Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
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    Al Majãz fī Syi’ri “Aurãqi al Zaitūni) li Maḥmūdi Darwīsy (Dirãsatun Taḥlīliyyatun fī ‘Ilmi al Bayãni)

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    Abstract:The purpose of this analysis is to find out what are the types of majaz contained in the awraaqun olive poem by Mahmoud Darwish dua to find out the alaqah and qarinah contained in the majaz in the awraaqun olive poem by Mahmoud Darwish. This research is a type of qualitative research by collecting data from books and other readings related to majaz. Data collection techniques using library techniques, listen and take notes. The data analysis technique uses flow analysis which consists of three activity flows that occur simultaneously, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. While the source of data used in this research is in the form of documents, poetry awraaqun olive by Mahmoud Darwish in the form of soft files as many as 84 pages. This research is a balaghah analysis centered on the study of parrot science with one of the discussions being majaz. Majaz in the science of bayan there are two namely majaz lughawi and also majaz 'aqli. Majaz Lughawi itself discusses two issues, namely, the majaz 'isti'arah and alaqah of the majaz mursal itself including alaqatun sababiyyatun, alaqatun musababiyyatu, alaqatun haliyyatun, alaqatun juz'iyyatun, alaqah kuliyyah, alaqatun I'tibaru suddenly ma yakun. From the results of this analysis, the researchers found 14 sentences containing different majaz compositions according to the type of majaz itself, including 10 types of lughawi majaz which are divided into 4 types of majaz mursal, 2 types of majaz isti'arah and 4 types of majaz 'aqli

    Taḥlīlu al ‘Anaṣiri al Jauhariyyati fī filmi żīb li Nāji Abu Nawwār: Dirāsatun Taḥlīliyyatun fī ‘Imi al Adabī

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the intrinsic elements (theme, plot, characterizations, setting, language style) in the film "Theeb" by Naji Abu Nowar, and to determine the moral message in the film "Theeb" by Naji Abu Nowar. This research uses qualitative research. The data source for this research is the Jordanian Arabic film “Theeb”, and from several related or relevant books, journals, and theses. The object of this research is the intrinsic elements contained in the film Theeb. Using the documentation method with a descriptive approach which was analyzed using inductive data analysis. The results of the analysis of Theeb film's research, there are two themes in this film, namely major and minor themes, the conflict of changes in manual transportation using camels and horses with Hijaz rail transportation and the introduction of Bedouin cultural customs. There are three plots in Theeb's film, namely the beginning of the conflict, the culmination of the conflict, and the settlement. The plot in Theeb's film uses a forward plot. There are six dominant characters in Theeb film, namely Theeb, Husein, Sheikh, Marji, Edward, and Hasan. This film has five place settings and three time settings, namely the Theeb family settlement, Roman Well, Mountain or Cliff, Train, and Station. The setting of this film is Morning, Afternoon, and Night. This film has two language styles, namely rhetorical and figurative. This film has two moral messages, namely the moral message of human relations with themselves and human relations with other humans. From the results of the analysis in Theeb film, it can be concluded that this film has two themes, three plots, six characters, five place settings, three time settings, two language styles and two moral messages

    Taḥlīlu Ḥarfi al Jarri fī alKitābi al Qirā’ati al Rasyīdati li Abī al Hasani ‘Alī al Husnī al Nadwī: Dirāsatun Taḥlīliyyatun fī ‘Ilmi al Nahwi

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    Learning jar letters analyzed in the Kitab Al-Qiroatir Rhosidah Li Abi Hasan An-Nadawi has various meanings of jar letters which are one of the problems in this study, while the objectives of this study are to: know the kinds of jar harfus, determine The word law which is located after Harfu Jar in the book of Al-Qiroatir Rhosidah Li Abi Hasan An-Nadawi. This type of research uses a literature study approach with jar letters as the object and analyzes using the book of nahwu rules. The source of the research data is the Kitab Al-Qiroatir Rhosidah Li Abi Hasan An-Nadawi. The object of this research is the number of harfu jars, determining the location of harfu jars, the meaning of harfu jars. The technique of this research is library research. The instrument used is the author assisted by text data, writing instruments and a laptop. And the method used to analyze the data is a description of the analysis. The results of this study the authors conclude that: as for the number of jar harfu there are 295 words. the letter min has 50 words and has 5 meanings, and the letter ila has 48 words and has 3 meanings, and the letter an has 10 words and has 3 meanings, and the letter ala has 20 words and has 6 meanings, and the letter fi has 112 words and has 5 meanings, and the letter ba has 38 ka and has 5 meanings, and the lam letter has 17 words and has 6 meanings, and the last letter kaf has 1 word, namely the meaning of attaukid

    Ta’ṡiru Wasā’ili al Bālūni li Mādati al Alwāni fī Ta’līmi al Lughati al ‘Arabiyyati bi Al Madrasati al Ṡānawiyyati al Islāmiyyati al Ḥukūmiyyati al Ṡāniyati bi Madīnati Jāmbī

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    This study discusses the effect of balloon media on colorful material in learning Arabic at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Jambi City. The purpose of this study was to prove that balloon media has a significant influence on students' understanding of colors in class VII at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Jambi City. This research is a quantitative research by applying the experimental method, with a True Experimental Design type of Posttest-Only Control Design. The sample used in this study was 62 students in 2 classes. Sampling was carried out using probability sampling technique, which includes simple random sampling. Data collection techniques are carried out using observation, tests, and documentation. The results in this study indicate that understanding in learning colors after being given treatment obtained a higher score with an average value of 84.03 than before being given treatment with an average value of 59.52. Based on calculations using the Paired Samples t Test, the value of t = 12,517, df = 30 and Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 ˃ 0.05. Thus the significant value is smaller than the error level or H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted

    Taḥlīlu al Kalimãti al Ughniyyati li Nancy Ajram (Dirãsatun Taqãbiliyyatun baina al Lughati al ‘Arabiyyati al Fuṣḥã wa al ‘Ãmiyyati)

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    This research aims to reveal the implementation of the use or use of Amiyah and Fuscha languages in Nancy Nabil Ajram's singing which is contained in several of her albums. There are two kins bof Arabic, namely Fusha Arabic and Amiyah Arabic. Along with the development of the age, there are literary works in the form of songs in the Amiyah language. The Egyptian Amiyah language is the language that is used or functionhed as the language of daily communication among Egyptians, while Fusha Arabic is an Arabic language which is familiar or popular throughout the world on or know as the language of the Qur’an. This study uses qualitative research methods, namely research whoise results are presented or described descriptively. The initial stage in thbis research os to collect related data and the include it in a scientific work/thesis. The result of the research above are changes in letters, sentences and structures, for example, from the world يااللي to the world من, a change from the world بحبك to أحبكwh the letter أ changes to the letters ب. The world وحدي أنا changes to وأنا بنفسي, the world لياأنا  becomes وانا بالنسبة there are significant changes to the lyrics of the song, for example  على وعدي، يا وعدي، لوحدي أنا becomes أعدك، أعدك أنت فقط من أجلي, there are 141 different in the terms of structure, namely: 26 fi’il, 26 fa’il, 26 mubtada, and 26 khabar

    Application of Jigsaw Strategy with Crossword Puzzle Media in Reading Skill Learning

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    This article aims to describe the application of the jigsaw learning strategy and crossword puzzle in maharah qiraah learning, which includes three aspects: 1) planning, 2) implementation, and 3) evaluation. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive method. The data used is in the form of information sourced from students majoring in Arabic Language and Literature at the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Data collection technique used observation, interviews and documentation. In analyzing the data using the Miles and Huberman models, namely: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results are: 1) planning maharah qiraah learning by applying the jigsaw strategy and crossword puzzle media in the form of preparing a lesson plan and preparing crossword puzzle questions related to social text material. 2) implementation of maharah qiraah learning by applying the jigsaw model and crossword puzzle media in the form of opening activities namely class conditioning and delivery of learning objectives, and the core activity is studying qiraah material with the jigsaw model with the steps: instructing the jigsaw model, forming the original group, continuing to form expert group, after which each expert group presented the results of the discussion related to the paragraphs that had been discussed, evaluation from the lecturer. 3) evaluation is carried out by distributing crossword puzzle worksheets to each student and then they are welcome to work on each one

    Ta’ṡiru Uslūbi al Tadrīsi al Tabādulī alā Mahārati al Qirā’ati fī Ta’līmi al Lughati al ‘Arabiyyati

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of reciprocal teaching style on reading skill in teaching Arabic in the first grade of secondary school in Dar Al-Muwahhidin Islamic Institute Panyalaian Tanah Datar. The author uses an experimental research methodology with three data machines, which means observation guide, interview guide, and exam questions. . To find out these issues, the author used field research using the experimental method. The research design is Tru Eksperimental Design, of the type The Post-test only Control Group Design. After the writer uses the reciprocal teaching method, she finds that the maximum reading skill score is 93 and the lowest score is 70. Then the author finds that the result of t_(0) is greater than the Therefore, the hypothesis of nihilism is reversible and the hypothesis of reciprocity is acceptable, and it is intended to find the difference between the result of the reading skill using the reciprocal teaching method and without using the reciprocal teaching method. The conclusion from this research is that the method of reciprocal teaching affects the outcome of reading skill. Therefore, the Arabic language school, especially in the skill of reading, must use the method of reciprocal teaching in teaching the skill of reading so that students understand reading well. result of t_(t), which is 01,3>3,52>16,2

    Al ‘Anãṣiru al Jauhãriyyatu fī Filmi al Rasūmi al Mutaharrikati ‘Ãliyan (UP)" Lipete Duktir (Dirãsatun Taḥlīliyyatun fī ‘Ilmi al Adabi)

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    Film Up is an American CGI animated comedy-drama adventure film with an adventure genre, which tells of an old man who travels to paradise fall, this film was produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures in 20090. Researchers discuss the intrinsic elements in the film UP by Pete Docter in 2009. This study uses descriptive qualitative research with data collection methods through written documents that can support this research, especially the intrinsic elements of the film. The aims of this study were 1) to find out the intrinsic elements in the film Up by Pete Doctor 2) to find out the lessons contained in the film Up Pete Doctor. The theory used in this study is the literary theory of intrinsic elements. The results of this study show: 1) The intrinsic elements in Pete Dokter's film Up are: Film title: UP, Type of Film, Animation, Adventure, Comedy Director: Pete Doctor, Bob Peterson Production: Pixar Animation Studios, Plot: Advanced, Message: If If you want to come true, you really are in pursuit of it. Characters: Carl Fredickson, Elie, Rusl, Chales Muntz, Dug, Alpha. 2) The wisdom in the film up by pete docter is: Having dreams to achieve, Not giving up easily, Courageous, Please help, Caring, The five wisdoms that researchers found in the film Up can be used as a reference for us in behaving, because everything that is obtained is impressive positive for the audienc

    Musāhamātu ‘Ulamā’i al Hindi fī al Ṣaḥāfati al “Arabiyyat: Dirāsatun Waṣfiyyatun ‘an Ṡalāṡati Minhum

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    The media play an important role in providing investigative reports, discussions, social background, political analysis, and news that show the realities of society. One of the most important means of human communication in the world is the press. A free press is important because if the media are able to report events truthfully, important information may be withheld and voters will remain in the dark. Likewise, if the media is not allowed to facilitate open and free discussion, then the opinions and concerns of ordinary people will not be heard. It is for this interest that Indian scholars pay attention to strong practices in the field of journalism. Mainly, they are doing their best for the Arab press across India. It is this leading personality. Sheikh Al-Sayyid Muhammad Wahid Rashid Al-Nadawi, Sheikh Dr. Mohiuddin Al-Alawi, and Sheikh Dr. Saeed Al-Rahman Al-Azami, who works in public broadcasting and translates several books from English to Arabic, and they have a prominent role in the field of modern Arab-Indian journalism. And a strong memory, as evidenced by hundreds of pages of magazines, magazines and books, in which he still writes and touches on these issues related to religion, morals, language, politics and culture, uniting the old and the new

    Al Kalimãtu al Musta’ãratu al ‘Arabiyyatu fī “Jambi Malay Dictionary (Dialect of Jambi Seberang) Indonesia” (Dirãsatun Taḥlīliyyatun fī ‘Ilmi al Aṣwãti)

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    This article aims to describe the process of phonological changes in Arabic loanwords in the "Jambi Malay Dictionary Jambi Dialect Seberang-Indonesia". The theory used in this article is the theory of sound change proposed by Crowly (1987). The source of this research data was obtained from "Jambi Malay Dictionary (Dialect of Jambi Seberang) Indonesia" and " Dictionary of Indonesian-Arabic Al-Munawwir". The data collection technique used is to use the listen method with record and read techniques. The data analysis method used is the translational padan method. The results showed that it can be concluded that thephonological changes of Arabic loanwords in the "Jambi Malay Dictionary (Dialect of Jambi Seberang) Indonesia" are divided into two aspects based on Crowly's theory. First, Lenisi is a sound attenuation consisting of double consonant reduction, afferesis, and apocope. Pattenuation  of letter  sounds occurs in the /q/ sound to the /k/ sound when it is located at the beginning of a word and the /q/ sound to become a /ʔ/ sound when it is located at the end of a word;  the /kh/ sound becomes the /h/ sound;  attenuation from the high vowel /û/ to the medium vowel /ʊ/; Attenuation of sounds also occurs in /ṭ/ to /t/ sounds;  weakening of the sound of the sound /r/ into the sound /R/ which is similar to the sound /gh/ in the speech of Jambi Malay dialect Seberang. Second, there is a strengthening of the letter sound in Arabic absorption words in the Seberang dialect of Jambi Malay. Letter sound reinforcement occurs in the /t/ sound as a stronger sound that is a change from /h/; the change in the /p/ sound is seen as a stronger sound than the /f/ sound in the Jambi Malay (dialect of Seberang Jambi)


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