SERPENT Image & Video Database
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    1893 research outputs found

    Small spotted catshark/Lesser-spotted dogfish

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    Attracted to bait3 individuals attracted to a baited camera at Halifax. The first individual arrived just 4 minutes after deployment of the bai

    Animals attracted to baited camera

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    Attracted to baitBrosme brosme (tuskfish), Scyliorhinus canicula (lesser spotted dogfish/small spotted catshark) and hermit crabs (Pagurus sp.) attracted to baited camera experiment

    Ling at baited camera experiment

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    Attracted to baitMolva molva (Ling) attracted to baited camera experimen

    Small spotted catshark/Lesser-spotted dogfish

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    A lesser-spotted dogfish close to the well head at Halifa

    Ophiuroid attracted to baited camera experiment

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    Attracted to baitAn ophiuroid attracted to bai

    Catshark and crabs at baited camera

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    Attracted to baitLarge Cancer pagurus (Brown crab/Edible crab) and Scyliorhinus canicula (lesser spotted dogfish/small spotted catshark) attracted to baited camera experiment

    Pencil spine urchin

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    A pencil spine urchin at Lancaste

    Saccocalyx pedunculatus

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    The seabed at Kitatange-1 was dominated by soft sediment with occasional areas of hard substratum. The rocks supported sessile invertebrate assemblages such as sponges and soft corals. The images show a large hexactinellid (Saccocalyx pedunclatus)

    Enypniastes sp.

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    feedingSwimming sea cucumber feeding on the seabed

    Deep-sea jelly

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    Jelly encountered in teh water column just above the seabed at at 2300


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    Updated in last 30 days.
    SERPENT Image & Video Database is based in United Kingdom
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