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    3014 research outputs found

    Nyutdannede sykepleieres opplevelse av organisatorisk og psykososialt arbeidsmiljø i sykehus, i et arbeidshelseteoretisk perspektiv

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    A considerable amount of newly qualified nurses working at Norwegian hospitals are seeking alternative employment. The working environments affect nurses\u27 occupational health and their desire to remain at their jobs. There is little up-to-date knowledge concerning the working environment in Norwegian hospitals.   The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge about newly qualified nurses\u27 experiences of the organizational and psychosocial working environments in somatic wards, using an occupational health theoretical perspective. The study had a qualitative design, with data collection from semi-structured individual interviews with nine newly qualified nurses. The data material was analyzed based on Malterud\u27s systematic text condensation. The nurses experienced that the working environment was characterized by high workloads, role challenges, and a discrepancy between effort and reward. Furthermore, they described being a newly qualified nurse as professionally challenging. They experienced a high degree of social support from colleagues, but their experiences with management were varied. The findings suggest a discrepancy between job demands and job resources, which, according to theories about occupational health, can lead to physical and psychological stress. Strengthening nurses\u27 resources to meet job demands will be important in order to lessen the consequences of job demands, promote occupational health and hopefully contribute to keeping more nurses in work.Spesialisthelsetjenesten opplever en flukt av nyutdannede sykepleiere. Arbeidsmiljøet påvirker sykepleieres arbeidshelse og ønske om å bli værende i jobben. Det er lite oppdatert kunnskap om arbeidsmiljø ved norske sykehus.   Hensikten med denne studien var å få kunnskap om nyutdannede sykepleieres opplevelse av organisatorisk og psykososialt arbeidsmiljø på somatiske sengeposter, i et arbeidshelseteoretisk perspektiv.   Studien hadde et kvalitativt design, med datainnsamling fra semistrukturerte individuelle intervjuer med ni nyutdannede sykepleiere. Datamaterialet ble analysert ut fra Malteruds systematiske tekstkondensering. Sykepleierne opplevde at arbeidsmiljøet var preget av høyt arbeidspress, rolleutfordringer, samt misforhold mellom innsats og belønning. Videre beskrev de overgangen som nyutdannet sykepleier som faglig utfordrende. De opplevde stor grad av sosial støtte fra kollegaer, men hadde delte erfaringer med forholdet til ledelsen. Funnene antyder et misforhold mellom jobbkrav og jobbressurser, som kan medføre fysiske og psykiske påkjenninger. Å styrke sykepleieres ressurser i møte med jobbkravene vil være viktig for å dempe jobbkravenes konsekvenser, fremme arbeidshelse og forhåpentligvis bidra til å beholde flere sykepleiere i jobb

    Thorkild Hansens Prosessen mot Hamsun og debatten om dokumentarismen

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    In the autumn of 1978, Thorkild Hansen’s Prosessen mot Hamsun generated a heated debate in Scandinavia. Hansen was the first to portray Knut Hamsun’s position during the second world war and the legal proceedings against him in the aftermath to such an extent, both when it comes to the use of sources and commercial ambitions. The portraying is in the genre documentarism, a hybrid of fiction and non-fiction, which at the time of publishing over a decade had held a prominent position in Scandinavia. The article gives a retrospect at a genre, a book, and the debate it caused by throwing light upon Hansen’s use of sources and his literary style. The conclusion asks whether Hansen had a plausible cause and lost it in the use of genre, and furthermore how genre debates still cause headlines.Over noen høstmåneder i 1978 skapte Thorkild Hansens Prosessen mot Hamsun omfattende debatt i Skandinavia. Hansen var den første som i et så bredt anlagt prosjekt og med kommersielle siktepunkt tok fatt på å fremstille Knut Hamsuns virke under annen verdenskrig og rettsoppgjøret i etterkant. Fremstillingen ble båret i den hybride genren dokumentarisme, som kan sies å kombinere sakprosa og fiksjon, som i et tiår hadde en fremtredende og feiret posisjon i Skandinavia. Artikkelen gir et tilbakeblikk på en genre, en utgivelse og debatten den avstedkom ved å kaste lys over Hansens kildebruk og stil. Avslutningsvis utspørres det hvorvidt Hansen skuslet bort sitt anliggende med genren han skrev i, og videre hvordan genredebatter ikke har tapt aktualitet i nyere tid

    Bohccuid dálvebiebman – váikkuhusat bohccuid láhttenvieruide, boazodoalu geavadagaide ja birrasii: Raporta NJK-bargobáji birra Árvvesjávrris 8.–9.6.2022

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    This report is based on the results from a Nordic network project funded by The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research (NKJ) during the years 2021-2022. This network was created to encourage further cross-border discussions about the prospects of winter feeding of reindeer. In reindeer husbandry winter feeding has increased during the last decades due to competing land use activities and climate change. Herders in Norway, Sweden and Finland have previously raised concerns about the benefits and risks associated to the increasing need of winter feeding of reindeer in all three countries. The report, published in Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and North Sámi, and covers the main findings from a series of preparatory workshops within each country and a main workshop in Arvidsjaur 8-9 June 2022. During the network activities, reindeer herders, researchers and managers discussed the effects of feeding on reindeer behaviour, herding practices and the environment. The two main topics discussed at the preparatory workshops were 1) the short- and long-term effects of winter feeding on reindeer behaviour, and 2) local to large scale effects of feeding on the environment and the natural pastures. During the main workshop, discussions were held about reasons for feeding of reindeer, the preconditions of feeding in the three countries, how winter feeding is usually performed, and best practices in relation to reindeer behaviour and the environment. The work aimed at promoting knowledge exchange on winter feeding of reindeer among all participants to help find solutions and mitigation actions to avoid changes in reindeer behaviour and negative effects of feeding on reindeer, reindeer herding and the environment. The report is aimed at herders, managers, as well as other land users, authorities and policymakers to give information on what was discussed and a summary of the challenges related to winter feeding and effects on reindeer behaviour and reindeer husbandry, and the environment. Rangifer Report No 23 is the North Sámi version of the report. The Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian versions have already been published (Rangifer Report No 18, 19 and 20 respectively).&nbsp

    Russian converb constructions corresponding to Swedish purposive för att ‘in order to’ + infinitive constructions

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    The present investigation explores the contexts that trigger purposive interpretations of Russian converbs. The contrastive method is used to elicit purposive converb usages from Swedish corresponding constructions, namely, [för att ‘in order to’ + infinitive] constructions. Two main structural types are observed. One analytic construction, in which imperfective converbs specify mental acts of wishing, trying, or intending [converb + infinitive], e.g., želaja najti ‘wishing to find’. The second construction is synthetic, comprising of imperfective converbs without infinitives [converb]: otyskivaja ‘trying to find’. Both constructions involve mental acts of intending, wishing, or trying, which are explicit in the analytic constructions and implicit in the synthetic constructions. In the synthetic constructions, a concrete eventuality denoted by a finite matrix verb serves as a means of fulfilling an intended outcome, denoted by an abstract manner-neutral converb form. In this sense, the purposive meaning that is expressed hinges on a means:purpose (means:end) complementarity as an effect of manner:result complementarity. Differing degrees of the Subject’s involvement in the progression of the attainment of the intended outcomes can be observed, ranging from preparatory steps to achieved results. An important observation is that purposive converb constructions (either synthetic or analytic) may occur with markers of assumed evidentiality, such as slovno ‘like’, kak by ‘as if’, and vidimo ‘apparently’

    Eavttut ja hástalusat boazodollui Norggas, Ruoŧas ja Suomas: Conditions and challenges for reindeer husbandry in Norway, Sweden and Finland

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    This report is based on the book "Reindeer Husbandry and Global Environmental Change - pastoralism in Fennoscandia". The book, which was published in 2022, brings together previous and new research compiled within a Nordic collaboration project, ReiGN (Reindeer husbandry in a Globalizing North), funded by NordForsk during the years 2016 – 2021. Grants from NordForsk also funded this report. The report, published in Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and North Sámi, summarizes some of the main results from the book. In nine chapters it describes how reindeer herding is affected by climate change, the continuous loss of reindeer grazing land and other external factors that together represent large challenges for reindeer, reindeer herders and the reindeer herding community as a whole. The report contains perspectives from many different research areas. Each chapter in the report has one or more references and links to chapters in the above mentioned book, which is freely available online ( The chapters in the report cover a range of different topics, like present and historical reindeer herding (Chapter 1), the genetic background of the semi-domesticated reindeer (Chapter 2), how reindeer ranges are used and how they are affected by climate change and expanding industrial development (Chapter 3), possibilities for adaptation to a warmer climate (Chapter 4), impact of large predators (Chapter 5), external and internal governance (Chapter 6), reindeer herding as subsistence (Chapter 7), the role of supplementary feeding (Chapter 8), and reindeer health and diseases in a climate perspective (Chapter 9). The report ends with some reflections over the present situation and future perspectives for reindeer herding. The report is aimed at herders and managers, as well as other land users, authorities and policymakers who deal with natural resource management, climate and environmental issues or other matters related to reindeer herding and the use of land and water within the reindeer herding area. Rangifer Report No 21 is the North Sámi version of the report. Reports in Swedish and Norwegian have already been published as Rangifer Report No 16 and No 17, respectively. A Finnish version is published as a following number of Rangifer Report

    Forutsetninger og utfordringer for reindrifta i Norge, Sverige og Finland: Conditions and challenges for reindeer husbandry in Norway, Sweden and Finland

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    This report is based on the book "Reindeer Husbandry and Global Environmental Change - pastoralism in Fennoscandia". The book, which was published in 2022, brings together previous and new research compiled within a Nordic collaboration project, ReiGN (Reindeer husbandry in a Globalizing North), funded by NordForsk during the years 2016 – 2021. Grants from NordForsk also funded this report. The report, published in Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and North Sámi, summarizes some of the main results from the book. In nine chapters it describes how reindeer herding is affected by climate change, the continuous loss of reindeer grazing land and other external factors that together represent large challenges for reindeer, reindeer herders and the reindeer herding community as a whole. The report contains perspectives from many different research areas. Each chapter in the report has one or more references and links to chapters in the above mentioned book, which is freely available online ( The chapters in the report cover a range of different topics, like present and historical reindeer herding (Chapter 1), the genetic background of the semi-domesticated reindeer (Chapter 2), how reindeer ranges are used and how they are affected by climate change and expanding industrial development (Chapter 3), possibilities for adaptation to a warmer climate (Chapter 4), impact of large predators (Chapter 5), external and internal governance (Chapter 6), reindeer herding as subsistence (Chapter 7), the role of supplementary feeding (Chapter 8), and reindeer health and diseases in a climate perspective (Chapter 9). The report ends with some reflections over the present situation and future perspectives for reindeer herding. The report is aimed at herders and managers, as well as other land users, authorities and policymakers who deal with natural resource management, climate and environmental issues or other matters related to reindeer herding and the use of land and water within the reindeer herding area. Rangifer Report No 17 is the Norwegian version of the report. A Swedish version has already been published as Rangifer Report No 16. Reports in Finnish and North Sámi are published as following numbers of Rangifer Report

    Vinterutfodring av renar - effekter på renarnas beteende, renskötseln och miljön: Rapport från en NKJ-workshop i Arvidsjaur 8–9 juni 2022

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    This report is based on the results from a Nordic network project funded by The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research (NKJ) during the years 2021-2022. This network was created to encourage further cross-border discussions about the prospects of winter feeding of reindeer. In reindeer husbandry winter feeding has increased during the last decades due to competing land use activities and climate change. Herders in Norway, Sweden and Finland have previously raised concerns about the benefits and risks associated to the increasing need of winter feeding of reindeer in all three countries. The report, published in Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and North Sámi, and covers the main findings from a series of preparatory workshops within each country and a main workshop in Arvidsjaur 8-9 June 2022. During the network activities, reindeer herders, researchers and managers discussed the effects of feeding on reindeer behaviour, herding practices and the environment. The two main topics discussed at the preparatory workshops were 1) the short- and long-term effects of winter feeding on reindeer behaviour, and 2) local to large scale effects of feeding on the environment and the natural pastures. During the main workshop, discussions were held about reasons for feeding of reindeer, the preconditions of feeding in the three countries, how winter feeding is usually performed, and best practices in relation to reindeer behaviour and the environment. The work aimed at promoting knowledge exchange on winter feeding of reindeer among all participants to help find solutions and mitigation actions to avoid changes in reindeer behaviour and negative effects of feeding on reindeer, reindeer herding and the environment. The report is aimed at herders, managers, as well as other land users, authorities and policymakers to give information on what was discussed and a summary of the challenges related to winter feeding and effects on reindeer behaviour and reindeer husbandry, and the environment. Rangifer Report No 18 is the Swedish version of the report. Reports in Norwegian, Finnish and North Sámi are published as following numbers of Rangifer Report

    Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid med barnevern ved oppfølging av omsorgssvikt på helsestasjon : En kvalitativ studie om helsesykepleiers erfaringer

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    The public health nurse is in a unique position to detect and help children who are exposed to neglect. In case of neglect, the public health nurses need to enact interprofessional collaboration. In this study, the purpose was to explore and describe public health nurses interprofessional collaboration experiences with child welfare services, when following up child neglect at a health centre. The theoretical perspective was Vik\u27s typology of different types of collaboration. A qualitative design was chosen, using Braun and Clarke\u27s reflexive thematic analysis as method and data collection with focus groups and vignette, including 16 public health nurses. The analysis resulted in 4 themes: 1) Addressing parents is a starting point for cooperation with child welfare, 2) Frustration when cooperation with child welfare could be better, 3) Collegial cooperation to help the family and 4) Relationship-building between the professions.Helsesykepleieren er i en unik posisjon til å fange opp og hjelpe barn som er utsatt for omsorgssvikt. Ved omsorgssvikt skal helsesykepleieren arbeide tverrprofesjonelt. I denne studien var hensikten å utforske og beskrive helsesykepleiere på helsestasjon sin erfaring med tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid med barnevern. Det teoretiske perspektivet var Vik sin typologi om ulike former for samhandling. Studien hadde et kvalitativ design, med Braun og Clarkes refleksive tematiske analyse som metode og datainnsamling med tre fokusgrupper med vignett. Totalt 16 helsesykepleiere deltok i studien. Analysen resulterte i 4 hovedtema: 1) Henvendelse til foreldre er et utgangspunkt for samarbeid med barnevern, 2) Frustrasjon når samarbeid med barnevern kunne vært bedre, 3) Kollegialt samarbeid for å hjelpe familien og 4) Relasjonsbygging mellom profesjonene. Mangelfullt samarbeid, i Viks begrep, en fragmentert oppgavefordeling, skaper frustrasjon og usikkerhet hos helsesykepleieren, og det finnes ikke klare retningslinjer for hvordan helsesykepleieren skal samarbeide med barnevernet ved omsorgssvikt. Helsesykepleieren har et ønske om relasjonelt samarbeid for å kunne gi en helhetlig oppfølging til familien

    Vinterforing av reinsdyr - effekter på reinsdyrs oppførsel, beitepraksis og miljøet: Rapport fra en NKJ-workshop i Arvidsjaur 8–9. juni 2022

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    This report is based on the results from a Nordic network project funded by The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research (NKJ) during the years 2021-2022. This network was created to encourage further cross-border discussions about the prospects of winter feeding of reindeer. In reindeer husbandry winter feeding has increased during the last decades due to competing land use activities and climate change. Herders in Norway, Sweden and Finland have previously raised concerns about the benefits and risks associated to the increasing need of winter feeding of reindeer in all three countries. The report, published in Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and North Sámi, and covers the main findings from a series of preparatory workshops within each country and a main workshop in Arvidsjaur 8-9 June 2022. During the network activities, reindeer herders, researchers and managers discussed the effects of feeding on reindeer behaviour, herding practices and the environment. The two main topics discussed at the preparatory workshops were 1) the short- and long-term effects of winter feeding on reindeer behaviour, and 2) local to large scale effects of feeding on the environment and the natural pastures. During the main workshop, discussions were held about reasons for feeding of reindeer, the preconditions of feeding in the three countries, how winter feeding is usually performed, and best practices in relation to reindeer behaviour and the environment. The work aimed at promoting knowledge exchange on winter feeding of reindeer among all participants to help find solutions and mitigation actions to avoid changes in reindeer behaviour and negative effects of feeding on reindeer, reindeer herding and the environment. The report is aimed at herders, managers, as well as other land users, authorities and policymakers to give information on what was discussed and a summary of the challenges related to winter feeding and effects on reindeer behaviour and reindeer husbandry, and the environment. Rangifer Report No 20 is the Norwegian version of the report. The Swedish and Finnish versions have been published (Rangifer Report No 18 and 19, respectively). A version in North Sámi is published as a following number of Rangifer Report

    Mixed Methods Designs: vitenskapsteoretiske posisjoner – muligheter og utfordringer

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    Several researchers combine qualitative and quantitative methods. This is also the situation within nurse education research and nursing research. There are various forms to combine qualitative and quantitative methods, one is called sequential method, a method the authors of this article have experience with. This article aims to give the reader an introduction to mixed methods, including possibilities and challenges different mixed methods design provides. Finally, we will briefly describe opportunities and challenges authors experienced by applying sequential design in their own studies and how the challenges were solved. The goal is to contribute to enhanced understanding among those who want to use mixed methods.Målet med essayet er å drøfte vitenskapsteoretiske posisjoner og hvilke implikasjoner disse har for å anvende mixed methods design. Det finnes ulike måter å kombinere kvalitative og kvantitative metoder, en av dem kalles sekvensiell design, et design forfatterne av essayet har erfaring med. Essayet vil gi leseren en innføring i mixed methods, før den drøfter muligheter og utfordringer. Til slutt beskrives kort muligheter og utfordringer forfatterne erfarte ved å anvende sekvensielt design i egne studier


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