Mukogawa Women's University

Mukogawa Women’s University Repository
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    946 research outputs found

    The Relation between Unusing Long-term Care Insurance Service and Social Interaction in Elderly People with Lower Care Levels

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    The objective of this study was to understand the state of long-term care service use by individuals certified as requiring lower care and, from the viewpoint of their relationship with society, to clarify why individuals do not use services. A questionnaire using un-named, individually filled-in forms via mailing was administered targeting 2,355 elderly people who maintain an at home lifestyle and receive approved Needing support 1 and 2 and Long-term care 1 and 2. We have received the following results. ① Participants not using had higher IADL scores. Also, the group who need support showed a significantly higher rate in living alone, and the group who need long-term care had a lower average age and showed a significantly higher rate in residency of 10 years or more. ② The group who need support responded, “Having discussion with family members” while the group who need longterm care responded, “no discussion with family members and other people.” Thereby, showing a relation to unused long-term care service. From the above results, we have determined that the group who need support and the group who need long-term care have different backgrounds, revealing the possibility that the groups require separate support measures. Moreover, there is a possibility that those not using but belonging to the group who need long-term care may be isolated from family and neighbors. Hence it may be required to create a mechanism in which we can gain an understanding of their situation and build an individual relationship with them through house-calls, etc

    End-of-Life Care Perceptions by Caregivers in Group Homes

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    This study explored caregiver perceptions related to experiences of end-of-life (EOL) care at group homes (GH) for elderly people with dementia. A self-administered questionnaire was designed to elicit GH staff perceptions by asking what they feel about their EOL care experiences at GH. Eighty one participants shared their perspectives. Results were classified into seven categories, “Anxiety and tension related to EOL care,” “Regret and condolence,” “Response of care provided,” “Respect for deceased people,” “Pride in providing EOL care,” “Creative view of life and death,” and “Familial sense of loss,”. Although staff members who experienced EOL care felt imperfect, they were satisfied with the care they provided. Moreover, they had positive views in terms of EOL care experiences, which seemed to engender their personal growth. The study also revealed a distinctive view of EOL care in GH, where caregivers felt as if they had lost a family member when they confronted a resident’s death


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    刊年不明24.01×6.0cm43丁, 47コマ明和8年(1771)刊本を正確に臨写したもの


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    The Role of Religion at the End of Life:Health Care, Nursing and Welfare Services, Funeral Services, and Self-help Groups

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    Religious care and psychological therapy provided at the end-of-life share universal characteristics regardless of the framework of interpersonal support; however, they have different functions. The field of support was divided into health care, nursing and welfare services, funeral services, and selfhelp groups according to the age of individuals who receive the care( patient ó bereaved family) and those who have passed away( legitimacy ó illegitimacy), and the role of religious practitioners was compared with that of psychological therapy. Since religious beliefs cannot be applied to the care provided in the healthcare field, religious practitioners have problems identifying the values of religion within such care, apart from at hospices and Buddhist monasteries. Although spiritual and religious care is ensured during funeral services, bereaved family-centered care needs to be re-established in response to the criticism over Buddhist funeral services. Even in self-help groups in which people encourage and help each other, religious practitioners can help bereaved families come to terms with the death. Nursing and welfare services can support elderly people who are prepared for their impending death by providing information and helping resolve problems through a religious view of life, including the interpretation of the present life and afterlife. The activities of religious practitioners are cross-sectional, but they can be completed independently, suggesting the need to promote cooperation among religious practitioners, care receivers, and healthcare professionals

    Fog Test as a Developmental Scale of Children’s Associated Movements and Its Clinical Application

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    The Fog test(FT)originally described by Fog and Fog(1963) is a neurological test to examine the occurrence and inhibition of involuntary associated movements(AMs) on the upper extremities of children accompanying walking with the feet inverted. In this paper, the normal development and clinical significance of AMs triggered by the FT throughout childhood is considered through a review of previous neurological and neuropsychological research using the FT or its modification(MFT).In normal children, there is a highly significant reduction in the amount of AMs with increasing age. In addition, typical sex difference( fewer AMs in girls than in boys) and laterality( fewer AMs on the left side than on the right) also exist. Children with some developmental disorders or behavioral problems tend to show more AMs than normal children, implying the presence of clinical significance of AMs examined using the FT. Nevertheless, even in normal children, subtle movements such as mild supination of the upper extremities are likely to remain after age 12. Therefore, in the interpretation of FT findings, it is necessary to recognize the lowered clinical value of such subtle movements observed in school-aged children

    The application of porous calcium silicate for preparation of solid formulation

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    High performance and straightforward SNP typing methods for alcohol metabolic enzyme genes, ALDH2 and ADH1B, and appreciation for education

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    本研究では, 濾紙や水溶紙を利用してDNA未精製の生体サンプルを用いたSNPタイピング法を開発した。迅速かつ正確な検査法を確立出来たことから、本検査法を利用しアルコールリテラシー教育を実施した.さらに遺伝子型から想定される体質とエタノールパッチテストとの一致率を明らかにした。本検査法はさまざまな研究に利用可能であり、今後遺伝子情報を用いた研究を活性化する方法論として重要な成果である。将来薬剤師が本検査法を遺伝子解析のツールとして利用し、個別化医療の発展の一助となることを望む


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