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    My home: a memorial album to my families, the Jewish community and the city of Sarajevo

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    “Ovaj digitalni spomen album posvećen je mojoj porodici, jevrejskoj zajednici grada Sarajeva, a pre svega to je ALBUM KOGA SAM NAPRAVIO ZA MOJU DJECU. Nastao je 2020. godine u vreme Corone. Ideja mi je pala na pamet sasvim slučajno u razgovoru sa mojim prijateljom Yashom Bararon iz Beča. Potreba da stvorim nešto, vizualno, umjetnički album koji će budućim generacijama moje porodice i dece omogućiti da znaju od koga potiču i od kojeg su porijekla. U njegovom kreiranju puno su mi pomogle i dale svoje radove moje kćeri Ornat Dana i Vered i naš sin Dado, koji je i na slici i sa savjetom. Sve je rađeno telefonom i digitalno dok nije stvoren konačni album u štampariji Kibbutz Beeri”."This digital memorial album is dedicated to my family, the Jewish community of Sarajevo city, and above all, it is the ALBUM I MADE FOR MY CHILDREN. It was created in 2020 at the time of the Corona. The idea came through a conversation with my friend Yasha Bararon from Vienna. I need to create something, visually, an art album that will allow future generations of my family and children to know where they come from. My daughters Ornat Dana and Vered and our son Dado, who is in the picture and who with advice, helped me a lot in creating it. Everything was done by phone and digitally until the final album was created in the printing house of Kibbutz Beeri"

    Antisemitism in Europe from the coming of the Nazis to power until the beginning of the "Final Solution"

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    Predavanje je fokusirano na antisemitizam 30-ih godina 20. veka, uticaj uspona nacizma i fašizma na širenje antisemitizma, antisemitsku propagandu i legislativu u Evropi uoči i početkom Drugog svetskog rata.The lecture is focused on anti-Semitism in the 1930s, the influence of the rise of Nazism and fascism on the spread of anti-Semitism, anti-Semitic propaganda and legislation in Europe before and at the beginning of World War II.Predavanje održano 30. januara 2024. godine.The lecture was held on January 30, 2024.Trajanje 1:30:50 minuta (duration 1:30:50 minutes).YouTube link: [

    Resistance to totalitarianism: can it make a difference? 80 years since Operation Valkyrie

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    „Jedino što je potrebno za trijumf zla je da dobri ljudi ne reagiraju. Najveća pogreška je ne činiti ništa.” Zaključak što ga je britanski parlamentarac i filozof konzervativizma Edmund Burke (1729-1797) izvukao iz iskustva s terorom tijekom Francuske Revolucije, ni danas nije izgubio važnost: miroljubivi duhovi, koji duboko preziru oružje, a vjeruju u svemoć diplomacije, zagovaraju nenasilje i omogućavaju zlu da trijumfira. Korektni, pametni, i plemeniti suvremenici ne žele žrtvovati svoju „aureolu“ korektnosti i zaziru od svake intervencije kad bi nalikovala na „nasilje“. U burnim razdobljima povijesti treba žrtvovati svoj imidž i riskirati gubitak glasa svetosti. To je spoznao i Edward Burns. Svjesna da se mi na pragu ove nove godine nalazimo pred zadatkom sučeljavati se sa nasiljem i zlim silama, zapitala sam se je li realno zlo - tiranin, represivni sustav – stvarno u stanju kvariti ljude nad kojima zlo vlada. Utječu li nepravde i represije na ljudski karakter i pretvaraju li bezazlena „malenog čovjeka“ u zlikovca? Što može biti toliko moćno da inače pravedan čovjek ne vidi pred sobom drugačije rješenje nego „zaurlati s vukovima“?„The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing.” The conclusion that the British parliamentarian and philosopher of conservatism Edmund Burke (1729-1797) drew from his experience with terror during the French Revolution has not lost its relevance even today: pacifists, who deeply despise weapons and believe in the omnipotence of diplomacy, advocate non-violence and enable evil to triumph. Righteous, smart, and noble contemporaries do not want to sacrifice their “halo” of righteousness and shy away from any intervention if it resembles “violence”. In stormy periods of history, one must sacrifice one’s image and risk losing one’s voice of sanctity. Edward Burns also realized this. Aware that on the threshold of this new year, we are faced with the task of confronting violence and evil forces, I asked myself whether real evil – a tyrant, a repressive system – is capable of corrupting people. Do injustices and repressions affect human character and do they turn the innocent “little man” into a villain? What can be so powerful that an otherwise righteous man sees no other solution than “howling with the wolves”

    Megillat Ruth

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    Povodom praznika Šavuot, NVO Haver Srbija u saradnji sa Ledor Vador pripremila je edukativni materijal o prazniku Šavouot i svitak Megilat Rut koji se čita za ovaj praznik.On the occasion of the Shavuot holiday, NGO Haver Serbia in cooperation with Ledor Vador prepared educational material about the Shavuot holiday and the Megillat Ruth scroll that is read for this holiday

    One melody and three lyrics. (Analysis of the sevdalinka "Kad ja pođoh na Bentbašu")

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    Bosanskohercegovačka kulturna baština, uz sva druga narodna blaga, prepoznatljiva je i specifična i po sevdalinkama. U najširem smislu, to su pjesme u kojima se kombiniraju različiti ljubavni motivi, a kao vrijeme nastanka ove ljubavne lirike pretpostavlja se 16. stoljeće, tj. doba kada je Bosna bila pod upravom Osmanskog Carstva. U to doba na prostorima današnje Španije i Portugala počinje inkvizicija pa su mnogi Jevreji i muslimani bili prinuđeni napustiti Pirinejski poluotok. Putujući preko Carigrada, Sefardi su za svoj stalni dom odabrali Bosnu, ali su sačuvali dio svog kulturnog identiteta pišući i pjevajući na ladino jeziku. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje kakva je veza između jedne sevdalinke i Jevreja. Iako do današnjeg dana nije utvrđeno ko je prvi zapisao čuvenu sevdalinku "Kad ja pođo’ na Bentbašu", postoji dosta razloga da joj se posveti više pažnje. Prvo, često možemo čuti kako je to nezvanična himna Sarajeva, drugo, postoje mišljenja koja je smještaju na prostor Livna i treće, vjeruje se da je to, ustvari, tipična pjesma nastala zahvaljujući sarajevskim Sefardima. Baveći se ovom tematikom, nismo uočili nijedno istraživanje koje bi sadržavalo različite analize okupljene na jednom mjestu kao što su npr. jezičke, religijske ili tradicijske. Uglavnom je riječ o etnomuzikološkim ispitivanjima koja su utvrdila melodijska podudaranja današnje verzije sevdalinke sa judeošpanskim oblicima "El Djo alto kon su grasjo" i "Mi kerido mi amado".The cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with all other national treasures, is also recognizable and specific due to sevdalinka songs. In the broadest sense, these are songs that combine various romantic motifs, and it is believed that this love lyric tradition originated in the 16th century, when Bosnia was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. During this period, the Inquisition began in the territories of present-day Spain and Portugal, forcing many Jews and Muslims to leave the Iberian Peninsula. Travelling through Constantinople, the Sephardim chose Bosnia as their permanent home but preserved part of their cultural identity by writing and singing in the Ladino language. However, the question arises about the connection between a Sevdalinka and the Jews. Although it has not been determined who first recorded the famous sevdalinka "Kad ja pođoh na Bentbašu", there are many reasons to pay more attention to it. First, it is often referred to as the unofficial anthem of Sarajevo; second, some opinions place its origin in the Livno area; and third, it is believed to be a typical song created thanks to the Sarajevo Sephardim. In dealing with this topic, we have not noticed any research that contains various analyses gathered in one place, such as linguistic, religious, or traditional. Mostly, it is ethnomusicological research that has identified melodic similarities between the modern version of the sevdalinka and the Judeo-Spanish forms "El Djo alto kon su grasjo" and "Mi kerido mi amado."Rad je štampan kao poseban prilog "Jevrejskog glasa" u junu 2024. godine (the paper was printed as a special supplement to "Jevrejski glas" in June 2024)

    Nahum Sokolov in Belgrade [March 9, 1928]

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    O poseti predsednika egzekutive Svetske cionističke organizacije gospodina Nahuma Sokolova Kraljevini S.H.S. u mesecu martu 1928. godine pisale su brojne lokalne i jevrejske novine. Tom prilikom on je posetio Beograd 9. marta, Sarajevo 14. marta, i Zagreb 18. marta 1928. godine. Jevrejske novine „Jevrejski glas“ donele su posebne priloge o poseti svakom od tih gradova. Prilikom njegove posete Beogradu pisale su: „U petak, 9. marta ove godine, u 3.45 časova doputovao je gospodin Nahum Sokolov simplonskim ekspresom. Na stanici se našao na okupu jedan veliki broj jevrejskih i nejevrejskih građana da dočeka velikog gosta. Srpsko jevrejsko pjevačko društvo iznelo je svoju zastavu, a sva su jevrejska udruženja delegirala svoje izaslanike. Kad se gospodin Sokolov, u pratnji svog ličnog sekretara, kćeri mu, gđice Sokolov, pojavio na vratima jednoga vagona, oduševljeni skup ga je pozdravio sa burnim usklicima: Hedad! Živio!“About the visit of the executive president of the World Zionist Organization, Mr. Nahum Sokolov, to the Kingdom of S.H.S. in March 1928, numerous local and Jewish newspapers wrote. On that occasion, he visited Belgrade on March 9, Sarajevo on March 14, and Zagreb on March 18, 1928. The Jewish newspaper "Jevrejski glas" (Jewish voice) had special features about the visit to each of those cities. They wrote during his visit to Belgrade: "On Friday, March 9 of this year, at 3:45 a.m., Mr. Nahum Sokolov arrived on the Simplon Express." Many Jewish and non-Jewish citizens gathered at the station to welcome the great guest. The Serbian Jewish Singing Society presented its flag, and all Jewish associations delegated their representatives. When Mr. Sokolov, accompanied by his secretary, and his daughter, Miss Sokolov, appeared at the carriage's door, the enthusiastic crowd greeted him with loud exclamations: Hedad! Cheers!"Ceo tekst kao zbirni može se pogledati i na sajtu „Digitalni arhiv INFOBIRO BETA - Media centar Sarajevo“, na linku (the entire summary text can also be viewed on the website "Digital archive INFOBIRO BETA - Media center Sarajevo", at the link): [

    The Great Sephardic synagogue in Sarajevo - history, significance and the future. On the ethics of reconstruction cultural-historical heritage

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    2022. godine nemoguće je na uličnoj fasadi Bosanskog kulturnog centra u Sarajevu prepoznati da je to nekad bila Velika sefardska sinagoga, najveća na Balkanu. Objekat je otvoren na jevrejsku Novu godinu ili Roš Hašana 14.09.1930. godine. Nakon drugog svjetskog rata u kome je sinagoga opljačkana i devastirana, a skoro 90% sarajevske jevrejske populacije ubijeno, Jevrejska opština u Sarajevu odlučila je pokloniti ovaj kompleks gradu na ime priznanja troškova rekonstrukcije. Početkom šezdesetih godina 20. vijeka objekat sinagoge i Jevrejske opštine sefardskog obreda je prenamijenjen i rekonstruiran do neprepoznatljivosti. Od posljednjeg rata do danas objekat se nije mijenjao u odnosu na rekonstrukciju u vrijeme socijalizma, osim natkrivanja atrija. Tokom posjete izraelskih studenata Bosni i Hercegovini u sklopu projekta „Putovanje u jevrejsku baštinu“ 2010. godine, u kojem je autorica ovog teksta sudjelovala, otkriveno je da je interijer kupole ostao netaknut, te se u sarajevskoj javnosti počelo nametati pitanje opravdanosti nove rekonstrukcije i njenog opsega. Ovaj članak preispituje historijsku, funkcionalnu, estetsku, pa i etičku slojevitost eventualnih budućih zahvata na ovom specifičnom objektu kulturno - historijskog naslijeđa.On the street facade of the Bosnian Cultural Center in Sarajevo in 2022, it was impossible to recognize that it was once the Great Sephardic Synagogue, the largest in the Balkans. The facility was opened on the Jewish New Year or Rosh Hashanah on September 14, 1930. After the Second World War, in which the synagogue was looted and devastated, and almost 90% of Sarajevo's Jewish population was killed, the Jewish community in Sarajevo decided to donate this complex to the city in recognition of the reconstruction costs. At the beginning of the sixties of the 20th century, the building of the synagogue and the Jewish community of the Sephardic rite was repurposed and reconstructed beyond recognition. From the last war until today, the building has not changed compared to the reconstruction during socialism, except for the covering of the atrium. During the visit of Israeli students to Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of the "Journey to Jewish Heritage" project in 2010, in which the author of this text participated, it was discovered that the dome's interior remained intact. The Sarajevo public began to question the justification of the new reconstruction and its range. This article examines the historical, functional, aesthetic, and even ethical layering of possible future operations on this specific object of cultural and historical heritage

    Nathan from Gaza

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    Nathan iz Gaze (1643?-1680), punog imena Nathan Benjamin ben Elisha Hayyim haLevi Ashkenazi ili Ghazzati, bio je teolog, kabalista i pisac rođen u Jerusalemu. Nakon ženidbe 1663. godine preselio se u Gazu, gde je postao poznat kao promoter jevrejskog mesijskog pretendenta Šabetaja Cvija (Shabetaj Zvi / Sabbataij Zevij) opravdavajući njegove postupke, uključujući i njegovo konačno otpadništvo. Putovao je po južnoslovenskim zemljama i Italiji šireći mesijansko učenje Šabetaja Cvija koje se temeljilo na Lurijanskoj doktrini Kabale. Umro je u 37 godini, 11. januara 1680., u Skoplju u Makedoniji. Zbog osobitosti njegovog lika, rada i mesta boravljenja ovde predstavljamo tri izvora koji nam donose potpuniju sliku o njegovom delovanju: Nathan of Gaza - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia / Ghazzati, Nathan Benjamin ben Elisha ha-Levi - From Jewish Encyclopedia / Granice mesijanizma: refleksije povodom slučaja Natana iz Gaze - Krstić Predrag i Između mita i stvarnosti: (pre)oblikovanje legende o Natanu iz Gaze u srpskoj/jugoslovenskoj periodici - Albahari Biljana/.Nathan of Gaza (1644?-1680), also Nathan Benjamin ben Elisha Hayyim haLevi Ashkenazi or Ghazzati, was a theologian, a kabbalist and author born in Jerusalem. After his marriage in 1663, he moved to Gaza, where he became famous as a propagandist for the Jewish messiah pretender Shabetaj Zvi (Sabbatai Zevi). He justified his actions, including his final apostasy. He traveled throughout South Slavic countries and Italy spreading the messianic teaching of Shabetaj Zvi theories based on the Lurianic doctrine of Kabbalah. He died at the age of 37, on January 11, 1680, in Skopje, Macedonia. Due to the especially nature of his character, work and place of residence, we present here three sources that bring us a more complete picture of his work: Nathan of Gaza – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia / Ghazzati, Nathan Benjamin ben Elisha ha-Levi – From Jewish Encyclopedia / The limits of messianism: reflections on the case of Nathan from Gaza - Krstić Predrag and Between myth and reality: (re)shaping the legend of Nathan from Gaza in Serbian/Yugoslav periodicals - Albahari Biljana/.Nathan of Gaza - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - link []Ghazzati, Nathan Benjamin ben Elisha ha-Levi - From Jewish Encyclopedia - link [

    The Voice of B’nai B’rith "Gavro Schwartz": Magazine of Jewish Culture, Civilization and History, no. 33, January 2024

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    Ovaj broj Glasnika posvećen je ratu u Izraelu, očuvanju židovskog identiteta, tradicije, aktivnostima židovske općine Osijek, mjesecu židovske kulture, aktivnostima ženske sekcije Židovske općine Zagreb i drugim židovskim temama. Uvažena povjesničarka prof. Zlata Živaković-Kerže i dopredsjednica Židovske općine Osijek Biljana Majnik ex Papo donose tekstove o hrvatskim Židovima značajnima za razvoj kulture, industrije - ali i naših općina.This issue of Glasnik is dedicated to the war in Israel, the preservation of Jewish identity, and traditions, the activities of the Jewish Community of Osijek, the month of Jewish culture, the activities of the women's section of the Jewish Community of Zagreb and other Jewish topics. Prof. Zlata Živaković-Kerže and vice president of the Jewish community of Osijek Biljana Majnik ex Papo wrote texts about Croatian Jews important for the development of culture, and industry - but also of our communities.Tema broja: Tragovima značajnih Židova (the theme of this issue: Traces of important Jewish individuals).Časopis "Glasnik B'nai B'rith", Hrvatska dostupan je na Internet stranici []The Magazine "The Voice of B’nai B’rith", Croatia is available on the website [

    Meaning of struggle for an own state: The World Zionist Organization visiting Belgrade, Sarajevo and Zagreb in 1928

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    U povodu jedne zanimljive i značajne godišnjice, Jevrejska digitalna biblioteka (JDB) postavila je tri teksta koji predstavljaju izvode iz dva broja sarajevskog jevrejskog nedeljnog lista „Jevrejski glas“, objavljena 23. i 30. marta 1928. godine. Naime, u mjesecu martu ove godine navršava se 95 godina od događaja koji su pomenuti i detaljno opisani u tim, ali i drugim novinama. Cionistički vođa i predsjednik Egzekutive Cionističke organizacije gospodin Nahum Sokolov u martu 1928. godine posjetio je Beograd, Sarajevo i Zagreb. Bila je to njegova službena posjeta Kraljevini S.H.S, prilikom koje je u Beogradu boravio od 9. marta, u Sarajevu od 14. marta i u Zagrebu od 18. marta. Susreti koje je tom prilikom ostvario govore o značaju koji je ta posjeta izazvala, pre svega među jevrejskim zajednicama pomenutih gradova, ali i njegovim susretima sa lokalnim gradskim zvaničnicima i posebno državnim, političkim pa i vojnim predstavnicima Kraljevine S.H.S.On the occasion of an interesting and significant anniversary, the Jewish Digital Library (JDB) has posted three texts that represent excerpts from two issues of the Sarajevo Jewish weekly newspaper “Jevrejski Glas”, published on March 23 and 30, 1928. Namely, in March this year, 95 years have passed since the events that were mentioned and described in detail in that and other newspapers. The Zionist leader and president of the Executive Zionist Organization, Mr. Nahum Sokolov, in March 1928 visited Belgrade, Sarajevo and Zagreb. It was his official visit to the Kingdom of Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia, during which he stayed in Belgrade from March 9, in Sarajevo from March 14 and in Zagreb from March 18. The meetings he had on that occasion speak of the significance that this visit caused, primarily among the Jewish communities of the mentioned cities, but also his meetings with local city officials and especially state, political and even military representatives of the Kingdom of Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia


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