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    The life and work of Dr. David Grubi

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    David Ferenc Gruber ili dr David Grubi (1810-1898), kako mu je docnije zvanično glasilo ime je bio lekar i naučnik. Rođen je u Bačkom Dobrom Polju, a slavu u svetskim razmerama stekao je u Parizu, u kome je najduže živeo. Genijalnim lekarom, ustvari genijem ne jedino kada je u pitanju medicina, smatrao ga je značajan broj njegovih savremenika, a tako je i danas. Nezaobilazan je u onolikim enciklopedijama i za ovog nosioca Legije časti je, verovatno, najuputnije reći da mora biti svrstan među istinske polihistore, intelektualne znatiželjnike, nezasite kada se radi o upornosti u nadograđivanju svog znanja ne u jednoj naučnoj disciplini. Interesovanja su ga vodila na onolike strane, tako da se čak u nekom trenutku osmelio da zakorači u proveravanje tvrdnji alhemičara i njihovih sledbenika.Dr David Grubi (1810-1898) est peu connu du grand public serbe, mais il serait juste de dire qu’il est totalement inconnu ici. Il en va de même pour la communauté médicale locale, bien que le Dr Grubi y occupe une place importante, non seulement en raison de ses contributions à la science. La seule exception notable pourrait être son buste à Bačko Dobro Polje (ex Kis-Kér), oeuvre du chirurgien et sculpteur, académicien Vladimir Jokanović. Le Dr Grubi, en tant que médecin, et peut-être pas seulement en tant que médecin, était cité dans tout Paris pendant plusieurs décennies au XIXe siècle. De plus, sur la liste de ses patients figuraient de nombreuses personnalités éminentes, de Victor Hugo à Honoré de Balzac, George Sand et Alexandre Dumas fils, de Frédéric Chopin à Franz Liszt, en passant par des membres de la cour de Napoléon III et la reine Victoria d’Angleterre. Il était passionné par sa profession et ouvrait volontiers son cabinet, principalement pour les personnes célèbres et aisées quotidiennement, sauf le dimanche. Ce jour-là, il recevait ses concitoyens pauvres, facturant toujours dix francs, mais traitant nombreux d’entre eux gratuitement.Dr. David Grubi (1810-1898) is little known to the broader Serbian public, but it would not be inaccurate to say that he is completely unknown here. The same applies to the local medical community, even though Dr. Grubi occupies an important place in it, not only due to his contributions to science. The only exception of sorts could be considered his bust in Bačko Dobro Polje (ex Kis-Kér), the work of the surgeon and sculptor, academician Vladimir Jokanović. Dr. Grubi, as a physician, and perhaps not only as a physician, was talked about throughout Paris during several decades of the 19th century. Moreover, on the list of his patients were numerous eminent figures, from Victor Hugo to Honoré de Balzac, George Sand, and Alexandre Dumas fils, from Frédéric Chopin to Franz Liszt, from members of Napoleon III’s court to Queen Victoria of England. He was passionate about his profession and he gladly opened his office, mostly for the famous and wealthy daily, except Sundays. On that day, he received his impoverished fellow citizens, always charging a tariff of ten francs, but treating many of them pro bono

    Nahum Sokolov in Zagreb [March 18, 1928]

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    O poseti predsednika egzekutive Svetske cionističke organizacije gospodina Nahuma Sokolova Kraljevini S.H.S. u mesecu martu 1928. godine pisale su brojne lokalne i jevrejske novine. Tom prilikom on je posetio Beograd 9. marta, Sarajevo 14. marta, i Zagreb 18. marta 1928. godine. Jevrejske novine „Jevrejski glas“ donele su posebne priloge o poseti svakom od tih gradova. Prilikom njegove posete Zagrebu pisale su: „U nedelju, 18. marta ov. g. u jutro, brzim vlakom iz Bos. Broda stigao je predsjednik Egzekutive Svjetske Cijonističke Organizacije, uz pratnju svog sekretara gđice dr. Sokolov, iz Sarajeva u Zagreb. Na željezničkoj stanici dočekalo je uzvišenog gosta veliko mnoštvo zagrebačkog jevrejskog i nejevrejskog građanstva koje je željno iščekivalo dolazak cijonističkog prvaka i jevrejskog nacijonalnog vođe. Među prisutnima isticali su se izaslanici svih jevrejskih društava i ustanova i mnogobrojna omladina. Od voza do čekaonice priredila je oduševljena omladina gostima špalir“.About the visit of the executive president of the World Zionist Organization, Mr. Nahum Sokolov, to the Kingdom of S.H.S. in March 1928, numerous local and Jewish newspapers wrote. On that occasion, he visited Belgrade on March 9, Sarajevo on March 14, and Zagreb on March 18, 1928. The Jewish newspaper "Jevrejski glas" (Jewish voice) had special features about the visit to each of those cities. They wrote during his visit to Zagreb: "On Sunday, March 18 this year, in the morning, the president of the Executive of the World Zionist Organization Dr. Sokolov accompanied by his secretary, arrived from Bosanski Brod by high-speed train Sarajevo-Zagreb. At the railway station, the prominent guest was welcomed by a large crowd of Zagreb's Jewish and non-Jewish citizens who eagerly awaited the arrival of the Zionist Jewish national leader. Delegates from all Jewish societies and institutions and many young people stood out among those present. From the train to the waiting room, the enthusiastic youth welcomed the guests".Ceo tekst kao zbirni može se pogledati i na sajtu „Digitalni arhiv INFOBIRO BETA - Media centar Sarajevo“, na linku (the entire summary text can also be viewed on the website "Digital archive INFOBIRO BETA - Media center Sarajevo", at the link): [

    The culture of remembrance of the Holocaust in Yugoslavia - Bogdan Bogdanović's monument at the Sephardic cemetery

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    Spomenik jevrejskim borcima i žrtvama fašizma na sefardskom groblju u Beogradu predstavljao je početak duge i bogate karijere Bogdana Bogdanovića kao ,,graditelja spomenikaˮ, ali i vesnik novih trendova u jugoslovenskoj umetnosti, udaljavanja od socrealizma i otvaranja ka onome što će postati poznato kao socijalistički modernizam. Izgrađen je po narudžbini Jevrejske opštine Beograd 1952. godine u okviru najveće do tada organizovane akcije memorijalizacije žrtava Holokausta u komunističkom delu Evrope, koja je, osim ovog, obuhvatala podizanje spomenika u još četiri jugoslovenska grada: Sarajevu, Novom Sadu, Zagrebu i Đakovu. Iako je u tadašnjoj javnosti naišao na prilično hladan prijem, spomenik je, zahvaljujući originalnim idejnim rešenjima i konceptima koji su se oslanjali na Bogdanovićevu sklonost ka apstrakciji, neodređenosti i bogatoj semiotici, postao jedno od najznačajnijih ostvarenja memorijalne arhitekture socijalističke Jugoslavije i jedan od prvih značajnijih primera spomenika žrtvama Holokausta na čitavom prostoru jugoistočne Evrope.The monument to Jewish fighters and victims of fascism at the Sephardic cemetery in Belgrade represented the beginning of Bogdan Bogdanović's long and rich career as a "monument builder", but also the herald of new trends in Yugoslav art, moving away from socialist realism and opening towards what would become known as socialist modernism. It was built on the order of the Jewish community of Belgrade in 1952 as part of the largest up to that time organized memorialization of Holocaust victims in the communist part of Europe, which, apart from this one, included the erection of monuments in four other Yugoslav cities: Sarajevo, Novi Sad, Zagreb and Đakovo. Although it received a rather cold reception from the public at the time, the monument, thanks to original conceptual solutions and concepts that relied on Bogdanović's tendency towards abstraction, indeterminacy and rich semiotics, became one of the most significant achievements of the memorial architecture of socialist Yugoslavia and one of the first significant examples memorials to the victims of the Holocaust in the entire area of ​​Southeast Europe.Predavanje održano 30. januara 2024. godine.The lecture was held on January 30, 2024Trajanje 48:52 minuta (duration 48:52minutes).YouTube link: [

    Jewish thought and faith after the Holocaust

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    Holokaust je, i nakon osamdeset godina, i dalje prepoznat kao mesto traume - kako u kontekstu ličnog i kolektivnog nasleđa, tako i u oblastima halahičkih, filozofskih i akademskih studija. Jedan od možda najizražajnijih tragova koje je Holokaust ostavio na jevrejske zajednice, pre svega na preživele i njihove potomke, je intenziviranje preispitivanja samog pojma vere posle Holokausta. Može li se nakon Holokausta i dalje verovati u Boga i na koji način? Kako ovo pitanje nije zaobišlo ni jevrejske rabine i filozofe, ova radioničarska i predavačka sesija istražuje promišljanja i rešenja koje su Martin Buber, Eliezer Berkovic, Emil Fakenhajm, Mordekaj Kaplan i drugi predlagali kada je u pitanju vera nakon Holokausta.Eighty years later, the Holocaust is still recognized as a place of trauma - both in the context of personal and collective heritage and in the fields of halachic, philosophical and academic studies. Perhaps one of the most expressive traces that the Holocaust left on the Jewish communities, above all on the survivors and their descendants, is the intensification of the questioning of the concept of religion after the Holocaust. After the Holocaust, is it possible to still believe in God and in what way? This question passed not around Jewish rabbis and philosophers, and this workshop and lecture session explores the reflections and solutions that Martin Buber, Eliezer Berkowitz, Emil Fackenheim, Mordecai Kaplan and others have proposed regarding faith after the Holocaust.Predavanje održano u okviru Komemorativno-edukativnog programa povodom Jom Hašoa i Dana sećanja na žrtve Holokausta u Beogradu (lecture held as part of the Commemorative-educational program on the occasion of Yom Hashoa and Holocaust Remembrance Day in Belgrade).Trajanje 1:23:31 minuta (duration 1:23:31 minutes).YouTube link: [

    Competition for male and female students "Holocaust - culture of remembrance"

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    Udruženje Haver Srbija, uz podršku Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, od 2017. godine raspisuje Konkurs za učenike i učenice osnovnih i srednjih škola u Srbiji, za literarne, multimedijalne i likovne radove na temu Holokausta i kulture sećanja. Konkurs "Holokaust - kultura sećanja" pokrenut je sa ciljem stimulisanja učenika/učenica i nastavnika/nastavnica za dalje istraživanje i kontinuirano bavljenje temom Holokausta u nastavi različitih nastavnih predmeta, kroz podizanje nivoa znanja učenika o Holokaustu i razvijanje svesti o kulturi sećanja. U periodu od 2017. do 2024. godine na Konkursu je učestvovalo 1220 učenika i učenica iz 26 gradova i 36 škola. Ove, 2024. godine, tema konkursa bila je "Žene u Holokaustu". Ova tema ima širok opseg, bavi se devojčicama, devojkama i ženama, a neke od užih tematskih celina bile su: Žene i devojčice: preživeti Holokaust; Spasiteljke Jevreja: žene koje su rizikovale svoje živote kako bi spasile Jevreje; Jevrejke heroine u borbama: ženska borba za pravdu i mir; Žensko stvaralaštvo tokom Holokausta (umetnice, spisateljice): beleženje ratnih iskustava kroz crteže, slike, priče, romane, dnevnike; Žensko savezništvo: uloga prijateljstva i podrške među ženama tokom preživljavanja i spašavanja; Pravednice među narodima; Žene koje rade na očuvanju sećanja na Holokaust - nekada i sada (žensko delovanje u obrazovanju i kulturi sećanja na Holokaust). Primeri se se mogli odnositi i na teritoriju Srbije. Preporučeno je da nastavnici i nastavnice, zajedno sa svojim đacima, istraže ovu temu i ohrabre đake na istraživački i stvaralački rad, koji će doprineti njihovom razumevanju uloge žena u Holokaustu i uloge žena u sećanju na Holokaust. Konkurs je, kao i ranijih godina, obuhvatao različite oblike književnog, likovnog i multimedijalnog stvaralaštva. Iz svake kategorije birala su se tri najbolja rada: Književno stvaralaštvo (esej, pesma, priča, istraživački rad, itd); Likovno stvaralaštvo (crtež, poster); Multimedijalno stvaralaštvo (prezentacija, film, fotografija, muzičko/dramsko stvaralaštvo u digitalnoj formi). Iako konkurs nema takmičarski karakter, stručna komisija je pregledala prispele radove i istakla one koji se izdvajaju po svojoj originalnosti i promišljanju teme uzimajući u obzir samostalnost učenika i učenica pri izradi radova. U okviru ovog Konkursa, povodom obeležavanja 10. maja - Dana sećanja na žrtve Holokausta u Beogradu kada je u kamionu "dušegupki" puštanjem otrovnog gasa, ubijena poslednja grupa jevrejskih žena i dece iz logora na Starom sajmištu, organizuje se "Jedan školski dan u Beogradu" sa učenicima i učenicama koji su učestvovali na Konkursu.Association Haver Serbia, with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, has been announcing a competition for students of primary and secondary schools in Serbia since 2017, for literary, multimedia and artistic works on the topic of the Holocaust and the culture of remembrance. The "Holocaust - Culture of Remembrance" competition was launched to stimulate students and teachers to further research and continue dealing with the topic of the Holocaust in the teaching of various subjects, by raising the level of student's knowledge about the Holocaust and developing awareness of the culture of remembrance. In the period from 2017 to 2024, 1,220 male and female students from 26 cities and 36 schools participated in the Competition. This year, 2024, the topic of the competition was "Women in the Holocaust". This topic has a wide scope, dealing with girls, women and women, and some of the narrower thematic units were: Women and girls: surviving the Holocaust; Saviors of the Jews: women who risked their lives to save the Jews; Jewish heroines in the struggles: women's struggle for justice and peace; Women's creativity during the Holocaust (artists, writers): recording war experiences through drawings, paintings, stories, novels, diaries; Women's alliance: the role of friendship and support among women during survival and rescue; Righteous among the nations; Women who work to preserve the memory of the Holocaust - then and now (women's action in education and the culture of Holocaust remembrance). The examples could also refer to the territory of Serbia. It was recommended that teachers, together with their students, research this topic and encourage students to research and creative work, which will contribute to their understanding of the role of women in the Holocaust and the role of women in remembering the Holocaust. The competition, as in previous years, included various forms of literary, artistic and multimedia creativity. Three best works were selected from each category: Literary creativity (essay, poem, story, research work, etc.); Artistic creativity (drawing, poster); Multimedia creativity (presentation, film, photography, musical/dramatic creativity in digital form). Although the competition does not have a competitive nature, the expert committee reviewed the submitted works and singled out those that stood out for their originality and reflection on the topic, taking into account the independence of the students when creating the works. As part of this Competition, on the occasion of May 10 - Holocaust Remembrance Day in Belgrade, when the last group of Jewish women and children from the camp at the Old Fairground were killed by the release of poisonous gas in the truck "Dušegupka", "One School Day in Belgrade" is organized with students who participated in the Competition.Trajanje 03:13 minuta (duration 03:13 minutes)

    The rise of Anti-Semitism at European universities as a result of the October 7 massacre - Report, February 1, 2024

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    U jutro, 7. oktobra 2023. teroristička organizacija Hamas je istovremeno napala civilne zajednice i vojne položaje u Izraelu. U iznenadnom napadu bez presedana na južni Izrael, teroristi Hamasa počinili su nesagledive zločine, uključujući seksualno nasilje i mučenje. Napadi su odneli živote više od 1194 osobe. Preko 4834 ljudi je ranjeno, a više od 243 osobe otete su i zarobljene kao taoci. Masakr od 7. oktobra ne samo da je eskalirao izraelsko-palestinski sukob, povećavajući regionalnu nestabilnost, već je imao i posledice globalnih razmera izazivajući zabrinjavajući porast antisemitizma u jevrejskim zajednicama širom sveta. Od početka napada, jevrejske zajednice širom sveta su svedoci značajnog i alarmantnog oživljavanja antisemitskih incidenata. Direktno povezan sa pojačanim tenzijama na Bliskom istoku, antisemitizam u Evropi je radikalno promenio život jevrejskih zajednica. Privatni posedi, centri jevrejskih zajednica, sinagoge, jevrejska groblja, postali su mete vandalizma i pretnji. Osećaj straha je izazvao ozbiljne promene u ponašanju, pošto se jevrejski pojedinci bore sa urgentnom potrebom da se obezbede i zaštite: da bi se pritajili i izbegli opasnosti, Jevreji su počeli da menjaju svoje svakodnevne navike, skrivajući jevrejske simbole (npr. kipu ili Davidovu zvezdu) i izbegavajući spominjanje Izraela i jevrejske zajednice u javnosti. Istovremeno sa terorističkim napadima Hamasa u Izraelu, jevrejski studenti su počeli da se suočavaju sa neprijateljskim ponašanjem na univerzitetima, koje je obeleženo sve većim brojem protesta koji podržavaju terorističke aktivnosti Hamasa i ličnim napadima na članove jevrejske zajednice. Eskalirajuće tenzije na univerzitetima stvorile su izrazit osećaj nelagodnosti unutar evropske jevrejske studentske zajednice. U najtežim slučajevima, ove tenzije su navele studente da napuste svoje studijske programe, jevrejske studentske organizacije su počele da otkazuju događaje i tenzije su dovele do javnog uznemiravanja jevrejskih studenata od strane kolega studenata i članova univerzitetskog osoblja, uključujući tu i njihove profesore. Incidenti koji su se dogodili na univerzitetima su, verovatno, posledica ukorenjenog antisemitizma koji negira pravo Izraela da postoji kao jevrejska država i smatra jevrejsku zajednicu odgovornom za događaje koji se odigravaju na Bliskom istoku. U cilju praćenja situacije, Evropska unija jevrejskih studenata (u daljem tekstu EUJS) od oktobra 2023. prikuplja podatke o antisemitskim napadima koji su se desili na univerzitetima širom Evrope. Nakon objavljivanja prvobitnog izveštaja u novembru 2023., EUJS je odlučio da objavi ažuriranu verziju u januaru 2024. sa ciljem da predstavi sveobuhvatniju i dublju analizu ovog fenomena.On the morning of October 7, 2023, the terrorist organisation Hamas simultaneously assaulted civilian communities and military posts in Israel. In an unprecedented surprise attack on southern Israel, Hamas terrorists committed unfathomable atrocities, including sexual violence and torture. The attacks claimed the lives of more than 1194 individuals. They left over 4834 people wounded and resulted in more than 243 being taken hostage. The October 7th massacre not only escalated the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, heightening regional instability, but it also had global consequences by triggering a concerning increase in antisemitism within Jewish communities worldwide. Since the onset of the attacks, Jewish communities worldwide have witnessed a significant and alarming resurgence of antisemitic incidents. Directly linked to heightened tensions in the Middle East, antisemitism in Europe has radically changed Jewish life. Private properties, Jewish community centres, synagogues, and even Jewish cemeteries have become targets of vandalism and threats. The sense of fear has triggered a profound shift in behaviours, as Jewish individuals grapple with the urgent need to secure their safety: to keep a low profile and avoid dangers, Jewish people have started changing their daily routines, hiding Jewish symbols (e.g. Kippah or Star of David), and avoiding references to Israel and the Jewish community in public. Concurrently with the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel, Jewish students began encountering hostility on campuses, marked by a rising number of protests supporting Hamas terrorist activities and personal attacks on community members. The escalating tensions on campus have created a palpable sense of discomfort within the European Jewish student community. In the most severe instances, these tensions have prompted students to abandon their study programmes, led Jewish student unions to cancel events, and resulted in public harassment of Jewish students by both fellow students and members of the university staff, including professors. The incidents that occurred on campus are, arguably, a consequence of a rooted antisemitism that denies Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish State and holds the Jewish collectivity accountable for any event occurring in the Middle East. In order to monitor the situation, since October 2023, EUJS has been collecting data on antisemitic attacks that have occurred inside universities across Europe. Following the release of the initial report in November 2023, EUJS has decided to publish an updated version in January 2024, aiming to present a more comprehensive and in-depth analysis of this concerning phenomenon.Prevod: Haver Srbija. Originalni izveštaj na engleskom jeziku dostupan je preko linka (translation: Haver Serbia. The original report in English is available via the link) [

    Auschwitz is not just the name of a camp, but a concept

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    Manifestacija Holokaust: nasleđe fašizma u organizaciji Spomen-parka "Kragujevački oktobar" i Laboratorije za izučavanje Holokausta Instituta za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju održava se povodom Međunarodnog dana sećanja na žrtve Holokausta (27. januar). Manifestacija pristupa komemoraciji kroz negovanje mišljenja, znanja i obrazovanja o Holokaustu i njegovim posledica na prostoru Republike Srbije i šire. U okviru programa ovogodišnje, šeste po redu manifestacije, u okviru drugog bloka "Promisao posle Aušvica" poznati prevodilac, pisac i publicista Ivan Ivanji održao je predavanje "Aušvic nije samo ime jednog logora nego pojam".The event Holocaust: The legacy of fascism is organized by the Memorial Park "Kragujevac October" on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27th). The event frames commemoration through nurturing thinking, knowledge and education about the Holocaust and its consequences on the territory of the Republic of Serbia and beyond. Within the program of this event, in the second block "Thought after Auschwitz", the famous translator, writer and publicist Ivan Ivanji held a lecture "Auschwitz is not just the name of a camp, but a concept".Predavanje održano 29. januara 2022. godine (the lecture was held on January 29, 2022).Trajanje 50:32 minuta (duration 50:32 minutes).Youtube link [

    Nahum Sokolov in Sarajevo [March 14, 1928]

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    O poseti predsednika egzekutive Svetske cionističke organizacije gospodina Nahuma Sokolova Kraljevini S.H.S. u mesecu martu 1928. godine pisale su brojne lokalne i jevrejske novine. Tom prilikom on je posetio Beograd 9. marta, Sarajevo 14. marta, i Zagreb 18. marta 1928. godine. Jevrejske novine „Jevrejski glas“ donele su posebne priloge o poseti svakom od tih gradova. Prilikom njegove posete Sarajevu pisale su: „Na ulazu u naš šeher, na stanici predsjednik Egzekutive Cionističke Organizacije i cijonistički prvak g. Nahum Sokolov je nagovijestio jednu svečanost, jedan praznik, koji se ima za vrijeme njegovog boravka, u Sarajevu, slaviti... u svojim govorima i u privatnim razgovorima često je to spominjao... On je uživao u našem gradu i našoj zajednici. Jevrejski život, pun i jedar, ga je oduševljavao. Naše su mu se opštine svidjele...“About the visit of the executive president of the World Zionist Organization, Mr. Nahum Sokolov, to the Kingdom of S.H.S. in March 1928, numerous local and Jewish newspapers wrote. On that occasion, he visited Belgrade on March 9, Sarajevo on March 14, and Zagreb on March 18, 1928. The Jewish newspaper "Jevrejski glas" (Jewish voice) had special features about the visit to each of those cities. They wrote during his visit to Sarajevo: "At the entrance to our city, at the station, the president of the Executive Zionist Organization and Zionist leader, Mr Nahum Sokolov, hinted at a ceremony, a holiday, to be celebrated during his stay in Sarajevo... in his speeches and private conversations, it is often mentioned that... He enjoyed our city and our community. Jewish life, full and lively, delighted him. He liked our communities..."Ceo tekst kao zbirni može se pogledati i na sajtu „Digitalni arhiv INFOBIRO BETA - Media centar Sarajevo“, na linku (the entire summary text can also be viewed on the website "Digital archive INFOBIRO BETA - Media center Sarajevo", at the link): [

    The Voice of B’nai B’rith "Gavro Schwartz": Magazine of Jewish Culture, Civilization and History, no. 34, April 2024

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    U ovom broju Glasnika bavimo se jednom pomalo filozofskom temom. Svi mi ponekad se zapitamo koliko smisla ima naše djelovanje i možemo li učiniti pozitivnu promjenu? Židovstvo smatra da svaka osoba mora ispuniti svoj tikkun olam, doprinijeti poboljšanju svijeta. Imamo ne samo slobodu, nego i dužnost aktivnog djelovanja tamo gdje je potrebno, u privatnom i društvenom smislu. Dakle, ima li smisla djelovati? Itekako ima, a mi djelujemo - u područjima kulture, religije, umjetnosti i na mnoge druge načine nastojimo doprinijeti svijetu oko sebe. Nakon uvodne rubrike u kojoj prof. dr. sc. Zlata Živaković-Kerže i prof. dr. sc. Darko Fischer donose tekstove vezane uz Židove diljem Hrvatske, tekst dr. sc. Anne Marie Gruenfelder govori o smislu borbe protiv zla, a tekst Arona Albaharija o smislu borbe za židovsku državu kroz prizmu povijesti cionizma na ovim prostorima. Slijede dva teksta o smislu vremena i smislu vizualnih medija, a rubrika posvećena kulturi donosi prikaz knjige Naide Michal-Brandl koji je napisala doc. dr. sc. Zvjezdana Penava Brekalo.In this issue of Glasnik, we deal with a somewhat philosophical topic. We all sometimes wonder how meaningful our actions are and can we make a positive change? Judaism believes that every person is obliged to fulfill their tikkun olam, to contribute to the betterment of the world. We have not only freedom, but also the duty of active action where necessary, in a private and social sense. Are our actions meaningful? Certainly, and we are doing our best to contribute to the world in spheres of culture, religion, art, as well as many other areas. After the introductory column in which Prof. Ph.D. Zlata Živaković-Kerže and prof. Ph.D. Darko Fischer brings texts related to Croatian Jews, text by Ph.D. Anna Maria Gruenfelder talks about the meaning of the fight against evil, and Aron Albahari’s text about the meaning of the fight for Jewish state through the prism of the history of Zionism in these areas. Following are two articles on the meaning of time and the meaning of visual media, and the section devoted to culture presents a review of Naida Michal-Brandl’s book written by Assoc. Ph.D. Zvezdana Penava Brekalo.Tema broja: U potrazi za smislom (the theme of this issue: In search for the meaning).Časopis "Glasnik B'nai B'rith", Hrvatska dostupan je na Internet stranici []The Magazine "The Voice of B’nai B’rith", Croatia is available on the website [

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    Ovo predavanje bavi se temom Holokausta iz jedne drugačije perspektive. Tokom predavanja prikazana je skica jednog školskog časa, tj. prikaz edukativne radionice o Holokaustu i spomeničkoj kulturi uz upotrebu vizuelnih stimulusa.This lecture deals with the topic of the Holocaust from a different perspective. During the lecture, a sketch of a school lesson was shown, i.e., a presentation of an educational workshop on the Holocaust and memorial culture using visual stimulus.Predavanje održano u okviru komemorativno edukativnog programa (the lecture was held as part of the commemorative educational program).Trajanje 1:40:03 minuta (duration 1:40:03 minutes).YouTube link: [


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