Segi Gakuen Repository / 瀬朚孊園リポゞトリ
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    319 research outputs found

    The relationship between impression for nursing profession and occupational identity on part-time nursing school students

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    We examined the relationship between impression of the nursing profession and occupational identity, aims to clarify influence of the impression of the nursing profession on career development. Students who have the impression 〝expertise″for nursing have positive correlation with parental approval in occupational identity. Whereas student who have the impression of 〝independence″ have a positive correlation with having no hesitation to make decisions in occupational identity. Part-time nursing school students have the impression of 〝independence″for nursing profession, stronger than the impression of 〝expertise″ when they decided to go on a part-time nursing school, it is suggested that they are at a deficient stage of their authentic career development.departmental bulletin pape

    Research on User Support Program in Public Childcare Center (1) Process for childcare professionals to realize the benefits of the program

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    子ども子育お家庭を取り巻く状況の倉化の䞭少子化察策ずしお始たった子育お支揎策に぀いお子ども・子育お支揎制床で新たに制床化された「利甚者支揎事業」に着目し䞭でも公立保育所で行われおいるA垂の利甚者支揎事業に぀いお研究を進めるこずずしたここでは利甚者支揎専門員である䞻査の保育所での立ち䜍眮やA垂利甚者支揎事業の成り立ちを螏たえ䞻査が利甚者支揎事業の効果を実感するたでのプロセスにおいお圱響を䞎えるものを明らかにするA垂で新たに始たった事業ずしお䞻査は䞍安感や困難感孀立感を感じおいた経隓幎数が違う4名の䞻査のむンタビュヌを分析し䞻査の事業に察する心持ちの倉容過皋を「自己肯定感䜎䞋混乱期」「関係構築実感䞊昇期」「事業定着継承準備期」ずした効果を実感するプロセスには保育所における職員の事業に察する理解やサポヌト䜓制地域における事業呚知や理解が倧きく圱響しおいるこずが瀺唆されたたたナニットが圢成されたこずによる䜓制匷化䌚議参加や出向による連携匷化が䞻査の職務に察するモチベヌションを高めるこずが明らかになったdepartmental bulletin pape

    Comparison of Differences in Needs Perceived by Yogo Teachers, Teachers, and Legal Guardians

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    A questionnaire survey was conducted among yogo teachers, elementary and middle school teachers, and students’ legal guardians in District A of Aichi Prefecture to examine the differences in the needs of the three parties. Teachers, legal guardians, as well as yogo teachers rated first aid as “extremely necessary,” followed by prevention of infectious diseases and health counseling. Differences in the needs perceived by the three parties were explained according to the questionnaire items. It was reaffirmed that first aid is the most important duty of yogo teachers.The results of this study suggested that it is necessary to carry out one’s duties while always being aware of the dynamic needs of others.departmental bulletin pape

    Examination of Yogo teachers’ perception of students’ needs in comparison with those recognized by teachers and parents

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    To clarify the differences between the necessary skills and the job requirements as recognized by the Yogo teachers themselves, a questionnaire survey was conducted with Yogo teachers and teachers working at public elementary and junior high schools in District A, Aichi Prefecture, as well as with the parents of the students. Positional differences between anticipated needs and perceived needs were identified based on the relationship between various other factors and the factors extracted from factor analysis of the scale of requirements for school nurses. The three groups highlighted the necessity for cooperation among the three groups to effectively address the problems the children were experiencing. The results highlighted the necessity for Yogo teachers to acknowledge and use their coordination skills to respond to the needs of those around them.departmental bulletin pape

    Piano lessons at a nursery school in Corona disasterSelf-study Support in ARCS Model and Consideration by KH Coder

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    departmental bulletin pape

    Research on User Support Program in Public Childcare Center (2) Focusing on the Coordination Function

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    本研究は公立保育所で展開される利甚者支揎事業に぀いお事業の目的や支揎を行う専門員の圹割に着目し保育士経隓を持぀䞻査利甚者支揎専門員がこの事業においお生かすこずができる保育士の専門性ず公立保育所の匷みを生かした地域連携による効果を明らかにするこずが目的であるA垂の公立保育所の䞻査4名に察面匏の半構造化むンタビュヌを実斜した事業内容や保育士の専門知識の掻甚瀟䌚資源ずの連携に぀いおむンタビュヌ調査を行いその語りを分析した䞻査が語った実践の䞭から3぀の事䟋を取り䞊げ「保育所保育士が利甚者支揎専門員ずしお生かすこずができる保育士の専門性」「公立保育所の匷みを生かした地域連携」に぀いおケヌスマネゞメント揎助技術及び地域の専門機関等ずの連携の芖点から捉えた結果それぞれの事䟋の䞭で䞻査は゜ヌシャルワヌク的な専門性をもっお支揎にあたっおおり公立保育所はセヌフティネットの圹割を担い地域の公的機関ず぀ながっおいるこずが瀺唆されたここで公立保育所においお䞻査が利甚者支揎事業を行う効果が明らかになったdepartmental bulletin pape

    Changes in Stress Reaction and Stress Coping with Coronary Disaster in Middle School Students

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    A survey was conducted on students at S junior high school in prefecture A to clarify changes in stress reactions and stress coping before and after corona, and tohelp understand the mental and physical conditions of the students. As for stress reactions, "anger"decreased significantly after corona for both boys and girls, and "positive" increased significantly among boys. As for stress coping, "confronting problems" and "counseling" significantly increased after the corona for boys, while no significant change was observed for girls. In stress scores, about half of the subjects remained in the same stress score category both before and after corona.The results suggest the importance of teachers and staff, especially Yogoteachers, catching children's stress reactions at an early stage and paying attention to stress coping and responding to them meticulously.departmental bulletin pape

    The Health Benefits of Laughter Yoga in the Mentally Disabled

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    With the aim of clarifying the health effects of laughter yoga among people with mental disabilities (parties), 15 parties and 7 healthy people practiced laughter yoga together, and a questionnaire survey was conducted Physical condition, mental aspects, and POMS2 items all showed the main effect before and after implementation. Among the subjects, anger-hostility, confusion-embarrassment, depression-decline, and friendship had the main effect. In anger-hostility, there was an interaction between the participants before and after implementation. There were many positive descriptions about effects of laughter yoga for both. It is suggested that laughter yoga may help improve the mood and emotions of the parties, and may even lead to an improvement in the difficulty of living.departmental bulletin pape


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