Online Journal FKIP UM Metro (Universitas Muhammadiyah, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan)
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    2408 research outputs found

    Utilization of Opu Daeng Manambon's Biography as a Source of Local History at SMA Negeri 1 Mempawah Hilir

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    This research was conducted to determine the use of Opu Daeng Manambon's biography as a source local history at SMA Negeri 1 Mempawah Hilir . Using this type of research qualitative with descriptive methods. Data sources include interviews with history teachers and curriculum head of SMA Negeri 1 Mempawah Hilir, Mrs. Purmiasih, S.Pd, and Mrs. Agustina, S.Pd, students of XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Mempawah Hilir, caretaker of the grave of Opu Daeng Manambon Datuk Gusti Amridudin and royal relatives from the Amantubillah Palace, Mrs. Elisa Ruqiyah. Data collection includes observation, interviews, and documentation. The stages of data analysis include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification/conclusion. Data validity techniques use source triangulation and technical triangulation. The research results show that there are three stages in the use of Opu Daeng Manambon's biography, namely: planning, implementation and evaluation stages. Several obstacles were also found , such as limited space for local history in the history syllabus and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Evaluation of learning outcomes is carried out by creating historical comics or poetry


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    Pembelajaran dalam kurikulum 2013 disarankan menghasilkan karya berbasis pemecahan masalah. Salah satu kemampuan yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa dalam proses pembelajaran adalah kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis (KPMM). Kenyataannya KPMM siswa masih tergolong rendah. Penyebabnya siswa kurang aktif dalam menyelsaikan soal berbasis masalah. Supaya pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik, efektif dan efisien dibutuhkan perangkat pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan pendekatan kontekstual untuk memfasilitasi KPMM siswa pada materi bangun ruang sisi lengkung yang telah memenuhi standar valid dan praktis. Model pengembangan yang digunakan yaitu model 4D. Subjek penelitian yaitu kelas IX SMPN 40 Pekanbaru. Rata-rata hasil validasi silabus, RPP dan LKS adalah 3,94; 3,92; 3,86  dengan standar sangat valid. Skor rat-rata angket respon siswa pada uji coba kelompok kecil dan uji coba kelompok besar yaitu 3,8; 3,66 dengan kriteria sangat praktis. Produk yang dihasilkan berupa perangkat pembelajaran dengan pendekatan kontekstual untuk memfasilitasi kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa kelas IX pada materi bangun ruang sisi lengkung dengan kriteria sangat valid dan sangat praktis.Learning in the 2013 curriculum is suggested to produce work based on problem solving. One of the abilities that must be mastered by students in the learning process is the ability to solve mathematical problems (KPMM). In fact, students' KPMM is still relatively low. The reason is that students are less active in solving problem-based questions. In order for learning to run well, effectively and efficiently learning tools are needed. The aim of the research is to produce learning tools with a contextual approach to facilitate students' KPMM on curvature material that meets valid and practical standards. The development model used is the 4D model. The research subject was class IX at SMPN 40 Pekanbaru. The average syllabus, lesson plan and worksheet validation results are 3.94; 3.92; 3.86 with a very valid standard. The average score of student response questionnaires in small group trials and large group trials was 3.8; 3.66 with very practical criteria. The resulting product is a learning tool with a contextual approach to facilitate class IX students mathematical problem management abilities on curved sided geometric material with very valid and very practical criteria

    Toleransi pada Anak: Bagaimana Peran Keluarga dan Sekolah?

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    Promoting tolerance is vital to reduce prejudice and discrimination towards outgroups. Therefore, family and school are essential in encouraging children's tolerance as an immediate environment. This literature review provides an overview of the role of family and school in promoting tolerance in children to reduce prejudice toward outgroups. We used the standard systematic literature review method employing a manual search of articles through the keywords, i.e., children, family, school, prejudice, and tolerance. The data source was obtained online using ProQuest, Taylor & Francis (Social Sciences & Humanities Subject), and Ebscohost. There are 41 articles included in quality appraisal using the qualitative assessment. We concluded that family and school, as an immediate environment of child development, are essential in promoting tolerance to prevent negative prejudice towards outgroups. This literature review may have implications, especially for the family and school environment, in enhancing children's tolerant attitude as early as possible over several activities to increase knowledge about their outgroups


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    Certain English sounds are absent from Indonesian, making pronating English diphthongs challenging for certain students. It is challenging for students to pronounce English diphthongs correctly due to various internal and external factors, including their ignorance of when to pronounce them based on their type and position. The researchers attempt to examine how difficult it is for the students and how they perceive English diphthongs based on the issue they are facing. This study's objectives are the most challenging diphthongs pronounced by students, the most difficult diphthong position, and the degree to which students struggle with pronouncing English diphthong sounds. The design of this study is quantitative and descriptive. Forty-two students comprise the study's sample, and their answers to an oral exam and questionnaire are used to gather data. The researchers found 97 errors in the closing type and 191 in the centring type of diphthongs uttered by the students. The most challenging position of diphthongs in their pronunciation is the centering position (eə, ɪə, ʊə). In addition, five factors are becoming the reason for students' difficulty in pronouncing English diphthong sounds. They are (1) the students have less confidence while pronouncing words, (2) each student has different and limited skills, (3) the lack of motivation from the students causes difficulties in the teaching and learning process, (4) the family environment is very influential in the language development of the students, and (5) the social environment is also one of the influences in the language development of the students. The implication of this study can be in the field of linguistics and education, for example, phonological theories and pedagogical strategies

    Shift in the Use of River Transportation to Land Transportation in Banjarmasin City 2000-2020

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    The river transportation in Banjarmasin City is experiencing a shift where people prefer to use land transportation over river transportation. This is happening due to several driving factors causing the community to abandon river transportation. As Banjarmasin City is dubbed as the city of a thousand rivers, this contrasts with the abandonment of river transportation. This writing aims to understand the reasons behind the shift from river transportation to land transportation for the people of Banjarmasin City. The method employed in this research is historical methodology, which involves four stages: heuristic, comprising the collection of historical sources such as data, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The research findings indicate several causes for the decline in river transportation usage, leading the community to shift to land transportation. These include river narrowing, construction of excessively low bridges, and accumulation of waste on the river surface, which hinder the speed of river transportation flow


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    Learning outcomes are not absolute in the form of values but can be in the form of changes, reasoning, discipline, skills, and so on that lead to positive changes. Understanding learning outcomes is a process to determine the value of student learning through assessment activities or measurement of learning outcomes. The high and low learning outcomes of students can be influenced by several factors, such as formative assessment, student learning style, Kurikulum merdeka, and P5. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of formative assessment, student learning style, Kurikulum merdeka, and P5 on student learning outcomes. The research used is quantitative research. Data collection was conducted through observation, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. Samples used in the study were 120 respondents, with a total of 51 respondents. Data processing using SPSS 26 began to test research instruments, classical assumption tests, and hypothesis tests. The results showed that 1) there is a significant influence of formative assessment, student learning style, independent curriculum, and P5 on student learning outcomes; 2) there is a significant influence of formative assessment on student learning outcomes; 3) there is a significant influence of student learning style on student learning outcomes; 4) there is a significant influence of kurikulum merdeka on student learning outcomes; and 5) there is a significant influence of P5 on student learning outcomes. Keywords: Formative Assessment, Student Learning Style, kurikulum Merdeka, P


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    This research aims to determine the influence of Locus of Control, Financial Socialization, and Parental Norms on Financial Management Behavior with Financial Literacy as an Intervening Variable among Economics Education Students at Makassar State University. This research is quantitative, with a total population of 640 students from the Faculty of Economics as recipients of the Bidikmisi Scholarship Program. A sample was then obtained based on the Slovin formula of 246 students. The results of this research are: (1) Locus of control has no effect on financial management behavior; (2) Financial Socialization has an effect on financial Management Behavior, (3) Parental Norms have an effect on financial management behavior; (4) financial literacy has no effect on financial management behavior; (5) Locus of Control has an effect on financial literacy; (6) Financial Socialization has no effect on financial literacy, (7) Parental norms have no effect on financial literacy; (8) Locus of Control has no effect on Financial Management Behavior through financial literacy; (9) Financial Socialization has no effect on financial management behavior through financial literacy; (10) Parental Norms have no effect on financial Management Behavior through Financial Literacy among Makassar State University students in the class of 2020

    Kontrol Diri dengan Kecanduan Game Online pada Remaja

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    The background to this research is that there is a contradiction in the findings of the relationship between self-control and online game addiction in previous research. Apart from that, research is rarely conducted on adolescents because previous findings focused more on adults. This research aims to determine whether there is a negative and significant relationship between self-control and online game addiction in adolescents. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach. The subjects of this research are adolescent online game players. In this study, a sample size of 101 teenage respondents was used. The data collection technique for this research was carried out by distributing questionnaires. The data analysis technique in this research uses descriptive analysis, classical assumption tests, and interventional analysis using the Pearson Product Moment correlation test. The research results show that there is a significant negative relationship between self-control and online game addiction in adolescents. The result of the determinant coefficient (r2) in this study is (-0.473)2, meaning that self-control has an influence of 22.37%, and means that there are still 77.63% of other variables that impact online game addiction. Implications of this study are expected that adolescents can have good self-control so that when playing online games, they can control themselves so they don't become addicted to playing

    The Role of Bahana Mahasiswa Press in the Field of Education and Malay Culture in Riau (1983-1998)

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    The objectives of this research are: (1) To determine the early formation of Bahana Mahasiswa student press, (2) To understand the role of Bahana Mahasiswa student press in the field of education in Riau from 1983 to 1998, (3) To comprehend the role of Bahana Mahasiswa student press in the field of Malay culture in Riau from 1983 to 1998. This research utilized a historical approach, with data collection methods including literature review, interviews, and documentation. The study was conducted at the Bahana Mahasiswa Secretariat. After gathering the data, data validation was performed through source criticism by assessing the authenticity of the obtained sources through comparing data from different sources, such as comparing interview results with written evidence. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that: (1) Bahana Mahasiswa was established in 1982 and its development was marked by its inaugural publication in July 1983, (2) The role of Bahana Mahasiswa in the field of education is inseparable from its identity as a campus press, with published news always addressing educational issues in Riau, particularly at the University of Riau, (3) The role of Bahana Mahasiswa in the field of Malay culture is manifested through the Gumam and Kilas Balik rubrics, which contain topics related to Malay culture


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    The word order in the Kualuh Malay language spoken in North Labuhanbatu is the subject of this research, which aims to investigate it. Study In this research, the qualitative research method was utilized.  Data for this study came primarily from interviews and participants' own experiences. The clauses or sentences that were discovered in the folklore served as the research's primary source of data. The studies of Miles and Huberman were utilized in order to make sense of the data. The process of assessing the research involved several stages, including data reduction, data display, and extracting conclusions from the data and verifying them. It is possible to draw the conclusion based on the findings of the research that the structure of the sentence patterns used in the Kualuh Malay language spoken in North Labuhanbatu contains VSO, SVO, OSV, VOS, OVS SV, VO, and OV. The word order pattern that should be followed in the declarative clause of a declarative sentence is SC, SVO, OVS. The word order pattern of the clause in this section is V-O and O-V, and it is vital that this pattern be followed. In an interrogative sentence, SV, SVO, VOS, and OSV can be used with nasal-affixed verbs or without them


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