9770 research outputs found
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Morphosyntactic probing of multilingual BERT models
We introduce an extensive dataset for multilingual probing of morphological information in language models (247 tasks across 42 languages from 10 families), each consisting of a sentence with a target word and a morphological tag as the desired label, derived from the Universal Dependencies treebanks. We find that pre-trained Transformer models (mBERT and XLM-RoBERTa) learn features that attain strong performance across these tasks. We then apply two methods to locate, for each probing task, where the disambiguating information resides in the input. The first is a new perturbation method that “masks” various parts of context; the second is the classical method of Shapley values. The most intriguing finding that emerges is a strong tendency for the preceding context to hold more information relevant to the prediction than the following context
Designing of a Trajectory Control System for Wheelchairs with a Combination of Automatic and Manual Steering Methods
A wheelchair is a special form of Personal Mobility Vehicle (PMV) for people with disabilities to help them move safely to their desired location. However, unlike conventional PMVs, wheelchairs for people with disabilities when moving in places with heavy traffic will be difficult to control manually. This study focuses on the designing and feasibility testing of PMV's control systems for people with disabilities to meet safety and efficiency standards even in complex environments. First, the control structure model required for PMV is proposed. This is followed by the application of the combination between First In First Out (FIFO) and Dijkstra traffic control methods to determine effective trajectory for PMVs. After that, the proposed wheelchair trajectory control system is automatically tested on the campus of the University of Transport and Communications. The simulation results show that if the time of 10 PMVs is taken as the comparative time, when the number of PMVs is from 5 to 20, the order execution time of each PMV hardly changes much (no more than 10%), when the number of PMW increases to 25, 30, 35, 40, the order execution time of all vehicles increased from 35%, 55%, 103%, 119%. It is shown that the system can safely control a large number of PMVs at standards such as efficiency, safety, flexibility
Vállalati információs és logisztikai rendszerek hibái, ezek azonosíthatósága és lehetséges megoldásai : átfogó elméleti és gyakorlati összevetés
A cikk a vállalati működés során előforduló adatáramlási és anyagmozgási hibákra és lehetséges megoldásaikra, illetve ezek felismerhetőségét biztosító jelek gyűjtésére, strukturálására és elemzésére fókuszál. A kutatás célja egy gyakorlatban és elméleti szinten is használható eljáráscsomag létrehozása, mellyel az ezeken a területeken felmerülő hibák könnyen és gyorsan felismerhetővé és kiszűrhetővé válnak. Ezen felül egy helyen a megoldások, illetve ezek előnyei és hátrányai, valamint bevezetési idejük is megtalálhatóak legyenek, kapcsolódó mintapéldákkal együtt.
The paper focuses on the data flow and material movement errors that occur during company operations, and their possible solutions, as well as the collection, structuring and analysis of their signs that ensure their recognition. The aim of the research is to create a set of procedures that can be used both in practice and at the theoretical level, with which errors arising in these areas can be easily and quickly recognized and filtered out. In addition, the solutions, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their implementation time, can be found in one place, along with related sample examples
Optimization methods and algorithms
Recent results of three areas, pickup and delivery, optimal mass transportation, matching under preferences are highlighted. The topics themselves have been selected from the active research fields of Hungarian Operations Research. We also provide a short summary of selected research results from the 34th Hungarian Operations Research Conference, held in Cegléd, Hungary, August 31–September 2, 2021
Unique Patterns in Amino Acid Sequences of Aging‐Related Proteins
Aging has strong genetic components and the list of genes that may regulate the aging process is collected in the GenAge database. There may be characteristic patterns in the amino acid sequences of aging‐related proteins that distinguish them from other proteins and this information will lead to a better understanding of the aging process. To test this hypothesis, human protein sequences are extracted from the UniProt database and the relative frequency of every amino acid residue in aging‐related proteins and the remaining proteins is calculated. The main observation is that the mean relative frequency of aspartic acid (D) is consistently higher, while the mean relative frequencies of tryptophan (W) and leucine (L) are consistently lower in aging‐related proteins compared to the non‐aging‐related proteins for the human and four examined model organisms. It is also observed that the mean relative frequency of aspartic acid is higher, while the mean relative frequency of tryptophan is lower in pro‐longevity proteins compared to anti‐longevity proteins in model organisms. Finally, it is found that aging‐related proteins tend to be longer than non‐aging‐related proteins. It is hoped that this analysis initiates further computational and experimental research to explore the underlying mechanisms of these findings