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    Putrescin regulira melanogenezu moduliranjem transkripcijskog faktora MITF u stanicama melanoma miševa B16F1

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    Research background. Ageing is a biochemical, metabolic and genetic physiological phenomenon. The suppression of melanin biosynthesis, evident in the greying of the hair, is a hallmark of ageing resulting from translation failure, reduced enzyme activity and cellular senescence. Putrescine, the smallest member of the polyamine family and an organic chemical, is present in living mammalian cells and plays a crucial role in regulating skin melanogenesis. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the effect of putrescine on the signalling pathways of melanogenesis in melanoma cells. Experimental approach. Melanin production capacity of putrescine was analysed using a tyrosinase activity assay. To assess the cell viability of B16F1 cells exposed to putrescine, a tetrazolium dye MTT assay was performed. The effect of putrescine on melanin synthesis in the presence of H2O2 was evaluated using various in vitro assays in B16F1 cells. The effect of putrescine on melanin production in B16F1 cells was determined using a specific melanin production assay. Gene expression was analysed using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Furthermore, the effect of putrescine on the expression of proteins related to melanin production in the cells treated with H2O2 was analysed by immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis. Results and conclusions. Putrescine increased tyrosinase activity and showed no cytotoxicity in B16F1 cells. In addition, putrescine effectively scavenged H2O2, as shown by the reduction of intracellular H2O2 amounts in 2\u27,7\u27-dichlorofluorescin diacetate analysis, and promoted melanin production in living cells. The stimulation of melanogenesis by putrescine was attributed to the increased expression of Mitf, Tyr, Trp-1 and Trp-2 genes. Immunofluorescence assays revealed that putrescine enhanced the expression of proteins associated with melanogenesis and upregulated TYR, TRP-1 and TRP-2 via the microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) and increased the expression of methionine sulfoxide reductases A (MSRA) and B (MSRB) in the cells treated with H2O2, effectively promoting melanogenesis. These results suggest that putrescine can be used to stimulate melanin synthesis. Novelty and scientific contribution. This is the first study to investigate the effect of putrescine on the signalling pathways of melanogenesis in B16F1 melanoma cells. The results confirm that putrescine can promote melanogenesis through the expression of TYR, TRP-1 and TRP-2 via the MITF in cells treated with H2O2. Putrescine can be used exclusively as a cosmetic product to prevent premature greying of hair.Pozadina istraživanja. Starenje je biokemijski, metabolički i genetički fiziološki proces. Supresija biosinteze melanina, koja rezultira sijeđenjem kose kao značajka starenja, rezultat je neuspjele translacije, smanjene aktivnosti enzima i starenja stanica. Putrescin, najmanji organski spoj iz skupine poliamina, prisutan je u živim stanicama sisavaca gdje ima važnu ulogu u kontroli melanogeneze. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj putrescina na signalne puteve melanogeneze u stanicama melanoma. Eksperimentalni pristup. Sposobnost proizvodnje melanina iz putrescina ispitana je pomoću testa aktivnosti tirozinaze. Postotak preživljavanja stanica B16F1 izloženih putrescinu određen je pomoću testa redukcije tetrazolijeve soli (MTT test). Utjecaj putrescina na sintezu melanina u prisutnosti H2O2 ispitan je različitim in vitro testovima na stanicama B16F1, a sama proizvodnja melanina u stanicama određena je pomoću specifičnog testa. Ekspresija gena određena je lančanom reakcijom polimerazom u stvarnom vremenu (RT-PCR). Osim toga, učinak putrescina na ekspresiju proteina uključenih u proizvodnju melanina u stanicama tretiranim s H2O2 ispitan je imunofluorescencijom i analizom Western blot. Rezultati i zaključci. Putrescin je pojačao aktivnost tirozinaze, pri čemu nije imao toksični učinak na stanice B16F1. Osim toga, uspješno je uklonio H2O2, što je potvrdila njegova manja količina u stanicama analiziranim pomoću 2’,7’-diklorofluorescin diacetata, te je potaknuo proizvodnju melanina u živim stanicama. Poticanje melanogeneze pomoću putrescina rezultat je pojačane ekspresije gena Mitf, Tyr, Trp-1 i Trp-2. Test imunofluorescencije pokazao je da putrescin pojačava ekspresiju proteina povezanih s melanogenezom i ekspresiju proteina TYR, TRP-1 i TRP-2 pomoću transkripcijskog faktora povezanog s mikroftalmijom (MITF), te ekspresiju metionin sulfoksid reduktaze A (MSRA) i B (MSRB) u stanicama obrađenim s H2O2, pritom potičući sintezu melanina. Rezultati pokazuju da bi se putrescin mogao primijeniti za poticanje sinteze melanina. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Ovo je prvo istraživanje koje ispituje utjecaj putrescina na signalne puteve melanogeneze u stanicama melanoma B16F1. Rezultati potvrđuju da putrescin može potaknuti melanogenezu ekspresijom proteina TYR, TRP-1 i TRP-2 pomoću MITF u stanicama tretiranim s H2O2. Putrescin se može primijeniti isključivo kao kozmetički proizvod za sprečavanje preranog sijeđenja kose


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    Mt. Medvednica belongs to the western part of the Neogene rift-type North Croatian Basin that occupies the south-western Pannonian Basin System. The Lower to Middle Miocene continental to marine sedimentary complex was studied on Mt. Medvednica in order to interpret the early syn-rift depositional environment and reconstruct palaeogeography of the North Croatian Basin. Based on facies analysis, deposits are grouped into 16 facies based on their lithological characteristics. Six of the facies belong to the alluvial environment that is characterized by coarse-grained bedload siliciclastics. Nine facies are of lacustrine origin. They comprise: a) limestone of shallow lake carbonate bench with silty coal of vegetated marsh, b) deep lake and prodelta marl with sand and conglomerate intercalations deposited by gravity flows, and c) coarse-grained Gilbert-type delta conglomerate. The lacustrine deposits compose a transgressive-regressive sequence. The studied succession ends by facies of calcareous silt intercalated by conglomerates. These deposits belong to the marine offshore to prodelta as the consequence of establishment of the connection to the sea. The deposition was strongly controlled by allogenic factors, such as synsedimentary tectonics, climate, eustatic sea level changes and explosive volcanic activity. The alluvial deposits of Mt. Medvednica are the oldest syn-rift deposits and belong to the large alluvial plain that probably covered the entire North Croatian Basin in the Ottnangian and the Karpatian. These deposits are overlain by the lower Badenian lacustrine deposits, but the question of the existence of one large or several small lakes in the early Badenian North Croatian Basin remains open.Gora Medvednica pripada zapadnomu dijelu neogenskoga riftnog Sjevernohrvatskog bazena, koji zauzima jugozapadni dio Panonskoga bazenskog sustava. Donjomiocenski do srednjomiocenski kontinentalno-marinski taložni kompleks istražen je na području Medvednice, s ciljem interpretacije sin-riftnoga taložnog okoliša i paleogeografske rekonstrukcije ranoga Sjevernohrvatskoga bazena. Analizom facijesa, na temelju litoloških karakteristika sedimenti su svrstani u 16 facijesa. Aluvijalnome taložnom okolišu pripada šest facijesa, koji su krupnozrnasti i rezultat su odlaganja vučnim mehanizmima. Jezerskog je postanka devet facijesa. Uključuju vapnenac plitkoga jezera tipa “bench” sa siltnim ugljenom vegetirane močvare, lapor s proslojcima pijeska i konglomerata odlaganih gravitacijskim tokovima u dubokome jezeru I prodelti te konglomerat krupnozrnaste delte tipa Gilbert. Ovi jezerski talozi formiraju transgresivno-regresivnu sekvenciju. Cijeli slijed završava facijesom marinskoga vapnenačkog silta s proslojcima konglomerata, koji pripada pučinskome taložnom okolišu, odnosno prodelti, uslijed uspostave veze s morem. Taloženje je bilo pod snažnim utjecajem alogenih čimbenika, kao što su sinsedimentacijska tektonika, klima, eustatske promjene razine mora i eksplozivna vulkanska aktivnost. Taložni je kompleks rezultat procesa riftanja koji su formirali Sjevernohrvatski bazen i odražavaju njegovu ranu sin-riftnu fazu. Aluvijalne naslage Medvednice su najstariji sin-riftni talozi i pripadaju prostranoj aluvijalnoj ravnici koja je zauzimala vjerojatno cijeli Sjevernohrvatski bazen u otnangu i karpatu. Prekriveni su donjobadenskima jezerskim naslagama, no pitanje o razvoju jednoga velikog jezera ili više manjih ostaje otvoreno


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    Knowing the rate of penetration of a drill bit in rocks is among the most important parameters in their behaviour measurement. However, the direct measurement of ROP in rocks is a high-cost and time-intensive process. Therefore, obtaining the ROP parameter through a method other than direct measurement can be very useful and effective. Predictive machine learning methods are among the strong and precise techniques for the indirect measurement of ROP. To this end, 492 samples were tested under different UCS, µ, WOB, and ω conditions to obtain the corresponding ROP. To achieve an accurate model, three methods of linear regression analysis, lasso regression, and ridge regression were compared in terms of prediction accuracy. These models were compared through performance criteria of the prediction process and error-based charts. The performance criteria were measured using three measures: mean absolute percentage error, D-squared pinball score, and mean Poisson deviance error. For the MAPE index, the Lasso and Ridge models performed the best with values of 0.2557. Concerning the D2PS index, the linear regression model and Ridge performed better with values of 0.4083 and 0.4025, respectively. Finally, for the MPDE index, the Ridge model provided a more accurate performance with a value of 0.0105. For a better comparison, an objective function was created and calculated by combining these three indicators. The results showed the best rank for the Ridge model with an estimated value of 659.475. Finally, it was concluded that the Ridge model is a reliable and accurate model for predicting the ROP.Poznavanje brzine bušenja (ROP eng. rate of penetration) dlijeta jedan je od najvažnijih parametara u njihovu vrednovanju. Međutim, izravno mjerenje ROP-a u stijenama skup je i vremenski zahtjevan postupak. Zbog toga može biti vrlo korisno i učinkovito određivanje ROP parametra metodom koja nije izravno mjerenje. Prediktivne metode strojnoga učenja moćne su i precizne tehnike za neizravno mjerenje ROP-a. Ispitana su 492 uzorka pod različitim uvjetima jednoosne tlačne čvrstoće, viskoznosti, mase dlijeta i brzine rotacije dlijeta kako bi se odredila odgovarajuća brzina bušenja. Točniji model za procjenu nastojao se pronaći usporedbom triju metoda: linearna regresija, LASSO regresija i hrbatna regresija. Njihovi modeli uspoređeni su pomoću kriterija izvedbe procesa procjene i grafikona temeljenih na greškama. U kriteriju izvedbe uspoređene su tri mjere uspješnosti: srednja apsolutna postotna pogreška, D2PS indeks i MPDE indeks. Prema srednjoj apsolutnoj postotnoj pogrešci najbolje su se pokazali modeli LASSO i hrbatne regresije s vrijednostima od 0,2557. Prema D2PS indeksu, modeli linearne regresije i hrbatne regresije pokazali su bolje rezultate s vrijednostima od 0,4083 odnosno 0,4025. Prema MPDE indeksu model hrbatne regresije pružio je točniju procjenu s vrijednosti od 0,0105. Radi još bolje usporedbe kreirana je objektivna funkcija koja je izračunana kombinacijom prije spomenutih triju pokazatelja. Rezultati su pokazali najbolji rang za model hrbatne regresije s procijenjenom vrijednošću od 659,475. Zaključeno je da je model hrbatne regresije pouzdan i točan za procjenjivanje brzine bušenja

    Evaluation of strength parameters and structure analysis of an EN AW - 7075 aluminium alloy ring made by forging and rolling and heat-treated

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    The article presents the results of research on the evaluation of the structure and mechanical properties of a largesize ring made of aluminum alloy EN AW - 7075 according to a new technology, developed under the project “Innovative low-waste technology for forming large-size rings” carried out by Zarmen FPA forge with participation and support of the Lukasiewicz Research Network - Poznan Institute of Technology. Based on the tests, it was found that the produced ring was characterized by a homogeneous structure and the strength properties required by the customers

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    Uključivanje ciljeva održivog razvoja u visoko obrazovanje i znanstvena istraživanja vezana za šumarstvo i drvo

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    Global challenges, including climate change, land and ecosystem degradation, and a growing population have direct or indirect impact on natural resources and are forcing people to seek new ways of production and consumption that respect the ecological limits of our planet. To meet the challenges, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by 193 countries at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. The forest-wood chain has also been identified as closely linked to sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Especially in countries with high forest cover, such as Slovenia, forest-wood chain is recognized in policy documents as key element for achieving the SDGs. The importance of the SDGs is not only recognized in national legislation, but also in relation to higher education and research institutions. With the aim to investigate how well higher education teachers and students are familiar with SDGs and whether they consider them important for the forestry and wood industry and if high education teachers and researchers integrate the SDGs into educational programs and research, survey was conducted with the employees (n=61) and students (n=185) of the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources and Department of Wood Science and Technology. The results show that both employees and students of the Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources as well as employees and students of the Department of Wood Science are familiar with SDGs. All the respondents find SDGs important for the forestry and wood industry. All the participants especially emphasized SDG 15 – Life on land. The results also showed that, in the future, employees of both departments plan to integrate more SDGs into their educational and research process. Finally, it was concluded that educational and research institutions and integration of SDGs into their educational and research process could be an important step towards sustainability and achieving goals of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Students who will work in the forestry and wood industry sectors in the future could integrate and promote more sustainable practises in the sectors if they have sufficient knowledge of the SDGs and high perception of sustainability.Globalni izazovi kao što su klimatske promjene, uništavanje zemljišta i ekosustava te sve veći broj stanovnika izravno ili neizravno utječu na prirodne resurse i potiču ljude da traže nove načine proizvodnje i potrošnje koji poštuju ekološka ograničenja našeg planeta. Kako bi odgovorile na te izazove, 193 zemlje usvojile su na skupu Ujedinjenih naroda u rujnu 2015. Agendu održivog razvoja do 2030. Lanac šuma – drvo također je prepoznat kao usko povezan s održivim razvojem i ciljevima održivog razvoja (SDG). Osobito je u zemljama koje imaju veliku pokrivenost šumama, poput Slovenije, lanac šuma – drvo u političkim dokumentima prepoznat kao ključni element za postizanje ciljeva održivog razvoja. Važnost ciljeva održivog razvoja nije naglašena samo u nacionalnom zakonodavstvu već i u obrazovnim i istraživačkim institucijama. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi koliko su nastavnici i studenti u visokom obrazovanju upoznati s ciljevima održivog razvoja, smatraju li ih važnima za šumarstvo i drvnu industriju te integriraju li nastavnici i znanstvenici ciljeve održivog razvoja u obrazovne programe i istraživanja. Na Biotehničkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Ljubljani, na Odsjeku za šumarstvo i obnovljive šumske resurse te na Odsjeku za znanost o drvu i drvnu tehnologiju, provedena je anketa sa zaposlenicima (n = 61) i studentima (n = 185). Rezultati pokazuju da su zaposlenici i studenti obaju odsjeka upoznati s ciljevima održivog razvoja. Svi ispitanici smatraju da su ciljevi održivog razvoja važni za šumarstvo i drvnu industriju. Svi su posebno istaknuli cilj održivog razvoja 15 – Život na kopnu. Rezultati su također pokazali da zaposlenici obaju odsjeka planiraju u budućnosti integrirati više ciljeva održivog razvoja u svoj obrazovni i istraživački proces. Zaključili smo da bi integracija ciljeva održivog razvoja u obrazovni i istraživački proces mogla biti važan korak prema održivosti i postizanju ciljeva Agende održivog razvoja do 2030. Studenti koji će u budućnosti raditi u sektoru šumarstva i drvne industrije mogli bi integrirati i promicati održive prakse u tim sektorima ako imaju dovoljno znanja o ciljevima održivog razvoja i visoku svijest o održivom razvoju


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    Chlamydomonas spp. and Chlorella spp. are plankton genera that can be used to determine the level of balance in the aquatic environment. The purpose of this study is to determine the abundance of plankton Chlamydomonas spp. and Chlorella spp. and its relation to the clinical performance of red tilapia in silvofishery ponds. The research method used is an ex post facto causal design with random sampling. The results showed that the water quality in the silvofishery ponds was very good, except for the nitrate parameters of 0.00-1.50 mg/L and salinity of 2-11 gr/L, which exceeded the quality standards. In the silvofishery ponds, 5 plankton classes were found, namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Protozoa, and Dinophysis, consisting of 15 genera. The dominant class Chlorophyceae had an abundance of 2.88E+06 cells/ml. The class Chlorophyceae is dominated by Chlorella spp. (2.63E+06 cells/ml) and Chlamydomonas spp. (2.20E+05 cells/ml). The abundance of Chlamydomonas spp. in silvofishery ponds is closely related to phosphate solubility (0.988). Based on observations of clinical symptoms on the eyes, gills, and fins of fish, no disease infections or physical abnormalities were found in the fish cultured in silvofishery ponds. Fish tend to live well with a growth rate of 0.44 g/day. The aquatic ecosystem of the silvofishery pond, which is dominated by the plankton Chlorella spp. and Chlamydomonas spp, had a good effect on the performance and condition of the farmed fish. This study concludes that the abundance of Chlamydomonas spp. and Chlorella spp. was very dominant compared to other plankton genera. The presence of Chlamydomonas spp. and Chlorella spp. illustrates good and stable environmental conditions in silvofishery ponds, followed by no clinical signs of disease infection in the fish reared during the study period.Chlamydomonas spp. i Chlorella spp. su planktonski rodovi koji se mogu koristiti za određivanje razine ravnoteže u vodenom okolišu. Svrha ovog istraživanja je utvrditi zastupljenost planktona Chlamydomonas spp. i Chlorella spp. i njegov odnos s kliničkim djelovanjem nilske tilapije u silvoribnjacima. Korištena metoda istraživanja je ex post facto kauzalni dizajn sa slučajnim uzorkovanjem. Rezultati su pokazali da je kvaliteta vode u silvoribnjacima bila vrlo dobra, osim parametara nitrata od 0,00-1,50 mg/L i saliniteta od 2-11 gr/L, koji su bili ispod standarda kvalitete. U silvoribnjacima pronađeno je 5 razreda planktona, i to Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Protozoa i Dinophysis, koji se sastoje od 15 rodova. Dominantni razred Chlorophyceae imalo je brojnost od 2,88E+06 stanica/ml. U razredu Chlorophyceae dominiraju Chlorella spp. (2,63E+06 stanica/ml) i Chlamydomonas spp. (2,20E+05 stanica/ml). Obilje Chlamydomonas spp. u silvoribnjacima usko je povezan s topljivošću fosfata (0,988). Na temelju opažanja kliničkih simptoma na očima, škrgama i perajama riba, nisu pronađene nikakve infekcije ili fizičke abnormalnosti u ribama uzgojenim u silvoribnjacima. Ribe imaju tendenciju da žive dobro sa stopom rasta od 0,44 g/dan. Vodeni ekosustav silvoribnjaka u kojem dominira plankton Chlorella spp. i Chlamydomonas spp, imao je dobar učinak stanje uzgojene ribe. Zaključujemo da je zastupljenost Chlamydomonas spp. i Chlorella spp. bio vrlo dominantan u usporedbi s drugim planktonskim rodovima. Prisutnost Chlamydomonas spp. i Chlorella spp. ilustrira dobre i stabilne uvjete okoliša u silvoribnjacima, nakon kojih nema kliničkih znakova infekcije bolesti kod riba u uzgoju


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    This study examined the effects of dietary supplementation of queen scallop Aequipecten opercularis with an indigenous strain of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), such as Lactiplantibacillus plantarum I previously isolated from its digestive tract, on gut microbial populations and growth rates during cultivation under simulated climate change conditions (pH 7.8, T=16±2°C). After one month of feeding, the results showed a noticeable reduction in aquaculture diseases causing pathogens while maintaining sufficient viable L. plantarum I cells. A higher pH and temperature resulted in higher growth rates, measured by the weight and length of scallops, compared to the control group. The results obtained shed light on the influence of the addition of lactic acid bacteria on the growth of bivalve mollusks under normal and climate change conditions, and provide control of pathogenic microorganisms. In the context of climate change, host-pathogen interactions need to be recognized and put under control by applying natural solutions to minimize the environmental footprint.U ovoj studiji ispitani su učinci dodataka prehrani češljači Aequipecten opercularis s autohtonim sojem bakterija mliječne kiseline (LAB), kao što je Lactiplantibacillus plantarum I koji je prethodno izoliran iz njegovog probavnog trakta, na populacije crijevnih mikroba i stope rasta tijekom uzgoja pod simulirano promjenjenim klimatskim uvjetima (pH 7,8, T=16±2°C). Nakon mjesec dana hranjenja, rezultati su pokazali zamjetno smanjenje uzročnika bolesti u akvakulturi uz zadržavanje dovoljne količine živih stanica L. plantarum I. Viši pH i temperatura rezultirali su većim stopama rasta, izmjerenom težinom i duljinom školjkaša, u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Dobiveni rezultati rasvjetljavaju utjecaj dodatka bakterija mliječne kiseline na rast školjkaša u normalnim i klimatskim promijenjenim uvjetima te omogućuju suzbijanje patogenih mikroorganizama. U kontekstu klimatskih promjena, interakcije domaćin-patogen treba prepoznati i staviti pod kontrolu primjenom prirodnih rješenja kako bi se smanjio utjecaj na okoliš

    Exploring the Landscape of Research on Enterprise Green Environments Through Science Mapping Analysis

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    This study employs science mapping and bibliometric analysis to chart the knowledge structure and research trajectory of enterprise green environment literature from 2002 to 2022. Despite rising interest, comprehensive analyses of this field\u27s research landscapes and dynamics remain scarce. Through advanced techniques including discipline mapping, journal co-citation analysis, author co-citation analysis, and keyword co-occurrence analysis, this work elucidates the prominent disciplines, publications, authors, and research foci in enterprise of green environment scholarship over the past two decades. The results provide vital insights into the current status, influential leaders, core journals, knowledge gaps, and future directions of this rapidly evolving field. This science mapping analysis offers a valuable quantitative overview of green environment research enterprise that can inform scholars worldwide in producing impactful work on this critical area. The findings reveal profound implications for the developing structure and frontiers of sustainability-focused business and management research

    A Parallel Mining Algorithm for Maximum Erasable Itemset Based on Multi-core Processor

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    Mining the erasable itemset is an interesting research domain, which has been applied to solve the problem of how to efficiently use limited funds to optimise production in economic crisis. After the problem of mining the erasable itemset was posed, researchers have proposed many algorithms to solve it, among which mining the maximum erasable itemset is a significant direction for research. Since all subsets of the maximum erasable itemset are erasable itemsets, all erasable itemsets can be obtained by mining the maximum erasable itemset, which reduces both the quantity of candidate and resultant itemsets generated during the mining process. However, computing many itemset values still takes a lot of CPU time when mining huge amounts of data. And it is difficult to solve the problem quickly with sequential algorithms. Therefore, this proposed study presents a parallel algorithm for the mining of maximum erasable itemsets, called PAMMEI, based on a multi-core processor platform. The algorithm divides the entire mining task into multiple subtasks and assigns them to multiple processor cores for parallel execution, while using an efficient pruning strategy to downsize the space to be searched and increase the mining speed. To verify the efficiency of the PAMMEI algorithm, the paper compares it with most advanced algorithms. The experimental results show that PAMMEI is superior to the comparable algorithms with respect to runtime, memory usage and scalability


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