33703 research outputs found
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A construção vertical como limite de uma praça-jardim. Proposta para a Praça de Espanha
Ao longo da história da arquitetura, as construções verticais têm refletido a
ambição e o engenho das mais diversas civilizações. Estruturas como as pirâmides, as
catedrais góticas ou as torres romanas refletiam não só as sociedades do seu tempo, mas
também os sistemas construtivos e tecnológicos existentes. A chegada da Revolução
Industrial vem criar um novo mundo de possibilidades lançando as bases do que são hoje
os grandes arranha-céus do mundo.
As torres distinguem-se, naturalmente, não só como elementos arquitetónicos, mas
também, dada a sua dimensão, como ponto de referência num território. Transcendendo
a sua função, assinalam um lugar, tornando-se um elemento de referência nas cidades
como são exemplo a Torre Eiffel ou o Monumento de Washington.
O trabalho de projeto apresentado surge na sequência do programa da unidade
curricular de Projeto Avançado I e II no ano letivo de 2020/2021 que tinha como enunciado
a proposta de uma torre na Praça de Espanha, em Lisboa.
A Praça de Espanha foi recentemente requalificada tendo sido transformada
num grande jardim - Parque Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles - que deu uma nova vida a um local
que, na sua génese, não era convidativo à permanência de pessoas. Na resposta ao
enunciado das unidades curriculares, a proposta consiste num conjunto de edifícios de
caráter cultural, e de uma torre revestida a vidro fotovoltaico que funcionará como um
centro de start-ups. Num local com uma grande componente social e cultural e próximo
de dois grandes jardins, a proposta procura requalificar o lote de intervenção contribuindo
assim para o desenvolvimento da zona na qual se insere; - Vertical construction as the limit of a garden-square.
Proposal for Praça de Espanha - ABSTRACT: Throughout the history of architecture, vertical constructions have
reflected the ambition and ingenuity of the most diverse civilizations. Structures
such as the pyramids, Gothic cathedrals and Roman towers reflected not
only the societies of their time, but also the existing construction systems and
technologies. The arrival of the Industrial Revolution created a new world of
possibilities, laying the foundations for what are now the world's great skyscrapers.
Naturally, towers stand out not only as architectural elements but also, given
their size, as a point of reference in a territory. Going beyond their function, they mark
out a place, becoming a reference element in cities, such as the Eiffel Tower or the
Washington Monument.
The project here presented follows on from the program of the Advanced Project
I and II curricular unit in the 2020/2021 academic year, which included a proposal for a
tower in Lisbon's Praça de Espanha.
Praça de Espanha has recently been redeveloped into a large garden
- Parque Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles - which has given new life to a place that was
originally uninviting to people. In response to the curricular units, the proposal
consists of a set of cultural buildings and a tower covered in photovoltaic glass
that will function as a start-up center. In a location with a large social and cultural
component and close to two large gardens, the proposal seeks to requalify the
intervention plot, thus contributing to the development of the area in which it is located
Abordagem clínica ao glaucoma
Os glaucomas correspondem a um grupo heterogéneo de afeções que têm como fator de
risco principal o aumento da pressão intraocular nos pacientes veterinários. Caracterizamse
por processos neurodegenerativos progressivos das células ganglionares da retina e
nervo ótico, podendo resultar em diminuição ou perda total da visão. Podem ser
classificados em glaucomas congénitos, primários ou secundários, de acordo com a sua
etiologia. O objetivo do tratamento dos glaucomas prende-se com a redução da pressão
intraocular para valores que cessem os processos neurodegenerativos, através do maneio
médio, cirúrgico, ou de uma combinação destes. O tipo de glaucoma bem como a
cronicidade do mesmo são fatores importantes na decisão do plano terapêutico a instituir.
Apesar do tratamento médico e cirúrgico, os glaucomas podem progredir para um estadio
terminal, sendo necessária a realização de procedimentos terminais, que proporcionam
conforto ao paciente; - Clinical Approach to Glaucoma
The glaucomas are a heterogeneous group of diseases in which an increased intraocular
pressure represents the main risk factor in veterinary patients. Progressive
neurodegenerative processes of the retina ganglion cells resulting in partial or total vision
loss characterize the glaucomas. According to etiology, the glaucomas may be classified
in congenital, primary, or secondary. The aim of the glaucomas’ treatment is lowering
the intraocular pressure to levels that stop the neurodegenerative processes, through
medical or surgical treatment, or a combination of both. The type of glaucoma, as well as
its chronicity are important factors when deciding the appropriate treatment plan. Even
with medical and/or surgical treatment, glaucomas may become terminal, requiring endstage
procedures that provide comfort to the patient
Embodiment-related risk factors for Posttraumatic Stress, Anxiety and Depression in female victims of intimate partner violence
A central notion in the field of embodiment is that body sensorimotor
processes and body mental representations influence
emotion, cognition and behavior. By affecting the body, intimate
partner violence (IPV) can leave victims with a fragile self,
and significant physical and mental health problems. In this
study, we aim to examine embodiment-related variables and
mental health of female victims of IPV, as well as the impact of
embodiment on mental health. A total of 38 female victims of
IPV (mean age 40.3 ± 10.9 years) were recruited from shelters
and the community. The study assessed the levels of
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Anxiety and Depression,
and abilities of Movement Imagery, Interoceptive Accuracy,
Interoceptive Sensibility, Body Ownership and Bodily
Dissociation. Univariate, bivariate and binary regression analysis
were used. PTSD, Anxiety and Depression were highly prevalent
among our sample, alongside with altered values of body ownership
and interoception. All three mental health disorders were
significantly correlated with interoceptive self-regulation, interoceptive
trusting, and bodily dissociation. For this group of
women, each unit rise in the bodily dissociation scale increased
two and six times the risk for developing Depression and
Anxiety, respectively. The embodiment of female victims of IPV
is altered, and higher bodily dissociation can be a risk factor for
the development of mental health problems. Restoration of
embodiment-related functions could be important for the victims
to overcome the negative effects of violent relationships
Introduction to forest bioenergy
This chapter presents the introduction and outline of the book “Forest Bioenergy: From Wood Production to Energy Use”. Today, biomass, the most commonly used renewable energy source, contributes to 10% of the worldwide energy supply. The majority of bioenergy comes from woody biomass, which is mainly converted into heat (mostly in households, followed by industries). Its conversion to power is also relevant, while the production of transport bio-fuels is a promising pathway. Modern bioenergy presents numerous ad-vantages: it has a renewable, versatile, local and distributed nature; it helps increase energy security and meet the rising global energy demands; it easily substitutes for fossil fuels; and it presents potential environmental and economic benefits. Carbon sequestration and storage are among the several environmental services provided by forests. The amount of biomass they produce, and consequently, their bioenergy potential, is highly variable. Forest plantations provide the highest bioenergy yields per unit area, while in forest systems managed for other purposes, factors such as stand structure affect residual biomass generation. Assessing and monitoring biomass, along with de-terming bioenergy potentials, are essential tasks often based on mathematical models that vary in complexity and span different spatial and temporal scales, frequently with associated cartography
Design, desenvolvimento e construção de um produto low-cost para a realização de ensaios de eletroluminescência com potencial de comercialização
Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento e construção de um produto low-cost para realizar ensaios de eletroluminescência com potencial de comercialização. Inicialmente foi feito o estudo da técnica de eletroluminescência e dos equipamentos necessários para a sua realização. Na fase seguinte foi desenvolvido e montado um protótipo para realizar ensaios de validação do sistema e tecnologia. Após estes ensaios determinou-se o conjunto de configurações ótimas e de controlo para as várias definições de fotografia. Foi determinado também o tipo de pós-processamento à imagem raw obtida pela câmara. Com este conjunto de configurações foi definido um protocolo de ensaios. Posteriormente foram analisados e caracterizados vários módulos fotovoltaicos, para validar e verificar a funcionalidade do equipamento. Na fase final foi feito o design de um novo protótipo com suporte de forma a obter um produto final, comercializável. Comparou-se também o desempenho deste protótipo com duas câmaras comerciais de eletroluminescência; - Abstract:
Design, development and construction of a low-cost product to perform electroluminescence tests with marketing potential
This dissertation presents the development and construction of a low-cost product to perform electroluminescence tests with marketing potential. Initially the electroluminescence technique and equipment needed to be able to perform it was studied. In the next stage a prototype was developed and built to perform validation tests of the technology. After these tests the set of optimum configurations and control for the several imaging settings was determined. It was also determined the type of post processing to the raw image of the camera. With this set of configurations, a tests protocol was made. Afterwards, several photovoltaic modules were analysed and measured, to validate and confirm the functionality of the equipment. Finally, the design of a new prototype with stand was made in order to get a final product, marketable. It was also compared the performance of this prototype with two commercial electroluminescence cameras
O senhorialismo nobiliárquico como parte do sistema político português no século XV: o exemplo da senhorialização do Alentejo
Poucas temáticas terão uma ressonância tão medieval junto do público como o estudo do senhorialismo, ou, mais especificamente, o estudo da dimensão senhorial do poder nobiliárquico. Perante o problema assim genericamente colocado, o leitor poderá questionar, com toda a pertinência, que elementos de inovação podem justificar que se dedique uma tese de doutoramento ao estudo dos poderes senhoriais nobiliárquicos. É verdade que, nas últimas décadas, especialmente no que diz respeito ao exercício destes poderes pela nobreza, a medievalística portuguesa tem ultrapassado perspetivas meramente dicotómicas de oposição entre a nobreza e os restantes grupos e poderes, nomeadamente o régio e o concelhio. Em vez de um oposicionismo quase natural, a tendência tem sido para a valorização dos elementos colaborativos e para as interdependências entre poderes
Overview of the Forest Biomass Models
The diversity of species, tree allometry, and stand structure makes modelling forest biomass a challenge. At tree level diameter at breast height, and height are the most frequently used explanatory variables. Yet, other variables that encompass the variability in tree allometry due to species, stand structure, competition between trees, and site allow better performances of the biomass models. Similarly, at area level, the biomass functions have large variability in the data and explanatory variables used for modelling. This is due to the differences in species, stand structure, and their correlation with the remote sensing data. The combination of different remote sensing data sets from passive and/or active sensors linked with ancillary data enabled to improve models’ performance. Furthermore, a wide set of mathematical methods have been used to capture the stands and forests diversity and variability and accommodate it in the models to improve predictions. Overall, the wide range of biomass models corresponds to a continuous need to develop biomass functions that enable assessing, monitoring and predicting total or per component biomass
Biomass for power production and cogeneration
Despite intensive efforts to decarbonise the power sector and the growing contribution of renewables to global electricity generation, fossil fuels, especially coal, continue to dominate as the most commonly used energy sources in this sector. The power industry accounts for a substantial portion of the world total energy supply and remains the largest contributor to CO2 emissions. In 2020, renewable energy sources accounted for 28% of the electricity generation, with only 2% of the electricity produced derived from biofuels. Despite this relatively small share, the role of bioenergy in the power sector holds the potential to contribute to grid stability, a critical factor as the share of intermittent renewables in the energy mix increases. Additionally, co-combustion of biomass in coal power plants offers a cost-effective means of reducing carbon emissions, particularly in regions heavily reliant on coal. Several commercial technologies are available for converting biomass into electricity. While the efficiency of biomass-to-electricity conversion alone is relatively low, combined heat and power plants that utilise waste heat achieve significantly higher overall efficiencies. The choice of technology depends on factors like capacity, efficiency and economic viability. This chapter provides an overview of commonly used conversion technologies for power generation from solid biomass
The megalithic monument known as Mamoa 5 do Leandro is located in the parishes of Nogueira and Silva Escura, in the municipality of Maia. The monument, part of a necropolis, was found partially destroyed, mainly in the chamber area, still preserving a head orthostat with remains of a painted motif composed by a red and black sun-shaped central ‘solar’ symbol between two straight vertical segments.
Several publications are focused on the monument´s typology and on the uncovered materials, but little information is known on the pigments composition and on the paintings techniques, and an interdisciplinary approach was followed to their study, including chromatography, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy with electron-beam microanalysis.
The analytical results showed a red pigment, prepared with iron oxide minerals, associated with vegetable oils as organic additives, and a black pigment, corresponding to charcoal without any organic additives or binders. The solar motif was first drawn with charcoal and then painted red. A comparison of this monument with others in Galicia suggests that it was built and decorated in the first half of the 4th millennium BC
Nesta introdução examina-se o problema da identidade no mundo romano e o contributo que as fontes literárias podem fornecer ao estudo do tema