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    331 research outputs found

    Mandatory Mediation of Civil Cases in a Highly Urbanized City

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    This study assessed the mandatory mediation in civil cases in Olongapo City. It utilized the descriptive-survey research method with the questionnaire as the primary data-gathering tool. Sixty-six (66) respondents participated in the study. The study also used an unstandardized questionnaire validated by a panel of experts. To analyze the data, the researchers utilized the following statistical tools: frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and Pearson Chi-Square test. The study confirms that respondents are highly aware of mediation rules, proceedings, and mediators' code of ethical standards. Results also revealed significant relationships between the level of awareness of the respondents of the mandatory mediation of civil cases and age, the level of awareness of the code of ethical standards with the highest educational attainment, and length of service. In addition, the study also found significant relationships between the profile variables and the extent of implementation. Finally, there was a relationship between the level of awareness and the extent of implementation of the mandatory mediation of civil cases in terms of submitted and disposed cases. The study results served as the basis for developing a Proposed Enhancement Program in implementing Mandatory Mediation of Civil Cases in Olongapo City

    Blockchain Based Framework for Secure Data Sharing of Medicine Supply Chain in Health Care System

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    The potential for blockchain technology in the healthcare sector is summarize in this study. It covers a wide range of technology themes, including storing medical information in blockchains, patient personal data ownership, and patient outreach via mobile apps. Blockchain was created to safeguard digital money transactions, but it has since gained popularity in a variety of other industries, including tourism, real estate, voting, the stock market, and supply chain management. In the healthcare industry, blockchain technology is rapidly gaining traction. Threats to integrity as well as threats to threats to threats to threats to threats to threats to Data management and medicine traceability are two of the most well-known blockchain uses in healthcare. We've explored the problems with standard data processing and drug tracing approaches in this paper

    Implikasi Buli Siber, Kemurungan, Kebimbangan dan Tekanan terhadap Pencapaian Akademik Murid

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    Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti pengaruh buli siber, kemurungan, kebimbangan dan tekanan terhadap pencapaian akademik murid. Kajian kualitatif ini meneroka implikasi buli siber ke atas lima orang murid mangsa buli siber dan telah dikenal pasti mempunyai tahap kemurungan, kebimbangan dan tekanan yang sangat tinggi melalui ujian soal selidik. Dapatan yang diperolehi melalui analasis tema menunjukkan antara implikasi yang dihadapi seperti tekanan perasaan, mudah tersinggung, bertindak keterlaluan, kesedihan, menyalahkan diri, merasa tidak dihargai, kecewa dan putus harapan, keinginan membunuh diri, malu, gangguan perasaan, bimbang dan takut, memendam perasaan, kurang yakin diri, kemarahan, hilang semangat dan implikasi akademik seperti tidak fokus dan ponteng sekolah. Kesimpulanya, buli siber membawa implikasi kemurungan, kebimbangan dan tekanan dari aspek emosi, psikologi dan fizikal. Penemuan daripada kajian ini dapat digunakan oleh pihak pemegang taruh khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan bagi merangka plan tindakan pemulihan ke atas mangsa buli siber. Implications of Cyber Bullying, Depression, Anxiety and Stress on Student Academic Achievement Abstract: This study aims to identify the influence of cyber bullying, depression, anxiety and stress on student academic achievement. This qualitative study explored the implications of cyberbullying on five students who were victims of cyberbullying and were identified as having very high levels of depression, anxiety and stress through a questionnaire test. Findings obtained through theme analysis show among the implications faced such as emotional stress, irritability, overacting, sadness, self-blame, feeling unappreciated, disappointed and hopeless, suicidal desire, shame, emotional disturbance, worry and fear, harboring feelings, lack of self-confidence, anger, loss of enthusiasm and academic implications such as lack of focus and skipping school. In conclusion, cyber bullying has implications for depression, anxiety and stress from emotional, psychological and physical aspects. The findings from this study can be used by stakeholders, especially in the field of education, to formulate a recovery action plan for victims of cyber bullying. Keywords: Anxiety, Cyberbullying, Depression, Stress

    Yoruba Contemporary Gele: A Stylistic Appraisal

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    Gele, pronounced gay-lay, is simply head covering, typified and rooted in feminine fashion of the Yoruba, home and abroad. It is the ultimate apparel adorned by the female folks of all age, class and status; giving acclaimed quintessential top notch appeal, deserving of a true Yoruba dress. In other words, clothing accessories conglomerating costume, footwear, makeup and hairstyle is incongruous without gele particularly in the Yoruba milieu. Gele congruity in female dressing is unequivocably material to recent proclivity and self expressions as observed in generation and regenerations of well over thirty stylish gele ideas and innovations. In view of the latter, this paper examines gele stylistic inclination; using Ibadan as its case in point, being the largest city state in modern Yoruba history. The methodology adopted was triangular approaches of participatory field investigation, online survey and artistic visualisation. Gele adherents and stylists of Ibadan metropolis were physically interviewed, figures sourced virtually and appraised artistically. Eight gele styles were shortlisted and stylistically visualised. Findings revealed dynamism in prevailing gele styles, with apparent classic and comely finesse on beholders. Consequently, this paper hopes it finding will help promotes gele styling among teeming youths locally and globally; provoking studies on the subject matter

    Multiple Role Conflict of Working Mothers and Attitude of Exclusive Breast Milking in the New Neighborhood of the Bamboo Field, Medan Tuntangan District

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    Breast milk (ASI) is the most complete and natural source of food or nutrition for babies. Breastfeeding is an important activity in child care and preparation for future generations. Working mothers will encounter difficulties regarding timing between breastfeeding and work. This type of research is descriptive research, namely research or observations carried out simultaneously at one time (once). The population in this study were working mothers in the Baru Ladang Bambu Village, Medan Tuntungan District, who had 32 children aged over 6 months. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The results of the statistical test between the dual role conflict of working mothers and the action of exclusive breastfeeding in the Baru Ladang Bambu Village, Medan Tuntungan District, obtained a correlation coefficient or r value of -0.420, the probability of 0.020 with a 95% confidence level where p <0.05. This means that there is a relationship between the dual role conflict of working mothers and the action of exclusive breastfeeding in the Baru Ladang Bambu Village, Medan Tuntungan District. It is hoped that mothers will increase their knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding even while working, either through mass media or asking health workers

    Analysis of Protection of Women Workers Abroad in the Perspective of Law Number 18 of 2017 Regarding Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers

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    Article 27 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution states that Every citizen has the right to work and a decent living for humanity. However, the reality is that the Government as a protector and responsible for the community has not fulfilled the needs of its citizens, especially for women job seekers abroad, even though it is clearly stated in the 1945 Constitution that the people have the right to get a job and a decent life. The results of the study show that Law Number 18 of 2017 has not fully provided protection, especially for Indonesian women workers abroad

    Pengurusan Tingkah Laku dan Disiplin Pelajar di Sekolah Kebangsaan Bagan Datuk Perak

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    Proses pengurusan tingkah laku dan disiplin di sekolah mempengaruhi sejauhmana keupayaan sesebuah sekolah untuk menerapkan nilai-nilai murni dalam diri pelajar. Kajian ini merangkumi objektif untuk mengenal pasti strategi-strategi yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pengurusan tingkah laku dan disiplin sekolah. Kajian ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan kaedah temu bual dengan salah seorang guru disiplin daripada sekolah yang terpilih. Dapatan kajian diolah dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Kajian mendapati bahawa peranan utama dalam menangani masalah tingkah laku dan disiplin murid ialah keluarga. Selain itu, pihak sekolah berperanan untuk menambah nilai pengajaran mata pelajaran iaitu menerapkan nilai-nilai murni dalam semua kelas. Pelajaran boleh dijalankan secara interaktif, memberikan murid lebih berminat untuk hadir ke sekolah dan meneruskan pelajaran. Unsur-unsur tema keagamaan dan kewarganegaraan perlu ada dalam semua mata pelajaran agar golongan muda diasuh dengan nilai-nilai murni dalam apa jua perkara yang dipelajari. Behavior Management and Student Discipline at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bagan Datuk Perak Abstract: The process of managing behavior and discipline at school affects the extent to which a school is capable of inculcating good values in students. This study includes the objective to identify the strategies used by teachers in the management of behavior and school discipline. This study was conducted by using the interview method with one of the discipline teachers from the selected school. Research findings are processed using SWOT analysis. The study found that the main role in dealing with student behavior and discipline problems is the family. In addition, the school plays a role in adding value to the teaching of subjects, i.e. applying good values in all classes. Lessons can be conducted interactively, giving students more interest in attending school and continuing their studies. The elements of religious and citizenship themes must be present in all subjects so that young people are nurtured with pure values in whatever they study. Keywords: Behavior Management and Discipline, SWOT, Teaching and Learning

    Isu Pelaksanaan dan Inovasi E-Pembelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual Sekolah Luar Bandar di Fasa Pandemik Covid 19

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    E-pembelajaran bagi Pendidikan Seni Visual (PSV) di sekolah luar bandar berhadapan dengan pelbagai isu pelaksanaan pembelajaran disamping kewujudan pelbagai inisiatif para pendidik. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenalpasti isu pelaksanaan dan mengkaji inovasi e-pembelajaran di sekolah luar bandar ketika pandemik melanda negara. Instrumen temu bual berstruktur secara berkumpulan dibina bagi menjalankan pengumpulan data bersama 30 orang guru pelatih siswazah tahun akhir Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Seni) di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak yang telah menjalani latihan praktikum di sekolah menengah. Dapatan kajian yang diperoleh bagi soalan kajian pertama adalah pembelajaran abad ke-21, manakala tema kedua adalah pembelajaran secara digital. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan isu pelaksanaan e-pembelajaran PSV mendapati guru pelatih menggunakan teknologi telefon pintar, kaedah Pembelajaran Berasaskan Projek, Pembelajaran Teradun, menjalankan kuiz dalam talian, dan pengajaran melalui laman sosial. Inovasi e-pembelajaran yang dihasilkan adalah guru pelatih menghasilkan YouTube Channel dan modul digital dalam sesi e-pembelajaran. Oleh itu, guru pelatih juga perlu sentiasa mencari alternatif e-pembelajaran semasa menjalani praktikum dengan meningkatkan literasi teknologi mengikut keperluan murid di luar bandar agar sesi pembelajaran dan pembelajaran dapat dijalankan secara berterusan. Issues of Implementation and Innovation of E-Learning Visual Arts Education in Rural Schools During the Pandemic Of Covid 19 Abstract: E-learning for Visual Arts Education (VAE) in rural schools faced with various learning implementation issues in addition to the existence of various initiatives by educators. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify implementation issues and examine the innovation of e-learning in rural schools during pandemic. A focus group structured interview instrument was built to conduct data collection with 30 graduate trainee teachers from final year of the Bachelor of Education (Arts) at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak who had undergone practicum training in secondary schools. The research findings obtained for the first research question is 21st century learning, while the second theme is digital learning. The results of the study showed the issue of VAE e-learning implementation find that trainee teachers use smartphone technology, Project-Based Learning methods, Blended Learning, conducting online quizzes, and teaching through social media. The e-learning innovation produced by trainee teacher was YouTube Channel and a digital module in the e-learning session. Therefore, trainee teachers also need to constantly look for e-learning alternatives during the practicum by improving technology literacy according to the needs of students in rural areas so that learning and learning sessions can be carried out continuously. Keywords: E-Learning, Innovation, Rural Areas, Visual Art Educatio

    Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Peternakan Ayam Kampung Pada CV. Dua Saudara Berbasis Web Mobile

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    CV. Dua saudara merupakan usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang industri peternakan ayam khususnya ayam kampung pedaging yang berlokasi di Tanjung Pinang. Proses pengolahan data masih dilakukan dengan pencatatan secara manual, sehingga menyebabkan karyawan lama atau kurang efektif dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Ditambah lagi banyaknya data yang akan diolah maka kemungkinan salah pada saat proses pencacatan manual sangat besar. Tujuan dari peneliatian ini adalah untuk membuat sebuah sistem informasi pengolahan data peternakan ayam menggunakan Bootstrap, PHP , dan MySql sebagai database. Sistem ini dirancang berbasis web mobile dengan menggunakan metode system development life cycle (SDLC) yaitu: perencanaan, analisis, desain, implementasi, dan pemeliharaan serta menggunakan beberapa metode pengumpulan data yaitu studi pustaka, observasi,dan wawancara dengan pemilik usaha. Pemodelan yang digunakan yaitu Data Flow Diagram (DFD) dan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memudahkan karyawan dan pemilik CV. Dua Saudara agar dapat mengolah dan mengakses data dengan mudah dan mampu membuat pengolahan data menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Information System for Data Processing of Ayam Kampung Farms on CV. Dua Saudara Mobile Web Based Abstract: CV. Dua Saudara is a business engaged in the chicken industry, especially broiler chickens located in Tanjung Pinang. The data processing process is still done by recording manually, thus causing old employees or less effective in doing work. In addition, there is a large amount of data to be processed, so the possibility of errors during the manual logging process is very large. The purpose of this research is to create an information system for processing chicken farm data using Bootstrap, PHP, and MySql as databases. This system is designed based on mobile web using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method, namely: planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance as well as using several data collection methods, namely literature study, observation, and interviews with business owners. The modeling used is Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). The results of this study are expected to facilitate employees and CV owners Dua Saudara can process and access data easily and be able to make data processing more effective and efficient. Keywords: Blackbox Testing, Information System, Web Mobile

    Analysis of the Impact of Study from Home on Adolescent during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Literature Review

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    The Covid-19 pandemic is an infectious disease that affects the performance of various sectors, one of which is the education sector. To deal with this, learning is made using the Study From Home method, namely an online learning system. This learning method has adaptations that are quite difficult to practice for adolescents, this is due to Study From Home having many obstacles in its implementation. This study uses a literature review study approach using sources based on predetermined criteria. The results of the journal, found the impact of Study From Home on adolescent mental health such as spending more time locking themselves in the room (psychosocial), adolescents who are stressed due to difficulty meeting their peers, changing lifestyle patterns of adolescents. So from these factors it can cause adolescents to experience a decrease in both interest in learning and achievement


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