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    28368 research outputs found

    Versatile Venue: How Can the Acoustics of a Space Be Optimized for Varied Performances?

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    Live music and performance have been an integral part of the entertainment industry for decades. This research focuses on how the live experience can be enhanced, to benefit both the performer and audience. Utilizing historically effective design strategies, material choices, and acoustic comparisons in the design process to create a venue like no other. The hall is designed with the optimization of acoustics in mind. This is focused within un-amplified performance halls which have the capability to transform into amplified halls. Simulations of the halls determined the acoustic capability within each, and what kinds of performances can take place. This allows for more versatility within the space, and more use than one singular venue can offer

    A Landscape for Play: An Exploration of Sensory Architecture Solutions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    In the kaleidoscope of human experiences, the sensory realm unfolds as a tapestry that uniquely colors our perceptions of the world. For children navigating the intricate landscape of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), this tapestry takes on profound significance as their sensory sensitivities can both illuminate and obscure the path to understanding and learning. The concept of sensory architecture combined with the ?neuro-typical? approach presents an innovative and promising solution to developing inclusive spaces for children with ASD. Influenced by ?the play of light? and ?the play of the waves,? this thesis aims to create an understanding of dynamic interaction, freedom and flexibility, unfolding and discovery, and creativity through physical interaction with the spatial environment

    Illuminating Connections: A Theatrical Intervention in Urban Loneliness

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    Amidst the hustle of urban life, an epidemic of loneliness grips our modern cities, casting shadows upon the once vibrant display of community. Before the 19th century, public spaces thrived as stages where every encounter was a theatrical exchange, a space to recognize oneself through the presence of others. However, the cityscape shifted with time, veiling the human connection behind privatization and specialization. This project intertwines theater and urban intervention to capture the fleeting moments of human connection. Each scene serves as a bridge between solitude and community, inviting audiences to rediscover the beauty of shared experiences. Through storytelling, we can reignite the flame of interaction, breathing life into forgotten urban corners. Located in the once-vibrant neighborhood of Cabrini-Green in Chicago, IL, this project will act as a new foundation for this redeveloping community, offering a beacon of hope among its storied past. It will function as a community hub, a stage for the play of urban life, where all are invited to participate. This redevelopment marks a unique opportunity to honor the past while forging a new path forward, bridging divides, and fostering belonging for generations to come

    Benefiting Youth and the Natural Environment: Integration of Biophilic Design in a Youth Center

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    This thesis will entertain the idea of integrating biophilic design principles into a youth center. First there is a discussion of biophilic design, community centers, and youth centers with the intent to understand what they are and the benefits of each. Seven case studies are examined next to provide examples of how biophilic design has been applied to community centers, youth centers, and preschools. The design of a youth center that uses biophilic design principles to foster a relationship with children and nature is presented as a solution. The created youth center is titled Elk River Community Center. There is a detailed description of the youth center along with plans and renderings that show Elk River Community Center. Lastly, steps that could make the youth center even more integrated with nature are stated

    Mind the Gap: Bridging a Community Bisected by an Interstate

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    As a result of discrimination in urban design, many communities of color have been forced to pick up the pieces of their neighborhood after they have been paved through by major interstate developments. Among these communities is the historical neighborhood of Bronzeville, Milwaukee, which was destroyed in the 1950s by discriminative urban planning and the development of Interstate 43. In recent years, there has been an uptake in restoration to these communities. Urban design factors such as land caps or land bridges over freeways have been proven successful in reconnecting the communities that have been bisected by interstates. In this context, this thesis focuses on implementing a freeway cap park to address issues of community fragmentation, pedestrian and bicycle safe circulation, missing amenities, shortage of green spaces for passive and active use, and new and restored housing developments

    Kibera Public School: Empowering Kenya Through the Use of Local Materials and Labor

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    Kibera Public School seeks to empower the individuals living in Kibera Slum, Kenya, through the use of local materials and labor. Due to Kibera?s substantial percentage of children who are not attending school, Kibera Public School provides an affordable, comfortable, safe, and sustainable environment for the students living in Kibera Slum, who cannot afford to attend a private school. Furthermore, this school is dependent on the use of local materials and labor and through the utilization of these resources, it provides the community of Kibera with valuable construction skills that can be used elsewhere and a sense of ownership in the school. This thesis examines the current conditions of school environments, in Kenya, showing how local materials and labor can be used to enhance the overall conditions of its schools affordably and sustainably

    Arachnid Sports + Entertainment Complex

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    Las Vegas has become a sport energized metropolis. The city not only offers shows, restaurants, and gambling, but now also a successful professional sports market. At the cost of more infrastructure, Vegas has also lost some of its connection to its local community. The strip can be categorized as a tourist grabber, that has also become a money leech and ultimately reducing the interactions from locals across the Nevada area. The metro area has started creating and incorporating many sports teams that have brought community more together than anything in the downtown spaces. Sports offer love and passion that can leave lifelong memories in people. The problem is community members don?t want to go the Strip anymore, and with such high potential in the area, the solution with this thesis is bringing those elements of community back to this selective site and offering the locals the chance to regain a space advocated for them. With a sports team, there is an identity that is created, a fan base that supports, and ultimately energy that continues from a night-to-night basis creating a firm community foundation for the strip. By reviving the vegetation and natural factors, effective use of plaza spaces, security and safety design decisions, and sustainable practices, this thesis provides a solution for a new sports arena facility that can achieve the interests of locals and create a space for everyone

    Habitat Ukraine: A Modular, Mass Timber Housing Approach to Help Rebuild Ukraine

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    Fear. Destruction. Suffering. These are the words that come to mind upon the mention of the current conflict that the nation and people of Ukraine are submerged in. Millions of them have been forced to leave behind their livelihoods for safety, greatly damaging their financial and general well-being. Though the fighting still rages on, one day it will come to an end. This begs the question: how will these individuals and families be able to return to their native places from which they have been suddenly torn? Habitat Ukraine explores and proposes a permanent, semi-modular housing design approach focused on facilitating the rehousing of Ukrainian migrants through affordable and quality means. This is made possible due to the modular construction process which reduces fabrication and construction times therefore lowering overall costs. With sustainability, community interaction, and the use of mass timber at the forefront of the design, Habitat Ukraine seeks to help modernize the nation?s housing infrastructure and assist in the healing and reconnection to the built environment for the victims which have been so tragically affected by this conflict

    A Translation of Art: How Architecture Infused with Music Educates Humankind

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    During the 18th century, humans started to perceive the world around them differently. Structures were designed with the assumption that the meaning of the building would follow afterwards, instead of building with initial purpose. The world we reside in is now full of buildings that are cheaply constructed, unaesthetic, and not serving the needs of a site or its corresponding community. To return to architecture with meaning, architecture must once again be used as a narration for human life. This thesis is a study on how the art of music can be translated into the field of architecture in a way that both educates on the significant effects music has on the individual and the importance of having architecture embodied with meaning. Incorporating music into design could help us return to structures that allow for the discovery of stories, moods, emotions, and showcase the current and past human experience

    Cultural District: Nexus of Cultures: How Can Architecture Be Utilized to Reshape Narratives of Nationalism and Foster a Sense of Global Unity Within a Responsive Sustainable Cultural District in Aden, Yemen?

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    The world today is increasingly divided along nationalistic lines, with people often forgetting their shared humanity in favor of their national identities. It is disheartening to observe the rise of divisive nationalism, fostering an "us versus them" mentality. This categorization of individual based on nationality often leads to conflicts and undermines the shared humanity that should bind us together. The need to rekindle a sense of global unity becomes apparent, and architecture can serve as a powerful tool in reshaping these narratives, which can also serve as a potent tool for expressing and reinforcing nationalistic sentiments. This research aims to explore the potential of architecture in redefining nationalism and fostering unity among people, by aiming to create spaces that celebrate cultural diversity, emphasize shared values, and foster a sense of collective identity. The focus is on designing a Culturally Responsive Sustainable Cultural District in Aden, Yemen. A region historically known as "Arabia Felix" or ?Happy Arabia?. The intent is to evoke the region's historical happiness and unity, using modern Islamic architecture as a vehicle for cultural expression and cohesion. The research will investigate why Aden is an ideal site for this project, the importance of this development for the people of Yemen, and how it can serve as a solution to the problem of divisive nationalism


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