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    35386 research outputs found

    Energy and entropy stable numerical methods with injected boundary conditions

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    I denne avhandlingen studerer vi de kompressible Navier-Stokes-likningene formulert med både adiabatiske veggrandvilkår og fjernfeltvilkår. Selv om det er ukjent om disse likningene er velformulerte er de av stor interesse, og de er mye brukt innen numerisk fluiddynamikk. Et resultat av Strang (1964) sier at for ikke-lineære problem diskretisert ved hjelp av en differansemetode som er lineærstabil, er denne metoden konvergent for glatte løsninger. Altså finnes det teori vi kan bruke i analysen av Navier-Stokes-likningene. Derfor studerer vi her teori for velformulerte lineære problem, og stabilitet for numeriske metoder. Dette gjøres både for de kompressible Navier-Stokes-likningene, men også for lineære partielle differensiallikninger som modellproblem. Videre utleder vi entropiestimat for de ikke-lineære Navier-Stokes-likningene, et estimat som virker som et kriterium for den svake løsningen vi leter etter; den skal i tillegg til likningene tilfredsstille termodynamikkens andre lov. Hovedfokuset ved dette arbeidet er stabil håndtering av de adiabatiske veggrandvilkårene og fjernfeltvilkår for Navier-Stokes-likningene. Vi beviser at heftelsesvilkåret (eng.: no- slip condition) kan bli implementert eksakt og fremdeles resultere i et entropiestimat når teknikken brukes i kombinasjon med delvissummasjonsoperatorer (SBP-operatorer) som har diagonale normmatriser og randmatriser. Vi introduserer også en ny metodikk for å sette fjernfeltvilkår, og beviser at den fører til et entropistabilt skjema for de kompressible Navier-Stokes-likningene. Teknikken er i tillegg lineært velformulert. Gjennom hele arbeidet bruker vi SBP-operatorer på grunn av deres gode stabilitetsegenskaper. Vi beviser også at en litt endret versjon av SBP-operatoren som tilnærmer den andrederiverte ved hjelp av endelig-volummetoden gitt av Chandrashekar (2016) er (svakt) konsistent, noe som gjør den egnet til å diskretisere de viskøse leddene i Navier-Stokes-likningene på ustrukturerte gitter.The compressible Navier-Stokes equation subject to both adiabatic wall boundary conditions and far-field boundary conditions are studied in this thesis. Although the well- posedness of these equations is generally unknown, they are of wide interest and are extensively used in computational fluid dynamics. A result by Strang (1964) states that if a non-linear problem is discretised using a difference method that is linearly stable, then this method is convergent for smooth solutions. That is, there exists theory we can use in the analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations. Thus, we study linear well-posedness and stability of numerical schemes both in the context of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, but also linear partial differential equations as model problems. Furthermore, entropy estimates are derived for the fully non-linear Navier-Stokes equations, which pose as an admissibility criterion for the relevant weak solution we seek; it should additionally satisfy the second law of thermodynamics. The main focus of this work is the stable imposition of the adiabatic wall and far-field boundary conditions for the Navier-Stokes equations. In particular, we prove that the no-slip condition can be imposed strongly and still yield an entropy estimate when used in combination with diagonal-norm summation-by-parts (SBP) operators with diagonal boundary operators. Furthermore, we introduce a new methodology for setting far- field boundary conditions, and prove that it leads to an entropy stable scheme for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The procedure is additionally linearly well-posed. Throughout, we employ SBP operators due to their remarkable stability properties. We also prove that a slightly modified version of the finite-volume SBP approximation of the second-derivative given by Chandrashekar (2016) is (weakly) consistent, thus making it suitable for discretising the viscous terms of the Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured grids.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Laughing and humor in ancient Egyptian monasticism

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    The goal of this article is to analyze laughter and humor in the Egyptian monastic and ascetic movement in the 4th and 5th centuries with a special focus on solitary and non-humorous laughter. The article argues that laughter and humor were part of a strict emotional regime. It shows that several of the monastic stories include a laughter which is not humorous and where no one else laughed apart from the main character. This laughter was a means to show spiritual excellence and superiority. The other side of the emotional regime was that monastics were scolded for laughing and joking. There is a division between illegitimate laughter caused by humor and frequently connected to eroticism and a legitimate laughter of spiritual insight and authority. The article argues that non-humorous laughter should get more attention in contemporary research.acceptedVersio

    Inferring Gene Expression Values In Causal Directed Acyclic Graphs Using Graph Neural Networks

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    Inferring gene expression values is helpful in determining important characteristics about an individual. Existing methods in gene expression inference mostly rely on linear meth- ods creating separate models for each gene. This thesis hypothesises that a graph neural network can be used to model interactions between genes, and serve as a universal ap- proximator for gene expression values. The research goals of this thesis are stated in the following four points. 1. Does prediction accuracy improve when also providing genome variation data in the dataset? 2. Can the graph feature autoencoder architecture be applied to predict missing gene expression values in a masked dataset? 3. Can a graph neural network be applied to predict missing gene expression values in a masked sample? 4. Can dataset gene expression values be extrapolated using only genome variation data? An experiment was set up to answer this list of questions. The results indicate that prediction accuracy does improve when providing genome data, and the graph feature au- toencoder architecture was applied successfully. This thesis was not able to create a graph neural network able to predict gene expression values in a masked sample. This thesis was not able to reliably extrapolate gene expression data using only genome variation data.Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-PROGMAMN-IN

    Putative effects of QTL on the development of cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS) in natural infected Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in marine production

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    Masteroppgave i fiskehelseFISK399MAMN-FIS

    Interpretation of 3D Ground Penetrating Radar data in archaeology by applying seismic attributes

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    Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has emerged as a widely employed geophysical method in archaeological studies, with recent advancements leading to large-scale, high-resolution surveys. The processing techniques applied to GPR data bear significant correlation to those used in seismic analysis. In recent times, there has been a growing interest among archaeologists in employing seismic attributes for GPR interpretation. Seismic attributes have long been a staple in reservoir characterization within the field of seismic exploration. This study aims to encourage archaeologists to leverage these attributes for enhanced interpretation of archaeological structures using GPR data. To achieve this, the study delves into fundamental GPR principles, the process of data acquisition and processing, and an in-depth review of each attribute utilized in this thesis. Additionally, a systematic workflow is established to extract attributes and relevant information from GPR data, aiming to improve the interpretation of archaeological structures. Furthermore, the integration of seismic attributes with GPR data for archaeological analysis has shown promising potential. Leveraging insights from seismic methodologies, the variance-coherence based attribute displayed promising outcomes across all three archaeological structures. Additionally, other attributes and methods have shown promising results. These findings may serve as a valuable resource for future studies aiming to interpret archaeological features through GPR data, potentially enhancing the visualization and understanding of other structures investigated in this thesis.Masteroppgave i geovitenskapGEOV399MAMN-GEO

    A sociolinguistic Study og Speech Changes in the Kristiansund Dialect

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    Masteroppgave i nordisk språk Institutt for lingvistiske, litterære og estetiske studier Universitetet i Bergen Vår 2024 Student: Mali Elisabeth Dahl Veileder: Agnete Nesse Tittel: En sosiolingvistisk studie av endringer i kristiansundsdialeten Denne masteroppgaven er en sosiolingvistisk undersøkelse av kristiansundsidalekten. Oppgavens problemstilling er: I hvilken grad opprettholdes tradisjonelle dialekttrekk i kristiansundsidalekten? For å svare på dette har jeg også utviklet tre forskningsspørsmål: 1) Hvilke dialekttrekk holder seg best, og hvilke dialekttrekk holder seg dårligst? 2) Er det forskjeller i dialektbruken blant eldre og yngre kvinner og menn? 3) Hvilke likheter finnes mellom utviklingen av dialekten i Kristiansund og andre norske bydialekter? For å svare på problemstillingen har jeg benyttet sosiolingvistisk teori om dialektendring, tidligere beskrivelser av kristiansundsdialekten, samt tidligere forskning på andre talemål i regionen. De språklige variablene jeg undersøkte var palatalisering, nektingsadverbet ikkje, tjukk l og apokope. Den sosiolingvistiske undersøkelsen består av intervjuer med 12 informanter fra Kristiansund. Informantene besto av to kvinner og to menn i hver av alderskategoriene eldre (67-78 år), voksne (47-52 år) og yngre (17-19 år). Resultatene viser at den språklige variabelen tjukk l har holdt seg stabil, mens apokope har holdt seg stabil blant de voksne og eldre informantene, og økt blant de yngste informantene. Dette har sammenheng med at sporene av jamvekt er borte hos de yngste, og apokope blir generalisert i infinitiv. Motsatt har det skjedd en endring når det kommer til de språklige variablene palatalisering og nektingsadverbet ikkje, i den forstand at disse dialekttrekkene har holdt seg stabile blant de eldre og voksne informantene, men vi ser en endring mellom de voksne og de unge informantene. De unge informantene har betydelig færre belegg på palatalisering og nektingsadverbet ikkje enn de voksne og eldre informantene. Alveolare lyder og nektingsadverbet ikke tar over hos de unge. Resultatene fra undersøkelsene viser også at de sosiale variablene alder og kjønn har betydning for bruk av de tradisjonelle dialekttrekkene i kristiansundsdialekten. Samtidig ser vi en utvikling av kristiansundsdialekten i retning av et trøndersk regionalmål.Abstract Master thesis in Nordic language Department of linguistic, literary and aesthetic studies University of Bergen Spring 2024 Student: Mali Elisabeth Dahl Tutor: Agnete Nesse Title: A sociolinguistic Study of Speech Changes in the Kristiansund Dialect This master’s thesis is a sociolinguistic study of the Kristiansund dialect. The thesis question is as follows: To what extent are traditional dialect features in the Kristiansund dialect maintained? Three research questions have been developed to answer this: 1) Which dialect features are best preserved, and which dialect features are the least maintained? 2) Are there differences in the dialect usage among elders and young women and men? 3) What similarities exist between the development of the dialect in Kristiansund and other Norwegian urban dialects? To answer the thesis question, I have employed a sociolinguistic approach. This includes the use of sociolinguistic theory on dialect change, previous descriptions of the Kristiansund dialect, and previous research on other spoken varieties in the region. The linguistic variables I investigated were palatalization, the negation adverb ikkje, tjukk l (velarized l), and apocope. The sociolinguistic study consists of interviews with 12 informants from Kristiansund. The informants were two males and two females in each of the categories of elders (67-78 years), adults (47-52 years), and adolescents (17-19 years). The results of the study indicate that the linguistic variable tjukk l has remained stable while apocope has remained stable among the adults and the older informants. This is related to the fact that the traces of equilibrium are absent among the adolescents, and apocope becomes generalized in the infinitive. A different development can be observed regarding the linguistic variables of palatalization and the negation adverb ikkje in the sense that these dialect features have remained stable among the older and adult informants. Still, we observe a change among the adult and young informants. The adolescent informants have significantly fewer instances of palatalization and the negation adverb ikkje than the adult and the older informants. The alveolar sounds and the negation adverb ikkje are prevalent among the young informants. Notably, the most significant changes are observed among the younger female informants. The results also indicate that the social variables age and gender are significant when using the traditional features of the Kristiansund dialect. Simultaneously, we observe a development toward the regional spoken variety in Trøndelag.Mastergradsoppgave i nordisk spr�k og litteraturNOLISP350MAHF-LÆNOMAHF-NOR

    "Clear aligners" and social media

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    Prosjektoppgave / Integrert masteroppgaveOD3PROSJMAOD-ODON

    Use of history and the FIFA 2022 World Cup in Qatar

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    Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan historie brukes av Qatar under fotball-VM ved å ta utgangspunkt i fotballstadionene som studieobjekt. Masteroppgaven undersøker historie brukt til nasjonsmerkevarebygging og ideologisk bruk av historie. I 2022 ble Qatar den første arabiske nasjonen som var vertskap for verdensmesterskapet i fotball. Fotball-VM er en mulighet for Qatar til å fremstille landet på en positiv måte til et stort internasjonalt publikum. Arrangementet er også et felles øyeblikk for nasjonens innbyggere, der Qatar kan feire landets historie og kultur. Til mesterskapet har Qatar bygget seks nye og rekonstruert to fotballstadioner som kampene ble spilt på. Designet til de åtte stadionene representerer ulike sider av Qatar sin historie og kultur. Jeg har brukt representasjonsanalyse av stadionene og annet kildemateriale, for å analysere bruk av historie under fotball-VM. Oppgaven argumenterer for at Qatar aktivt bruker historie for å skape en merkevare av nasjonen og konstruere nasjonale fellesskap. Nasjonsmerkevaren Qatar fremstilles som et trygt og gjestfritt land, der nomadeteltet i ørkenen representerer Qatar som en trygg havn og partner i Midtøsten. Qatar bruker historie for å fremstille landet som en moderne, innovativ og åpen nasjon. Landet forsøker også å fremstille sjenerøsitet og gavmildhet som en historisk verdi. Qatar bruker sin tidligere erfaring som sportsarrangør for å fremstille landet som en ledende sport- og arrangørnasjon. Masteroppgaven ser også på hvordan Qatar bruker historie for å fremstille landet som en ledernasjon for å ta vare på og fremme arabisk og islamsk historie. Ideologisk brukes historie for å konstruere nasjonale fellesskap og for å legitimere herskerne i Qatar. Historie brukes for å skape en fortelling om Al Thani-familien som legitime herskere i Qatar. Historiebruken fokuserer på å fremme fellesskap og felles identiteter for nasjonen, og et bilde av Qatar som en samlet nasjon. Kildematerialet viser også hvordan historie brukes for å legitimere moderniserings- og utviklingsprosjekter i Qatar. Stadionene og nye utviklingsprosjekter kobles opp mot en historisk fortid, der Qatar vektlegger at fortidens tradisjoner og verdier vil videreføres inn i en moderne fremtid.This master thesis investigates how history has been used by Qatar during the FIFA 2022 World Cup. My chosen source material is the stadiums that were built and used for the 2022 World Cup. The master thesis looks specifically at how history has been used for nation-branding and for ideological purposes. In 2022 Qatar became the first Arab nation to host the world cup in football. The world cup is a possibility for Qatar to showcase a good image of the country, to a large international public all over the world. The World Cup can also be a shared moment and event for the citizens in Qatar, and a moment to celebrate and remember the history and culture of the nation. Qatar has constructed six new and reconstructed two older stadiums, to host the matches during the World Cup. The design of the eight stadiums represents different parts of Qatar’s history and culture. This master thesis uses representation analysis of the stadiums and my source material, to analyse how history has been used during the World Cup. The thesis argues that Qatar actively uses history to create a brand of the nation and to construct national identities. The nation-brand presents Qatar as a hospitable and safe nation, represented by the use of a traditional nomadic tent – the bayt al sha’ar. The tent is used to present Qatar as a safe and stable partner in the Middle East. Qatar uses history to present the country as a modern, innovative and open nation. Generosity is presented as a core value for the Qatari people. Qatar draws on the nations experience of hosting other sporting events, to present the nation as a leading host of sport events. I also show that Qatar tries to present the country as a preserver and promoter of Arab and Islamic history and culture, to take a leading regional position in the Gulf. The thesis also argues that history is used to construct national identities and to legitimize the rulers in Qatar. History is used to promote a story where the Al Thani family is connected to the beginning and further development of Qatar. The use of history focuses on creating common and shared values and identities for the people in Qatar and presents Qatar as a united and strong nation. I also show how history is used to legitimize new development projects and modernization of the country. History and tradition is connected to new development projects, where Qatar argues that their traditions will be preserved and continued into a modern future.Historie mastergradsoppgaveHIS350MAHF-LÆHRMAHF-HI

    Videreutdanning for framtidas arbeidsliv -En kvalitativ studie av kunnskapsutviklingsprosesser blant erfarne yrkesutøvere i videreutdanning

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    I dette masterprosjektet undersøker jeg særtrekk ved kunnskapsutviklingsprosesser hvor erfarne yrkesutøvere deltar i videreutdanning. I en samfunnskontekst preget av raske endringer i arbeidslivets kompetansebehov, satses det sterkt på livslang læring både fra politisk hold og blant aktører i arbeidslivet, og som resultat deltar stadig flere erfarne yrkesutøvere i videreutdanning. Likevel er den frittstående forskningen i denne delen av utdanningsfeltet mangelfull, og målet med dette prosjektet er derfor å bidra til økt kunnskap om hva som kjennetegner kunnskapsprosesser i slike videreutdanningsløp. Studien er designet som et etnografisk inspirert feltarbeid. Deltakende observasjon sammen med kvalitative intervjuer av deltakere i kurset og en overordnet dokumentanalyse utgjør grunnlaget for funnene som presenteres i denne avhandlingen. Både feltarbeid og intervjuer er gjennomført på den digitale samhandlingsplattformen Zoom. Videreutdanningskurset som er forsket på er på fagskolenivå og ligger under bransjeprogrammet for reiselivsnæringen. Et hovedfunn i studien er at kunnskapsutviklingsprosessen som er undersøkt har sterke horisontale trekk. Sterk distribusjon av kunnskapsinnspill, som bidrar til at kursdeltakernes bidrag får gjennomgripende innvirkning på kunnskapsutviklingen i kurset, er et klart uttrykk for dette. Videre viser de empiriske funnene at en tydelig yrkeskontekstualisering og utstrakt bruk av kunnskapsrepertoarer utviklet i yrkesutøvelsen er særtrekk ved kunnskapsprosessen i kurset. Med utgangspunkt i disse funnene, hevder jeg at kunnskapsprosessen også preges av krysskontekstuelle aspekter og rekontekstualiseringsarbeid samt høyt faglig nivå. Jeg hevder videre at kunnskapsprosessen får karakter av å foregå i et skjæringsfelt hvor kursdeltakernes kunnskapsrepertoarer, utviklet gjennom deres unike yrkesbiografiske historier, møtes i fruktbar kunnskapsutvikling. Hovedfunn fra intervjumaterialet viser at intervjupersonene trekker fram tre aspekter ved prosessen som bidrar til relevans for dem: 1) Samsvar mellom deres kunnskapsbehov og kunnskapsrepertoarer som utvikles gjennom prosessen, 2) arbeidslivsnærhet på prosessnivå og 3) høyt kunnskapsnivå blant deltakerne i prosessen. De empiriske funnene viser også at kursledernes høye kunnskapsnivå og fotfeste i bransjen trer fram som sentralt for at denne relevansen skal oppnås.In this master thesis I examine what characterizes knowledge development processes when professional practitioners participate in further education. In a societal context whereby continuous competence development and lifelong learning is emphasized due to times of rapid change, more and more professional practitioners participate in further education courses. In spite of this, there is a lack of independent research done on knowledge processes in this part of the education system. The objective of this project is to contribute research knowledge concerning knowledge development processes among this particular group of students in the education system. The study is designed as a field study inspired by ethnography. Participant observation, qualitative interviews and a an overall document analysis of the course material is the basis of the findings presented in this paper. Both the participant observation and the qualitative interviews are done on the digital communications platform Zoom. The research is done in a vocational further education course within the tourism industry. In the study I find that the knowledge development process studied is horizontal in its nature. A clear distribution of knowledge contributions results in a process whereby the course participants are pivotal in the process of developing new knowledge. Furthermore the findings in this study show that the knowledge development process is contextualized in the industry of the course participants and that the participants make use of knowledge repertoires developed in their professional work settings when they participate in the knowledge development. On the basis of these findings, I claim that the knowledge process also is characterized by cross contextual aspects and recontextualization, as well as a high professional standard. I suggest that the knowledge process takes place within a zone where the participants different knowledge repertoires, developed in their unique work settings, meet in fruitful development of new knowledge. Findings in the interviews imply that three aspects of the knowledge process is of importance to the participants when considering its relevance: 1) accordance between their needs of knowledge and the knowledge repertoires developed through the process, 2) resemblance between the nature of the process in the course and processes familiar to them from their professional lives and 3) the importance of high levels of knowledge among the participants in the process. The empirical evidence also indicate that the instructors experience from the industry and high professional standard is pivotal for realizing this relevance.Masteroppgave i pedagogikkPED396MAPS-PEDI

    A scoping review on the associations between early childhood caries and sustainable cities and communities using the sustainable development goal 11 framework

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    Background: Early childhood caries (ECC) is a multifactorial disease in which environmental factors could play a role. The purpose of this scoping review was to map the published literature that assessed the association between the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, which tried to make cities and human settlements safe, inclusive, resilient and sustainable, and ECC. Methods: This scoping review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines. In July 2023, a search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus using tailored search terms related to housing, urbanization, waste management practices, and ECC. Studies that solely examined ECC prevalence without reference to SDG11 goals were excluded. Of those that met the inclusion criteria, a summary highlighting the countries and regions where the studies were conducted, the study designs employed, and the findings were done. In addition, the studies were also linked to relevant SDG11 targets. Results: Ten studies met the inclusion criteria with none from the African Region. Six studies assessed the association between housing and ECC, with findings suggesting that children whose parents owned a house had lower ECC prevalence and severity. Other house related parameters explored were size, number of rooms, cost and building materials used. The only study on the relationship between the prevalence of ECC and waste management modalities at the household showed no statistically significant association. Five studies identified a relationship between urbanization and ECC (urbanization, size, and remoteness of the residential) with results suggesting that there was no significant link between ECC and urbanization in high-income countries contrary to observations in low and middle-income countries. No study assessed the relationship between living in slums, natural disasters and ECC. We identified links between ECC and SDG11.1 and SDG 11.3. The analysis of the findings suggests a plausible link between ECC and SDG11C (Supporting least developed countries to build resilient buildings). Conclusion: There are few studies identifying links between ECC and SDG11, with the findings suggesting the possible differences in the impact of urbanization on ECC by country income-level and home ownership as a protective factor from ECC. Further research is needed to explore measures of sustainable cities and their links with ECC within the context of the SDG11.publishedVersio


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