Archivio della ricerca - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
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    18957 research outputs found

    Measurements and TCAD simulations of innovative RSD and DC-RSD LGAD devices for future 4D tracking

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    This paper summarizes the beam test results obtained with a Resistive Silicon Detector (RSD) (also called AC-Low Gain Avalanche Diode, AC-LGAD) pixel array tested at the DESY beam test facility with a 5 GeV/c electron beam. Furthermore, it describes in detail the simulation results of DC-RSD, an evolution of the RSD design. The simulations campaign described in this paper has been instrumental in the definition of the structures implemented in the Fondazione Bruno Kessler FBK first DC-RSD production. The RSD matrix used in this study is part of the second FBK RSD production, RSD2. The best position resolution reached in this test is m, about 3.4% of the pitch. DC-RSD LGAD, are an evolution of the AC-coupled design, eliminating the dielectric and using a DC-coupling to the electronics. The concept of DC-RSD has been finalized using full 3D Technology-CAD simulations of the sensor behavior. TCAD simulations are an excellent tool for designing this innovative class of detectors, enabling the evaluation of different technology options (e.g., the resistivity of the n layer, contact materials) and geometrical layouts (shape and distance of the read-out pads)

    Constraints on directionality effect of nuclear recoils in a liquid argon time projection chamber

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    The direct search for dark matter in the form of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) is performed by detecting nuclear recoils produced in a target material from the WIMP elastic scattering. The experimental identification of the direction of the WIMP-induced nuclear recoils is a crucial asset in this field, as it enables unmistakable modulation signatures for dark matter. The Recoil Directionality (ReD) experiment was designed to probe for such directional sensitivity in argon dual-phase time projection chambers (TPC), that are widely considered for current and future direct dark matter searches. The TPC of ReD was irradiated with neutrons at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud. Data were taken with nuclear recoils of known directions and kinetic energy of 72 keV, which is within the range of interest for WIMP-induced signals in argon. The direction-dependent liquid argon charge recombination model by Cataudella et al. was adopted and a likelihood statistical analysis was performed, which gave no indications of significant dependence of the detector response to the recoil direction. The aspect ratio R of the initial ionization cloud is R < 1.072 with 90% confidence level

    Borane (BmHn), Hydrogen rich, Proton Boron fusion fuel materials for high yield laser-driven Alpha sources

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    We propose for the first time, a new fuel-material for laser-driven Proton Boron (P-B) fusion nuclear reactions. We propose, Hydrogen rich, Borane (BmHn) materials as fusion fuel as compared to Boron Nitride (BN) presently used. We estimate more than 10-fold increase in the yield of nuclear fusion reactions, and Alpha-prticle flux, when, for example Ammonia Borane (BNH6) laser-target material will be used compared to the state of the art normalized flux ∼108 Alphas/sr/J from BN targets. BNH6 contains ∼1000× higher concentration of Hydrogen compared to BN. We report the manufacture of the first solid-pellets Ammonia Borane laser-targets. To obtain high Flux Alpha sources from repetitive lasers we propose new BNH6 target geometries: liquid (molten) droplets/jets; or translated tape- or disc-targets coated with BNH6 powder. Targets would be irradiated in low pressure, ambient buffer gas. To enhance the fusion/Alpha yield of ultra-high intensity PetaWatt laser-target interaction we propose nano- and micro-structured Borane targets. As applications, we propose to use the Alpha-driven nuclear reactions inside the laser-driven Borane targets for new schemes to produce short-lived medical radioisotopes. Such laser-driven radioisotope beamlines would be installed directly in hospitals. Borane materials, like Diborane (6), B2H6, are also proposed as nuclear-fuels for laser-driven Proton-Boron fusion energy generation. The high dilution of Boron in Hydrgen B/H = 33% would need to be further enahnced to B/H < 15% to cut radiation losses from the hot and dense fusion pellet

    Religion And Violence: The Role Of Biblical Hermeneutics In Decolonial Theology, With A Focus On The African Biblical Studies

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    In his The Philosophy of History, the German philosopher Georg W. F. Hegel presents his interpretation of world history, according to which history is the progress of the Spirit’s (Geist) manifestation and realization of itself in the existence of (some) men and people in the world. The becoming of the Spirit in the world is characterized by different stages of the manifestation of the Absolute Spirit’s consciousness. Hegel sees the global history of humanity as characterized by the dichotomy between East and West and by the progress of the Oriental, Greek, Roman, and German cultures. The Spirit’s consciousness manifests itself in each of them, while the rest of human civilization is only a spectator. Specifically, in Hegel’s account, Africa is not part of the progress of the Spirit’s self-consciousness. This is because, for Hegel, Africa is unhistorical; her spirit is undeveloped and, in the condition of the mere nature, devoid of morality, religion, and political constitutions. Hegel’s perspective was, on one hand, the outcome of the historical prejudices against Africa, developed during the colonial domination; on the other hand, it was a way to consolidate and motivate Africans rationally. The physical violence of colonization has been reduced to epistemic violence, what Aníbal Quijano called “coloniality,” that is, the permanence of colonial thought even after the end of colonization. Hegel’s judgment still weighs on Africa: The West still looks at Africa as an underdeveloped continent, unable to do what the West has done. Africa is still fighting for her recognition. African Biblical Studies (ABS) is a way to contribute to both the epistemic emancipation of African people and the recognition of their originality, a peaceful way to overcome epistemic violence. This way, of course, presupposes that the West is willing to recognize an epistemology different from its own. The purpose of this chapter is to show that the contribution of ABS to decolonial theology goes beyond Africa and biblical studies. The history of the continent, the variety of its traditions and cultures, and the ties it has built with other cultures offer resources and stimuli for anyone who wants to promote the emancipation of theological thought and its practical effects. The novelty of decolonial epistemology concerns the possibility of rethinking the social construction of reality. Biblical texts have always inspired people to act, fight, and change their lives

    Modeling of surface plasmon resonance ARROW waveguide and its sensitivity analysis

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    In this work ARROW SPR waveguide sensor is proposed. The motivation behind present work is that surface plasmon resonance is the interesting topic of study in the bio sensing application. The modeling of SPR design and simulation of the anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguide surface plasmon resonance device (ARROW SPR) is conducted and compared with the previous modeling methods. The visible light incident onto the device using the attenuated total reflection (ATR) principle-based configuration known as Kretschmann configuration. The coupling of light to a surface plasmon (SP) is via waveguide coupler. ARROW SPR is a label free biosensor which gives high sensitivity characteristics to find the bio molecular interaction in the medical applications. The parameters of measurement carried out are loss analysis, light intensity, Q-factor, and Sensitivity. The average sensitivity of sensor obtained is 18.55 nm/RIU


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    COMPASTA is an ESA study (2021–2022) that aims at integrating the functionalities of the COMPASS and TASTE toolsets. COMPASS is a tool for model-based system engineering (MBSE) developed in a series of ESA studies from 2008 to 2016. It integrates various formal techniques for automated verification, based on model checking. COMPASS supports and automates activities related to requirements engineering, contract-based design, functional verification, safety assessment, fault detection, identification and recovery (FDIR) specification and effectiveness analysis. TASTE is a development environment for real-time embedded systems, developed under the initiative of ESA. It is a composition of heterogeneous tools released under an open source schema, including code generators, middleware layers and a user interface, devoted to support embedded systems design and development in a model-based fashion. The integration of COMPASS into TASTE is based on the idea, namely the COMPASS back-ends are split from the COMPASS front-end, and integrated directly into the TASTE front-end. In this way, the COMPASS functionalities become available in TASTE, to support the analysis of specifications written in different input languages and for different purposes. The novelty of COMPASTA consists in providing a full end-to-end coherent tool chain covering system design, verification, RAMS analyses, HW/SW implementation, deployment and testing. In this paper, we discuss the objectives and technical benefits of COMPASTA, and we demonstrate the COMPASTA approach and technology

    Painting the Starry Night using XiNets

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    Neural style transfer (NST) is a powerful technique that merges the content of one image with the artistic style of another. However, existing NST models often suffer from computational inefficiency, limiting their practical applicability. In this paper, we propose a lightweight NST approach based on XiNets, neural networks especially developed for microcontrollers and embedded applications. Our XiNet-based pipeline achieves an extremely lightweight transfer style mechanism and high-quality stylized outputs, significantly reducing computational complexity. Furthermore, we explore various optimizations and loss functions to optimize network generation performance. The combination of our novel loss factors and an extremely lightweight generative network enables performance comparable to those offered by networks of larger orders of magnitude. Experimental results demonstrate comparable style transfer quality to state-of-the-art approaches while running on embedded devices like a Raspberry Pi 4 single-board computer and an STM32H7 microcontroller. Our lightweight NST framework allows for real-time style transfer applications on resource-constrained devices without compromising visual fidelity

    Single Condensation Droplet Self-Ejection from Divergent Structures with Uniform Wettability

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    Coalescence-induced condensation droplet jumping has been extensively studied for anti-icing, condensation heat transfer, water harvesting, and self-cleaning. Another phenomenon that is gaining attention for potential enhancements is the self-ejection of individual droplets. However, the mechanism underlying this process remains elusive due to cases in which the abrupt detachment of an interface establishes an initial Laplace pressure difference. In this study, we investigate the self-ejection of individual droplets from uniformly hydrophobic microstructures with divergent geometries. We design, fabricate, and test arrays of truncated, nanostructured, and hydrophobic microcones arranged in a square pattern. High-speed microscopy reveals the dynamics of a single condensation droplet between four cones: after cycles of growth and stopped self-propulsion, the suspended droplet self-ejects without abrupt detachments. Through analytical modeling of the droplet in a conical pore as an approximation, we describe the slow isopressure growth phases and the rapid transients driven by surface energy release once a dynamic configuration is reached. Microcones with uniform wettability, in addition to being easier to fabricate, have the potential to enable the self-ejection of all nucleated droplets with a designed size, promising significant improvements in the aforementioned applications and others


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