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    331 research outputs found

    Utilization of Technology in Development Business Management in the Post-Pandemic Era

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    So far in 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has claimed many lives. Due to the pandemic, many people have lost their jobs due to massive layoffs, and many businesses have failed. This journal examines the application of technology to business development in the post-COVID-19 era. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to develop businesses following the pandemic by utilizing the transformation of digital marketing technology and the difficulties in an era in which many individuals have used technology and social media to develop their businesses. Plans to utilize technology via websites or social media as well as e-commerce applications circulating on multiple platforms include: (a) determining sales goals or target markets; (b) preparing captions that attract buyers' interest in the goods we will market; and (c) planning sales goals to be achieved and managing expenses and income. The methods of digital marketing that we wish to describe are: a) promoting through product videos that pamper buyers; and b) creating their own website with an aesthetically pleasing design so that many interested individuals desire to purchase.As anticipated for research purposes, the results of this study indicate that digital marketing can be utilized as a means of business development in the post-pandemic era.Through the use of technology, businesses are able to develop rapidly, and the information that can be accessed is accurate and quick, thereby expanding the scope of sales

    Factors Influencing Acceptance of Family Planning Acceptors at the Magdalena Pane Clinic

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    Family Planning is an action that helps married couples to prevent unwanted pregnancies, accept the births they want, regulate the interval between pregnancies, and determine the number of children in the family. This study aims to identify the factors for the exclusion of couples of childbearing age as family planning acceptors at the Magdalena Pane Clinic in 2021. This study used a descriptive design using a cross sectional approach. The sample is 71 respondents. The research was conducted from May 2021 to September 2021. The instruments in this study were demographic data, questions from knowledge factors, family income factors and religious factors. The results showed that the majority of respondents aged 31-35 years were 26 respondents (54.2%). The results of the study based on work as housewives, namely 31 respondents (64.6%), family income in the medium classification 33 respondents (68.8%), knowledge was in sufficient classification, namely 28 respondents (58.3%), the majority religion was Islam as many as 40 respondents (83.3 %). From the results of the study, it can be concluded that each factor still influences the participation of couples of childbearing age to become family planning acceptor

    The Role of the Communication Climate, Appearance Attraction and Personality Type to the Silence Behaviour of the Malays in the German Multinational Company

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    Silence behaviour is a phenomenon that occurs in an organisation that is influenced by various factors. The behaviour of employees who fail to provide important information to the immediate superior is influenced by related factors such as communication climate, appearance attraction and personality type (extrovert-introvert). This study examined the influence of the communication climate, appearance attraction and personality type (introverted extroverts) on silence behaviour. PLS-SEM is used to test the hypothesis based on data from 360 Malay workers in four key sectors: industry, services, banking, and education, especially in the Klang Valley. The findings showed a significant positive direct relationship between communication climate, appearance attraction, personality type (extrovert-introverted), and silence behaviour. Theoretically, this study contributes to the knowledge management literature by studying the communication climate, appearance attraction and personality of introverted extroverts, which has proven that predictors of silence behaviour directly. Meanwhile, the application practically helps the management to identify the behaviour of Malay employees by promoting holistic dissemination of information within the organisation

    Expert System for Diagnosis Coronavirus Disease

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    The latest issue of the disease called COVID-19 has become famous all over the world. Hence, through this problem, it found that this disease have the same symptom with other diseases such as Influenza and also normal flu. Detecting diseases at early stage can enable to overcome and treat them appropriately. This is because many of peoples does not know and does not aware of the symptom of this various diseases. In an effort to address those problems, an Expert System for Corona Earlier Detection has been proposed to help the doctors to detect those various diseases in human body. Through this research, the researcher will held an interview with the doctors to collect data and information about those diseases’ symptoms and also search for the related articles to make sure this research going successfully. The method that will be used in this research is Certainty Factor. To conclude, this system will be useful to the healthcare department as it will give earlier detection when the patient are positively exposed to the disease that is known by Corona

    Analysis and Development of A Self-Dimming Module for Road Traffic Signals

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    Nowadays, we often see more and more of the various types of lights in urban areas, especially in road areas, either regarding the use of traffic lights or streetlights that serve as guides and signals to maintain road safety. Typically, the lamps use LED-based lamps as they can increase the rate of high savings. This LED conceptual light helps reduce energy wastage by using less power and reducing the consumption of heat and is suitable for day-to-day operation. The addition of ordinary LEDs to self-dimming systems based on the intensity of light around is more likely to increase the savings rate and is more environment-friendly. The scope of this research includes analytics data from the use of standard traffic lights and LED signal lights that are self-concept in dimmer systems. This research uses the IoT concept that is applied to the traffic system and uses solar energy which is indeed renewable natural energy and can affect the green earth concept to the traffic control system on the road

    The Challenges of Girl-Child Education in Ungogo Local Government Area of Kano State in Nigeria on 1999-2019

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    Since the introduction of Western education to Northern Nigeria, especially in the 1920s, many Muslims in the region found it objectionable as it tempered with their religio-cultural values including for instance, co-education. In light of this therefore, this paper identifies and examines the major challenges affecting girl child education in Ungogo Local Government Area of Kano State, Nigeria. Using both primary and secondary sources that are augmented with a qualitative data analysis, the researchers administered a total number of 120 questionnaires across five (5) political wards of Ungogo Local Government Area that were purposively sampled. Out of the 120 questionnaires administered, only 105 were retrieved representing 87.5% response rate. Data collected is analysed using descriptive statistics. Results revealed that religio-cultural reasons, poverty, lack of viable government educational policies and parental preference to educate the male child are the major factors curtailing the chances of the girl child to have access to western education in the area of study

    Women as Marginalized Beings: A Reflection on the Intersectionality of Marginalization within Indian Literary and Social Framework

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    As Elizabeth J. Meyer wrote in the book Queering Straight Teachers Discourse and Identity in Education is that, “Queer theory goes beyond exploring aspects of gay and lesbian identity and experience. It questions taken-for granted assumptions about relationships, identity, gender, and sexual orientation. It seeks to explode rigid normalizing categories into possibilities that exist beyond the binaries of man/woman, masculine/feminine, student/teacher, and gay/straight” (Meyer, 1). Among these series of complexly designed network of marginalization, which is a branched and towered regime of oppression in Indian framework, so, I select Gender and Caste as that lens to depict the narratives of marginalized identity- women.  The concept of “women” as Judith Butler defines in her famous work Gender Trouble 1990- “Women are the sex which is not “one”. Within…a phallogocentric language, women constitute the unrepresentable…women represent the sex that cannot be thought, a linguistic absence and opacity” (Butler, 13). The identity of a woman gets trapped between some supposed and created links, which therefore my paper will try to discern, by the application of queer post-structuralist feminist theory, in both few selected literary texts- Mahasweta Devi’s Rudali and Breast Stories, Chitra Banerjee Devakaruni’s Mistress of Spices, Vine of Desire, and Sister of My Heart, and social context- women as subject of politics within the rape culture

    Relationship Between the Behavior and Diet of Chronic Kidney Failure Patients at Johor Health Center

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    Chronic renal failure is a clinical syndrome caused by the annual reduced renal function, progressively and generally irreversible. Renal failure has GFR (Glomerulus Filtration Rate) < 15 ml/minutes needed therapy for change the function of renal. The effective of act as therapy for renal failure is hemodialysis. For undergo hemodialysis to manage diet is very important caused prevent progressively and generally irreversible. The knowledge of patient about diet is significantly required during to the patient is undergoing to diet so can do well for keep balancing in the renal so do its function. This research have purpose to know the correlation between knowledge of the chronic renal failure patients do hemodialysis about diet with compliance of the patient to do chronic renal failure diet in the Puskesmas Johor in 2022. Sample in this studi are 31 respondents who participated in this this study with used purposive sampling. The result of the study showed that there is a correlation between knowledge of the chronic renal failure patients can do hemodialisys about diet with compliance of the patient to do chronic renal failure diet in which p < 0.05, and the correlation is significant. It is indicated by the coefficient r = 0.494

    Investigation and Development of a Data Acquisition System for Blood Bank

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    Blood is a vital fluid where required for saving human’s life. Blood is stored in a blood bank which is a bank of blood components, gathered as a result of blood donations that are responsible for collecting, storing and preserved for the use of medical purpose. Investigation of the existing blood collection and tracking system is essential to efficiently manage, control and monitor on all aspect of a blood bank. A comprehensive data acquisition system from collection location to a cloud-based system enables a paperless system with minimum human intervention to oversee the entire collection to dispatch process in a blood bank. A research has been made that most blood banks practicing stand-alone which may contribute to wastage of donated blood. For that matter, this collected data system allows connectivity between the blood banks to effectively conduct and systematically manage their daily activities within one integrated system. This application helps blood donation center receives the registered donated blood from any hospitals easily as it records the donated blood information in cloud immediately

    Challenges Facing the International Criminal in Trying to Accomplish its Mission Focusing on Omar Al Bashir’s Prosecution

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    The prosecution of former Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir has attracted great attention in the legal and academic spheres. At the center of the debate are pertinent issues surrounding the challenges and prospects that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is facing in prosecuting former Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir for crimes against humanity and war crimes. Ideally, a leader of a country should be arrested if he or she commits international crimes. However, in the case of Sudan and former President Al Bashir, it was difficult to get cooperation from the government. This article will unpack the role of the ICC in dealing with crimes against humanity and war crimes in Sudan committed by Al Bashir. This research relies documentary search/desk research. The major finding of this study include that there is a legal basis for the presence of ICC in Sudan since the Sudanese case was referred to the ICC by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The researcher discovered that the ICC faced a lot of hurdles in exercising its mandate and roles in prosecuting former Sudanese President Al Bashir, one the major challenge was the issue of non-cooperation by the African Union (AU) and African states, this is a challenge because the ICC relies on state cooperation to arrest Al Bashir. Another relevant finding is that there are prospects that Al Bashir will be arrested, this is due to unfolding events in Sudan. The researcher discovered that the new military government in Sudan, is showing signs of cooperation which would likely affect some African countries and the AU to cooperate with the ICC in arresting Al Bashir and surrendering him for trial in the ICC. In line with the conclusion, this study recommends that African states and the AU should consider contributing and cooperating with the ICC so that it can effectively operate in prosecuting perpetrators of international crimes


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