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    18146 research outputs found

    Tecnologia e formação para promover a produção ornamental

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    O sector da horticultura ornamental é bastante diverso e abrangente, incluindo não apenas a produção de flores e plantas ornamentais, de interior e

    Wellness tourism: a bibliometric analysis approach

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    An emerging field, wellness tourism can reduce stress levels and foster positive emotions, leading to a healthy balance of body, mind, and spirit and satisfying consumer experiences that enhance personal well-being. As a distinct subcategory of health tourism, it is often erroneously interchanged with medical tourism in the literature. Moreover, up to this point, no comprehensive review has assessed the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on wellness tourism research. A bibliometric review was conducted to fill this gap. Data was collected in June 2023 through the Web of Science (WoS) database. The selection process encompassed articles published from January 2013 to June 2023. A total of 143 relevant peer-reviewed articles published in English-language journals were selected. Data were analyzed through evaluation techniques based on productivity and impact measures and relational techniques via mapping the results through VOSviewer software. Based on these findings, potential directions and suggestions for future research were

    Organic compost effects on Stevia rebaudiana weed control and on soil properties in the Mediterranean region

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    Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is a promising crop for semiarid climates, including Algarve region. The objectives of this work were: to compare the feasibility of the eco-friendly stevia weed control strategy with a compost of vegetable residues (grass clippings and pruning’s); to identify the emerged weed species, and to evaluate the effect of compost application on soil properties. Treatments consisted on the application of a 5 cm layer of compost on soil surface or incorporated, and no compost application as control. The trial was set up in six randomized field plots, with four replications. Each plot was divided into three subplots, with one treatment per subplot, in a total of 24 subplots per treatment. Compost application had a distinct effect on weed species. Some species were significantly reduced when compost was applied, namely as mulch. Compost increased soil water content, mainly in area of the trial with lower soil drainage, especially when compost was applied as mulch, as well as other physical and chemical soil properties. Results showed the positive effect of compost on weed control and soil properties during stevia

    Success and self-determination: a systematic review of the narratives of students and graduates with disabilities

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    The purpose of this article was to explore, from the perspective of students and graduates with disabilities, the skills that are necessary to be self-determined at university, why these are important, and how they can be developed to remain in university and graduate successfully. A systematic review, including 16 qualitative studies with a total of 303 participants, was carried out. The results provide information on: essential skills to facilitate self-determination and successful completion of university studies (problem-solving skills, learning about oneself, goal setting, self-management, self-advocacy) and attributes (autonomy, resilience, and empowerment); the reasons for being self-determined at university (achieving academic goals, overcoming barriers, demonstrating abilities, self-confidence, and academic success); and how self-determination can be learned at university (trial and error; family, faculty and peers; disability services; peers; specific programmes; and information technology communication). The conclusions are encouraging and show that self-determination can be learned in universities with the necessary supports.Grant numbers PID2020-112761RB-100info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dataset of the complete mitogenome of the deep-sea sailfin roughshark, Oxynotus paradoxus Frade, 1929

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    Chondrichthyans comprise a diverse group of vertebrate species with extraordinary ecological relevance. Yet, multiple members of this evolutionary lineage are associated with sig-nificant extinction risk. The sailfin roughshark Oxynotus para-doxus is a deep-water benthic shark currently listed as vul-nerable due to population declines in parts of its range. Here we provide the first complete mitochondrial genome of O. paradoxus, comprising also the first record for the genus and family Oxynotidae. These data can facilitate future monitor-ing of the genetic diversity in this and related species. Ge-nomic DNA was extracted from O. paradoxus collected in the eastern North Atlantic off western Portugal (37.59 degrees N, 9.51 degrees W) and sent for Illumina Paired-End (2 x 150 bp) library con-struction and whole genome sequencing on a Novaseq60 0 0 platform. Trimmomatic (version 0.38) was used to remove adapters and MitoZ (version 3.4) to assemble and anno-tate the mitogenome. This mitogenome with 17 100 bp has a total of 38 genes, 13 of which are protein-coding genes, 23 transfer RNA genes, and 2 ribosomal RNA genes. Eight transfer RNAs and 1 protein-coding gene (NADH de-hydrogenase subunit 6, NAD6) are in the complementary strand. In the provided phylogenetic inference, with all avail-able and verified Squalomorphii mitogenomes, the four or-ders are well separated, and as expected, O. paradoxus is placed in the Squaliformes order. This data reinforces the need for more genomic resources for the Oxynotidae family.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( )European Union (EU) 101071300, ATLANTIDA - Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000040, Save our Seas Foundation SOSF 501, EEA PT-Innovation -0007, 2023_033_BI_ATLANTIDAinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How may food processing achieve food and nutrition security for enhanced sustainability?

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    In the agri-food chain, while the impact of producers and consumers on sustainability has been well studied, food processing has been less explored. This position paper aims to discuss the potential of food processing to address all food and nutrition security (FNS) outcomes in order to achieve improved food system sustainability. First, FNS dimensions and the four pillars of agro-food industry sustainability are defined, with a focus on ultra-processed foods. Second, the food matrix concept is developed as a new paradigm to holistically address all FNS. It is concluded that food processing should become more involved in circular food systems and bioeconomy, and that we need to relocate food production, processing, and consumption to be more aligned with regional food production specificities. For this, minimal processing to preserve food matrices should be preferred. Therefore, the strong current tendency to develop reductionist and siloed innovative solutions to improve the sustainability of food systems should be questioned.DURATRANSFO-SYALSAinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Divergence and gene flow history at two large chromosomal inversions underlying ecotype differentiation in the long‐snouted seahorse

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    Chromosomal inversions can play an important role in divergence and reproductive isolation by building and maintaining distinct allelic combinations between evolutionary lineages. Alternatively, they can take the form of balanced polymorphisms that segregate within populations until one arrangement becomes fixed. Many questions remain about how inversion polymorphisms arise, how they are maintained over the long term, and ultimately, whether and how they contribute to speciation. The long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus) is genetically subdivided into geographic lineages and marine-lagoon ecotypes, with shared structural variation underlying lineage and ecotype divergence. Here, we aim to characterize structural variants and to reconstruct their history and suspected role in ecotype formation. We generated a near chromosome-level genome assembly and described genome-wide patterns of diversity and divergence through the analysis of 112 whole-genome sequences from Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Black Sea populations. By also analysing linked-read sequencing data, we found evidence for two chromosomal inversions that were several megabases in length and showed contrasting allele frequency patterns between lineages and ecotypes across the species range. We reveal that these inversions represent ancient intraspecific polymorphisms, one likely being maintained by divergent selection and the other by pseudo-overdominance. A possible selective coupling between the two inversions was further supported by the absence of specific haplotype combinations and a putative functional interaction between the two inversions in reproduction. Lastly, we detected gene flux eroding divergence between inverted alleles at varying levels for the two inversions, with a likely impact on their dynamics and contribution to divergence and speciation.CoGeDivANR-17-CE02-0006-01info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Understanding Vanlife: the current state of the art of a vehicle-based hypermobile travel phenomenon

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    This article outlines the current state of the art on Vanlife from a tourism perspective, highlighting and summarizing definitions derived from literature. Hypermobile lifestyles, often used interchangeably with Vanlife, such as ‘Digital Nomads’, ‘RVing’, ‘Backpacking’ and ‘Lifestyle Travellers, are reviewed by theoretically depicting the similarities and separating factors between the concepts. The literature section applies an integrative approach to advancing knowledge and producing a theoretical framework. Based on the literature review and identified research gaps, this paper develops the Vanlife segmentation research framework. The framework paves the way for future studies on Vanlife and its various segments. Lastly, a definition of Vanlife in a tourism context is provided to aid future research on the vehicle-based hypermobile travel

    Castro Marim na época moderna: urbanismo e urbanidade de uma praça de fronteira (séculos XVI - XVIII)

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    A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a evolução urbana de Castro Marim na época moderna. Como núcleo urbano fronteiriço, teve a importante tarefa de zelar pela integridade da raia luso-castelhana do Guadiana, com fortificação tardo medieval, manuelina e abaluartada, pelo que se torna importante avaliar de que forma a arquitetura militar e o seu estatuto de praça militar influenciou a evolução urbana de Castro Marim entre os séculos XVI e XVIII. O trabalho aborda a evolução do papel de Castro Marim no território na época moderna, face às conjunturas políticas e económicas, tendo em conta a sua posição de fronteira face a Castela, bem como a sua posição de retaguarda em relação às praças portuguesas no Norte de África. E acompanha a transformação da vila em praça militar de fronteira, no plano arquitetónico e político. Como remate, faz-se um estudo tipológico inédito da arquitetura doméstica da vila, bem como dos seus principais edifícios militares, civis e religiosos, como elementos integrantes da estrutura urbanística de Castro Marim.This dissertation aims to analyze the urban evolution of Castro Marim in the modern era. As a border urban center, it had the important task of ensuring the integrity of the Luso-Castilian lane of the Guadiana, with late-medieval, Manueline and bastioned fortification, so it is important to assess how military architecture and its status as a military square influenced the urban evolution of Castro Marim between the 16th and 18th centuries. We address the changing role of Castro Marim in the territory in the modern era, given the political and economic circumstances, taking into account its border position on Castile, as well as its rear-guard position in relation to Portuguese squares in North Africa. And we follow the transformation of the village into a military border square, in the architectural and political plan. As a final point, we approach typologically the village's domestic architecture, as well as the main military, civil and religious buildings, as integral elements of the urban structure of Castro Marim

    Inhalable mannitol microparticles as antigen carriers

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    Even with scientific advances, lower respiratory tract infections pose a serious danger to human life worldwide. Lower respiratory tract infections remained the deadliest infectious disease in 2019 and were the fourth most prevalent cause of death globally, according to the World Health Organization. Different bacteria and viruses, such as S. pneumoniae or SARS-CoV-2, can cause respiratory infections. Thus, prevention is crucial in the management of lower respiratory tract infections. Immunisation strategies regarding the prevention of lower respiratory infections include parenteral immunisation or even oral antigen delivery. In any case, it seems that lung protection is insufficient because lung infection often develops. A pulmonary immunisation technique seems promising because the lung is the primary site of infection. The use of the pulmonary route ensures that a local immune response is produced along with systemic immunisation, while avoiding adverse effects, such as liver metabolism, or protein degradation associated with the oral route. Appropriate drug delivery systems, such as microparticles, might be the adequate means to comply with the aerodynamic requisites needed for successful lung delivery. Spray-dried microparticles comprising mannitol and a commercial formulation of bacterial lysates, produced by spray drying, are proposed for lung immunisation. Varying the mannitol/bacterial lysates mass ratio, several formulations of bacterial lysates-loaded microparticles were successfully produced. The association efficacy of the bacterial lysates was confirmed, reaching values of 50% and 65%. Aerodynamic evaluation was performed by cascade impaction using a methodology of gravimetry or the direct drug determination by Bradford method. The microparticles showed mass mean aerodynamic diameters between 5.9 and 7.3 μm, with the potential to reach the lung, mainly its upper part.Mesmo com os avanços científicos, as infeções das vias respiratórias inferiores representam um sério perigo para a vida humana em todo o mundo. As infeções das vias respiratórias inferiores continuaram a ser a doença infeciosa com a maior taxa de mortalidade em 2019 e foram a quarta causa de morte a nível mundial, de acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde. Diferentes bactérias e vírus, tais como S. pneumoniae ou SARS-CoV-2, podem causar infeções respiratórias. Assim, a prevenção é crucial numa abordagem terapêutica para o tratamento das infeções das vias respiratórias inferiores. As estratégias de imunização relativas à prevenção de infeções respiratórias incluem uma imunização parenteral ou mesmo a administração oral de antigénios. Em qualquer caso, a proteção pulmonar parece insuficiente porque a infeção pulmonar acaba por se desenvolver frequentemente. Uma técnica de imunização pulmonar parece promissora porque o pulmão é o local primário da infeção. A utilização da via pulmonar assegura que uma resposta imunitária local é produzida juntamente com a imunização sistémica, evitando ao mesmo tempo efeitos adversos, tais como o metabolismo hepático, ou a degradação proteica associada à via oral. Sistemas apropriados de administração de fármacos, tais como micropartículas, podem ser os meios adequados para cumprir os requisitos aerodinâmicos necessários para uma administração pulmonar bem-sucedida. Micropartículas contendo manitol e uma formulação comercial de lisados bacterianos, produzidas por técnica de secagem por atomização, são propostas para uma imunização pulmonar. Variando a relação massa manitol/lisados bacterianos, foram produzidas com sucesso várias formulações de micropartículas carregadas de lisados bacterianos. A eficácia da associação dos lisados bacterianos foi confirmada, atingindo valores entre os 50% e 65%. A avaliação aerodinâmica foi realizada por impactação de cascata utilizando uma metodologia de gravimetria ou a determinação direta do fármaco pelo método de Bradford. As micropartículas mostraram diâmetros aerodinâmicos entre 5,9 e 7,3 μm, com potencial para atingir o pulmão, principalmente a sua parte superior


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