GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

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    44924 research outputs found

    Underway mapping of coastal seawater pH using an automated shipboard analyzer with spectrophotometric detection

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    Highlights • High-precision spectrophotometric determination of pH. • Robust automated field-deployable analyzer for mapping pH. • Accurate pH measurement of dynamic estuarine-coastal samples. • A powerful monitoring tool for addressing ocean acidification and facilitating marine carbon dioxide removal. Abstract The development of field-deployable methods and instruments for the measurement of pH and other carbonate parameters is important for the assessment of the marine carbon cycle, ocean acidification and marine carbon dioxide removal techniques. In this study, a high-precision fully automated integrated syringe-pump-based environmental-water analyzer for pH (iSEA-pH) was developed. The pH is determined spectrophotometrically using purified indicator dye with a high precision (better than ±0.001) and high frequency (3.5 min/sample). For the short-term analysis, the measurement frequency was 18 h−1, which revealed pH = 7.8148 ± 0.0005 (n = 104) for aged surface seawater (S = 35) from the western Pacific. For long-term analysis, the measurement frequency was 2 h−1 for 4 days, and the results showed that pH = 7.8148 ± 0.0010 (n = 200). Three commonly used pH indicators (meta-cresol purple, thymol blue and phenol red) were purified with improved flash chromatography procedures. The autonomous iSEA-pH can automatically correct for the influence of temperature, salinity and other factors on pH measurements to achieve rapid and accurate on-site measurements, which meet the “climate” goal of the Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (uncertainty is ±0.003). Three identical iSEA-pH systems were developed and successfully applied in mesocosm experiments and several coastal and open ocean cruises with excellent in field performance

    Polychaete composition from the abyssal plain adjacent to the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench with the description of a new species of Sphaerephesia (Polychaeta: Sphaerodoridae)

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    During the KuramBio expedition, the abyssal plain adjacent to the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench was sampled in July–August 2012. More than 5200 individuals of Polychaeta belonging to 38 families, 108 genera and about 144 species were found. Six genera have been reported for the Northwest Pacific for the first time. About 50% of the collected polychaete species are considered as new to science. One of these, Sphaerephesia lesliae sp. n., is described herein. The detailed description of the new species is presented and its differences from similar species are shown. This eighth species of the genus is characterized by the presence of macrotubercles with two paired terminal papillae. The genus Sphaerephesia Fauchald, 1972 is newly recorded in the Northwest Pacific. An updated key to the species of the genus Sphaerephesia is provided

    Marine Lake Mogilnoe (Kildin Island, the Barents Sea): one hundred years of solitude

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    Lake Mogilnoe (Kildin Island, the Barents Sea) is a marine stratified lake, a refuge for landlocked populations of marine organisms. Unlike other known marine lakes from polar areas, which communicate with the sea by water percolation at the surface, Mogilnoe has a subterranean connection with the sea like tropical and subtropical anchialine lakes. Similarly to some other marine lakes, Mogilnoe has traditionally been considered to be biologically isolated from the sea and subject to little change. We review the current status of the physical features, zooplankton and benthos of Mogilnoe and trace changes that have occurred in the lake since the start of observations in 1894. The anaerobic bottom water layer has expanded by 100 %, while the upper freshwater layer has diminished by 40 %. The species diversity of zooplankton and macrobenthos has halved. The occurrence of Atlantic cod likens Mogilnoe to some other Arctic marine lakes while the presence of large flocks of sea anemones, scyphomedusae and suberitid sponges makes it similar to tropical anchialine lakes. Lake Mogilnoe is not entirely biologically isolated; accidental introduction of species from the sea does occur. We argue that the idealised model of an isolated steady-state ecosystem can be applied to a marine lake with caution. A model of fluctuating abiotic environment and partial biological isolation portrays the real situation better

    “Seeing” Beneath the Clouds — Machine-Learning-Based Reconstruction of North African Dust Plumes

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    Mineral dust is one of the most abundant atmospheric aerosol species and has various far-reaching effects on the climate system and adverse impacts on air quality. Satellite observations can provide spatio-temporal information on dust emission and transport pathways. However, satellite observations of dust plumes are frequently obscured by clouds. We use a method based on established, machine-learning-based image in-painting techniques to restore the spatial extent of dust plumes for the first time. We train an artificial neural net (ANN) on modern reanalysis data paired with satellite-derived cloud masks. The trained ANN is applied to cloud-masked, gray-scaled images, which were derived from false color images indicating elevated dust plumes in bright magenta. The images were obtained from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager instrument onboard the Meteosat Second Generation satellite. We find up to 15% of summertime observations in West Africa and 10% of summertime observations in Nubia by satellite images miss dust plumes due to cloud cover. We use the new dust-plume data to demonstrate a novel approach for validating spatial patterns of the operational forecasts provided by the World Meteorological Organization Dust Regional Center in Barcelona. The comparison elucidates often similar dust plume patterns in the forecasts and the satellite-based reconstruction, but once trained, the reconstruction is computationally inexpensive. Our proposed reconstruction provides a new opportunity for validating dust aerosol transport in numerical weather models and Earth system models. It can be adapted to other aerosol species and trace gases. Key Points: - We present the first fast reconstruction of cloud-obscured Saharan dust plumes through novel machine learning applied to satellite images - The reconstruction algorithm utilizes partial convolutions to restore cloud-induced gaps in gray-scaled Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager Dust RGB images - World Meteorological Organization dust forecasts for North Africa mostly agree with the satellite-based reconstruction of the dust plume exten

    Variability of total alkalinity in coastal surface waters determined using an in-situ analyzer in conjunction with the application of a neural network-based prediction model

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    Total alkalinity (TA) is an important variable of the ocean carbonate system. In coastal oceans, carbonate system dynamics are controlled by a range of processes including photosynthesis and respiration, calcification, mixing of water masses, continental inputs, temperature changes, and seasonal upwelling. Assessments of diel, seasonal and interannual variations in TA are required to understand the carbon cycle in coastal oceans. However, our understanding of these variations remains underdeveloped due to limitations in observational techniques. Autonomous TA measurements are therefore required. In this study, an in situ TA analyzer (ISA-TA) based on a single-point titration with spectrophotometric pH detection was deployed in Tong'an Bay, Xiamen, China, over a five-month period in 2021 to determine diel and seasonal TA variations. The TA observations were combined with an artificial neural network (ANN) model to construct TA prediction models for this area. This provided a simple method to investigate TA variations in this region and was applied to predict surface water TA between March and April 2021. The in situ TA observations showed that TA values in Tong'an Bay varied within a range from 1931 to 2294 μmol kg−1 over the study period, with low TA in late winter, early summer and late summer, and high TA in early winter. The TA variations in late summer and early winter were mainly controlled by mixing of water bodies. The diel variations of TA were greatly determined by tides, with a diel amplitude of 9 to 247 μmol kg−1. The ANN model used temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, and dissolved oxygen to estimate TA, with a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of ∼14 μmol kg−1, with salinity as the input variable with the greatest weight. The approach of combining ISA-TA observations with an ANN model can be extended to study the carbonate system in other coastal regions

    Seaweed farming environments do not always function as CO2 sink under synergistic influence of macroalgae and microorganisms

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    Seaweed farming contributes substantial amounts of organic carbon to the ocean, part of which can be locked for a long term in the ocean and perform the function of ocean carbon sequestration, and the other part can be converted into inorganic carbon through microbial mineralization and aerobic respiration, affecting the pCO2, pHT and dissolved oxygen of seawater. It is generally believed that seaweed farming will cause the seawater to become a sink of CO2 due to carbon fixation by macroalgal photosynthesis. However, little attention has been paid to the fact that seaweed farming environment may sometimes become a source rather than a sink of CO2. Here, through in-situ mesocosm cultivation experiments and eight field investigations covering different kelp growth stages in an intensive farming area in China, we found that compared with the surrounding seawater without kelps, the seawater at the fast-growth stage of kelp was a sink of CO2 (pCO2 decreased by 17−73 μatm), but became a source of CO2 at the aging stage of kelp (pCO2 increased by 20−37 μatm). Concurrently, seawater pHT experienced a transition from increase (by 0.02−0.08) to decline (by 0.03−0.04). In-situ mesocosm cultivation experiments showed that the positive environmental effects (i.e., pCO2 decrease and pHT increase) induced by kelps at the early growth stage could be offset within only 3 days at the late-growth and aging stages. The release of dissolved organic carbon by kelps at the late growth stage increased significantly, supporting the enhancement in microbial abundance and respiration, which was manifested by the remarkable decrease in seawater dissolved oxygen, ultimately leading to CO2 release exceeding photosynthetic CO2 absorption. This study suggests that mature farmed kelps should be harvested in time to best utilize their carbon sink function and environmental benefits, which has guiding significance for the rational management of seaweed farming

    Identification of the Campanian Ignimbrite in the Dead Sea and consequent time-transgressive hydroclimatic shifts in the Eastern Mediterranean

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    Abstract Robust chronologies and time equivalent tephra markers are essential to better understand spatial palaeoenvironmental response to past abrupt climatic changes. Identification of well-dated and widely dispersed volcanic ash by tephra and cryptotephra (microscopic volcanic ash) provide time synchronous tie-points and strongly reduce chronological uncertainties. Here, we present the major, minor and trace element analyses of cryptotephra shards in the Dead Sea Deep Drilling sedimentary record (DSDDP 5017-1A) matching the Campanian Ignimbrite (CI). This geochemical identification expands the know dispersal range of the CI to the southeastern Mediterranean, over 2,300 km from the volcanic source. Due to the CI eruption occurring near-synchronous with North Atlantic ice surge of Heinrich Event 4 (HE4), this tephra provides insights into regional responses to large-scale climatic change in the Mediterranean. In the Dead Sea, the CI layer is associated with wetter climatic conditions. This contrasts with the contemporaneous occurrence of the CI deposition and dry conditions in the northern and western Mediterranean suggesting a possible climate time-transgressive expansion of HE4. Our finding underscores the temporal and spatial complexity of regional climate responses and emphasises the importance of tephra as a time marker for studying large-scale climatic changes verses regional variations

    The Arctic summer microbiome across Fram Strait: Depth, longitude, and substrate concentrations structure microbial diversity in the euphotic zone

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    The long-term dynamics of microbial communities across geographic, hydrographic, and biogeochemical gradients in the Arctic Ocean are largely unknown. To address this, we annually sampled polar, mixed, and Atlantic water masses of the Fram Strait (2015–2019; 5–100 m depth) to assess microbiome composition, substrate concentrations, and oceanographic parameters. Longitude and water depth were the major determinants (~30%) of microbial community variability. Bacterial alpha diversity was highest in lower-photic polar waters. Community composition shifted from west to east, with the prevalence of, for example, Dadabacteriales and Thiotrichales in Arctic- and Atlantic-influenced waters, respectively. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon peaked in the western, compared to carbohydrates in the chlorophyll-maximum of eastern Fram Strait. Interannual differences due to the time of sampling, which varied between early (June 2016/2018) and late (September 2019) phytoplankton bloom stages, illustrated that phytoplankton composition and resulting availability of labile substrates influence bacterial dynamics. We identified 10 species clusters with stable environmental correlations, representing signature populations of distinct ecosystem states. In context with published metagenomic evidence, our microbial-biogeochemical inventory of a key Arctic region establishes a benchmark to assess ecosystem dynamics and the imprint of climate change

    Seawater physics and chemistry along the Med-SHIP transects in the Mediterranean Sea in 2016

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    The Mediterranean Sea has been sampled irregularly by research vessels in the past, mostly by national expeditions in regional waters. To monitor the hydrographic, biogeochemical and circulation changes in the Mediterranean Sea, a systematic repeat oceanographic survey programme called Med-SHIP was recommended by the Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM) in 2011, as part of the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP). Med-SHIP consists of zonal and meridional surveys with different frequencies, where comprehensive physical and biogeochemical properties are measured with the highest international standards. The first zonal survey was done in 2011 and repeated in 2018. In addition, a network of meridional (and other key) hydrographic sections were designed: the first cycle of these sections was completed in 2016, with three cruises funded by the EU project EUROFLEETS2. This paper presents the physical and chemical data of the meridional and key transects in the Western and Eastern Mediterranean Sea collected during those cruises

    A comparison of the atmospheric response to the Weddell Sea Polynya in atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) of varying resolutions

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    The Weddell Sea Polynya (WSP) is a large opening within the sea ice cover of the Weddell Sea sector. It has been a rare event in the satellite period, appearing between 1973 and 1976 and again in 2016/2017. Coupled modelling studies have suggested that there may be a large-scale atmospheric response to the WSP. Here, the direct atmospheric response to the WSP is estimated from atmosphere-only numerical experiments. Three different models, the HadGEM3 UK Met Office model, the ECHAM5 Max Planck Institute model, and the OpenIFS ECMWF model, each at two different resolutions, are used to test the robustness of our results. The use of large ensembles reduces the weather variability and isolates the atmospheric response. Results show a large (∼100-200 Wm-2) turbulent air-sea flux anomaly above the polynya. The response to the WSP is local and of short duration (barely outlasting the WSP) with a similar magnitude and spatial pattern of lower-tropospheric warming and increase in precipitation in all six configurations. All models show a weak decrease in surface pressure over the WSP, but this response is small (∼2 hPa) in comparison to internal variability. The dynamic response is inconsistent between models and resolutions above the boundary layer, suggesting a weak or null response that is covered by internal variability aloft. The higher resolution does not alter the pattern of the response but increases its magnitude by up ∼50% in two of the three models. The response is influenced by natural variability in the westerly jet. The models perform well against ERA5 reanalysis data for the 1974 WSP in spatial response and magnitude, showing a turbulent heat flux of approximately 150 W m-2


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