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    15578 research outputs found

    The role of chief digital officer: Critical insights into an emerging field and road map for future research

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    With the shift from the industrial era to the digital era and the increasing importance of digital transformation (DT) in organizations, a new role in the top management team of organizations emerged, that of the chief digital officer (CDO). This emerging phenomenon relates to a Chief (C) - level executive position, focused on the development and implementation of the digital strategy in organizations. To provide a better understanding of the nature of this phenomenon, as well as to develop the basis from which scholars to be based on for further developing this research stream, we conduct a systematic review of 29 articles published in highly esteemed business journals. By synthesizing the review findings, we identified emerging themes and core areas of inquiry, and clarified the nature, typologies and role of CDOs in organizations. Moreover, based on the synthesis and gaps identified in this review, as well as via the transfer of theory from the CEO-TMT literature, several research propositions are developed for scholars to test in the future and a new concept is emerged, that of the Multifunctional CDO Leadership. In conclusion this study provides various implications to both research and management practice

    The Effect of Glass and Kevlar Fiber Volume Fraction on the Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Composites

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    The effect of glass and Kevlar fiber volume fraction on the mechanical properties of epoxy composites, was investigated in this study. Different number of layers, total mass of the non-impregnated fibers and reinforcing materials were used to create the specimens. As a result of the different number of the layers, specimens with varying thickness and total composite mass were produced. Volume fraction was changed, depends on these parameters. Specimens of fiber glass and Kevlar were prepared using the vacuum banging method and epoxy resin as the matrix material. The mechanical behaviors of the specimens were tested under uniaxial tension and three-point bending. Specifically, the samples’ stiffness and strength, were examined.The aspects of varying layers, fiber properties, thickness of sample and mass of fibers and total composite, i.e. volume fraction was found to play an important role for the design of a composite with an optimized stiffness or strength-to-weight ratio

    Διερεύνηση μεθόδων αναβάθμισης βιοαερίου και μετατροπής διοξειδίου του άνθρακα σε βιομεθάνιο με χρήση σιδήρου μηδενικού σθένους και αναερόβιας λάσπης

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    Nowadays, the volume of waste that accumulates is a significant blow both to the environment and to the well-being of humans and animals. As a result, several waste processing and disposal techniques are being used, with an emphasis on safety and reducing environmental impacts. One of these techniques is anaerobic digestion. Additionally, the unintentional use of non-renewable energy sources causes environmental problems, such as greenhouse gases emissions. The increasing demand for energy makes fossil fuels unsustainable for the future. Therefore, researchers worldwide have initiated efforts to find new green fuels such as hydrogen and biomethane. The examination of the effect of zero-valent iron (Fe0) on anaerobic sludge under high glucose concentrations (4, 8, 16 g/L). Due to the reaction: Fe0 + ΗCΟ3- + Η+ FeCΟ3 + Η2. The dissolved carbon dioxide, which is bicarbonate, acts both as a reactant with iron for hydrogen production and as a substrate for hydrogenotrophic methanogenic microorganisms. The dissolved carbon dioxide (HCO3-) results from the biodegradation of glucose. In conclusion, after processing the results, the optimal rations and composition for producing up to 96% biomethane are 20 g/L GS – 16 g glucose – 20 g ZVI – 10 g NaHCO3.Είναι γεγονός πώς στην σύγχρονη εποχή, η μάζα των αποβλήτων που συσσωρεύονται είναι ένα μεγάλο πλήγμα τόσο για το περιβάλλον όσο για την καλή διαβίωση των ανθρώπων και των ζώων. Για αυτό τον λόγο, αξιοποιούνται αρκετές τεχνικές επεξεργασίας και απόρριψης αποβλήτων με έμφαση στην ασφάλεια και τη μείωση των περιβαλλοντικών επιπτώσεων. Μια από αυτές είναι η αναερόβια χώνευση. Επίσης, η αλόγιστη χρήση των μη ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας, προξενεί περιβαλλοντικά προβλήματα, όπως την εκπομπή αερίων του θερμοκηπίου. Η αυξανόμενη ζήτηση ενέργειας καθιστά τα ορυκτά καύσιμα μη βιώσιμα για το μέλλον. Επομένως, ερευνητές ανά το παγκόσμιο εκκίνησαν ενέργειες προς εύρεση νέων πράσινων καυσίμων όπως είναι το υδρογόνο και το βιομεθάνιο. Η εξέταση της επίδρασης του σιδήρου μηδενικού σθένους (Fe0) στην αναερόβια λάσπη κάτω από υψηλές συγκεντρώσεις γλυκόζης (4,8,16 g/L). Λόγο της αντίδρασης: Fe0 + HCΟ3- + Η+ -> FeCΟ3 + Η2. Το διαλυμένο διοξείδιο του άνθρακα, που είναι το διττανθρακικό νάτριο δρα τόσο σαν αντιδρών με τον σίδηρο για παραγωγή υδρογόνου όσο και ως υπόστρωμα για τους υδρογονότροφους μεθανογόνους μικροοργανισμούς. Το διαλυμένο διοξείδιο του άνθρακα (ΗCO3-) προκύπτει από την βιοδιάσπαση της γλυκόζης. Κατόπιν επεξεργασίας των αποτελεσμάτων παρατηρήθηκε πως, οι βέλτιστες αναλογίες και σύσταση για παραγωγή μέχρι 96% βιομεθάνιο είναι 20 g/L GS-16g C-6H12O6 – 20 g Fe0 – 10g NaHCO3.Complete

    Unexpected Performance of a Bifunctional Sensitizer/Activator Component for Photon Energy Management via Upconversion

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    We here report on the observation of upconverted photoluminescence (UC-PL) from the blue-light-emitting 9,10-diphenylanthracene (DPA) mixed with the yellow-light-absorbing bifunctional sensitizer/activator component of (3,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octaethylporphyrin-22,24-diid-2-one) PtII (PtOEP-K). Yellow-to-blue UC-PL (0.680 eV spectral upshift) is achieved at room temperature under ultralow power continuous incoherent photoexcitation (220 μW/cm2) despite the absence of triplet energy transfer (TET) between PtOEP-K and DPA. Under selective CW-laser photoexcitation of PtOEP-K in DPA:PtOEP-K, a 2.5% UC-PL quantum yield is obtained; that is an improvement exceeding by more than 3 orders of magnitude the UC-PL quantum yield of TTA-UC material combinations wherein no TET is operative. The PL response of DPA:PtOEP-K to varying laser fluence suggests that bimolecular annihilation reactions between triplet-excited PtOEP-K facilitate the UC-PL activation in DPA. These findings pave the way toward low-complexity strategies for the reduction of transmission losses in solar energy technologies through an innovative wavelength upshifting protocol involving excitonic materials.Funding This work was cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus and was implemented under the program of social cohesion “THALIA 2021–2027” cofunded by the European Union, through Research and Innovation Foundation

    Water Deficit Severity during the Preceding Year Determines Plant Tolerance to Subsequent Year Drought Stress Challenges: A Case Study in Damask Rose

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    Damask rose is an important essential oil crop. In the present study, plants were subjected to three different water deficit levels (70, 40, and 10% available water content) for two periods (June–October). Plant phenology, growth, essential oil yield, gas exchange features, membrane stability and major antioxidant defense elements were monitored across two years. Soil water deficit was related to quicker completion of the growth cycle (up to 7.4 d), and smaller plants (up to 49.7%). Under these conditions, biomass accumulation was jointly constrained by decreased leaf area, chlorophyll content, CO2 intake, and photosynthetic efficiency (up to 82.8, 56.9, 27.3 and 68.2%, respectively). The decrease in CO2 intake was driven by a reduction in stomatal conductance (up to 41.2%), while the decrease in leaf area was mediated by reductions in both number of leaves, and individual leaf area (up to 54.3, and 64.0%, respectively). Although the reactive oxygen species scavenging system was activated (i.e., proline accumulation, and enhanced activity of three antioxidant enzymes) by water deficit, oxidative stress symptoms were still apparent. These effects were amplified, as soil water deficit became more intense. Notably, the adverse effects of water deficit were generally less pronounced when plants had been exposed to water severity during the preceding year. Therefore, exposure to water deficit elicited plant tolerance to future exposure. This phenotypic response was further dependent on the water deficit level. At more intense soil water deficit across the preceding year, plants were less vulnerable to water deficit during the subsequent one. Therefore, our results reveal a direct link between water deficit severity and plant tolerance to future water stress challenges, providing for the first time evidence for stress memory in damask rose

    Καταγραφή και διαμοιρασμός οπτικοακουστικού υλικού σε συναυλίες: Στρατηγικές παρουσίασης του εαυτού και κίνητρα

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    This thesis deals with the recording of audiovisual material at concerts and its sharing on social media and presents the strategies of self-presentation and the motivations of users. The sharp rise of the internet and simultaneously smart devices has led individuals to create a relationship of dependence and need for self-presentation through Social Media platforms. The use of mobile phones in indoor and outdoor theatres for the purpose of recording audiovisual material has been strongly observed in recent years. However, individuals who carry out this kind of action are confronted with compliance and non-compliance with the regulations and conditions of these venues. The methodology that was followed was ethnographic, involving interviews with individuals who visit concerts and record material at them, participant observation at concerts held at the Rialto Theatre in Limassol and finally the Scroll Back technique for the digital study of stories and posts. The main theories presented are Goffman's theory of self-presentation, self-disclosure and rule compliance. Findings illustrate that individuals record audiovisual material for personal use and at the same time share it on Social Media. However, their need for self-promotion which is accompanied by the reward of likes, comments and tags plays an important role in partaking in such actions.Η παρούσα πτυχιακή εργασία αφορά την καταγραφή οπτικοακουστικού υλικού σε συναυλίες και τον διαμοιρασμό του στα Μέσα Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης και παρουσιάζει τις στρατηγικές παρουσίασης του εαυτού και τα κίνητρα των χρηστών και των χρηστριών. Η απότομη άνοδος του διαδικτύου και ταυτόχρονα των έξυπνων συσκευών οδήγησε το άτομο να δημιουργήσει μια σχέση εξάρτησης και ανάγκης για παρουσίαση του εαυτού μέσω των πλατφορμών των Μέσων Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης. Έχει παρατηρηθεί έντονα τα τελευταία χρόνια η χρήση κινητών τηλεφώνων σε κλειστούς και ανοιχτούς χώρους θεαμάτων με σκοπό την καταγραφή οπτικοακουστικού υλικού. Εντούτοις, τα άτομα τα οποία πραγματοποιούν τέτοιου είδους ενέργειες συνήθως παραβαίνουν κανονισμούς και όρους των χώρων αυτών. Η μεθοδολογία η οποία ακολουθήθηκε ήταν εθνογραφική, με συνεντεύξεις με άτομα τα οποία επισκέπτονται συναυλίες και καταγράφουν υλικό σε αυτές, συμμετοχική παρατήρηση σε συναυλίες που πραγματοποιήθηκαν στο Θέατρο Ριάλτο στη Λεμεσό και τέλος η τεχνική του Scroll Back για την μελέτη ιστοριών (Story) και δημοσιεύσεων (post). Οι κύριες θεωρίες που παρουσιάζονται είναι η θεωρία του Goffman για την παρουσίαση του εαυτού, την αυτοαποκάλυψη και αυτοπαρουσίαση καθώς και της συμμόρφωσης με κανόνες. Τα ευρήματα δείχνουν ότι τα άτομα καταγράφουν οπτικοακουστικό υλικό με σκοπό την προσωπική χρήση αλλά και ταυτόχρονα τον διαμοιρασμό του στα Μέσα Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης. Όμως η ανάγκη τους για αυτοπροβολή η οποία συνοδεύεται με την επιβράβευση των like, comment και tag παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στο να πράξουν αυτή την ενέργεια.Κώστας Τζιούβας, Θεόδωρος ΚούροςComplete

    Muli-Quay Combined Berth and Quay Crane Allocation Using the Cuckoo Search Algorithm

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    This study investigates the combined berth allocation problem (BAP) and quay crane allocation problem (QCAP) while considering a multi-quay setting. First, a mixed integer linear programming mathematical model is developed based on various constraints and real port settings. Then, the multi-quay combined BAP and QCAP is solved using both the exact method and a metaheuristic optimization method, namely, the cuckoo search algorithm (CSA). This analysis pertains to a one-week planning scenario, utilizing data from a real port. The results of the comparative analysis show that the proposed CSA can provide a near-optimal solution (< 1.02% from the optimal) at a fraction of the computational time (10 times faster), as compared to the exact solution. This makes it suitable for solving larger instances of the combined BAP and QCAP for bigger terminals and extended planning horizons.This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon Europe program for Research and Innovation through the aerOS project under Grant No. 101069732 as well as by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation (MDigi-I: STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURES/1222/0113

    Ammonia powered thermal-responsive smart window with spectral regulation of Cu2+ and sodium copper chlorophyllin

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    Thermal responsive windows are highly promising for the next-generation architecture for their self-powered solar transmittance. However, existing thermochromic techniques, include VO2- and hydrogel-based systems, have not been used for large-scale in window applications, because of the technical obstacles such as low luminous transmittance (Tlum), poor solar modulation ability (ΔTsol), high transition temperature (Tc) and high haze rate. To tackle those issues, a new thermal-responsive design, i.e., the Ammonia Pressure Powered smart (APPs) window, was proposed, with Cu2+ and sodium copper chlorophyllin (SCC) providing solar spectrum management. In comparisons to traditional thermochromic windows, the new concept of APPs window shows significant energy-related advances. Particularly, a feasible Tc (24–36 °C), outstanding ΔTsol (67 %), and high Tlum in both cold (84 %) and hot (47.4 %) states are reported in this study. In addition, outdoor experimental test of the APPs window demonstrated that it could produce a rational daylight level of both photopic effects and melanopic effects, whilst reduce the room temperature by about 4 °C on hot sunny day. Furthermore, energy simulations conducted for the APPs window in three different cities (Singapore, Hong Kong and Harbin) indicate its superior performance, compared to the double-layered low-e glazing windows, across various climatic conditions. With cost-effective materials and excellent performance, the authors believe that this new APPs window represents a smart and sustainable solution for the development of next-generation green buildings

    Inclusive leadership in hospitality: a driver of social inclusion?

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    Purpose: The importance of inclusive leadership has been recognized by scholars and practitioners alike. However, the ways in which inclusive leadership can be achieved and implemented in hospitality seem to be unclear. In order to answer how inclusive leadership can be put into practice in hospitality, this paper explores (1) employees' and managers' perceptions of inclusion and (2) diversity practices in hotel organizations. Design/methodology/approach: By espousing a qualitative methodology, semi-structured interviews with management representatives, as well as local and foreign employees of 4- and 5-star hotel organizations, were utilized in order to identify what inclusive leadership looks like in theory and in practice. Data were analyzed via thematic analysis and the utilization of the NVivo software. Findings: Findings suggest that an inclusive leader should be caring and respectful, pursue fair treatment, support employee development, express employee appreciation and recognize their role in social inclusion more widely. Originality/value: This original work reduces the research-practice gap in the field of diversity management by providing succinct recommendations to hospitality managers in the form of an adaptable best practice framework. The diagrammatic framework includes the values related to inclusive leadership as they emerged, as well as the practices through which each theme could be enacted


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