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    12 research outputs found

    Understanding the Common Misconceptions of Temperature (ΔT) and Heat (Q) for PSP and Non-PSP Teachers

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    This study investigates the comprehension of temperature (ΔT) and heat (Q) in elementary school physics. This research uses a case study technique involving one instance of temperature (ΔT) and heat (Q). Five hundred forty-seven prospective teachers participated in the research during the 2022-2023 school year. This study employs observation, interviews, and document analysis for data collection. This study, which included pre-service physics teachers (Psp) and in-service physics teachers (Non-Psp), was conducted in a classroom setting. In qualitative analysis, the participants' methods of determining temperature change (ΔT) and heat (Q) were examined using descriptive-analytic approaches. Data collected from participants is analyzed based on prepared topics and direct quotations from the issues in which the results are consolidated. Research analysis indicates that participants struggle to differentiate between temperature (ΔT) and heat (Q) due to the reliance on rote teaching methods and students' preconceived notions about nature that may not align with scientific concepts. When compared to scientific principles. Teachers lack understanding of the origin of temperature change (ΔT) and heat (Q). Studying temperature change (ΔT) and heat transfer (Q) involves practical applying issues and physics concepts. Both PSP and non-PSP teachers lack understanding of the ideas underpinning kinematics, which they are expected to teach in the classroom. Poor comprehension of essential concepts by teachers will hinder students' learning outcomes. Teachers can define temperature. If he lacks an understanding of temperature concepts like Celsius, Kelvin, Reamur, and Fahrenheit, as well as the concept of heat connected to conduction, convection, and radiation, then... Under those circumstances, the teacher will struggle to educate efficiently

    Programmed learning in mathematics education before and after the pandemic: Academics Integrate technology

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the educational landscape, especially regarding technology integration in mathematics learning. Programmed learning, a pedagogical approach that leverages specific technologies such as interactive software, online platforms, and virtual learning environments to create more effective learning experiences, has received increased attention during this period. This research is a systematic literature review that aims to evaluate the impact of programmed learning on mathematics education before and after the pandemic. Using the PRISMA method, this research examines 41 articles published between 1960 and 2025 to find the benefits of programmed learning in mathematics education. Participants in this study included undergraduate students, graduate students, lecturers/teachers, and high school students from various educational institutions. The research results show that programmed learning provides significant benefits, including more exciting and practical teaching approaches, improved academic grades, and increased student interest in mathematics. However, this research also reveals shortcomings in terms of uneven technological infrastructure and a lack of training for teachers in implementing programmed learning optimally. These deficiencies include unequal access to technological tools and a need for more technical skills among educators. This research provides recommendations for improving technology infrastructure and better teacher training to maximize the potential of programmed learning. This research indicates a significant increase in teaching effectiveness and student interest in mathematics, making programmed learning a potential approach in modern mathematics education. Integrating technology in mathematics education through programmed learning is relevant and essential in facing educational challenges in the post-pandemic era, offering practical solutions for educators and institutions

    Edmodo learning media and meeting room help grasp simple and significant ones: Circulatory System

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    Biology is complex for students because of a lack of interest, uncertainty regarding healthy blood circulation, small and large blood circulation systems, remembering the order of blood circulation, and fast-paced education. Students need microcirculation groups. Significant and minor blood circulation groups must be understood and circulated by students. Old biology teaching methods failed students despite adopting technology. Teachers must master and use learning technology in our globalized environment. Online learning is current education technology. This research can help educators choose instructional resources, especially the exciting part of practitioners contributing to academic biology research. This study evaluates student motivation and circulation system learning with Edmodo and meeting room media. Classroom Action Research met twice. Research rigour evaluation needs learning and assessment criteria alignment. Planning, Action, Observation/Evaluation, and Reflection comprise each learning cycle. This study includes 20 grade 11 controls. Teachers and practitioners utilize Edmodo and Zoom for online learning. In the lesson plan, a 40-question two-level multiple-choice exam and a motivation survey assess student learning. The study is quantitative. From inception to finish, data analysis grades data quality 1–4. Researchers use observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Microsoft Excel averaged descriptive analysis data. It measures efficacy by the percentage increase in learning outcomes during learning. This essay analyzes how Edmodo impacts classroom learning, outcomes, and motivation

    Game-Based Science Learning: What are the Problems with Teachers Practicing It in Class?

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    Middle school science learning prioritizes class literacy through independent, integrated learning, only text, without any activity in the learning process. Contemporary literary studies show constant changes in the world of learning and teaching, and for many years, learning through play has been considered one of the most effective ways to learn something. This research aims to understand the pedagogical methods used in learning through play and the importance of these methods in the teaching process in elementary schools. This research involved five teachers from several secondary schools in Serbia: semi-structured interviews, researcher observation and class participation. The results of this research are based on descriptive analysis from the teacher's perspective. Based on the research results and researchers' comments, it can be understood that game-based learning in secondary schools in Austria is a popular pedagogy, creating a fun and adequate game-based learning context for children. In addition, the results of this study describe the activities carried out by the teacher, how the mechanism works, what the obstacles are, the solutions used in different subjects and the differences in the abilities and skills children develop through play. According to teachers, learning through play always poses challenges related to research, designing various play activities, and adapting learning to students' needs and interest

    Development of Social Studies Animation Video (S2AV) Teaching Materials on the Material "Plurality of Indonesian Society" for Junior High School Students

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    Teaching materials are a resource for teachers and students to carry out the learning process. Therefore, it is necessary to develop innovative teaching materials that enable students to achieve superior learning outcomes. One of the innovative and creative and interesting teaching materials is the Social Sciences Animation Video-Based Teaching Material (S2AV). In this study, the aim of this study was to commercialize social studies teaching materials by using animated videos as teaching materials for class VIII junior high school students on the subject of "Indonesian Community Plurality". This development research uses the 4-D method (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). The results showed that the S2AV learning media was valid with an average total score of 3.83 based on material expert validation and 3.87 based on media expert validation. The response of the eighth graders was positive (97%)

    ANDIN-MU: Development of Android-Based Descriptive Text Interactive Multimedia Materials in High School English Subjects

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    In learning there is a process of changing the behavior of a person who is initially unaware of something then becomes aware. In other words, there is a process of conveying knowledge between teachers and students or using learning materials. The purpose of this study was to develop interactive multimedia based on Android descriptive text material for Class X SMA Pasuruan English. This study uses the ADDIE model. In this development model there are five steps in the process, but in this study the researchers modified some of the steps used and adapted them to the environmental conditions affected by the Covid-19 pandemic climate. The steps taken are 4 out of 5 steps, namely (1) analysis (2) design (3) development and (4) evaluation. Collecting data in this study through interviews, documentation and questionnaires. The results showed that the media validation results scored 80%, while the content validation results obtained a score of 78%. The Likert scale used in the data calculation process shows that the developed interactive multimedia is very feasible to use in Pasuruan High Schoo

    Exploring the Landscape of Teaching and Learning English as a Second Language in India

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    This systematic review examines the challenges, opportunities, and ways forward for teaching and learning English as a second language in India. The study explores the current landscape of English language teaching in India, considering factors such as policy, curriculum, teaching methodologies, and technology integration. The review identifies the significant challenges learners and teachers face, including linguistic and cultural barriers, inadequate infrastructure, and limited teacher training. The study also highlights the opportunities and potential solutions to overcome these challenges, such as utilizing innovative teaching strategies and digital technologies. Based on the findings, the study suggests a way forward for developing English language teaching in India, emphasizing the need for comprehensive language policies, teacher development programs, and a learner-centered approac

    Development of Aqidah Akhlak Learning Media "Board Game Based on Education Fun on the Theme of Commendable Morals (E-Fun A2M)" for High School Students

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    Monotonous learning patterns lead to ineffective learning behavior which impacts on learning outcomes. Lack of teacher creativity and mastery in processing learning will make students reluctant to take part in learning. The use of learning media as a support for learning is not optimal. The purpose of this study was to develop Board Game Learning Media based on Commendable Morals Education Fun (E-Fun A2M) in Akidah Akhlak High School subjects. This research is research development or Research and Development (R&D) with the Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel models by testing the validity of A2M's E-Fun learning media. This is intended to determine the practicality and effectiveness. The specialty of this research is research and development based on the four-D development model (Define, design, develop, disseminate). However, due to the limitations of researchers, this development only reached the develop stage. The research subjects were six students of class X. The instruments used were validation sheets, teacher and student response questionnaires, and student learning outcomes tests. The survey results show that the relevance score of E-Fun A2M learning media is in the very valid category with a value of 92.5%. This shows that the E-Fun A2M learning media can be used by students as a learning medium for Aqidah Akhla

    Design of a Website-Based Arabic Typing Application for Students of Arabic Language Education Program at University

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    Today's internet technology has advanced extremely quickly and is still expanding. The virtual world is a place where everyone and any group of individuals are free to engage in their activities. In this all-IT era, typing skills are very important for students. Because almost all student activities are carried out by typing such as compiling papers, reports, theses and others. However, the results of observations made at the Arabic Language Education Study Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang show that the skills of typing Arabic texts for Arabic Language Education Study Program students are still minimal. The aim of the research is to design a website-based Arabic Typing application and test the feasibility of using the application. The research subjects were students of the Arabic Language Education Study Program. The development model used is the ADDIE model. Through research and development, researchers are tasked with designing applicationsArabic Typingwebsite-based and test the feasibility of using the application for Arabic Language Education Study Program students. Based on media expert validation obtained an average percentage of eligibility of 97.11% (Very Feasible), whereas based on material expert validation obtained an average percentage of eligibility of 85% (Very Feasible). The results of the feasibility test by students obtained an average percentage of eligibility of 83.9% (Very Feasible). On this basis the Arabic Typing application based on this website is very feasible to use as a medium to improve Arabic text Keyboarding skills specifically for students of Arabic Language Education Study Program Faculty of Islamic Stadies at University of Muhammadiyah Malan

    Conquering IMO Problems in Brazil by Recognizing the Didactic Situation, Mathematics Teachers Must Know!

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    Siswa Brasil, berkat kepiawaiannya dalam menaklukkan melalui strategi dan teknik dalam memecahkan masalah dalam soal, telah membuat mereka terkenal di International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). Ini mengakibatkan keikutsertaannya dalam berbagai kompetisi dengan penghargaan seperti medali dan sebutan kehormatan. Karya ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan guru matematika dengan Situasi Didaktik Olimpiade internasional untuk mengajar di sekitar segitiga apa pun dengan dukungan perangkat lunak GeoGebra. Untuk itu Rekayasa Didaktik digunakan sebagai jalur metodologis dalam empat fase (analisis pendahuluan, desain dan analisis apriori, eksperimentasi, estimasi posteriori, dan formulasi) dan diorganisasikan ke dalam empat tahap Teori Situasi Didaktik. Akhirnya, seseorang dapat menyimpulkan hubungan dalam bidang epistemik matematika dari model yang dibangun dengan alat GeoGebra melalui pengetahuan representasi geometrisnya ketika mempertimbangkan penyisipan titik-titik penting dari sebuah segitiga. Selain itu, perlu disebutkan bahwa Circumcenter Teaching dibahas dalam pengalaman didaktis selama pandemi Covid-19 melalui proposisi tentang Olimpiade. Dan dapat dipahami bahwa Rekayasa Didaktik berdasarkan Teori Situasi Didaktik memungkinkan transposisi didaktis model matematika non-trivial


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