65570 research outputs found

    Endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair:Evaluation of outcomes and risks of postoperative surveillance

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    This thesis investigates the outcomes of patients who underwent endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) for an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). The use of EVAR has been rapidly increased since the 1990s and is, compared to open surgical repair, less invasive and associated with a significant reduction in perioperative mortality. The potential disadvantage of EVAR is the need for lifelong imaging surveillance to detect endograft related complications. The main focus of this thesis is to establish the rationale behind the current post-EVAR follow-up regimen, and to examine whether the frequency of imaging surveillance can be safely reduced in a certain subgroup of patients. Risk stratification based on the results of the first postoperative imaging study following EVAR may improve patient outcomes, reduce overtreatment and costs, and may increase adherence among patients where strict follow-up is necessary.The first part of this thesis focuses on clinical outcomes in patients with an AAA who underwent EVAR. The purpose of this section is to determine the effectiveness of the current follow-up regimen and to gain insight in how patients experience yearly imaging follow-up. The second part investigates complications and secondary interventions that occur after AAA repair, with the aim of improving postoperative care

    De ex-werknemer

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    Ex-werknemer wordt iemand door het einde van de arbeidsovereenkomst, wat zowel kan gebeuren tijdens als aan het einde van iemands loopbaan. Een ex-werknemer is dus niet per definitie oud en gepensioneerd, maar kan net zo goed een jong iemand zijn die van baan wisselt. Ex-werknemers zijn daardoor een divers gezelschap, met uiteenlopende belangen. Wat zij gemeen hebben is dat zij zich allen in de postcontractuele fase bevinden ten opzichte van hun ex-werkgever. Ik doel daarmee op de voortdurende rechtsverhouding tussen de ex-werknemer en ex-werkgever. Dit onderzoek behandelt hoe in wetgeving en rechtspraak wordt omgegaan met de postcontractuele rechtsverhouding. In dat kader wordt onderzocht wat de postcontractuele rechtsverhouding tussen de ex-werknemer en de ex-werkgever inhoudt, in hoeverre deze rechtsverhouding door het arbeids- en pensioenrecht wordt beheerst en of daaraan behoefte is. De onderliggende vraag is welke bijzondere problemen ontstaan in de postcontractuele rechtsverhouding en hoe die problemen kunnen worden opgelost. De onderwerpen van de postcontractuele rechtsverhouding die in dit onderzoek centraal staan, zijn zorgvuldigheidsverbintenissen, zorg- en beloningsverbintenissen, het wijzigingsvraagstuk en medezeggenschap. Terugkerend thema daarbij is waar de door de wetgever gemaakte keuzes vandaan komen in de verscheidenheid aan wetten die deze onderwerpen bestrijken, hoe de rechter daarmee in de praktijk omgaat en of er een rode lijn in valt te ontdekken

    Virus genomic epidemiology to inform public health policy:Understanding hepatitis C virus and SARS-CoV-2 transmission in elimination and outbreak settings

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    The hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemics have caused global morbidity and mortality. The epidemiology of these two viruses differ extensively, but the genomes of both can be studied to improve our understanding of how they spread locally and internationally. Advances in whole genome sequencing technology in the last decade have revolutionized virus epidemiology: virus genomes are now more readily available for analysis and are an important component of virus surveillance and epidemiology. Virus genomes can help discriminate between local transmission and external introductions and they are used to track the evolution of the virus. In this thesis, we used genomic epidemiological methods to provide insights into HCV transmission among men who have sex with men (MSM) and SARS-CoV-2 transmission patterns in Amsterdam. In the first part of this thesis, we show that HCV elimination among MSM could be complicated due to international transmission clusters and propose an HCV genomic surveillance infrastructure. We also highlight that HCV variants resistant to existing therapies are currently not a threat to elimination, but that resistance should be closely monitored. In the second part of this thesis, we utilized similar methods to describe a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in a nightclub in Amsterdam and to describe SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the Amsterdam University Medical Centers. This thesis concludes by discussing how results from these studies can be used to guide and inform public health action

    Towards Responsible Quantum Technology: Safeguarding, Engaging and Advancing Quantum R&D

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    The expected societal impact of quantum technologies (QT) urges us to proceed and innovate responsibly. This article proposes a conceptual framework for Responsible QT that seeks to integrate considerations about ethical, legal, social, and policy implications (ELSPI) into quantum R&D, while responding to the Responsible Research and Innovation dimensions of anticipation, inclusion, reflection and responsiveness. After examining what makes QT unique, we argue that quantum innovation should be guided by a methodological framework for Responsible QT, aimed at jointly safeguarding against risks by proactively addressing them, engaging stakeholders in the innovation process, and continue advancing QT (‘SEA’). We further suggest operationalizing the SEA-framework by establishing quantum-specific guiding principles. The impact of quantum computing on information security is used as a case study to illustrate (1) the need for a framework that guides Responsible QT, and (2) the usefulness of the SEA-framework for QT generally. Additionally, we examine how our proposed SEA-framework for responsible innovation can inform the emergent regulatory landscape affecting QT, and provide an outlook of how regulatory interventions for QT as base-layer technology could be designed, contextualized, and tailored to their exceptional nature in order to reduce the risk of unintended counterproductive effects of policy interventions.Laying the groundwork for a responsible quantum ecosystem, the research community and other stakeholders are called upon to further develop the recommended guiding principles, and discuss their operationalization into best practices and real-world applications. Our proposed framework should be considered a starting point for these much needed, highly interdisciplinary efforts

    Biomarker research in rheumatoid arthritis:A special focus on S100 proteins

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    Ondanks de beschikbaarheid van nieuwe geneesmiddelen voor reumatoïde artritis (RA) patiënten zijn nog niet alle patiënten klachtenvrij. Naast de wens om biomarkers te hebben die voorspellen welke RA patiënt op welke therapie reageert, is recenter ook de focus gelegd op het voorkomen van de ziekte. Begrijpen van etiologie van RA is hierbij belangrijk. We hebben een systematische overzicht gemaakt van wetenschappelijke studies waarin weefsel uit verschillende compartimenten van het lichaam zijn verzameld tijdens de fases voorafgaand aan de mogelijke ontwikkeling van RA. Naast synoviaal weefsel zijn analyses van extra-articulaire weefsels ook belangrijk voor het begrijpen van de etiologie van RA. Bij het doen van studies in de vroegste fase van RA wordt aanbevolen om gestandaardiseerde definities van verschillende stadia van RA en een nauwkeurige beschrijving van de duur van de symptomen te gebruiken voor het vergemakkelijken van de communicatie tussen onderzoekers en een betere vergelijking tussen resultaten. Bij het analyseren van synoviaal weefsel ontdekten we dat de stromale marker FAP in synoviaal weefsel een belangrijke rol zou kunnen spelen in de progressie vanaf de fase met de eerste tekenen van artritis tot de fase waarin diagnose RA vastgesteld kan worden. Bij bloedonderzoek vonden we een potentiële rol van serumspiegels van S100A8/A9 en S100A12 als biomarker bij het voorspellen van de werkzaamheid van experimentele geneesmiddelen op groepsniveau tijdens de vroegste fase van de geneesmiddelen ontwikkeling en als biomarker van respons op therapie bij de individuele RA patiënt

    Water, Food, and Irrigation

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    Irrigated agriculture plays a central role in global food production as it provides resilience to rainfall variability, increased productivity and production security. However, it has also gone hand in hand with serious socio-environmental challenges. Large-scale irrigated agricultural production, which depends on both surface and groundwater resources, has encountered several technical and managerial challenges. It has led to widespread environmental deterioration through drying and polluting rivers, lakes, wetlands, and aquifers. At the same time, irrigated agricultural production has been increasingly commodified, specialized and globalized through large commercial farming enterprises, contract farming and international agro-export chains. This has led to widespread processes of land and water accumulation and related socio-environmental inequities in many regions of the world. In contraposition to this tendency peasant irrigated production plays a key role in producing for local and regional fresh food markets. In this context, we explore a few innovative and promising grassroots initiatives that spring from peasant agriculture. These are agro-ecology, farmer-led irrigation development and peri-urban agriculture, all initiatives that rest on the creation of local food production and marketing networks. Finally, this book chapter closes by setting out critical questions about policies and the political implications of food consumption patterns

    Essays on the econometrics of option pricing

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    This dissertation is a collection of three essays that delve into the econometrics of option pricing. The primary objective of these essays is to develop and deploy diverse econometric techniques that enable the accurate extraction of valuable information embedded in option prices. Chapter 2 investigates jump contagion between international stock markets using options data. It introduces a multivariate option pricing model that assesses the contagious effects of market shocks. Chapter 3 tackles the challenge of estimating continuous-time option pricing models. It proposes a new filtering and estimation method for affine jump-diffusion models, enhancing computational efficiency and implementation ease. Finally, Chapter 4 develops a unified framework for non-parametric estimation of risk-neutral densities, option prices, and option sensitivities

    Global interlock ties of financial firms:insights from network analysis

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    Financial firms are pivotal nodes in corporate networks due to their central role in controlling financial capital. While the position of financial firms in board interlock networks is well-studied within nation-states, it is an open question if their central position transcends across borders. This visualisation utilises social network analysis to map the board interlock connections among 112 global financial firms featured in the Forbes Global ranking. The results delineate a core group of globally interconnected firms, reveal the diversity in network formation strategies, and assess the extent of cross-sector connections. This visualisation enriches the literature on global financial networks and interlocking global city networks by illustrating the interconnections among financial firms across spatial boundaries

    The role of religion and COVID 19 vaccine uptake in England

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    Background: While many countries have successfully deployed COVID-19 vaccination programmes, there are disparities in their uptake. One factor influencing vaccine coverage is religion. Existing research has found a link between religious beliefs and vaccine hesitancy. This study looks at religion in England to examine its relationship with public health. Methods: This analysis used data from a survey of over 12,000 respondents in England, conducted through the YouGov Online Panel. Respondents were asked whether they identified with a religion, and if so which, and the number of COVID-19 vaccinations they had received. We employed ordinary least squares regression to analyse the data, accounting for age, gender, education, generalised trust, trust in government, and political ideology.Results: We find that respondents who identify as be part of the Church of England or Methodist religions have had significantly more COVID-19 vaccinations. Conversely, adherents to the Pentecostal, Orthodox Christian, Islamic and Roman Catholic faiths have had significantly fewer COVID-19 vaccinations. These relationships hold even when adjusting for age, education, level of trust, and political affiliation. Conclusion: This research indicates a potential influence of religious affiliation on vaccine uptake, highlighting the need for more carefully-tailored public health programmes. Recognizing the diverse associations of different religious affiliations on health behaviour is important for shaping future vaccination campaigns and policy interventions. Engaging with religious communities and leaders may be one method through which to deal with vaccine hesitancy and improve public health.<br/

    Getting out of the joint:Cognitive bias modification and the treatment of substance use with detained young offenders

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    English Summary:This dissertation tests a brief, generally applicable treatment option for substance use in detained young offenders. A Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) program is introduced, aiming to reduce alcohol and cannabis use, and evaluated in a randomized controlled trial (RCT). Attentional biases towards the substances were found but a 12-month follow-up reveals no significant reduction in substance use or delinquent recidivism.A review of the literature emphasizes the crucial role of motivation for treatment success and the challenges of achieving motivation in detained youth. The RCT was further complemented by a Motivational Interviewing (MI) module, designed to illustrate the link between substance use and personal problems, to boost motivation. The MI module, unfortunately failed to significantly alter participants' motivation or substance use behavior.The strategies employed to effectively recruit participants and ensure RCT completion rates within a regimented setting while maintaining ethical and scientific integrity are presented to aid future research.The dissertation concludes by advocating for tailored CBM protocols that align with individual goals. Acknowledging limitations, such as age-related factors and timing disparities in MI sessions, it prompts a reevaluation of the efficacy of detention-based interventions. The suggestion is made to pivot towards motivational enhancement, leveraging detention as an entry point for change, coupled with post-detention access to professional services. The project offers valuable insights, advocating for a nuanced approach that combines CBM, motivational enhancement, and traditional substance use treatments for detained young offenders.Dutch Summary: Deze dissertatie toetst een korte, algemeen toepasbare behandeloptie voor middelengebruik bij gedetineerde jongeren. Een Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) programma wordt geïntroduceerd, met als doel vermindering van van alcohol en cannabis gebruik, en wordt geëvalueerd in een gerandomiseerde gecontroleerde trial (RCT). Er werden aandachtsbiassen gevonden ten opzichte van de middelen, maar een follow-up van 12 maanden laat geen significante vermindering zien in middelengebruik of delinquente recidive.Een literatuuronderzoek benadrukt de cruciale rol van motivatie voor het succes van de behandeling en de uitdagingen bij het bereiken van motivatie bij gedetineerde jongeren. De RCT werd verder aangevuld met een Motivational Interviewing (MI) module, ontworpen om de link tussen middelengebruik en persoonlijke problemen te illustreren en motivatie te stimuleren. Helaas slaagde de MI-module er niet in de motivatie of het middelengebruiksgedrag van de deelnemers significant te veranderen.De gebruikte strategieën om effectief deelnemers te werven en RCT-voltooiingspercentages te waarborgen binnen een streng gereguleerde setting, met behoud van ethische en wetenschappelijke integriteit, worden gepresenteerd om toekomstig onderzoek te ondersteunen.De dissertatie pleit voor op maat gemaakte CBM-protocollen die aansluiten bij individuele doelen. Met erkenning van beperkingen, zoals leeftijdsgerelateerde factoren en timing-discrepanties in MI-sessies, stimuleert het een heroverweging van de doeltreffendheid van op detentie-specifieke interventies. Het voorstel is om over te schakelen naar motivationele versterking, waarbij detentie wordt benut als een instappunt voor verandering, in combinatie met toegang tot professionele diensten na detentie. Het project biedt waardevolle inzichten en pleit voor een genuanceerde benadering die CBM, motivationele versterking en traditionele behandelingen voor gedetineerde jongeren combineert


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