GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

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    44924 research outputs found

    Methane-carbon budget of a ferruginous meromictic lake and implications for marine methane dynamics on early Earth

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    The greenhouse gas methane (CH4) contributed to a warm climate that maintained liquid water and sustained Earth’s habitability in the Precambrian despite the faint young sun. The viability of methanogenesis (ME) in ferruginous environments, however, is debated, as iron reduction can potentially outcompete ME as a pathway of organic carbon remineralization (OCR). Here, we document that ME is a dominant OCR process in Brownie Lake, Minnesota (midwestern United States), which is a ferruginous (iron-rich, sulfate-poor) and meromictic (stratified with permanent anoxic bottom waters) system. We report ME accounting for ≥90% and >9% ± 7% of the anaerobic OCR in the water column and sediments, respectively, and an overall particulate organic carbon loading to CH4 conversion efficiency of ≥18% ± 7% in the anoxic zone of Brownie Lake. Our results, along with previous reports from ferruginous systems, suggest that even under low primary productivity in Precambrian oceans, the efficient conversion of organic carbon would have enabled marine CH4 to play a major role in early Earth’s biogeochemical evolution

    Technical note: Assessment of float pH data quality control methods – a case study in the subpolar northwest Atlantic Ocean

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    Since a pH sensor has become available that is principally suitable for use on demanding autonomous measurement platforms, the marine CO2 system can be observed independently and continuously by Biogeochemical Argo floats. This opens the potential to detect variability and long-term changes in interior ocean inorganic carbon storage and quantify the ocean sink for atmospheric CO2. In combination with a second parameter of the marine CO2 system, pH can be a useful tool to derive the surface ocean CO2 partial pressure (pCO2). The large spatiotemporal variability in the marine CO2 system requires sustained observations to decipher trends and study the impacts of short-term events (e.g., eddies, storms, phytoplankton blooms) but also puts a high emphasis on the quality control of float-based pH measurements. In consequence, a consistent and rigorous quality control procedure is being established to correct sensor offsets or drifts as the interpretation of changes depends on accurate data. By applying current standardized routines of the Argo data management to pH measurements from a pH / O2 float pilot array in the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean, we assess the uncertainties and lack of objective criteria associated with the standardized routines, notably the choice of the reference method for the pH correction (CANYON-B, LIR-pH, ESPER-NN, and ESPER-LIR) and the reference depth for this adjustment. For the studied float array, significant differences ranging between ca. 0.003 pH units and ca. 0.04 pH units are observed between the four reference methods which have been proposed to correct float pH data. Through comparison against discrete and underway pH data from other platforms, an assessment of the adjusted float pH data quality is presented. The results point out noticeable discrepancies near the surface of > 0.004 pH units. In the context of converting surface ocean pH measurements into pCO2 data for the purpose of deriving air–sea CO2 fluxes, we conclude that an accuracy requirement of 0.01 pH units (equivalent to a pCO2 accuracy of 10 µatm as a minimum requirement for potential future inclusion in the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas, SOCAT, database) is not systematically achieved in the upper ocean. While the limited dataset and regional focus of our study do not allow for firm conclusions, the evidence presented still calls for the inclusion of an additional independent pH reference in the surface ocean in the quality control routines. We therefore propose a way forward to enhance the float pH quality control procedure. In our analysis, the current philosophy of pH data correction against climatological reference data at one single depth in the deep ocean appears insufficient to assure adequate data quality in the surface ocean. Ideally, an additional reference point should be taken at or near the surface where the resulting pCO2 data are of the highest importance to monitor the air–sea exchange of CO2 and would have the potential to very significantly augment the impact of the current observation network

    Policy Brief, Chancen und Hürden der marinen geologischen CO2-Speicherung

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    Dieser Policy Brief beruht auf den Factsheets der Forschungsmission CDRmare der Deutschen Allianz Meeresforschung (DAM), die vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und den norddeutschen Bundesländern gefördert wird. In diesem Policy Brief betrachten wir die marine Kohlendioxid-Abscheidung und -Speicherung (Carbon Capture and Storage, CCS). Version

    Cold-water coral energy reserves and calcification in contrasting fjord environments

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    The relationship between energy reserves of cold-water corals (CWCs) and their physiological performance remains largely unknown. In addition, it is poorly understood how the energy allocation to different metabolic processes might change with projected decreasing food supply to the deep sea in the future. This study explores the temporal and spatial variations of total energy reserves (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) of the CWC Desmophyllum dianthus and their correlation with its calcification rate. We took advantage of distinct horizontal and vertical physico-chemical gradients in Comau Fjord (Chile) and examined the changes in energy reserves over one year in an in situ reciprocal transplantation experiment (20 m vs. 300 m and fjord head vs. mouth). Total energy reserves correlated positively with calcification rates. The fast-growing deep corals had higher and less variable energy reserves, while the slower-growing shallow corals showed pronounced seasonal changes in energy reserves. Novel deep corals (transplanted from shallow) were able to quickly increase both their calcification rates and energy reserves to similar levels as native deep corals. Our study shows the importance of energy reserves in sustaining CWC growth in spite of aragonite undersaturated conditions (deep corals) in the present, and potentially also future ocean

    The rise, fall and rebirth of ocean carbon sequestration as a climate 'solution'

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    Highlights • Solutions to the climate crisis are not ahistorical. • Both social and technical processes explain their rise (or fall) on the agenda. • Thinking about ocean CDR closely co-evolved with scientific understandings of global climate change. • Ocean CDR methods have followed cycles of hype, controversy and disappointment. • Key sociotechnical configurations and narrative changes explain the new hype around ocean CDR. Abstract While the ocean has long been portrayed as a victim of climate change, threatened by ocean warming and acidification, it is now increasingly framed as a key solution to the climate crisis. In particular, the promising carbon sequestration potential of the ocean is being emphasised. In this paper, we seek to historicise the practices, discourses and actors that have constructed the ocean as a climate change solution space. We conceptualise the debate about the mitigation potential of the ocean as a contested site of governance, where varying actors form alliances and different sociotechnical narratives about climate action play out. Using an innovative quali-quantitative methodology which combines scientometrics with document analysis, observational fieldwork, and interviews, we outline three historical phases in the history of ocean carbon sequestration that follow recurring cycles of hype, controversy and disappointment. We argue that the most recent hype around ocean carbon sequestration was not triggered by a technological breakthrough or a reduction in scientific uncertainty, but by new socio-technical configurations and coalitions. We conclude by showing that how climate change solutions are put on the agenda and become legitimised is both a scientific and political process, linked to how science frames the climate crisis, and ultimately, its governance

    Implications of ocean acidification on micronutrient elements-iron, copper and zinc, and their primary biological impacts: A review

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    This review has been undertaken to understand the effectiveness of ocean acidification on oceanic micronutrient metal cycles (iron, copper and zinc) and its potential impacts on marine biota. Ocean acidification will slow down the oxidation of Fe(II) thereby retarding Fe(III) formation and subsequent hydrolysis/precipitation leading to an increase in iron bioavailability. Further, the increased primary production sustains enzymatic bacteria assisted Fe(III) reduction and subsequently the binding of weaker ligands favours the dissociation of free Fe(II) ions, thus increasing the bioavailability. The increasing pCO2 condition increases the bioavailability of copper ions by decreasing the availability of free CO32− ligand concentration. The strong complexation by dissolved organic matter may decrease the bioavailable iron and zinc ion concentration. Since ocean acidification affects the bioavailability of essential metals, studies on the uptake rates of these elements by phytoplankton should be carried out to reveal the future scenario and its effect on natural environment

    Advancing Eddy Parameterizations: Dynamic Energy Backscatter and the Role of Subgrid Energy Advection and Stochastic Forcing

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    Viscosity in the momentum equation is needed for numerical stability, as well as to arrest the direct cascade of enstrophy at grid scales. However, a viscous momentum closure tends to over-dissipate eddy kinetic energy. To return excessively dissipated energy to the system, the viscous closure is equipped with what is called dynamic kinetic energy backscatter. The amplitude of backscatter is based on the amount of unresolved kinetic energy (UKE). This energy is tracked through space and time via a prognostic equation. Our study proposes to add advection of UKE by the resolved flow to that equation to explicitly consider the effects of nonlocality on the subgrid energy budget. UKE can consequently be advected by the resolved flow before it is reinjected via backscatter. Furthermore, we suggest incorporating a stochastic element into the UKE equation to account for missing small-scale variability, which is not present in the purely deterministic approach. The implementations are tested on two intermediate complexity setups of the global ocean model FESOM2: an idealized channel setup and a double-gyre setup. The impacts of these additional terms are analyzed, highlighting increased eddy activity and improved flow characteristics when advection and carefully tuned, stochastic sources are incorporated into the UKE budget. Additionally, we provide diagnostics to gain further insights into the effects of scale separation between the viscous dissipation operator and the backscatter operator responsible for the energy injection. Oceanic swirls or "eddies" have a typical size of 10-100 km, which is close to the smallest scales that global ocean models commonly resolve. For physical and numerical reasons, these models require the addition of artificial terms that influence the flow near its smallest scales. Common approaches have the drawback of introducing systematic loss of kinetic energy contained in the eddies, which leads to errors that also affect the oceanic circulation on global scales. In our research, we compensate for this error by returning some of the missing energy back into the simulation, using a so-called kinetic energy backscatter scheme. In this work, we continue the development of an already existing and successful backscatter scheme, adding certain improvements to the way energy is budgeted and returned to the flow: we ensure that the local energy budget is attached to each fluid parcel as it is transported by the large-scale flow, and we also add a random forcing term that mimics unknown sources of such energy to bring its statistical properties closer to reality. We demonstrate that these modifications effectively improve the characteristics of the simulated flow. Extension of the subgrid energy equation of the kinetic energy backscatter parameterization by adding advection and a stochastic term Both additional terms improve several flow characteristics in two idealized test cases, a channel and a double-gyre Scale analysis reveals the necessity of sufficient scale separation between viscous energy dissipation and energy injection via backscatter. Key Points: - Extension of the subgrid energy equation of the kinetic energy backscatter parameterization by adding advection and a stochastic term - Both additional terms improve several flow characteristics in two idealized test cases, a channel and a double-gyre - Scale analysis reveals the necessity of sufficient scale separation between viscous energy dissipation and energy injection via backscatte

    Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) does not cause cellular stress in a phytoplankton community of the sub-tropical Atlantic Ocean

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    A natural plankton community from oligotrophic subtropical waters of the Atlantic near Gran Canaria, Spain, was subjected to varying degrees of ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) to assess the potential physiological effects, in the context of the application of ocean carbon dioxide removal (CDR) techniques. We employed 8.3 m3 mesocosms with a sediment trap attached to the bottom, creating a gradient in total alkalinity (TA). The lowest point on this gradient was 2400 μmol · L-1, which corresponded to the natural alkalinity of the environment, and the highest point was 4800 μmol · L-1. Over the course of the 33-day experiment, the plankton community exhibited two distinct phases. In phase-I (days 5–20), a notable decline in the photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) was observed. This change was accompanied by substantial reductions in the abundances of picoeukaryotes, small size nanoeukaryotes (nanoeukaryotes-1), and microplankton. The cell viability of picoeukaryotes, as indicated by fluorescein-di-acetate hydrolysis by cellular esterases (FDA- green fluorescence), slightly increased by the end of phase-I whilst the viability of nanoeukaryotes 1 and Synechococcus spp . did not change. Reactive oxygen species levels (ROS-green fluorescence) showed no significant changes for any of the functional groups. In contrast, in phase-II (days 21–33), a pronounced community response was observed. Increases in Fv/Fm in the intermediate OAE treatments of ∆900 to ∆1800 μmol · L-1 and in chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), chlorophyll-c2 (Chl-c2) , fucoxanthin and divinyl-Chl-a were attributed to the emergence of blooms of large size nanoeukaryotes (nanoeukaryotes-2) from the genera Chrysochromulina, as well as picoeukaryotes. Synechococcus spp. also flourished towards the end of this phase. In parallel, we observed a total 20 % significant change in the metaproteome of the phytoplankton community. This is considered a significant alteration in protein expression, having substantial impacts on cellular functions and the physiology of the organisms. Medium levels of ∆TA showed more upregulated and less downregulated proteins than higher ∆TA treatments. Under these conditions, cell viability significantly increased in pico and nanoeukaryotes-1 in intermediate alkalinity levels, while in Synechococcus spp., nanoeukaryotes-2 and microplankton remained stable. ROS levels did not significantly change in any functional group. The pigment ratios DD+DT : FUCO, and DD+DT : Chl-a increased in medium ∆TA treatments, supporting the idea of nutrient deficiency alleviation and the absence of physiological stress. Taken all data together, this study shows that there is minimal evidence indicating a harmful impact of high alkalinity on the plankton community. The OAE treatments did not result in physiological fitness impairment, thus OAE did not cause cellular stress in the phytoplankton community studied

    Settling Velocities of Small Microplastic Fragments and Fibers

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    There is only sparse empirical data on the settling velocity of small, nonbuoyant microplastics thus far, although it is an important parameter governing their vertical transport within aquatic environments. This study reports the settling velocities of 4031 exemplary microplastic particles. Focusing on the environmentally most prevalent particle shapes, irregular microplastic fragments of four different polymer types (9-289 mu m) and five discrete length fractions (50-600 mu m) of common nylon and polyester fibers are investigated, respectively. All settling experiments are carried out in quiescent water by using a specialized optical imaging setup. The method has been previously validated in order to minimize disruptive factors, e.g., thermal convection or particle interactions, and thus enable the precise measurements of the velocities of individual microplastic particles (0.003-9.094 mm/s). Based on the obtained data, ten existing models for predicting a particle's terminal settling velocity are assessed. It is concluded that models, which were specifically deduced from empirical data on larger microplastics, fail to provide accurate predictions for small microplastics. Instead, a different approach is highlighted as a viable option for computing settling velocities across the microplastics continuum in terms of size, density, and shap

    Non‐selective microbiota reduction after the elicitation of a seaweed's immune response

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    Pattern-triggered immunity (PTI) is an integral part of the innate immune system of many eukaryotic hosts, assisting in the defence against pathogen invasions. In plants and animals, PTI exerts a selective pressure on the microbiota that can alter community composition. However, the effect of PTI on the microbiota for non-model hosts, including seaweeds, remains unknown. Using quantitative polymerase chain reaction complemented with 16S rRNA gene and transcript amplicon sequencing, this study profiled the impact that PTI of the red seaweed Gracilaria gracilis has on its microbiota. PTI elicitation with agar oligosaccharides resulted in a significant reduction in the number of bacteria (by >75% within 72 h after treatment). However, the PTI elicitation did not cause any significant difference in the community diversity or structure. These findings demonstrated that PTI can be non-selective, and this might help to maintain a stable microbiota by uniformly reducing bacterial loads


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