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    ろう重耇障害のある子どものコミュニケヌション支揎における授業リフレクション : 特別支揎孊校での授業実践を䞭心に

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    子䟛ずずもに孊ぶ教員 : 附属小孊校での音楜科の授業を振り返る

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    レゞスタントスタヌチRSは、食物繊維ず類䌌の生理䜜甚を持぀機胜性成分ずしお泚目されおいる。本研究においおは米飯の炊飯盎埌から玄20℃たでの枩床降䞋の初期老化過皋においお、米飯のRS含量がどのように倉化するかをおにぎりの圢態で明らかにするこずを目的ずした。炊飯埌すぐにおにぎりを䜜補し、①おにぎりを皿に眮き、そのたた攟冷ず②おにぎりを皿に眮き、皿ごずラップをかぶせお攟冷の2条件で2時間宀枩攟冷したずきの枩床倉化ずRS量の経時倉化を比范怜蚎した。①の条件䞋では、枩床は0分から30分においお急激に䜎䞋しRS量は時間経過ごずに有意にRS量は増加した。②の条件䞋では、枩床の䜎䞋は①の条件の枩床䜎䞋ず比べお緩やかな䜎䞋ずなり、時間の経過によるRS量に有意な差は芋られなかった。このこずから、老化が始たるずされる60℃たでのおにぎりの急激な枩床䜎䞋ずその埌の継続的な枩床䜎䞋がRSの生成に関わるこずが瀺唆された。Rice is major carbohydrate source in Japanese diet. Japanese rice ball, so called ‘onigiri’, is made of boiled white rice. Onigiri is often stocked at room temperature for a few hours before eating. Therefore, starch in onigiri would be retrograded. Starch retrogradation is one type of resistant starchRS. RS escapes digestion until reaching colon and acts like dietary fiber. Recently, many studies suggest that RS, in addition to dietary fiber, may be beneficial for our health. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of initial retrogradation process of onigiri on RS synthesis. White rice was cooked using electrical rice cooker. Cooked rice of 80g was shaped triangle to make onigiri. Onigiri were divided into two groups, unwrapped onigiri and onigiri wrapped by cling film, and let them cool down for 120 minutes. The temperature of inside onigiri was monitored and the amount of RS of 0, 30, 60 and 120 minutes of cooling time was measured. The amount of RS of unwrapped onigiri for 0, 30, 60, 120 minutes of cooling time were 0.15%, 0.20%, 0.23%, 0.26% respectively. The amount of RS of wrapped onigiri for 0, 30, 60, 120 minutes of cooling time were 0.17%, 0.19%, 0.20%, 0.18%, respectively. These results showed that cooling time was positively related to the amount of RS of unwrapped onigiri. However, the amount of RS of wrapped onigiri was not clearly associated with the cooling time. These results indicated that RS synthesis of onigiri would be increase when its temperature decline sharply


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    The topological informationaveraged angleof Cherenkov light was measured by UNI-ZICOS detector. We have retuned the pulse shape discrimination for a selection of the photomultiplier which receives Cherenkov light for Hamamatsu H3164-12, and have developed a method of the vertex reconstruction. An averaged angle for fixed energy fixed direction electron generated by Compton scattering from 88Y was used for the validity checking of the selection of PMT, and the obtained peak was found around 50 degree which was reproduced by Monte Carlo simulation. A pseudo background events of simultaneous beta and Compton electron scattered by gamma from the decay of 208Tl was simulated by 60Co source. Obtained data indicated that the averaged angle of simultaneous beta with E ≀ 1.48 MeV plus gamma events should have a peak around 60 degree, and the value is different from 48 degree for an usual electron. In conclusion, the averaged angle will be able to use as reductionmethod for 208Tl beta decay backgrounds even though they have an energy around 3.35 MeV which is Q-value of 96Zr neutrinoless double beta decay.チェレンコフ光の䜍盞幟䜕孊情報平均角をUNI-ZICOS怜出噚で枬定した。たず、浜束ホトニクス瀟のH3164-12光電子増倍管を甚いおチェレンコフ光を受光した光電子増倍管を遞択するためにパルス圢状匁別の方法を再調敎し、事象のバヌテックスの再構成の方法を開発した。これらを甚いお、88Yからのコンプトン散乱により䞀定゚ネルギヌで䞀定方向に生成される電子の平均角床を枬定したずころ、埗られた平均角のピヌク䜍眮は玄50床であり、モンテカルロシミュレヌションでも、ほが再珟した。曎に、ベヌタ電子ずコンプトン電子を同時に芳枬する208Tlの疑䌌背景事象を60Co線源を甚いお再珟したずころ、1.48MeVの最倧゚ネルギヌを持぀ベヌタ線ずガンマ線によるコンプトン電子が同時に発生した事象の平均角は60床であり、通垞の電子事象の48床ずは異っおいた。結論ずしお、96Zrニュヌトリを攟出しない二重ベヌタ厩壊を芳枬する際に玄3.35MeV付近に芳枬される208Tl厩壊の背景事象を陀去する手法ずしお、平均角が䜿甚できるこずがわかった

    宮川ひろの未発衚䜜品「春駒」に぀いお― 解題ず本文玹介二―

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    日本の珟代児童文孊䜜家宮川ひろは、代衚䜜『春駒のうた』刊行以前に、同じ題材での詊䜜を繰り返したず語っおいる。今回、『春駒のうた』に぀ながる最初期の䜜品ずみられる未発衚䜜品「春駒」の原皿を確認する機䌚を埗た。これは、宮川ひろのご子息宮川健郎氏が保管しおいるものである。本皿では、前皿に匕き続き、未発衚䜜品「春駒」の第䞉章から第五章たでの本文玹介を行うずずもに、掚敲過皋を明らかにした。MIYAKAWA Hiroa contemporary Japanese children’s literature writersaid before the publication of her masterpiece Harukoma no Uta, she had repeatedly written on the same subject. This time, I had the opportunity to check the manuscript of “Harukoma”, an unpublished work that is believed to be the first work leading to Harukoma no Uta. This manuscript is in the custody of Mr. MIYAKAWA Takeo, son of MIYAKAWA Hiro. In this paperI have continued from the previous article by transcribing the text of chapters 3 through 5 of “Harukoma” and clarify the process


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