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In-party love spreads more efficiently than out-party hate in online communities
Includes supplementary materials for the online appendix.In this article, we present the findings of a comprehensive longitudinal social network analysis conducted on Twitter across four consecutive election campaigns in Spain, spanning from 2015 to 2019. Our focus is on the discernible trend of increasing partisan and ideological homogeneity within interpersonal exchanges on this social media platform, alongside high levels of networking efficiency measured through average retweeting. This diachronic study allows us to observe how dynamics of party competition might contribute to perpetuating and strengthening network ideological and partisan homophily, creating ‘epistemic bubbles’ in Twitter, yet showing a greater resistance to transforming them into ‘partisan echo-chambers’. Specifically, our analysis reveals that the rise of a new radical right-wing party (RRP), Vox, has heightened ideological homogeneity among users across the entire ideological spectrum. However, this process has not been uniform. While users aligned with mainstream political parties consistently share content that reinforces in-party affinity, resulting in highly efficient ‘epistemic bubbles’, the emergence of the RRP has given rise to a distinct group of users associated with the most extreme partisan positions, characterized by a notable proportion of out-partisan hostility content, which has fostered the creation of low-efficient 'partisan echo-chambers'.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU) under Contracts No. PGC2018-093854-B-I00 and PID2021-122711NB-C21; by Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport under Grant No. FPU15/01461; by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) under project No. 873927; by the ICREA-ACADEMIA Intense Research Award; and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Contract No. PID2019-106254RB-I00
La revisión por pares en revistas científicas: qué es y por qué necesita reconocimiento
Presentación de la naturaleza, fases y procedimientos principales del peer review en revistas científicas. Razones éticas para ser evaluador. Razones egoístas para ser evaluador. Principales problemas. Procedimientos prácticos. Argumentos a favor del reconocimiento del peer review como parte de la evaluación de carreras académicas. La oportunidad de la evaluación abierta para mejorar la ciencia abierta y el peer review
Birthmode and environment-dependent microbiota transmission dynamics are complemented by breastfeeding during the first year
The composition and maturation of the early-life microbiota are modulated by a number of perinatal factors, whose interplay in relation to microbial vertical transmission remains inadequately elucidated. Using recent strain-tracking methodologies, we analyzed mother-to-infant microbiota transmission in two different birth environments: hospital-born (vaginal/cesarean) and home-born (vaginal) infants and their mothers. While delivery mode primarily explains initial compositional differences, place of birth impacts transmission timing-being early in homebirths and delayed in cesarean deliveries. Transmission patterns vary greatly across species and birth groups, yet certain species, like Bifidobacterium longum, are consistently vertically transmitted regardless of delivery setting. Strain-level analysis of B. longum highlights relevant and consistent subspecies replacement patterns mainly explained by breastfeeding practices, which drive changes in human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) degrading capabilities. Our findings highlight how delivery setting, breastfeeding duration, and other lifestyle preferences collectively shape vertical transmission, impacting infant gut colonization during early life.We would like to thank the Biobank (Biobanco para la Investigación Biomédica y en Salud Pública de la Comunidad Valenciana, IBSP-CV) for their work in processing the biological samples. The MAMI team would like to acknowledge the support from H2020-ERC Starting Grant (MAMI-639226 project) and from Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN) research grant (ref. PID2022-139475OB-I00). R.C.-R. thanks Generalitat Valenciana for the grant Plan GenT project (CDEIGENT 2020). M.C.C., M.-S.R., and R.C.-R. would also like to acknowledge the award of the Spanish Government MCIN/AEI to the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC) as Centre of Excellence Severo Ochoa (CEX2021-001189-S MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033). This work was also supported by the European Research Council (ERC-STG project MetaPG-716575 and ERC-CoG microTOUCH-101045015) to N.S., by the European H2020 programme (ONCOBIOME-825410 project, MASTER-818368 project, and IHMCSA-964590) to N.S., by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health (1U01CA230551) to N.S., and by EMBO ALTF 593–2020 to M.V.-C
Desafiar la norma a casa: experiències i estratègies de joves LGBT+ a la casa familiar i a la casa pròpia a la comarca del Bages
La recerca en geografia s’ha centrat prioritàriament en l’espai públic, amb una absència d’estudis sobre les relacions de poder a l’escala domèstica. La llar és un espai primordial per construir la identitat, per això resulta clau posar-hi el focus per comprendre com operen les estructures socials de poder en la vida de les persones. Partint d’això, l’objectiu d’aquesta recerca és estudiar l’experiència de l’edat, el gènere i l’orientació sexual en diferents espais de casa per veure de quina manera es reprodueixen les relacions de poder quotidianament. A través d’una metodologia qualitativa, els Relief Maps, s’analitzen les experiències de vint-i-set joves LGBT+ de la comarca del Bages. Els resultats mostren com l’adultisme, el cissexisme i l’heterocentrisme operen configurant les vivències de les joves LGBT+ a casa. L’estudi destaca la centralitat dels espais domèstics en l’anàlisi de desigualtats socials.Aquest treball s’ha realitzat en el marc del Programa de Doctorat Interuniversitari en Estudis de Gènere: Cultures, Societats i Polítiques. Gràcies a les participants d’aquesta recerca per compartir les seves experiències. També agraeixo el suport de les meves directores de tesi, Maria Rodó de Zárate i Mireia Baylina Ferré, a les revisores d’aquest article pels seus suggeriments, i a la Laura Esteve Tomàs i al Pol Ribera Guàrdia per ser casa durant l’elaboració d’aquest article. Aquest projecte ha rebut finançament del programa de recerca i innovació Horizon Europe de la Unió Europea en virtut de l’acord de subvenció núm. 101039447
Validation of mobile phone use recall in the multinational MOBI-kids study
Data de publicació electrònica: 22-05-2024Potential differential and non-differential recall error in mobile phone use (MPU) in the multinational MOBI-Kids case-control study were evaluated. We compared self-reported MPU with network operator billing record data up to 3 months, 1 year, and 2 years before the interview date from 702 subjects aged between 10 and 24 years in eight countries. Spearman rank correlations, Kappa coefficients and geometric mean ratios (GMRs) were used. No material differences in MPU recall estimates between cases and controls were observed. The Spearman rank correlation coefficients between self-reported and recorded MPU in the most recent 3 months were 0.57 and 0.59 for call number and for call duration, respectively. The number of calls was on average underestimated by the participants (GMR = 0.69), while the duration of calls was overestimated (GMR = 1.59). Country, years since start of using a mobile phone, age at time of interview, and sex did not appear to influence recall accuracy for either call number or call duration. A trend in recall error was seen with level of self-reported MPU, with underestimation of use at lower levels and overestimation of use at higher levels for both number and duration of calls. Although both systematic and random errors in self-reported MPU among participants were observed, there was no evidence of differential recall error between cases and controls. Nonetheless, these sources of exposure measurement error warrant consideration in interpretation of the MOBI-Kids case-control study results on the association between children's use of mobile phones and potential brain cancer risk.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) under grant agreement numbers 85500022 and 85800001. The Korean IT R&D program of MSIP/IITP (B0138-16-1002, Study on the EMF exposure control in smart society, 2017-0-00961 and 2019-0-00102). Japanese participation in MOBI-Kids is supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications by Grants No. 0155-0007, 0155-0171, 0155-0087, and 0155-0139. The European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement number 22687 3- the MOBI-Kids project and the European Commission grant 603794-GERoNiMO project. The French National Agency for Sanitary Safety of Food, Environment and Labour (ANSES, contract FSRF2008-3), French National Cancer Institute (INCa), Pfizer Foundation and League against cancer. Italian participation in MOBI-Kids is partially supported by a Ministry of Health grant (RF-2009-1546284). Canadian (Ottawa) participation in MOBI-Kids is supported by a peer reviewed university–industry partnership grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), with the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA) serving as the industrial partner. Australian participation in MOBI-Kids is supported by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council with a 5-year research grant (grant number: 546130 and Chief Investigators are: M.R. Sim, B. Armstrong, E. Milne and G. Benke). Austrian participation in MOBI-Kids is partly supported by a grant from the Ministry of Science (GZ 651.415/001-WF/V/2/2014). The German branch of MOBI-Kids is partially supported by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) under grant number 3609S30010. Greek participation is partially supported by ELKE (Special Account for Research Grants of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) and GGET (General Secretariat for Research and Technology). MOBI-Kids India is supported by the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS). MOBI-Kids New Zealand is supported by grants from Cure Kids New Zealand and the New Zealand Health Research Council. Spanish participation is partially supported by the Spanish Health Research Fund of the Carlos III National Institute for Health (FIS PI10/02981), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICCIN) (Eurosalud EUS2008-03626), the Andalusian Consejeria de Salud (PI-0317/2010), and Conselleria de Sanitat, Generalitat Valenciana under grant number 025/2010. ISGlobal is a member of the CERCA Programme, Generalitat de Catalunya. The funding sources had no role in: the study design; the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; the writing of the report; and the decision to submit the article for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation for use
Affective polarization and consensus building among parliamentary elites
Data de publicació electrònica: 25-09-2024This article presents evidence that political representatives in Spain exhibit significant levels of affective polarization, drawing on data from a 2022 to 2023 survey of Spanish Members of Parliament (MPs) in the national and regional parliaments. These attitudes, measured by affective social distance from supporters of other parties,hinder parliamentary agreements but only in regional parliaments, a tendency that is especially visible among leftist and nationalist representatives toward supporters of the new radical right-wing party (VOX). By contrast, there is no evidence that affective social affinity is associated with less consensual attitudes. Given the absence of studies on affective polarization among political elites, these findings are important because they suggest that, although elites might contribute to the growing trends of pernicious polarization among their supporters and may deteriorate compromise at the regional level, this kind of polarization does not necessarily preclude consensus and agreement in national politics.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The data on which this research is based come from the project ‘The social construction of political consensus in multiparty settings’ (PID2019-108667GB-I00), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Mariano Torcal wants to thank the ICREA ACADEMIA Intense Research Award for the additional funding
La estrategia de Mercadona en su relación con los proveedores: estudio sobre la transición del modelo de interproveedores al modelo de proveedores totalers
Treball de Fi de Grau en Administració i Direcció d'Empreses. Curs 2023-2024Tutora: María Gundín CastroEste trabajo analiza la gestión estratégica de suministro seguida por la mayor cadena de supermercados española: Mercadona. Tiene el objetivo de ofrecer insights valiosos aplicables a otras empresas del sector. Partiendo de los principales modelos teóricos de estrategias de suministro, nos adentramos posteriormente en las estrategias seguidas por Mercadona en su relación con los proveedores. Primeramente, Mercadona puso en marcha un modelo exitoso centrado en forjar relaciones duraderas y de confianza con unos pocos interproveedores, responsables del abastecimiento de toda una categoría de productos. En 2017 Mercadona viró hacia un modelo con un gran número de proveedores totalers, especializados en abastecer un producto a Mercadona. Las conclusiones revelan que el modelo de proveedores totalers ha incrementado la calidad y la innovación de sus productos y que el cambio de modelo ha tenido un enorme efecto en sus proveedores, con ganadores y perdedores de dicho cambio
Guía docente para talleres de creación de imágenes con inteligencia artificial con adolescentes y jóvenes
Este documento se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto
Aprenentatge i creació amb intel·ligència artificial, subvencionado
por el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, y realizado por un equipo de
investigación de la Facultat de Comunicación de la Universitat
Pompeu Fabra (UPF) y de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB).Document disponible en català http://hdl.handle.net/10230/6060
Trade sanctions and international market integration: evidence from the sanctions on Iranian methanol exports
This paper examines the impact of trade sanctions, imposed against large exporting nations, on the degree of spatial integration achieved between non-sanctioned importing markets. The analysis is conducted under a parity bounds framework based on Negassa and Myers (American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 89, 2007, 338). We apply this model to investigate the effects of the 2012–2016 sanctions against Iran's petrochemical exports on the main importing markets in Asia and we use it to measure the degrees of spatial integration attained outside and during the sanction period. Our findings document a complete reconfiguration of the spatial extent of the methanol markets. Outside of the sanction period, a high degree of market integration was achieved among the main Asian markets. In contrast, we observe the emergence of two little integrated market areas, China and India on one side and South Korea and South-East Asia on the other, when sanctions are imposed