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    チベットにおける『カーヴィア・アーダルシャ』の受容 : 第2章第8・9詩節に関するカムトゥル4世の解釈

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    The Kāvyādarśa (Tib. Snyan ngag me long), a treatise on Sanskrit poetic theory authored by Daṇḍin during the seventh to eighth century, was transmitted to Tibet in the thirteenth century. It had a significant impact on Tibetan literature, giving rise to a distinctive commentarial tradition that differs from the Indian tradition. This paper delves into the commentary by Khams sprul bstan ’dzin chos kyi nyi ma (1730–1779), providing a Japanese translation of the commentary on verses 8 to 9 of chapter 2, and aims to evaluate the significance of his commentary in the context of Tibetan literature. Khams sprul was a scholar monk of the Bka’ brgyud pa and was active in Khams district of Tibet in the eighteenth century. During that time, he studied the Bka’ brgyud pa’s doctrine, Sanskrit grammar, poetic theory, and more under the guidance of Si tu paṇ chen chos kyi ’byung gnas (1699-1774), known as a great grammarian and scholar of poetry. Having received instruction from Si tu paṇ chen, Khams sprul deeply realized that there were many problems in the Tibetan translation of the Kāvyādarśa. At the age of twenty-five, he wrote the first draft of his commentary on the Kāvyādarśa, entitled Dbyangs can ngag gi rol mtsho. Over the next sixteen years, Khams sprul revised it while adding comments criticizing preceding Tibetan interpretations based on his own reading of the Sanskrit commentaries. Finally, at the age of forty-one, he completed his outstanding commentary, characterized by its insightful analysis and innovative perspectives on the Kāvyādarśa. In regard to Kāvyādarśa 2.8–9, which addresses “the description of nature” (svabhāvokti, rang bzhin brjod pa), Khams sprul endeavors to convey the exact meaning of the Sanskrit original text as accurately as possible. According to Khams sprul, the description of nature is equivalent to that of a species. This entails, when describing a certain entity x, elucidating the diverse attributes it possesses. Through this portrayal, elements other than x are excluded, thus highlighting x as the possessor of those attributes. In explicating the description of nature or species, the concept of “exclusion of others” (anyāpoha, gzhan sel), originating in Buddhist epistemology, is effectively employed. Concerning the third case markers found in the Sanskrit text of Kāvyādarśa 2.9, Khams sprul interprets them as indicating a qualifier (viśeṣaṇa, khyad par), based on the preceding Tibetan Commentary by Rin spungs pa and the grammatical rule cited therein from the Kātantra. It is noteworthy that his understanding aligns with Ratnaśrījñāna’s interpretation. Given that the Tibetan translation of the same verse lacks an expression of the third case, most Tibetan commentators who do not consider the Sanskrit original text are unlikely to engage in such a grammatical discussion. In the temporal and geographical context of eighteenth-century Eastern Tibet, where the tradition of translating Sanskrit texts into Tibetan had been discontinued, Khams sprul’s attempt to revive the ideas of the Sanskrit original text deserves high praise.広島大学比較論理学プロジェクト研究センター研究成果報告書(2023年度


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    三峡ダム建設をめぐる二つのドキュメンタリー映画にみる「他者」の声 : 『 秉愛』とUp the Yangtze

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    This paper focuses on “others,” the people depicted in two documentary films about the construction of the Three Gorges Dam, 『秉愛』(Bing Ai, 2007) by Chinese filmmaker Feng Yan, and Up the Yangtze (2007) by Chinese Canadian filmmaker Yung Chang. Chapters 1 and 2 examine the uniqueness of each work, and Chapter 3 investigates their similarities and differences. Both directors have roots in China and both released their films in 2007, the year after the dam was completed. However, the directors differ in terms of their nationality, gender, age, and social background. Further, by visualizing the different types of watershed residents they focus on, we elucidate the attitudes shown in the respective films. We first review the background of the film in order to understand Feng’s 『秉愛』 representation and then rethink three points: the lack of music used in the film, the lack of adequate image and sound processing, and the visualization of not only 秉愛, who continues to resist the government’s recommendation and is later ordered to relocate, but also the residents who are forced to face the same situation. In addition, it is pointed out that Feng contrasts Chinese government officials with the residents, highlighting the economic, educational, and cognitive disparities that arise between them. On the other hand, this paper analyzes the representation of the sightseeing boats on the Yangtze River in Up the Yangtze, after reviewing the background of the film. In fact, since this film serves more as a narrative than a documentary, viewers could associate it with the Bible. However, in Up the Yangtze, it is not God who puts the world in danger of being submerged, but human who have constructed the largest dam in the world and sought a more comfortable, secure, and modern life. In addition, the film shows foreign tourists visiting an apartment complex for farmers relocated from a flooded area. Through this depiction, Yung demonstrates the reality of farmers who are forced to cultivate crops with which they are inexperienced, in a new land. To further discuss the two films, we examine the following three aspects and explains the similarities and differences: the filmmaker’s point of view, the relationship to the Chinese economy and capitalism, and the positions presented by the Feng and Yung. It can be seen that『秉愛』is a long-term, in-depth story of a poor woman living in the Three Gorges region before the completion of the dam, documenting the situation of migration from a local perspective by a filmmaker who is also Chinese but from the middle class (and above) and educated in China or Japan. Up the Yangtze, in contrast, depicts the Chinese transition to a consumerist, capitalist economy before and after the completion of the dam and its impact on the residents of the Three Gorges region from an outside perspective, that is, from the perspective of Canadians who have enjoyed the affluence of a capitalist society. The two films show implications of the complex Chinese social context behind the dam’s construction in detail. Further study of films depicting similar themes is needed in order to shed light on the massive phenomenon of the Three Gorges Dam from more diverse perspectives.本稿は JSPS 科学研究費(科研費番号:20K00433)および敬和学園大学人文社会科学研究所の助成を受けた研究成果の一部である


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    広島大学応用倫理学プロジェクト研究センター研究成果報告書統一テーマ:[妥協から和解へ]《Vom Kompromiß zur Versöhnung

    過剰適応概念の検討と再考 : 過剰適応の子どもは親からどのように見られているのか

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    The purpose of our study was to reveal how parents (father or mother: total N=953) perceive over-adapted junior high school students (N=384) and undergraduates (N=569) in order to validate a scale for over-adaptation (OAS-RS: Kazama & Hiraishi, 2018). From the results of the cluster analysis based on OAS-RS scale scores, 4 clusters for junior high school students and 5 clusters for undergraduates were extracted. These clusters commonly included an over-adapted group (high levels of self-inhibition and other-oriented attitudes) and a self-inhibition group (only a high level of self-inhibition: internal maladjustment tendency). The main results of ANOVA indicated that the self-rated scores of self-inhibition and other-oriented attitudes were significantly higher than parent-rated scores, suggesting that the parents underestimated the over-adaptation tendency of their over-adapted and self-inhibited children. Our study thus contributed to validating a scale for over-adaptation (OAS-RS)

    Problems with Audio Recordings for Elementary School English Textbooks in Japan

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    This study discusses issues with audio recordings attached to English textbooks for Japanese elementary school students. Out of seven sets of textbooks, approved by the MEXT (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), the one published by the Tokyo Shoseki Publishing Company, New Horizon Elementary English Course 5 and 6, was selected because these textbooks are the most extensively used in Japan and their impact on English teaching in Japan is considered high. Four CDs accompany the textbook for 5th graders, and three accompany the textbook for 6th graders. In the study, an L1 English speaker identified unnatural-sounding utterances, which were then acoustically analysed to understand why they sound unnatural. Three problems with the recordings were found. Firstly, the speech rate is excessively slow, leading to unnatural pauses. Secondly, errors in tonicity are identified. Thirdly, the reading style is overly animated and dramatised, which is inappropriate for 5th and 6th graders. The present study emphasises the critical role of audio materials for English learners, especially beginners. Recommendations include careful preparation by textbook writers and narrators, attentive monitoring during recording, and increased involvement of MEXT textbook inspectors to ensure recording quality. In conclusion, the authors suggest that the process of materials production and review be tightened and that comparative analyses with other countries be taken to improve the appropriateness of model recordings.本研究では日本の小学校英語教科書に付属されている音声教材に関する諸問題を考える。7種類の文部科学省検定済教科書のうち,日本で最も多く使用され,日本の英語教育への影響が大きいと考えられる点から,東京書籍が出版する『New Horizon Elementary English Course 5・6 』を使用した。付属のCD は,5年生用の教科書には4枚,6年生用には3枚用意されている。本研究では,まず,英語母語話者に不自然に聞こえる発話を特定してもらい,次に,その発話がなぜ不自然に聞こえるのかを音響的に分析した。 結果として3つの問題点が見つかった。第1に,発話速度が非常に遅く,不自然なポーズが生じている点である。第2に,音調核の位置に誤りがある点である。第3に,過度にドラマチックな読み方は,小学5・6年生には不適当である点である。 英語学習者,特に初級者に対し,音声教材は重要な役割を果たしている。現状の改善には,教科書執筆者とナレーターが入念に準備を行うこと,録音時には注意深くモニタリングすること,録音の品質管理のために文部科学省教科書調査官の関与を強化することが考えられる。制度全体の見直しが必要であり,モデルの妥当性の向上を目的とした諸外国との比較分析も重要である

    Learning Terms and Word Parts on a Medical English Course

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    In this article, we summarize our work on creating a medical English word list for students at Hiroshima University and its delivery, first via a set of courses and materials, and then through the development of software that includes the list. Through the software, students have the means to consolidate their acquisition of the word list as well as new words that they encounter in their future medical research. The medical English word list has been developed via vocabulary-rich medical English materials designed by our team through research at the university’s medical school and corpus analysis of key reference books. The materials themselves have been taught through a mixture of a learning management system and in-person classes. We summarize this process and then focus on the development of the medical English word list and a further list of word parts, designed to sensitize students to the meanings contained within complex medical terms. In the final part of the article, we describe how the new software incorporates the medical English word list, how it can be used to analyze the words in a text, and how the texts themselves can be saved for further study and as aids to the acquisition of medical terms during and beyond the students’ medical English courses.本稿では,広島大学の学生を対象とした医学英単語リストの作成とその提供に関して,コースと教材の作成と,単語リストを含むソフトウェアを開発した過程について報告する。このソフトを通じて,学生は単語リストの習得を定着させるとともに,将来の医学研究で出会うであろう新しい単語も習得することができる。 医学英単語リストは,私たちのチームの医学部での教育研究成果と主要な参考書のコーパス分析を通してデザインした。教材そのものは,学習管理システム (Moodle) と対面授業の両方で使用している。 その過程を簡単に説明したのち,医学英単語リストおよび語源学習法のためのword parts リストに焦点を当てる。これらのリストは学生が複雑な語構成からなる医学用語をパーツに分解し,意味推測を容易にするために設計したものである。 最後に,新しいソフトウェアがどのように医学英単語リストを組み込んでいるか,テキスト中の単語を分析するためにどのように使用できるか,さらに学習するためにテキストそのものをどのように保存できるか,また学生が医学英語コース受講中や受講終了後の医学用語習得の補助としてどのように活用できるかについて述べる

    授業のユニバーサルデザイン化に関する教職志望大学生の知識 : 通常の学級の担当教員を志す学部生を対象として

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    通常の学級の担当教員を志望する大学生を対象として、授業のユニバーサルデザイン(授業UD)化の工夫に関するアンケート調査を行った。回答者の半数以上が「知っている」と回答した工夫の多くは、「授業での『学び』の階層モデル」と照らすと、第一階層の「参加(活動する)」及び第二階層の「理解(わかる)」にアクセスするものであった。第三階層の「習得する(身につける)」や第四階層の「活用(使う)」にアクセスする工夫については、「知らない」という回答の方が多かった。また、回答者の多くが授業UD 化に関する学習の機会を大学の講義の中で得ていたことから、今後も教職課程のカリキュラムの中でその内容を積極的に取り扱っていくことの有用性が示された。それ以外にも少数ではあるが、ボランティアやアルバイト、教育実習等、小・中学校や高校での授業をとおして体験的な学習の機会を得ている者もいた。授業UD化の学習に関しては、講義をとおして得た理論的知識と教育現場で得た実践的知識を往還させる機会を確保していくことが肝要になると考えられた。A questionnaire survey on instructional techniques of universal design for class lessons was conducted among university students who wish to become regular classroom teachers. More than half of the respondents answered that they knew that the techniques corresponded to “participation (activity)” as the lowest level and to “understanding (comprehension)” as the second level in the context of the “hierarchical model of learning in the classroom”. Many of the respondents answered that they did not know about instructional techniques which corresponded to “learning (mastering)” as the third level and to “utilization (using)” as the fourth level in the hierarchical model. The fact that many of the respondents had opportunities to learn about instructional techniques for universal design of class lessons in university lectures indicated the usefulness of including the lectures in the teaching curriculum. In addition, a small number of respondents had experiential learning opportunities through classes at schools, volunteer work, part-time jobs, and teaching practice. In terms of learning about universal design for class lessons, it is important to ensure that students have opportunities to exchange theoretical knowledge gained through lectures with practical knowledge gained in the field of education.本稿は、日本特殊教育学会第61回大会において発表した内容に加筆・修正を加えたものである


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