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    An Examination of Share Buyback Program Execution

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    This study analyzes the efficacy and risks of various share buyback strategies, with a particular focus on the fixed participation rate approach. This strategy aligns buyback volumes with a fixed percentage of daily trading volume, aiming to minimize market impact, mitigate financial risk, and optimize shareholder value. Using Value at Risk (VaR) for risk assessment and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models for trading volume prediction, we compare the fixed participation rate strategy against traditional methods. Our findings emphasize the need for a shift from strategies focused on short-term gains to those prioritizing market stability and long-term shareholder value creation. This research offers insights for corporate decision-making, policy development, and the advancement of sustainable financial management practices

    Optimizing Storage Tank Design for Efficient Potable Water Supply

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    Public water systems ensure the supply of safe drinking water, catering to consumer, industrial, and firefighting needs while adhering to state and federal regulations. To replace an aging tank serving 4,800 customers in New England, this project designed a 3 million gallon capacity prestressed concrete tank with a 60 ft radius, 8 ft height, and concrete dome, aligning with AWWA standards. Site selection considered topography, access, and excavation cost. Historical data and water quality reports were used to evaluate potential issues like stagnation, disinfection residual, and disinfection byproducts. A cost-effective mixing system was implemented to prevent stagnation and maintain water quality during storage

    How the Human Brain Makes Sense of Natural Scenes

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    Neuroscience and computational modeling have a symbiotic relationship, with discoveries in each field inspiring the other. This paper explores the relationship between visual stimuli from the Natural Scenes Dataset and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activity in distinct brain regions of interest (ROI). Valuable information can be extracted from images using components of various pretrained vision models known as feature extractors. This extracted information can be used by neural networks to predict how each ROI will respond to stimuli. Observing the patterns and behaviors, we identified specific regions of interest corresponding to categories identified by a classification model. This study found that YOLOv8n for classification and ResNet50 for feature extraction work best alongside linear regression. We then analyzed the patterns among the categories to identify which classes have similar activations

    Automation of an Accurate, Auditory-Based Blood Pressure Monitor

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    Current at-home blood pressure monitors that are FDA-approved may be inaccurate by up to 15 mmHg, a significant margin given that the difference between normal and hypertensive blood pressures is only 10 mmHg. To address this, we created an automatic blood pressure monitor that mimics the traditional method used by doctors. This employs a microphone in a 3D-printed stethoscope bell to capture Korotkoff sounds in the upper arm, conjointly with an automated cuff powered by an air pump, solenoid valve, and pressure sensor for cuff inflation and pressure measurements. The first and last instances of K-sound detection produce the systolic and diastolic pressures. To enhance the signal quality of the K-sounds, the microphone signal is filtered, and then processed through a custom detection algorithm within the embedded system. The results from our device were simultaneously validated with manual auscultation. The auscultatory monitor demonstrated an average bias of 1.95 mmHg ± 3.09 mmHg for systolic pressure and 0.09 mmHg ± 5.71 mmHg for diastolic pressure. The auscultatory monitor meets the ISO standards of ± 5 mmHg average accuracy and ± 8 mmHg standard deviation. In contrast, the oscillometric monitor exhibited a systolic average bias of -0.32 mmHg ± 5.93 mmHg and a diastolic bias of 6.86 ± 7.73 mmHg. The oscillometric monitor exceeds the acceptable average accuracy of ± 5 mmHg, and contains inaccuracies of up to 23 mmHg. The auscultatory monitor consistently provided more accurate results with lower deviation from true values compared to oscillometric devices, even under non ideal conditions, still meeting ISO standards

    3D Image Reconstruction of a Fossil Using Neutron Tomography

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    Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is an interdisciplinary field encompassing various inspection techniques and principles not compromising the structural integrity of the tested objects. NDT is commonly used in medicine, mechanical engineering, materials science, and numerous applications. Neutron imaging is a very efficient tool of NDT: contrary to X-rays, neutrons, when passing through the sample, are attenuated in accordance with the sample's composition or geometrical form and produce contrasts made by light materials (e.g., hydrogen, carbon, lithium). This characteristic gives neutron imaging a particular advantage when it comes to 3D visualizations. Neutron computed tomography (NCT) found its use in visualizing the inner structure of industrial, biological, geological, engineering, and other samples of interest. In this project, a unique small fossil appearing as the vertebral column of an unknown pre-historic animal embedded in sandstone was investigated with the use of NCT. The fossil was found in the Morrison formation in Wyoming by the expedition of the Swiss Aathal Dinosaur Museum. The work in 3D image reconstruction was performed at the Swiss spallation source SINQ of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) (Villigen, Switzerland). The fossils was exposed to a neutron beam, and the contrasts thus obtained were post-processed with the use of mathematical methods assuming the exponential law of radiation attenuation (the Beer–Lambert law) and using the Radon transform of the distribution of the linear neutron attenuation. Implementations of these methods in the three pieces of software, ImageJ, MuhRec, and Avizo, were used for visualization of the fossil. A high-resolution 3D image of the sandstone block with the embedded vertebral column of the unknown animal was successfully obtained. The image seems to be showing all parts of bones and ribs hidden inside the sandstone block. However, the initial analysis was inconclusive as it was not possible to identify, based on the visible set of bones, the animal behind this fossil. The image, along with the materials documenting the full process of visualization, was passed to the Aathal Dinosaur Museum for more detailed investigation with the help of external paleontologist with relevant expertise

    CS: MQP: Harrison: Data Visualization Literacy (and/or DS)

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    The ability to interpret complex data visualizations is a crucial skill that appeals to professional and personal environments. Currently, the ability to understand visualizations on a mobile device is one that is hyper-critical yet underexplored. This project addresses the gap in accessible data visualization literacy (DVL) education by developing a mobile application that enables flexible learning through engaging, brief lessons on both common visualization types and complex, emerging charts used in academia. Unlike existing platforms, which are web-based and require extended periods of engagement, our app introduces a modern, interactive approach that integrates seamlessly into daily life, making learning both effective and convenient. This platform uses interactive modules, gamification, and immediate feedback to teach users to critically understand and evaluate visual data, building off of the teaching strategies of platforms like Khan Academy and Duolingo. The app’s design is optimized for mobile use, with clear, legible visualizations tailored for small screens and intuitive navigation facilitated by icon-based menus. Through our app, users engage with varied data visualizations, answer related questions, and receive instant feedback, which aids in building their data visualization literacy. This report outlines the design, development, and potential future enhancements of the app, including an expanded content library and features for personalized learning. It emphasizes the application’s role in empowering users to navigate the increasingly data-rich world more effectively, thereby contributing to a well-informed society. The development process, led by a cross-functional student team, highlights collaborative efforts in software engineering, user interface design, and educational content creation, marking a significant step toward making DVL more accessible and impactful

    Exploring Value Systems: Māori Perspectives in Scholarly Literature on Mice-Invertebrate Interactions in Aotearoa New Zealand

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    Introduced species present a threat to the native wildlife of Aotearoa New Zealand which evolved primarily in the absence of mammals. In a review of 57 articles, we explored the role of mātauranga (Māori Traditional Knowledge) in introduced mouse management. We found mātauranga was misrepresented in ecological literature, and often used to contextualize research methodologies, rather than to inform them. We used the Ecological State Assessment Tool to support inclusion of Māori-informed methods in introduced mouse management

    Neuromorphic Model of the Human Auditory System

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    Many people are affected by disorders of the auditory system that can make it harder to connect to other people and the rest of the world. Thus, researchers of the auditory system have attempted to replicate it in different ways in order to better understand it. However, these models tend to be limited by their levels of abstraction, which makes it difficult to chain them together for joint study. The model described in this paper sought to find a middle ground in the levels of abstraction, and to keep it as physiologically relevant as possible. To do this, the model contained parts to model the basilar membrane, inner hair cells, and the auditory nerve. Code was written to simulate the various functions of the encoding of a signal performed by the inner ear. The encoded signal was then decoded in order to assess the validity of the model. A constant 2 Hertz (Hz) signal and a short voice recording were both run through the model that produced accurate and audible results

    Exploring the Evolution of Traditional Wood Crafts: Himachal Pradesh as a Case Study

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    Wood carving is a traditional practice of Himachal Pradesh, utilized in temple and home architecture, religious artifacts, and furniture making. However, with contemporary changes in tastes and demands as well as globalization, the craft and its artisans face many challenges. We interviewed local artisans and experts in the field to understand the history and current state of wood carving in terms of challenges faced and current market contexts. Based on this information, we designed a product that could potentially be marketable, and then sought professional feedback on this product. We recommend continuing work on developing a marketable product, emphasizing the value of wood craft through marketing, and supporting organizations who work towards promoting wood carvers

    The Dodo Board Game Collection

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    Professor Dean O’Donell was a long-time, well-respected faculty member in Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s Interactive Media and Game Development Department. As part of paying tribute to his memory, the Dean O’Donell—or DoDo—IQP Team was created to integrate games donated by his spouse into both the IMGD and general WPI communities. The team's main task required cataloging, organizing, and handling the donation materials, with the final goal of having them moved into the Gordon Library's board game circulation or the IMGD classrooms. This process is intended to be repeated by future IQP teams and this paper will serve as a reference guide for those students


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