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    Subnormal Europe: Óscar Escudero und Belenish Moreno-Gil - Uraufführung zur Münchener Biennale mit Noa Frenkel und Sebastian Schottke

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    Die Komponisten, Multimedia-Künstler und Performer Óscar Escudero und Belenish Moreno-Gil schufen eine Performance, die audiovisuellen Fragmenten nachgeht und den Spuren europäischer Gemeinschaft folgt.Instituto Cervantes Münche

    Internal Static

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    Sonic Experiments: Thomas Ankersmit / Matt Wand (im Rahmen des EBU Ars Acustica Plenary Meetings - Online)

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    Im Rahmen dieser besonderen Livestream-Ausgabe der Veranstaltungsreihe »Sonic Experiments« werden neue Live-Performances der Klangkünstler Thomas Ankersmit und Matt Wand präsentiert

    Tag der offenen Tür 2020

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    Am 6. Januar laden wir mit einem abwechslungsreichen Programm und bei freiem Eintritt herzlich zum Tag der offenen Tür am ZKM ein. Dieses Jahr dreht sich alles um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit


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    Armando TRANQUILINO / James AIKMAN : Tragoidia 1) A dramatic or literary work depicting a protagonist engaged in a morally significal struggle ending in ruin or profound disappointment. 2) 2) Any dramatic, disastrous event. Komoidia : We now and now enter the region of a big guy who eats pies and does not lie in the sun but always tells the truth without shades. With his mephitic breath he sings for night watchmen who intrepidly become character traits as they watch him introduce the players. There are buzzards, there are children, there are musics, always accompanied by their mother who works at the borderline for the mentally accelerated. A magical disarray fills all space with its space, where Haydn melodies metamorphize into exotic modes as Dionysus rejoices in Bacchanalian rumpus. All is well

    Buchveröffentlichung: From Xenakis’s UPIC to Graphic Notation Today - mit elektronischen Konzerten und Gesprächen (Online)

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    Vorstellung des vom Hertz-Labor und dem Centre Iannis Xenakis herausgegebenen Buches mit moderiertem Gespräch mit den HerausgeberInnen Peter Weibel, Ludger Brümmer und Sharon Kanach und anschließendem Konzert mit einem Werk von Julia Jasmin Rommel, das im Rahmen der Künstlerresidenz »Graphical Notation« entstanden ist, sowie einer Softwarepräsentation


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    The piece is in 5 short sections ranging from lyic and expressive to boldly virtuosic. It owes a debt to the imaginative composer, John Eaton. I was one of his electronic music assistants and our ensemble united with the orchestra and singers for performances of his operas at Indiana University. (He, by the way, was the first to give a live performance of electronic music in the late 50's and early 60's in Rome while he was at the American Academy. He is currentl a MacArthur Fellow and Professor of Music at the University of Chicago and has formed his own chamber opera company.) Anyway, I learned to greatly appreciate the beauty of his music, and specifically, his use of quarter-tones. I used quarter-tone inflectinos in the tape part as everyone will hear. Snippets of the "live" violin music were sampled, digitally edited and used to provide the bulk of the tape dialogue. I address three basic styles of instrument and tape techniques: The first is antiphonal music where the soloist and tape alternate passages. The second involves synchronous music where the soloist does his or her best to stay with the tape. The slight inaccuracies which occur are not specific to instrument and tape music - they happen in just about every concerto I've seen where the conductor has one idea of the "correct" tempo while the soloist is busy projecting a slightly varied interpretation. The third instrument and tape techniques of composing involves a loosely unified, free interplay where exact synchronization is not intended. In spite of the aforementioned, this piece has its share of trecherous spots but performers have always managed to overcome the difficulties and make real music of it. Recent performances have taken place at the 20th-Century Music Series in Chicago, during festivals, in university settings and at a computer executives' gathering in Silicon Valley

    Ainger, Marc

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    Oikawa, Junya

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    Aikman, James

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