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    Ciencias da Educación: sexenios 2023

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    Material empregado na sesión formativa desenvolvida pola Biblioteca de Psicoloxía e CC Eduación da USC para o persoal docente e investigador da Facultade de CC da Educación, acerca das novidades introducidas pola ANECA na convocatoria de sexenios de 2023. Inclúe recomendacións para elaborar as narrativas das achegas presentadas á convocatoria e pautas para atopar os distintos indicios de calidade requiridos para acadar unha avaliación positiva do/s tramo/s sometido/s a avaliación.Material empleado en la sesión formativa desarrollada por la Biblioteca de Psicología y CC Eduación de la USC para el personal docente e investigador de la Facultad de CC de la Educación, acerca de las novedades introducidas por la ANECA en la convocatoria de sexenios de 2023. Incluye recomendaciones para elaborar las narrativas de las aportaciones presentadas a la convocatoria y pautas para encontrar los distintos indicios de calidad requeridos para alcanzar una evaluación positiva del tramo o tramos sometido/s a evaluación

    Sistemas basados en las comunidades biológicas acuáticas para la evaluación del estado ecológico de los bofedales de la meseta andina de la Reserva de Producción de Fauna Chimborazo

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    Los bofedales son turberas de altitud (3800 m.s.n.m.) que se nutren del agua procedente de la lluvia y del deshielo del nevado Chimborazo en el centro del Ecuador. En el presente estudio se evaluó el estado ecológico de los 16 bofedales presentes en la Reserva de Producción de Fauna Chimborazo, una de las mas importantes áreas protegidas que cuenta el Ecuador continental; para ello se analizaron parámetros físicos, químicos y biológicos (macroinvertebrados, macrófitas y vegetación de ribera) que determinaron la calidad ecológica de estos ecosistemas acuáticos altoandinos. Se determinó que 9 de los 16 bofedales presentan condiciones de alteración y baja calidad ecológica debido a actividades de origen antrópico. Se debe considerar el presente estudio a fin de garantizar la conservación de estos bofedales.2025-01-3

    Forma de Jordan real. Clasificación de transformaciones ortogonales

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    En este trabajo se prueba que si A es una matriz nxn con coeficientes en un cuerpo cuyo polinomio característico tiene sus n raíces en ese cuerpo, entonces A es semejante a una matriz de Jordan. Si A es una matriz real cuyo polinomio característico no tiene todas sus raíces reales, se prueba que A es semejante a una matriz denominada forma de Jordan real que coincide con la forma de Jordan si todas las raíces son reales. Se calcula la forma de Jordan de una transformación ortogonal y se clasifican las transformaciones ortogonales

    Service‑learning to improve training, knowledge transfer, and awareness in forest fire management

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    Background Forest fires represent a severe threat to Mediterranean ecosystems and are considered one of the major environmental and socioeconomic problems of the region. The project Plantando cara al fuego (PCF, Spain) is designed to transfer knowledge and to improve the training of new generations in forest fire management. The project is based on the application of service-learning (S-L), an educational methodology that combines learning and community service. Conceived as a compendium of S-L initiatives, the PCF project is composed of several S-L projects with the objective of reducing the problem of forest fires. The individual projects are developed at the regional/local level, each one involving different social agents such as researchers, students (from different disciplines), schools, multidisciplinary professionals, NGOs, or the administration. Results Participants received an initial training in S-L to design projects focused on different aspects of forest fires (environmental awareness, outreach/communication, fire prevention or post-fire restoration). These applied projects are formally integrated in the learning process via curriculum, which serve to teach and reinforce transversal skills and allow students to get involved and work to solve real problems. In general, the response of the participants was highly favorable, since the projects served to create an atmosphere that facilitates learning, interaction between participants, the application of theoretical class contents, knowledge transfer, or the exchange of good teaching practices. Conclusions The summary of the PCF project presented in this work serves as a practical guide describing the activities, participants, and the necessary steps involved in the design, development, and evaluation of S-L projects to address environmental problems. In this case, the S-L was adapted to a specific context (i.e., the problem of forest fires) to which it had never been previously applied, but this methodology is versatile and can be applied to different environmental issuesAntecedentes Los incendios forestales representan una severa amenaza para los ecosistemas mediterráneos, y son considerados como uno de los mayores problemas ambientales y socioeconómicos de la región. El Proyecto “Plantando Cara al Fuego” (PCF, España), ha sido diseñado para transferir conocimientos y mejorar el entrenamiento de nuevas generaciones en el manejo de incendios forestales. El Proyecto está basado en la aplicación del Servicio de Aprendizaje (Service-learning, o S-L), una metodología que combina el aprendizaje con el servicio comunitario. Concebido como un compendio de iniciativas S-L, el Proyecto PCF está compuesto de varios proyectos S-L con el objetivo de reducir los problemas de los incendios forestales. Los proyectos individuales están desarrollados a niveles regionales/locales, cada uno de ellos implicando diferentes actores sociales como investigadores, estudiantes (de diferentes disciplinas), escuelas, profesionales de diversas disciplinas, e instituciones no gubernamentales (ONGs) o de administración. Resultados Los participantes reciben un entrenamiento inicial en S-L para diseñar proyectos enfocados en diferentes aspectos de los incendios forestales (concientización ambiental, comunicación y difusión, prevención de incendios, y restauración post-fuego). Estos proyectos aplicados son integrados formalmente en el proceso de aprendizaje a través de una currícula, que sirve para enseñar y reforzar las habilidades transversales y permite a los estudiantes implicarse y trabajar para resolver problemas reales. En general, la respuesta de los participantes es altamente favorable, dado que los proyectos sirven para crear una atmósfera que facilita el aprendizaje, la interacción entre participantes, la aplicación de contenidos teóricos brindados en clase, la transferencia de conocimientos, o el intercambio de buenas prácticas de enseñanza. Conclusiones El resumen de los proyectos PCF presentados en este trabajo sirven como una guía práctica que describe las actividades, participantes, y los pasos necesarios implicados en el diseño, desarrollo, y evaluación de proyectos S-L para para encarar problemas ambientales. En este caso, el S-L fue adaptado a un contexto específico (i.e., el problema de los incendios forestales), al cual nunca antes había sido previamente aplicado, mostrando que esta metodología es versátil y puede ser aplicada a diferentes cuestiones ambientalesThis study was carried out within the framework of the “Plantando Cara Al Fuego” (PCF, ref FCT-19-14381) project funded by the FECYT (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología) - Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Further economic and technical support was provided by WWF and CabreiroáS

    Climatic stability predicts the congruence between species abundance and genetic diversity

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    Unified models of biological diversity across organizational levels (genes, species, communities) provide key insight into fundamental ecological processes. Theory predicts that the strength of the correlation between species abundance and genetic diversity should be related to community age in closed communities (i.e. abundant species accumulate more genetic diversity over time than rare species). Following this rationale, we hypothesize that historical climatic events are expected to impact assembly processes, hence affecting both the species abundance distribution (SAD) and the species genetic distribution (SGD) in continental communities. Therefore, we predict that, if the congruence between SADs and SGDs depends on community age, then higher congruence would be observed in localities where climate has been more stable since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We tested this prediction using relative abundance and nucleotide diversity (cox1-5′) data from 20 communities of leaf beetles along a latitudinal transect in the Iberian Peninsula. We observed that the congruence between SAD and SGD curves, measured as the correlation between the species' rank orders in both distributions, was significantly related to the change in mean annual temperature since the LGM, but not to current climatic conditions. Our results suggest that, despite the high connectivity of continental communities, historical climatic stability is still a relevant predictor of the congruence between species abundance and genetic diversity. Hence, the degree of congruence between SADs and SGDs could be used as a proxy of community stability, related not only to historical climatic variation but also to any other disrupting factors, including human pressure.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through grant no. PID2020-112935GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and no. CGL2009-10111, and a FPI scholarship (ref. no. PRE2021-098920) to VF-F.S

    First description of adenosine production by Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi, causal agent of chestnut brown rot

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    Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi (Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales) is the main causal agent of chestnut brown rot on sweet chestnut worldwide. The rotting of nuts leads to alterations in the organoleptic qualities and decreased fruit production, resulting in significant economic losses. In 2021, there was an important outbreak of chestnut rot in southern Galicia (Spanish northwest). The profile of secondary metabolites from G. smithogilvyi was studied, especially to determine its capability for producing mycotoxins, as happens with other rotting fungi, due to the possible consequences on the safety of chestnut consumption. Secondary metabolites produced by isolates of G. smithogilvyi growing in potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium were identified using liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry. Three metabolites with interesting pharmacological and phyto-toxicological properties were identified based on their exact mass and fragmentation patterns, namely adenosine, oxasetin, and phytosphingosine. The capacity of G. smithogilvyi to produce adenosine in PDA cultures was assessed, finding concentrations ranging from 176 to 834 µg/kg. Similarly, the production of mycotoxins was ruled out, indicating that the consumption of chestnuts with necrotic lesions does not pose a health risk to the consumer in terms of mycotoxins.The research leading to these results has received funding from the following grants. From Campus Terra (USC), BreveRiesgo (2022-PU011) CLIMIGAL (2022- PU016). From Conselleria de Cultura, Educacion e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia, GRC (ED431C 2021/01). From Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación IISCIII/PI19/001248, PID 2020-11262RB-C21, Grant CPP2021-008447 funded by MCIN/AEI/ and by The European Union NextGenerationEU/PRT. From European Union, Interreg EAPA-0032/2022 – BEAP-MAR, HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01-MSCA Doctoral Networks 2022 101119901-BIOTOXDoc, and HORIZON-CL6-2023-CIRCBIO-01 COMBO-101135438. Authors thank Dirección Xeral de Ordenación e Planificación Forestal (Xunta de Galicia, Spain) and Centro Agroforestal Riós for helpful assistance in the collection of samples.S

    El crecimiento y la supervivencia de las spin-off universitarias en España: análisis del efecto de las ventas iniciales y la forma de financiación

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    A la creación de spin-off universitarias (USO) se ha destinado un elevado volumen de recursos humanos y financieros, a pesar de que su rendimiento empresarial ha sido cuestionado. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el efecto de las ventas iniciales y la forma de financiación sobre el crecimiento y supervivencia de las USO. Usando una base de datos original con 1.121 USO creadas por las universidades españolas hasta 2018, se comprueba que las ventas iniciales afectan positivamente al tamaño de las USO y negativamente a las tasas anuales de crecimiento en ingresos. Asimismo, la autofinanciación ejerce un efecto positivo en la supervivencia de las compañías, mientras que el capital riesgo y un exceso de liquidez tendrían el efecto contrario. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se proponen recomendaciones

    Ionogels based on protic ionic liquid - lithium salt mixtures

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    The effect of the addition of lithium nitrate on the liquid range and electrical conductivity of mixtures of a protic ionic liquid, ethylammonium nitrate (EAN) with LiNO3 is reported in this work. Moreover, changes in these properties upon confinement in silica-based matrices are also analysed and related to variations on the microstructure of the mixtures. Our results show that gelation of the mixtures induces amorphous behaviour in all the samples, but no significant changes in the thermal stability are detected. However, important differences on the electrical conductivity of the liquid and gel states of the mixtures were observed. While this magnitude decreases with the addition of salt in the liquid samples for all the temperatures it increases at low concentrations of LiNO3 up to a maximum in the gelled samples with the lowest concentration of added salt (0.1 mol of salt by kg of EAN). High resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) NMR shows that the addition of lithium nitrate increases the mobility (both rotational and translational motion) of the cation EA+ within the ionogel and the diffusion of the cation provides evidence of the presence of two different populations of the same molecules experiencing two distinct apparent diffusion coefficients (bi-exponential decay of magnetization in diffusion NMR experiments), while it is mono-exponential in the pure ionic liquid. The Li+ cation is shown to display a higher mobility (both rotational and translational motion) in the ionogel than in the neat ionic liquid. The frustration of the formation of solvation complexes due to the confinement is suspected to be behind this behaviourAuthors acknowledge M. Gómez (RIAIDT-USC) for the technical support in DSC measurements. This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER Program through the projects MAT2017-89239-C2-1-P and MAT2017-89239-C2-2-P and the SISE Network RED2018-102679-T as well as by Xunta de Galicia through GRC ED431C 2020/10 project and the Galician Network of Ionic Liquids (ReGaLIs) ED431D 2017/06. P. Vallet and J. J. Parajó thank funding support of FPI Program from Spanish Ministry of Science, Education and Universities and I2C postdoctoral Program of Xunta de Galicia, respectivelyS

    Main characteristics of preventive postural hygiene training programs in the educational field

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    Objective: To determine the state of the art regarding preventive training programs on postural hygiene and back health in an educational context. Introduction: The prevalence of non-specific back pain in population reaches alarming figures and its causes are largely preventable. Adequate training in postural education is necessary along students' academic career. Method: Retrospective descriptive study, using the PRISMA method. Results: 61 original articles published from 2017 to 2021 have been analysed. Discussion: Postural education programs have demonstrated their effectiveness and have provided benefits for the participating studentsS


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