Oskar Bordeaux
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    140293 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a viscous incompressible flow in presence of a rigid body and of an inviscid incompressible flow in presence of a source and a sink

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    Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les propriétés des écoulements de fluides qui interagissent avec un corps rigide ou avec une source et un puits. Dans le cas d'un fluide visqueux incompressible qui satisfait les équations de Navier Stokes dans un domaine borné 2D, les solutions faibles de Leray-Hopf sont bien comprises. L'existence et l'unicité sont prouvées. De plus, les solutions sont continues en temps `a valeurs dans L 2 (Omega) et satisfont l’égalité d'énergie classique. Plus récemment, le problème d'un corps rigide en mouvement dans un fluide visqueux incompressible modélisé par les équations de Navier-Stokes couplées aux lois de Newton qui décrivent le mouvement du solide a également été abordé dans le cas où des conditions aux limites sans glissement ont été prescrites. Des résultats analogues concernant les solutions de Leray-Hopf ont également été démontrés dans ce contexte. Dans ce manuscrit, nous étudions le cas de conditions aux limites de Navier-Slip. Dans ce cadre, le résultat d'existence pour le système couplé a été prouvée par G'erard-Varet et Hillairet en 2014. Ici, nous montrons que les solutions sont continues en temps, qu'elles satisfont l’égalité d'énergie et qu’elles sont uniques. De plus, nous montrons un résultat d'existence des solutions faibles dans le cas d'un fluide incompressible visqueux auquel s'ajoute un corps rigide dans le cas où la vitesse du fluide a une partie orthonormale d'énergie infinie.Pour un fluide incompressible non visqueux modélisé par les équations d'Euler dans un domaine borné 2D, le cas où le fluide est autorisé à entrer et à sortir de la frontière a été traité par Judovic qui a introduit certaines conditions limites consistant à prescrire la composante normale de la vitesse et de la vorticité entrante. Dans ce manuscrit, nous considérons un domaine borné qui possède deux trous. L'un d'eux est une source, ce qui signifie que le fluide est autorisé à entrer dans le domaine et l'autre est un puits où le fluide peut sortir. En particulier, nous établissons les équations limites vérifiées par le fluide lorsque la source et le puits se contractent en deux points différents. Le système limite est caractérisé par un point source/puits et un point vortex en chacun des deux points où les trous se sont contractés.In this thesis, we investigate properties of incompressible flows that interact with a rigid body or a source and a sink. In the case of an incompressible viscous fluid that satisfies the Navier Stokes equations in a 2D bounded domain well-posedness of Leray-Hopf weak solutions is well-understood. Existence and uniqueness are proved. Moreover solutions are continuous in time with values in L 2 (Omega) and they satisfy the energy equality. Recently the problem of a rigid body moving in a viscous incompressible fluid modeled by the Navier-Stokes equations coupled with the Newton laws that prescribe the motion of the solid, was also tackled in the case where the no-slip boundary conditions were imposed. And the correspondent well-posedness result for Leray-Hopf type weak solutions was proved. In this manuscript we consider the case of the Navier-slip boundary conditions. In this setting, the existence result for the coupled system was proved by G'erard-Varet and Hillairet in 2014. Here, we prove that solutions are continuous in time, that they satisfy the energy equality and that they are unique. Moreover we show an existence result for weak solutions of a viscous incompressible fluid plus rigid body system in the case where the fluid velocity has an orthoradial part of infinite energy.For an inviscid incompressible fluid modelled by the Euler equations in a 2D bounded domain, the case where the fluid is allowed to enter and to exit from the boundary was tackled by Judovic who introduced some conditions which consist in prescribing the normal component of the velocity and the entering vorticity. In this manuscript we consider a bounded domain with two holes, one of them is a source which means that the fluid is allowed to enter in the domain and the other is a sink from where the fluid can exit. In particular we find the limiting equations satisfied by the fluid when the source and the sink shrink to two different points. The limiting system is characterized by a point source/sink and a point vortex in each of the two points where the holes shrunk

    Cov'Culture : questionnements et réflexions sur un dispositif de recherche participative »

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    Le point de départ de cette recherche qualitative fut de comprendre, à partir d’une approchepluridisciplinaire (Géographie sociale, Sciences de l’information et de la communication), l’impact de la crise sanitaire liée au Covid 19 sur les pratiques des acteurs du secteur culturel (opérateurs, médiateurs, artistes), et plus spécifiquement dans le domaine du spectacle vivant. Financée par la région Nouvelle- Aquitaine, le projet Cov’Culture (2021-2024) s’inscrit dès sa conception dans le champ de la recherche participative. La démarche consiste à mobiliser dans l’étude des phénomènes et des situations, des savoirs divers, associant praticiens et chercheurs dans l’objectif d’élaborer une connaissance au service de la pratique. Cinq structures culturelles sont engagées dans la co-construction d’une forme de connaissance des enjeux et des problématiques du secteur culture mis en lumière par la crise

    Design of generic modular solutions for PDE solvers for modern architectures

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    La simulation numérique fait partie intégrante du processus d'analyse. Que l'on veuille concevoir le profil d'un véhicule, ou chercher à prévoir le résultat d'un forage pétrolier, la simulation numérique est devenue un outil complémentaire à la théorie et aux expérimentations. Cet outildoit produire des résultats précis en un minimum de temps. Pour cela, nous avons à disposition des méthodes numériques précises, et des machines de calcul aux performances importantes. Cet outil doit être générique sur les maillages, l'ordre de la solution, les méthodes numériques, et doitmaintenir ses performances sur les machines de calculs modernes avec une hiérarchie complexes d'unité de calculs. Nous présentons dans cette thèse le background mathématiques de deux classes de schémas numériques, les méthodes aux éléments finis continus et discontinus. Puis nous présentons les enjeux de la conception d'une plateforme en prenant en compte l'ensemble de ces contraintes. Ensuite nous nous intéressons au sous-problème de l'assemblage au dessus d'un support d'exécution. L'opération d'assemblage se retrouve en algèbre linéaire dans les méthodes multi-frontales ou dans les applications de simulations assemblant un système linéaire. Puis, nous concluons en dressant un bilan sur la plateforme AeroSol et donnons des pistes d'évolution possibles.Numerical simulation is nowadays an essential part of engineering analysis, be it to design anew plane, or to detect underground oil reservoirs. Numerical simulations have indeed become an important complement to theoretical and experimental investigation, allowing one to reduce the cost of engineering design processes. In order to achieve a high level of precision, one need to increase the resolution of his computational domain. So to keep getting results in reasonable time, one shall nd a way to speed-up computations. To do this, we use high performance computing, HPC, to exploit the complex architecture of modern supercomputers. Under these two constraints, and some other like the genericity of finite elements, or the mesh dimension, we developed a new platform AeroSol. In this thesis, we present the mathematical background, and the two types of schemes that are implemented in the platform, the continuous finite elements method, and the discontinuous one. Then, we present the design choices made in the platform,then, we study a sub-problem, the assembly operation, which can be found in linear algebra multi-frontal methods

    Adaptive residual based schemes for solving the penalized Navier Stokes equations with moving bodies : application to ice shedding trajectories

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    La prédiction de mouvement de solide évoluant dans un fluide présente un réel intérêt pour des applications industrielles telle que l’accrétion de glace sur des surfaces aérodynamiques. Dans ce contexte, en considérant des systèmes de dégivrage, la prévision des trajectoire de glace est nécessaire pour éviter des risques de collision/ingestion de glace sur/dans des zones sensibles de l’avion. Ce type d’application soulève de nombreux challenges d’un point de vue numérique, en particulier concernant la génération/l’adaptation de maillage au cours du mouvement du solide dans le domaine. Pour gérer ces difficultés, dans cette étude, les solides sont définis de manière implicite via une fonction level set. Une méthode de type frontière immergée, appelée Pénalization, est utilisée pour imposer les conditions de bords. Pour améliorer la précision de l’interface, les équations sont résolues sur des maillages non structurés adaptatifs. Cela permet d’obtenir un raffinement proche des bords du solide et ainsi d’améliorer sa définition, permettant un meilleure impositions des conditions de bord. Pour économiser du temps de calcul, et éviter de coûteuses étapes de remaillage/interpolation, la stratégie adoptée pour les simulations instationnaires est d’utiliser une adaptation de maillage à connectivité constante, aussi appelée r-adaptation.The prediction of solid motion evolving in a fluid presents a real interest for engineering application such as ice accretion on aerodynamics bodies.In this context, considering de-icing systems, the ice shedding trajectory is needed to prevent the risk of collision/ingestion of the ice in/with some sensitive part of the aircraft. This application raises many challenges from a numerical point of view, especially concerning mesh generation/adaptation as the solid moves in the computational domain. To handle this issue, in this work the solids are known implicitly on the mesh via a level set function. An immersed boundary method, called penalization, is employed to impose the wall boundary conditions. To improve the resolution of these boundaries, the equations are solved on adaptive unstructured grids. This allows to have are finement close to the solid boundary and thus increases the solid definition,leading to a more accurate imposition of the wall conditions. To save computational time, and avoid costly remeshing/interpolation steps, the strategy chosen for unsteady simulations is to use a constant connectivity mesh adaptation,also known as r-adaptatio

    Critical edition with Translation and Commentary of Cassius Dio's Roman History, book 43

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    Cassius Dion, historien romain d’expression grecque, a écrit sous les Sévères une vaste Histoire romaine racontant, sur le modèle annalistique, l’histoire de Rome depuis sa fondation et jusqu’à l’année 229 ap. J.-C., date à laquelle Dion fut consul éponyme et collègue de l’empereur Alexandre Sévère. Cette œuvre, en partie conservée dans la tradition directe (livres 36-60) et en partie connue par le biais de fragments ou grâce à des abrégés d’époque byzantine (livres 1-35 et 61-80), est une source extrêmement précieuse sur l’époque tardo-républicaine et sur la formation du Principat. Le livre 43 évoque les années 46-44 av. J.-C., de la guerre d’Afrique à la veille de la mort de César. Il développe une analyse fine et complexe de l’accroissement du pouvoir césarien au rythme de ses expéditions militaires (en Afrique en 46 et en Espagne en 45 av. J.-C.) et des honneurs qui lui furent décernés à la suite de ses victoires. Cette période où César, débarrassé de son rival Pompée, dispose d’un pouvoir sans précédent à Rome a souvent été qualifiée de « monarchie césarienne » chez les historiens modernes. Cette thèse propose un nouvel établissement du texte du livre 43. Il a été effectué à partir de la collation de manuscrits issus de la tradition directe et après un nouvel examen de la tradition indirecte (notamment les Extraits constantiniens et l’Épitomé de Xiphilin). Adaptée aux normes éditoriales actuelles, elle dispose également d’une notice historique et philologique, d’une traduction et de notes. Sur ces fondements philologiques et sur une lecture comparée des sources parallèles, il a été possible de saisir l’originalité et la qualité historique du récit de Dion : unique source pour de nombreux faits (les honneurs décernés à César en particulier), il s’est appuyé manifestement sur des sources disparues et sur de la documentation officielle et a utilisé ses lectures en fonction de son projet historiographique. En effet, Dion donne à voir la domination césarienne comme un pouvoir à la charnière entre République et Principat : le pouvoir césarien, fondé sur sa puissance de fait, n’est pas, pour Dion, une monarchie, mais plutôt une monarchie inachevée, car le processus de traduction progressive de sa puissance en pouvoirs institutionnels est stoppé avec sa mort, dont l’ombre plane sur le récit.Cassius Dio, a Greek-speaking Roman historian, wrote under the Severan dynasty the Roman History, a long annalistic narrative about Rome from its foundation until the year 229 A.C., during which Dio was eponymous consul and colleague of the emperor Severus Alexander. This work, which is partially preserved in the direct tradition (book 36-60) and partially known through fragments or epitomes of the Byzantine period (books 1-35 and 61-80), is a very precious source about the late Roman Republic and the formation of the Principate. The book 43 is about the years 46-44 B.C., beginning with the campaign in Africa and finishing just before Caesar’s death. The narrative shows a precise and complex analysis of the growing power of Caesar, which increases with his military expeditions (in Africa in 46, in Spain in 45 B.C.) and the honours given following his victories. This period, in which Caesar, freed from his rival Pompeius, has an unprecedented power in Rome, was often characterized by the modern historians through the expression of the “Caesar’s monarchy”. Our work presents the text of the book 43, renewed by collating manuscripts from the direct tradition and by a re-examination of the indirect tradition (especially the Excerpta Constantiniana and the Epitome of Xiphilinus). This edition, adapted of the current standards, develops also a historical and philological introduction, a translation, and notes. Thanks to these philological grounds and by comparing the parallel sources, it was possible to embrace the originality and the historical quality of Dio’s narrative: unique source about many events (the honours to Caesar in particular), he obviously relied on lost sources and official documents and used what he read according to his historiographical project. Indeed, Dio presents Caesar’s domination as a power between Republic and Principate: Caesar’s power, based on his strength de facto, was not, according to Dio, a monarchy, but rather an unfinished monarchy, because the process by which the strength of Caesar was progressively transformed into institutional powers was stopped with his death, whose shadow hangs over the narrative

    Strength-based topology optimisation of anisotropic continua in a CAD-compatible framework

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    In this paper, a new method to address strength-based topology optimisation (TO) problems is proposed. Specifically, failure criteria for anisotropic materials are integrated into a TO algorithm making use of Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline (NURBS) hyper-surfaces to represent the pseudo-density field describing the topology of the continuum, thus providing solutions that can be easily exported to any computer-aided design software. The notion of failure load factor is introduced to obtain optimised topologies that do not depend on the magnitude of the applied loads. A unified formulation of the main phenomenological criteria for anisotropic materials, i.e., Tsai–Wu, Hoffman and Tsai–Hill criteria, is used and typical issues related to stress-based TO problems, such as local behaviour and singularity of stresses, are handled thanks to: the properties of NURBS blending functions, a special adaptive X-norm aggregation function that avoids overflow/underflow issues, and a modified pq relaxation approach. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on 2D and 3D problems. A sensitivity analysis of the optimised topologies to the integer parameters involved in the definition of the NURBS entity is performed. Moreover, the influence of the penalisation scheme used for the elasticity and the stress tensors, the failure criterion, and the orientation of the material on the optimal solution is also investigated.Une stratégie d'optimisation multi-échelle à deux niveaux basée sur une approche de modélisation global/local et intégrant les singularités du procédé pour la conception des composites à rigidité variabl


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    Objectives : While reinjury anxiety has been identified as responsible for higher probability of injury among athletes returning to sport, the literature also highlights two other “analogous” concepts: fear of reinjury and kinesiophobia. However, differences with reinjury anxiety remain unclear. Thus, the aim of this study is (1) to conduct a systematic literature review to identify the determinants of reinjury anxiety, fear of reinjury and kinesiophobia, and (2) to clarify the similarities and differences according to their definition. Methods: The systematic review was conducted using the: “Medline”, “PsycINFO”, “PsycARTICLES”, “Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection”, “SPORTDiscus” and “SocIndex” databases. The keywords applied identified 3408 articles, 29 of which met the inclusion criteria and were consequently analyzed. Results: Reinjury anxiety is primarily associated with psychological factors and with the specific nature of the injury. Fear of reinjury and kinesiophobia are mainly associated with sociodemographic and medical factors. While the definitions of reinjury anxiety and kinesiophobia are consensual, several different definitions are reported for fear of reinjury. Conclusion: Differences between reinjury anxiety, fear of reinjury and kinesiophobia are discussed in order to clarify their definition: reinjury anxiety is considered as the cognitive and emotional reaction caused by anticipation of the negative consequences of the injury as perceived by the athlete; fear of reinjury is viewed as the emotional reaction caused by the athlete being exposed to an effective threat of physical injury, while kinesiophobia is the fear of performing painful movements or movements that might lead to a physical injury

    Sustainable work in sustainable agriculture. How are working conditions changing on farms engaged in an agro-ecological transition? Case studies in winegrowing and comparison between three regions

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    Les agriculteurs et agricultrices sont confronté·es à des injonctions croissantes visant à écologiser leurs pratiques. En France, cette tendance est institutionnalisée par la Loi d’avenir pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et la forêt de 2014 qui fixe comme orientation des politiques agricoles la transition dite « agroécologique ». Néanmoins, au-delà des dimensions strictement agronomiques, la transition agroécologique pose également la question, encore peu traitée à ce jour, de la dimension humaine et sociale de ce processus. Le changement de pratiques agricoles s’accompagne en effet d’une transformation du rapport au métier agricole et au travail, qui peut engendrer des effets sur la santé, que ce soit à travers une modification de la charge horaire, hebdomadaire, mensuelle ou annuelle de travail, ou bien par une modification des pénibilités proprement dites. Le programme de recherche TraSAD s’est proposé d’explorer ce que la transition agroécologique – observée à l’échelle des exploitations – fait aux exploitant·es et aux salarié·es en matière d’évolution des conditions de travail et d’impact sur leur santé physique et mentale. Il s’est intéressé plus particulièrement au cas du secteur vitivinicole à partir d’une comparaison entre trois régions (Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie et Grand Est) et d’une mobilisation de différentes méthodes (qualitatives et quantitatives) et différents domaines de la sociologie (sociologie des mondes agricoles, sociologie du travail, sociologie des parcours professionnels, etc.). Plus largement, il a permis d’explorer comment et dans quelle mesure la transformation des conditions du travail agricole contribue à freiner ou favoriser le développement et la pérennisation des pratiques agro-écologiques.Farmers are faced with increasing pressure to make their practices more ecological. In France, this trend has been institutionalised by the 2014 Law on the Future of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, which sets the so-called "agro-ecological" transition as a guideline for agricultural policies. However, beyond its strictly agronomic dimensions, the agro-ecological transition also raises the question of the human and social dimensions of this process, which has received little attention to date. The change in agricultural practices is accompanied by a transformation in the relationship between farming and work, which can have an impact on health, whether through a change in the hourly, weekly, monthly or annual workload, or through a change in the actual hardships involved. The TraSAD research programme set out to explore what the agro-ecological transition - observed at farm level - is doing to farmers and employees in terms of changes in working conditions and the impact on their physical and mental health. It looked in particular at the winegrowing sector, comparing three regions (Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie and Grand Est) and drawing on different methods (qualitative and quantitative) and different areas of sociology (sociology of the agricultural world, sociology of work, sociology of career paths, etc.). More broadly, it has explored how and to what extent the transformation of agricultural working conditions is helping to hinder or encourage the development and sustainability of agro-ecological practices

    Modeling the effect of biostimulants on horticultural crop performance, Poinsettia: an approach combining non-target plant analysis methods and data science

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    Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.) is an important ornamental horticultural crop, which is potted in summer to reach a commercial stage in December in Europe. The Poinsettia culture in greenhouse starts in July and may be exposed to high temperatures. Then, this crop needs to deal with heatwave periods during the rooting phase. The purposes of this study is to assess whether the application of biostimulants promotes Poinsettia growth during the summer season, and whether such effects can be predicted early in the cultivation process.Initially, over a four-years cultivation period (2019 to 2022) involving 10 different types of biostimulants, we gathered phenotypic data and Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) measurements during two growth phases (5 and 28 days after potting). Additionally, climate data were recorded: Relative Humidity, total radiation and temperature. Crop performance was modelled using Machine Learning tools (GLMNET, RF and SVM) with the NIRS data, comprising over 1000 variables for a sample size of 200 plants.The study revealed a pronounced year-to-year effect, which hides the effect of biostimulants. Principal component analysis highlights the role of summer Relative Humidity on better root development of young plants. Biostimulants based on amino acids exhibited a slight advantage over other types, such as seaweed extracts and microorganisms. Generalized Linear Model with penalization was used to predict plant performance, expressed into commercial rating. The dataset was divided, with 70% used for algorithm training and 30% for testing the resulting model. This predictive approach showed that plant performance could be predicted from rooting variables at the start of the culture.Specific biostimulants consistently promoted plant growth at the end of summer across the four years (2019 to 2022) while others exhibited varying effects each year. The potential impact of those biostimulants on early-stage cultivation could be later assessed using NIRS data and machine learning tools

    BMC Infect Dis

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    Background The burden of herpes zoster (shingles) virus and associated complications, such as post-herpetic neuralgia, is higher in older adults and has a significant impact on quality of life. The incidence of herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia is increased in people living with HIV (PLWH) compared to an age-matched general population, including PLWH on long-term antiretroviral therapy (ART) with no detectable viremia and normal CD4 counts. PLWH - even on effective ART may- exhibit sustained immune dysfunction, as well as defects in cells involved in the response to vaccines. In the context of herpes zoster, it is therefore important to assess the immune response to varicella zoster virus vaccination in older PLWH and to determine whether it significantly differs to that of HIV-uninfected healthy adults or younger PLWH. We aim at bridging these knowledge gaps by conducting a multicentric, international, non-randomised clinical study (SHINGR'HIV) with prospective data collection after vaccination with an adjuvant recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) in two distinct populations: in PLWH on long-term ART (> 10 years) over 50 years of and age/gender matched controls. Methods We will recruit participants from two large established HIV cohorts in Switzerland and in France in addition to age-/gender-matched HIV-uninfected controls. Participants will receive two doses of RZV two months apart. In depth-evaluation of the humoral, cellular, and innate immune responses and safety profile of the RZV will be performed to address the combined effect of aging and potential immune deficiencies due to chronic HIV infection. The primary study outcome will compare the geometric mean titer (GMT) of gE-specific total IgG measured 1 month after the second dose of RZV between different age groups of PLWH and between PLWH and age-/gender-matched HIV-uninfected controls. Discussion The SHINGR'HIV trial will provide robust data on the immunogenicity and safety profile of RZV in older PLWH to support vaccination guidelines in this population. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05575830. Registered on 12 October 2022. Eu Clinical Trial Register (EUCT number 2023-504482-23-00)


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    Oskar Bordeaux is based in France
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