na razdoblje intelektualnog i vizualnog realizma. Intelektualni je realizam razdoblje u kojem učenici crtaju situacije koje su vezane uz njihovo razumijevanje okoline te su orijentirani na precizno prikazivanje vizualnog izgleda elemenata. Nasuprot tome, vizualni je realizam razdoblje u kojem crteži postaju detaljniji i sličniji vizualnoj stvarnosti jer postoji napredak u prikazu proporcije i perspektive (Grgurić, Jakubin, 1996). Glavna je zadaća ovoga rada kroz analizu crteža učenika predmetne nastave odrediti koja se obilježja intelektualnog realizma pojavljuju u radovima i pomoću rezultata objasniti zašto do toga dolazi. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja otkriti i analizirati zastupljenost obilježja razdoblja intelektualnog realizma u crtežima učenika predmetne nastave. Uzorak je obuhvatio 82 crteža učenika od 5. do 8. razreda jedne osječke osnovne škole. Crteži su prikupljeni tijekom četiri dvosata likovne kulture gdje su učenici imali zadatak nacrtati prostor svojeg budućeg radnog mjesta. Rezultati su istraživanja pokazali da se u višim razredima osnovne škole pojavljuju obilježja intelektualnog realizma, iako bi učenici te dobne skupine trebali pripadati razdoblju vizualnog realizma. Najviše se zastupljenih obilježja intelektualnog realizma pojavljuje u šestom najviše, a najmanje u sedmom razredu. U petom i osmom razredu prisutan je podjednak postotak obilježja intelektualnog realizma u crtežima učenika. Naime, većina učenika u svojim crtežima pokazuje povećanu sposobnost zapažanja i prenošenja vizualnih elemenata, međutim njihovi crteži postaju tehnički neprecizni i sadržajno siromašni. Manipuliranjem elementima poput veličine ljudskoga lika ili predmeta, zatim prevaljivanjem, rasklapanjem i prozirnim prikazom elemenata te korištenjem obrnute i vertikalne te poliperspektive učenici žele naglasiti prostor, ali i njegovu dubinu te zato koriste obilježa razdoblja intelektualnog realizma.There are four periods of development of children's artistic expression. We distinguish periods of expression by primary and complex symbols and periods of intellectual and visual realism. In this work, emphasis is placed on the period of intellectual and visual realism. Intellectual realism is a period in which students draw situations that are related to their understanding of the environment and are oriented towards the precise presentation of the visual appearance of the elements. In contrast, visual realism is a period in which drawings become more detailed and similar to visual reality because there is progress in the representation of proportion and perspective (Grgurić, Jakubin, 1996). The main task of this work, through the analysis of the drawings of the students of the subject teaching, is to determine which features of intellectual realism appear in the works and use the results to explain why this happens. The aim of this research is to discover and analyze the representation of the characteristics of the period of intellectual realism in the drawings of the students of the course in question. The sample included 82 drawings of students from the 5th to the 8th grade of an elementary school in Osijek. The drawings were collected during four two-hour art classes where the students had the task of drawing the space of their future workplace. The results of the research showed that the characteristics of intellectual realism appear in the upper grades of elementary school, although students of that age group should belong to the period of visual realism. The most represented features of intellectual realism appear in the sixth most, and the least in the seventh grade. In the fifth and eighth grades, an equal percentage of the characteristics of intellectual realism in students' drawings are present. Namely, most students show an increased ability to observe and convey visual elements in their drawings, but their drawings become technically imprecise and content poor. By manipulating elements such as the size of a human figure or object, then by covering, unfolding and transparently depicting the elements and using reverse perspective, vertical perspective and polyperspective, students want to emphasize space, but also its depth, and that is why they use the characteristics of the period of intellectual realism

    "IT IS NOT GOOD FOR THE MAN TO BE ALON" (GEN 2: 18). Man and Woman in God's Design

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    Kada je Bog stvorio muškarca i ženu i smjestio ih u Edenski vrt odnosi su među njima bili skladni. Muškarac i žena dva su komplementarna bića, o čemu ponajviše svjedoči pojam ʽezer kenegdô – »pomoć kao što je on«. Bog je čovjeku stvorio ženu i tako ga izbavio iz samoće, jer je ona biće s kojim može uspostaviti odnos, za razliku od prethodno stvorenih bića. Različitost muškarca i žene iščitavamo iz načina na koji su stvoreni i iz samoga poimanja. Naime, hebrejski izraz za muškarca je ’îš, a za ženu ’iššāh. Međutim, u tim izrazima, osim razlike, možemo prepoznati i njihovu komplementarnost jer se to dvoje uvijek isprepliće. Osim toga Post 2, 4b-25 svjedoči i o jedinstvu muškarca i žene jer je muškarac onaj koji će »prionuti uza svoju ženu«. Tim se izrazom naglašava kako je njegova težnja prema ženi jaka. Tako njih dvoje ostvaruju zajedništvo, kojemu je vrhunac u tjelesnom sjedinjenju. Ta harmonija odnosa biva narušena u Post 3, 1-24 kada je čovjek prekršio Božju zapovijed i poremetio svoj odnos kako s Bogom, tako i sa svojom ženom. To se uvijek događa kada čovjek prekorači granicu koju mu Bog postavlja. Na taj se način zajedništvo ljubavi pretvara u zajedništvo grijeha, a posljedice toga vidljive su iz odnosa muškarca i žene. Naime, muškarac postaje onaj koji gospodari nad ženom, a ona mu biva podložna. Novo tumačenje odnosa između muškarca i žene donosi sveti Pavao u Poslanici Efežanima 5, 21-33. On odnos muškarca i žene tumači odnosom Krista i njegove Crkve. Naime, muškarac, po uzoru na Krista, treba biti »glava« ženi, a to znači biti njezin zaštitnik. S druge strane, žena treba biti podložna mužu kao Gospodinu, a ta podložnost podrazumijeva prihvaćanje muževe brige. Biti podložan znači predati se nekome, a ljubiti znači predati sebe za nekoga.When God created man and woman and placed them in the Garden of Eden, the relationship between them was harmonious. A man and a woman are two complementary beings, which is mostly evidenced by the term ʽezer kenegdô – »help like him«. God created a woman for man and thus rescued him from loneliness, because she is a being with whom he can establish a relationship, unlike previously created beings. The difference between man and woman can be read from the way in which they were created and from the concept itself. Namely, the Hebrew term for a man is 'îš, and for a woman 'iššāh. However, in these expressions, apart from the difference, we can also recognize their complementarity because the two are always intertwined. In addition, Genesis 2: 4b-25 also testifies to the unity of man and woman because the man is the one who will »be joined to his wife«. This expression emphasizes that his desire towards the woman is strong. In this way, the two achieve communion, which culminates in physical union. This harmony is disturbed in Gen 3: 1-24 when man broke God's command and disturbed his relationship both with God and with his wife. This always happens when a person oversteps the limit that God sets for him. In this way, the communion of love turns into a communion of sin, and the consequences of this are visible in the relationship between a man and a woman. Namely, the man becomes the one who dominates the woman, and she becomes subject to him. Saint Paul gives a new interpretation of the relationship between a man and a woman in the Epistle to the Ephesians 5: 21-33. He interprets the relationship between man and woman as the relationship between Christ and his Church. Namely, a man, following the example of Christ, should be the »head« of a woman, and that means being her protector. On the other hand, the wife should be subject to her husband as to the Lord, and this subjection implies accepting the husband's care. To be submissive means to surrender to someone, and to love means to surrender yourself for someone

    Knowledge and opinion of the general population about the work of the outpatient service and home health care service.

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    Cilj istraživanja: Ispitati znanje i mišljenje opće populacije o radu patronažne službe i službe zdravstvene njege u kući i razlike u mišljenju u odnosu na demografske karakteristike ispitanika. Nacrt studije: Presječna studija. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 208 ispitanika. Istraživanje je bilo anonimno i dobrovoljno, provedeno je online tijekom travnja 2024. godine. Rezultati: Ispitanici pokazuju dobro znanje o djelokrugu rada i pozitivno mišljenje o radu patronažne službe i zdravstvene njege u kući. Žene i ispitanici zdravstvenog obrazovanja se više slažu da zdravstvena njega u kući provodi edukaciju, skrb za kronične bolesnike, pruža pomoć kod samozbrinjavanja ovisno o potrebama. Žene više smatraju da se skrb provodi prema dogovoru s bolesnikom i nalogu liječnika te da medicinske sestre imaju znanje, vještine i kompetencije za rad, što se objašnjava većim udjelom ispitanica u ispitivanom uzorku. Ispitanici zdravstvenog smjera se više slažu da patronažne sestre imaju ključnu ulogu u edukaciji trudnica i rodilja, očuvanju zdravlja, prevenciji bolesti i pružanju skrbi od rođenja do kraja života, kontroli kroničnih bolesti, davanju preporuka i provođenju kontrole zdravstvene njege u kući. Zaključak: Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji potreba za povećanjem razine znanja i promicanjem svijesti o djelokrugu rada i radu patronažne službe i zdravstvene njege u kući. Populacije prema kojima je potrebno usmjeriti programe edukacije uključuju osobe nezdravstvenog smjera i osobe ispodprosječnog financijskog statusa.Objective of the Study: To examine the knowledge and opinions of the general population regarding the work of the visiting nurse service and home health care service, and to identify differences in opinions based on the demographic characteristics of the respondents. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Respondents and Methods: The study involved 208 participants. The research was anonymous and voluntary, conducted online during April 2024. Results: Respondents demonstrated good knowledge of the scope of work and had a positive opinion of the visiting nurse service and home health care service. Women and respondents with healthcare education were more likely to agree that home health care provides education, care for chronic patients, and assistance with self-care according to needs. Women more often believed that care is provided according to an agreement with the patient and a doctor's order, and that nurses possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies for their work, which is explained by the higher proportion of female respondents in the sample. Respondents from the healthcare field agreed more that visiting nurses play a key role in educating pregnant women and new mothers, preserving health, preventing diseases, and providing care from birth to end of life, controlling chronic diseases, giving recommendations, and conducting home health care supervision. Conclusion: The study revealed a need to increase the level of knowledge and promote awareness of the scope of work and the activities of the visiting nurse service and home health care service. Education programs should target non-healthcare professionals and individuals with below-average financial status

    Analyzing the Role of the Marketing Mix in Creating Customer Loyalty in Supermarkets

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    This study's objective is to identify how elements of the marketing mix contribute to fostering customer loyalty towards a shopping center or supermarket with the purpose to assist supermarkets in decision making process which is the main contribution of the research. This study delves into the marketing mix (product, price, distribution, promotion, people) utilized by shopping centers/supermarkets to attract customers and create enduring purchasing relationships through customer loyalty. A questionnaire was distributed to 400 respondents via social media. The method used in this study is defining hypothesis, conducting survey and tested the collected data through Cronbach's alpha coefficients, Spearman's correlation coefficient and Kruskal Wallis Test. This study provides essential insights into the mechanisms through which shopping centers/supermarkets can build and enhance customer loyalty. The research results show a strong influence of product quality, price, location, and promotional activities on creating customer loyalty, while the human factor (behavior of supermarket staff) is a less significant factor

    Combinatory Priciples In Primary School Education

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    U ovom diplomskom radu govori se o primjeni kombinatorike u osnovnoškolskom obrazovanju. Ističe se da je kombinatorika ključna za razvoj matematičkog razmišljanja kod učenika te da bi trebala biti integrirana u nastavni plan od rane dobi. Rad se sastoji od nekoliko ključnih poglavlja koja pokrivaju osnovne principe prebrojavanja, primjere kombinatorike u osnovnoj školi, strategije i metode poučavanja te miskoncepcije i njihove prevencije. Naglašava se važnost korištenja konkretnih primjera, vizualizacije problema, manipulacije stvarnim objektima i korištenje kombinatoričko-logičkih igara kako bi se učenici motivirali i angažirali u učenju. Različite metoda poučavanja mogu pomoći u prevladavanju uobičajenih miskoncepcija i poboljšati razumijevanje kombinatoričkih principa, čime se potiče dublje i trajnije učenje.This thesis discusses the application of combinatorics in primary education. It emphasizes that combinatorics is crucial for developing mathematical thinking in students and should be integrated into the curriculum from an early age. The thesis consists of several key chapters covering the basic principles of counting, examples of combinatorics in primary school, teaching strategies and methods, and misconceptions and their prevention. The importance of using concrete examples, problem visualization, manipulation of real objects, and combinatorial-logical games is highlighted to motivate and engage students in learning. Various teaching methods can help overcome common misconceptions and improve the understanding of combinatorial principles, fostering deeper and more lasting learning


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