Revistas Universidad del Bío-Bío
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    3449 research outputs found

    O habitar indígena e sua relação com a paisagem

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    O presente artigo busca tecer relações entre o habitar, a paisagem e os povos originários, em especial os Mbyá Guarani[1] que vivem no Sul do Brasil. Buscamos relacionar os seres e elementos que compõem a paisagem e estão presentes em suas narrativas de origem e nas formas construtivas que elaboram para habitar esta paisagem, ao transformarem seus componentes em arquitetura e lugares de convívio. Utilizamos uma abordagem etnográfica que inclui observações, diálogos e percursos pelas paisagens. Publicações de autoria indígena e não-indígena são referenciais teóricos interdisciplinares que auxiliam nossas reflexões. Compreendemos que a relação dos povos indígenas com a paisagem é ancestral, vinculando-se às suas memórias, narrativas e cosmologias. As formas construtivas por meio das quais habitam a paisagem revelam afeto e sentimento de pertencimento e parentesco com os elementos que dela fazem parte. Como conclusão, percebemos que a sabedoria vivenciada dos povos indígenas com relação à paisagem, desde tempos imemoriais, oferece ensinamentos para repensarmos nossa relação com o planeta como um todo.   [1] Nota sobre a grafia dos termos indígenas: as palavras em línguas indígenas não possuem plural, portanto ao nos referirmos a um povo utilizamos maiúscula no singular (ex.: os Guarani); enquanto a utilização como adjetivo é em minúscula (ex.: escola guarani). Os demais termos têm como base o Léxico Guarani, de Dooley (2013). São respeitadas as formas utilizadas pelos autores guarani e, no caso de citações de outros autores, é mantida a forma utilizada por eles.Este artículo busca tejer relaciones entre el habitar, el paisaje y los pueblos originarios, especialmente los Mbyá Guaraní[1] del Sur de Brasil. Buscamos relacionar a los seres con los elementos que componen el paisaje y están presentes en sus narrativas de origen y en las formas constructivas que crean para habitar este paisaje, transformando sus componentes en arquitectura y lugares de convivencia. Se utilizó un enfoque etnográfico que incluye observaciones, diálogos y recorridos por los paisajes. Las publicaciones de autores indígenas y no indígenas son referentes teóricos interdisciplinarios que ayudan a estas reflexiones. Entendemos que la relación entre los pueblos indígenas y el paisaje es ancestral, ligada a sus memorias, narrativas y cosmologías. Las formas constructivas a través de las cuales habitan el paisaje revelan afecto y sentimiento de pertenencia y parentesco con los elementos que forman parte del mismo. En conclusión, nos damos cuenta de que la sabiduría experimentada de los pueblos indígenas con relación al paisaje, desde tiempos inmemoriales, ofrece lecciones para repensar nuestra relación con el planeta en su conjunto.   [1] Nota sobre la ortografía de los términos indígenas: las palabras en lenguas indígenas no tienen plural, por lo que cuando nos referimos a un pueblo utilizamos mayúsculas en singular (por ejemplo, los guaraníes); mientras que cuando se utiliza como adjetivo va en minúsculas (por ejemplo, escuela guaraní). Los demás términos se basan en el Léxico Guaraní de Dooley (2013). Se respetan las formas utilizadas por los autores guaraníes y, en el caso de citas de otros autores, se mantiene la forma utilizada por ellos.This article seeks to weave relationships between living, the landscape, and the original peoples, especially the Mbyá Guarani[1] from Southern Brazil. We seek to relate the beings and elements that make up the landscape and are present in their narratives of origin and in the constructive forms they create to inhabit this landscape by transforming its components into architecture and places of conviviality. An ethnographic approach was used, including observations, dialogs, and journeys through the landscapes. Publications by indigenous and non-indigenous authors are interdisciplinary theoretical references that help these reflections. It is understood that the relationship between indigenous peoples and the landscape is ancestral, linked to their memories, narratives, and cosmologies. The constructive forms through which they inhabit the landscape reveal affection and a feeling of belonging and kinship with the elements that are part of it. In conclusion, it is perceived that the experienced wisdom of indigenous peoples about the landscape since time immemorial offers lessons to rethink our relationship with the planet as a whole.   [1] Note on the spelling of indigenous terms: words in indigenous languages do not have a plural, so when referring to a people we use a capital letter in the singular (e.g.: the Guarani); while the use as an adjective is in lower case (e.g.: Guarani school). The other terms are based on the Guarani Lexicon by Dooley (2013). The forms used by the Guarani authors are respected and, in the case of quotations from other authors, the form used by them is maintained

    Imaginarios del poemario Cipango de Thomas Harris. Espacios baldíos, represión y violencia en la calle Orompello de Concepción

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    En este estudio se busca presentar los imaginarios de la calle Orompello de Concepción, Chile, descritos en el poemario Cipango (1992) de Thomas Harris. Para ello, se realizó un análisis cualitativo interpretativo del poemario por medio de fichas de lectura, se comparó con los hechos históricos acaecidos en el lugar y una entrevista semiestructurada con el autor para ahondar en ciertos significados presentes en el texto. Los resultados arrojaron que el espacio urbano y el habitar presentes en el relato, conforman una heterotopía transformada en distopía, situada en un contexto atemporal producto de una violencia primigenia que data de la época del descubrimiento de América y que es reproducida no solamente por la dictadura de Pinochet, sino también por el Estado en democracia. Los habitantes de este lugar se ven sumergidos en una atmósfera marginal de represión y devastación, transformando el lugar en un baldío. Estas características y sucesos hacen de calle Orompello un lugar inhabitable, pero lleno de significado.This study seeks to present the imaginaries of Orompello Street in Concepción, Chile, described in the poetry book Cipango (1992) by Thomas Harris. To do this, a qualitative interpretive analysis of the collection of poems was carried out through reading cards. It was compared with the historical events that occurred in the place and a semi-structured interview with the author to delve into certain meanings present in the text. The results showed that the urban space and the living present in the story make up a heterotopia transformed into dystopia, located in a timeless context, the product of primordial violence that dates back to the time of the discovery of America and that is reproduced not only by the dictatorship of Pinochet but also by the State in democracy. The inhabitants of this place are immersed in a marginal atmosphere of repression and devastation, transforming the place into a wasteland. These characteristics and events make Orompello Street an uninhabitable place but full of meaning.Este estudo se propõe a apresentar os imaginários da rua Orompello, em Concepción, Chile, descritos no livro de poesias Cipango (1992), de Thomas Harris. Para tanto, foi realizada uma análise qualitativa interpretativa do livro de poemas por meio de fichas de leitura, uma comparação com fatos históricos ocorridos no local e uma entrevista semiestruturada com o autor, de forma a penetrar em determinados significados presentes no texto. Os resultados mostraram que o espaço urbano e o habitat presentes no relato compõem uma heterotopia transformada em distopia, situada em um contexto atemporal, fruto de uma violência primordial que data da época do descobrimento da América e é reproduzida não só pela ditadura de Pinochet, mas também pelo Estado na democracia. Os habitantes desse lugar estão submersos em uma atmosfera marginal de repressão e devastação, transformando o local em um terreno baldio. Essas características e eventos fazem da Rua Orompello um lugar inabitável, mas cheio de significado

    Toxicity and repellency of chlorpyrifos nanocapsules against subterranean termite Coptotermes curvignathus

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    Chlorpyrifos is widely used in agricultural and building industries to control many insects including termites. However, its low aqueous solubility and tendency to decompose under sunlight results in decrease in its efficiency. In the present study, chlorpyrifos was encapsulated into nano-sized poly (styrene-co-maleic anhydrite) using a mini-emulsion in-situ polymerization method to improve the effective utilization rate. The termiticidal properties of nanocapsules at different concentrations (1 - 25 wt%) were tested against subterranean termite; Coptotermes curvignathus. Results of Choice bioassays shows that chlorpyrifos nanocapsules are strongly toxic to Coptotermes curvignathus. The filter paper feeding inhibition and repellent bioassay show a significant feeding inhibition (> 60 %) at lowest concentration of chlorpyrifos nanocapsules. The highest mortality rate of termites (90 %) after 24-h exposure was observed in the sample treated with the highest concentration of chlorpyrifos nanocapsules (25 wt%). Results obtained from this study show that chlorpyrifos nanocapsules have a strong termiticidal property against Coptotermes curvignathus. This indicates that the nanoencapsulation of biocides chlorpyrifos opens a real potential of new and advanced wood preservation technology


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    Within the educational environment, empathy stands as a fundamental cognitive-affective socioemotional skill for the personal and interpersonal development of students. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the expected development of empathy, due to the confinement and lack of direct social interaction, affecting the consideration of other's perspectives. To address this problem, a pedagogical proposal based on an interactional and cooperative approach is presented, implemented in a second-grade elementary school located in a context of high vulnerability. Several activities designed to develop different dimensions of empathy, such as Perspective Adoption (PA), Emotional Understanding (EQ), Empathic Joy (EA) and Emphatic Stress (ES), are described. The pedagogical intervention showed significant improvements in several areas of empathy, with advances in the ability to adopt perspectives and understand emotions of others, however, persistent challenges were identified in the response to Empathic Stress. The importance of addressing these socio-emotional skills in education and fostering an empathetic culture from the early stages of the educational process is emphasized.Dentro del ámbito educativo, la empatía se erige como una habilidad socioemocional cognitiva-afectiva fundamental para el desarrollo personal e interpersonal del estudiantado. Sin embargo, la pandemia de Covid-19 ha afectado el desarrollo esperado de la empatía, debido al confinamiento y la falta de interacción social directa, afectando la consideración de las perspectivas del otro. Para abordar esta problemática, se presenta una propuesta pedagógica basada en un enfoque interaccional y cooperativo, implementada en un segundo año básico situado en un contexto de alta vulnerabilidad. Se describen diversas actividades diseñadas para desarrollar distintas dimensiones de la empatía, como la Adopción de perspectivas (AP), Comprensión emocional (CE), Alegría empática (AE) y Estrés empático (EE). La intervención pedagógica mostró mejoras significativas en varias áreas de la empatía, con avances en la capacidad de adoptar perspectivas y comprender emociones de otros, sin embargo, se identificaron desafíos persistentes en la respuesta al estrés empático. Se subraya la importancia de abordar estas habilidades socioemocionales en la educación y fomentar una cultura empática desde las etapas iniciales del proceso educativo

    Produciendo periferias: morfología y habitabilidad en las conurbaciones de Cuenca, Ecuador

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    The expansion of Latin American intermediate cities has left irregular and discontinuous occupation patterns in their peripheral territories. In appearance, the configurations of the urban edges do not have relevant differences. In fact, each morphological structure is heterogeneous and has its own behaviors, different occupation motivations, and diverse resulting consolidated models. In Cuenca, Ecuador, these diffuse zones between the urban and rural limits are marked by segregation dynamics and dependence on the consolidated center and have the lowest quality-of-life indexes in the city. In this context, the objective of the research was to find a possible relationship between the types of peripheral morphologies and the levels of urban habitability of four city urban centers, using a quantitative methodological design with a two-stage correlational scope. Initially, urban morphologies were classified, and the habitability levels were rated separately, applying independent instruments. Then, the results were cross-checked to describe possible links between variables. The findings highlight significant disparities in habitability between conurbations and define an apparent direct correlation between the two dimensions of analysis.La expansión de las ciudades intermedias latinoamericanas ha dejado patrones de ocupación irregulares y discontinuos sobre sus territorios periféricos. En apariencia, las configuraciones urbanas de los bordes no difieren de manera relevante, sin embargo, cada estructura morfológica es heterogénea, posee conductas propias, diferentes motivaciones de ocupación y resulta en diversos modelos consolidados. En Cuenca, Ecuador, estas zonas difusas entre el límite urbano y rural están marcadas a su vez por dinámicas de segregación y dependencia al centro consolidado y en ellas se registran los índices de calidad de vida más bajos de la ciudad. En este contexto, el objetivo de la investigación fue encontrar una posible relación entre los tipos de morfologías periféricas y los niveles de habitabilidad urbana de cuatro núcleos urbanos de la ciudad. Se usó un diseño metodológico cuantitativo de alcance correlacional de dos etapas. Inicialmente, se clasificaron las morfologías urbanas y se calificaron los niveles de habitabilidad por separado, aplicando instrumentos independientes. Posteriormente se cruzaron los resultados para describir posibles vínculos entre variables. Los hallazgos resaltan disparidades significativas de habitabilidad entre conurbaciones y se define una aparente correlación directa entre ambas dimensiones de análisis

    Redes organizacionales y redes informáticas: Componentes y fenómenos que las entrelazan

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    Este ensayo realiza una revisión bibliográfica en el campo de la investigación seminal de las Redes Organizacionales, a través de una analogía conceptual e instrumental empleando un análisis de integración de MaccInnis. En su desarrollo se identificaron siete distintos componentes propios de las Redes organizacionales y fenómenos vinculatorios con las Redes computacionales. Acotando las configuraciones específicas de cada Red, es posible plantear una afinidad entre los elementos de la arquitectura informática y el campo de estudio de las Redes Organizacionales para apoyar la comprensión de estas últimas y de esta forma contribuir tanto al fortalecimiento de su investigación académica como en la evaluación de sus implicancias para el desempeño del mundo empresarial en entornos actuales de creciente complejidad y competitividad.This essay makes a bibliographic review in the field of the seminal research of Organizational Networks, through a conceptual and instrumental analogy using an integration analysis of MaccInnis. In its development, seven different components of Organizational Networks and phenomena linked to Computer Networks were identified. By delimiting the specific configurations of each network, it is possible to propose a link between the elements of computer architecture and the field of study of Organizational Networks to support the understanding of the latter and thus contribute both to the strengthening of academic research and to the evaluation of their managerial implications in current environments of growing complexity and competitiveness

    Thermal modification of fast-growing Firmiana simplex wood using tin alloy: Evaluation of physical and mechanical properties

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    Wood is an important structural material, but some undesirable properties limit its application in construction. This study investigated the effect of tin alloy thermal modification (TTM) on selected physical and mechanical properties of Firmiana simplex (Chinese bottletree) wood. Tin alloy thermal modification of F. simplex was performed in a tin alloy bath at two different temperatures (150 oC and 210 oC for 2 h and 8 h). Physical properties such as swelling, water absorption and density and mechanical properties like modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, impact bending, compression strength and Brinell hardness of tin alloy thermal modified and control samples were evaluated. The results showed that tin alloy thermal modification decreased the swelling of the wood to 4,85 %, 1,45 % and 6,99 % along the tangential, radial and volumetric coefficient and water absorption and density decreased to 53,10 % and 290 kg/m3 respectively compared to the control. Modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, impact bending, compression strength and Brinell hardness of tin alloy thermal modified F. simplex at 210 °C for 8 h decreased to 6366,1 MPa, 54,9 MPa, 2,7 MPa, 29,4 MPa and 1113,5 MPa respectively compared to the control. In conclusion, the tin alloy thermal modified wood at 210 oC significantly affected the physical and mechanical properties of the wood

    Some physical and mechanical properties of particle boards produced with hazelnut husk and astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) plant

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    In this study, under laboratory conditions, hazelnut husk and astragalus plant were mixed separately into black pine wood chips, and multi-purpose boards were produced from the obtained chips with urea formaldehyde glue. After the hazelnut husk and astragalus plant were dried and ground, they were added to the chip and glue mixture in certain proportions. Hazelnut husk mixture ratios were applied as 100 %; 0 %, 75 %; 25 %, 50 %; 50 %, 25 %; 75 %, 0 %; 100 % to black pine wood chip in the particle board mixture. These ratios were made in the same way for the astragalus plant. From these mixtures, chipboard blanks of 16 mm thickness and densities between 0,68 g/cm3 and 0,72 g/cm3 were produced. Density, moisture content, thickness increase, water intake, bending strength, modulus of elasticity in bending and tensile strength perpendicular to the surface were tested in physical and mechanical experiments. According to the results obtained, as the participation rate of hazelnut shells and astragalus increased, the durability properties of the panels decreased. At the same time, it shows that the technological properties of the panels produced by adding up to 25 % astragalus plant and hazelnut shells to the mixture comply with the standards


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    This essay explores the process of knowledge construction and professional development of novice history and geography teachers. Through a theoretical review, it addresses how pedagogical knowledge is constructed from initial training and work experiences. The text points out the tension between educational regulations, such as the Framework for Good Teaching, and the practical realities faced by teachers in their first years of professional practice in the school, highlighting the difficulties of a system that promotes homogenization and limits the teacher's capacity for agency. In this context, it is argued that novice teachers must face a series of challenges, related to the structure and professional demands coming from public policy, which come into tension with identity and professional factors, which are not always addressed in their initial training. It also highlights how teacher professionalization, which is presented as a technical solution, can lead to deprofessionalization, as a result of mistrust towards teachers' epistemological concerns, limiting teachers' critical and transformative capacity. The essay concludes by reflecting on the need for a more critical and socially committed pedagogical approach to counteract the technicist and controlling tendencies present in the current educational.El ensayo explora el proceso de construcción de saberes y desarrollo profesional de los docentes noveles de historia y geografía. A través de una revisión teórica, se aborda cómo el saber pedagógico se construye a partir de la formación inicial y las experiencias laborales. El texto señala la tensión entre las normativas educativas, como el Marco para la Buena Enseñanza, y las realidades prácticas que enfrentan los profesores en sus primeros años de ejercicio profesional en el centro educativo, destacando las dificultades del sistema que promueve la homogenización y limita la capacidad de agencia del docente. En ese contexto, se plantea que los profesores noveles deben enfrentarse a una serie de desafíos, relacionados con la estructura y las demandas profesionales provenientes desde la política púbica, que entran en tensión con factores identitarios y profesionales, que no siempre son abordados en su formación inicial. Además, resalta cómo la profesionalización docente, que se presenta como una solución técnica, puede llevar a una desprofesionalización, producto de la desconfianza hacia las inquietudes epistemológicas de los profesores, limitando la capacidad crítica y transformadora del docente. El ensayo concluye reflexionando sobre la necesidad de un enfoque pedagógico más crítico y comprometido socialmente para contrarrestar las tendencias tecnicistas y de control presentes en el sistema educativo actual


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    El término estrategias didácticas basadas en metodologías activas, se define como aquellos procesos planteados por los docentes mediante actividades específicas que guían al logro de aprendizajes significativos, en el cual el alumno es el principal actor y por lo tanto éste se va construyendo a través de la participación activa en dicho proceso, promoviendo así aspectos como la autonomía, el pensamiento crítico, la colaboración, la creatividad, la motivación, entre otros, a partir de saberes previos que se relacionan con el entorno inmediato del mismo. Estudiar esta variable cobra relevancia debido a que, en la actualidad, aunque se habla de educación constructivista existen docentes que continúan trabajando con paradigmas tradicionales, derivado de diversos factores, lo que converge en el desconocimiento de qué y cuáles son las estrategias didácticas basadas en metodologías activas. Por lo anterior, el objetivo fue identificar las estrategias didácticas basadas en metodologías activas que utilizan docentes de nivel primaria que laboran en instituciones privadas de la ciudad de Oaxaca para favorecer aprendizajes significativos de los alumnos. Para ello se propuso un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental, transversal y de alcance descriptivo. El análisis estadístico de los datos, se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva, obteniéndose frecuencias relativas.The term didactic strategies based on active methodologies is defined as those processes proposed by teachers through specific activities that guide to the achievement of significant learning, in which the student is the main actor and therefore this is being built through active participation in the process, thus promoting aspects such as autonomy, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, motivation, among others, from previous knowledge that relate to the immediate environment of the same. Studying this variable becomes relevant because, at present, although there is talk of constructivist education, there are teachers who continue working with traditional paradigms, derived from various factors, which converge in the lack of knowledge of what and which are the didactic strategies based on active methodologies. Therefore, the objective was to identify the didactic strategies based on active methodologies used by elementary school teachers working in private institutions in the city of Oaxaca to promote meaningful learning of students. For this purpose, a quantitative, nonexperimental, cross-sectional and descriptive study was proposed. The statistical analysis of the data was carried out by means of descriptive statistics, obtaining relative frequencies


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