Archivio istituzionale della Ricerca - UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Parma
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    117670 research outputs found

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    Design and Development of Patient-Specific Medical Devices for Maxillofacial Surgery Through 3D Modeling, Topology Optimization, and Additive Manufacturing

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    Additive manufacturing presents unique opportunities for developing patient-specific medical devices and tools in orthognathic surgery. Devices used in maxillofacial surgery present several constraints which refer to the specific characteristics of the patient and the stress conditions that are in place during the surgery. This paper describes an integrated workflow used for the identification, design, optimization, and production of patient-specific devices while promoting synergy among specialists of vastly different backgrounds. Medical specialist interprets Computed Tomography scans with three-dimensional reconstruction of the patient and, supported by a CAD specialist design the required tools to restore the patient functionality. Preliminary tooling designs are checked for strength and stiffness by a structural engineer considering the mechanical properties of the perspective AM materials and passed in digital form to the AM technologist who will be responsible of the 3D printing. The medical specialist uses the devices through physical prototypes to assess effectiveness and usability. The integrated workflow allows to increase accuracy while reducing surgical time and costs

    Imiquimod Solubility in Different Solvents: An Interpretative Approach

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    Imiquimod (IMQ) has been successfully formulated to date mainly as semi-solid lipophilic formulations for topical application. In this study, we investigated the solubility of IMQ in solvents suitable for developing innovative formulations in the form of powder obtained, for instance, by spray drying; thus, water, ethanol, methanol, acetone, acetonitrile, and dimethyl sulfoxide were tested at different temperatures. Temperature variations, stirring intensity, and the contact time between IMQ and the solvent greatly affected the evaluation of IMQ equilibrium solubility. The attainment of the solid-liquid equilibrium requires 13 days starting from solid IMQ and 2 days from a cooled-down supersaturated IMQ solution. A correlation between IMQ solubility and the solubility parameters of solvents was not found. IMQ solutions in water, ethanol, methanol, acetonitrile, and dimethyl sulfoxide were neither ideal nor regular. The Scatchard-Hildebrand equation does not apply to IMQ solutions because of association phenomena due to intermolecular hydrogen bonds and/or π-stacking, as supported by the hyperchromic effect that was very pronounced in highly polar solvents, such as water, with the increase in temperature. Finally, IMQ solubility values measured in acetone cannot be considered reliable due to the reaction with the solvent, leading to the formation of new molecules

    Synergistic applications of cyclodextrin-based systems and metal-organic frameworks in transdermal drug delivery for skin cancer therapy

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    : This review article explores the innovative field of eco-friendly cyclodextrin-based coordination polymers and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for transdermal drug delivery in the case of skin cancer therapy. We critically examine the significant advancements in developing these nanocarriers, with a focus on their unique properties such as biocompatibility, targeted drug release, and enhanced skin permeability. These attributes are instrumental in addressing the limitations inherent in traditional skin cancer treatments and represent a paradigm shift towards more effective and patient-friendly therapeutic approaches. Furthermore, we discuss the challenges faced in optimizing the synthesis process for large-scale production while ensuring environmental sustainability. The review also emphasizes the immense potential for clinical applications of these nanocarriers in skin cancer therapy, highlighting their role in facilitating targeted, controlled drug release which minimizes systemic side effects. Future clinical applications could see these nanocarriers being customized to individual patient profiles, potentially revolutionizing personalized medicine in oncology. With further research and clinical trials, these nanocarriers hold the promise of transforming the landscape of skin cancer treatment. With this study, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of research in this field and outline future directions for advancing the development and clinical application of these innovative nanocarriers

    Amorphous silica nanoparticles and the human gut microbiota: a relationship with multiple implications

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    : Amorphous silica nanoparticles (ASNP) are among the nanomaterials that are produced in large quantities. ASNP have been present for a long time in several fast-moving consumer products, several of which imply exposure of the gastrointestinal tract, such as toothpastes, food additives, drug excipients, and carriers. Consolidated use and experimental evidence have consistently pointed to the very low acute toxicity and limited absorption of ASNP. However, slow absorption implies prolonged exposure of the intestinal epithelium to ASNP, with documented effects on intestinal permeability and immune gut homeostasis. These effects could explain the hepatic toxicity observed after oral administration of ASNP in animals. More recently, the role of microbiota in these and other ASNP effects has attracted increasing interest in parallel with the recognition of the role of microbiota in a variety of conditions. Although evidence for nanomaterial effects on microbiota is particularly abundant for materials endowed with bactericidal activities, a growing body of recent experimental data indicates that ASNPs also modify microbiota. The implications of these effects are recounted in this contribution, along with a discussion of the more important open issues and recommendations for future research

    A New Strategy to Investigate RNA:DNA Triplex Using Atomic Force Microscopy

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    : Over the past decade, long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been recognized as key players in gene regulation, influencing genome organization and expression. The locus-specific binding of these non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) to DNA involves either a non-covalent interaction with DNA-bound proteins or a direct sequence-specific interaction through the formation of RNA:DNA triplexes. In an effort to develop a novel strategy for characterizing a triple-helix formation, we employed atomic force microscopy (AFM) to visualize and study a regulatory RNA:DNA triplex formed between the Khps1 lncRNA and the enhancer of the proto-oncogene SPHK1. The analysis demonstrates the successful formation of RNA:DNA triplexes under various conditions of pH and temperature, indicating the effectiveness of the AFM strategy. Despite challenges in discriminating between the triple-helix and R-loop configurations, this approach opens new perspectives for investigating the role of lncRNAs in gene regulation at the single-molecule level


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    Archivio istituzionale della Ricerca - UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Parma is based in Italy
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