183 research outputs found


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    Variational approach to calculation of charge exchange cross sections for adiabatic collisio

    SIRTF - The Shuttle Infrared Telescope Facility

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    The Shuttle Infrared Telescope (SIRTF) is a 1-m class cryogenically cooled telescope to be operated from the shuttle as a facility for infrared astronomy. By exploiting the very low infrared background of space, SIRTF will achieve 100 to 1000 times the sensitivity currently attainable at infrared wavelengths between 2 and 200 microns. The scientific requirements of SIRTF, the current design concept, and the scientific capabilities of the systems are reviewed. We also review recent experimental results showing that mirrors made of glassy materials may be suitable for use in large cryogenic telescopes such as SIRTF

    Measurement of the nighttime infrared luminosity of Spacelab 1 in the H- and K-bands

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    Infrared measurements of the Spacelab 1, Space Transportation System 9, were made from the Maui Optical Station tracking facility using a sensitive photometer n two infrared bands, the H-band centered at a wavelength of 1.6 microns and the K-band centered at 2.3 micrometers. The objective was to measure radiation from the vicinity of the Shuttle arising from interaction of Shuttle surfaces with atmospheric particles. It was necessary to include the Shuttle itself in the field of view of the photometer. The integrated brightness of the entire Shuttle at a distance of 400 km was found to be equivalent to that of a star of magnitude +6.6 or 1.6 microns; it was much fainter in the visible. Most of the emission at 1.6 microns appears to be attributable to the Shuttle glow phenomenon. It is hundreds of times brighter than the zodiacal background. The radiation at 2.3 microns can be accounted for primarily by diffusely scattered thermal radiation from Earth's surface

    A cryogenically cooled, multidetector spectrometer for infrared astronomy

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    A liquid helium-cooled, 24 detector grating spectrometer was developed and used for low resolution astronomical observations in the 5 to 14 micron spectral range. The instrument operated on the 91 cm Kuiper Airborne Observatory, the 3 m IRTF (Mauna Kea), the 3 m Shane telescope Observatory, the 3 m Shane telescope (Lick Observatory), and the 152 cm NASA and University of Arizona telescope. The detectors are discrete Si:Bi photoconductors with individual metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor preamplifiers operating at 4 K. The system uses a liquid helium-cooled slit, order-sorter filter, collimator mirror, grating, and camera mirror arranged in a Czerny-Turner configuration with a cold stop added between the collimator mirror and the grating. The distances between components are chosen so that the collimator mirror images the secondary mirror of the telescope onto the cold stop, thus providing a very effective baffle. Scattered radiation is effectively reduced by using liquid helium-cooled, black baffles to divide the spectrometer into three separate compartments. The system noise-equivalent flux density, when used on the 152 cm telescope from 8 to 13 microns with a resolving power of 50, is 4.4 x 10 to the minus 17th power W/sq cm micron square root of Hz. The main applications are for measuring continuum radiation levels and solid state emission and absorption features in regions of star and planet formation

    Thermal contacts between metal and glass for use at cryogenic temperatures

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    Thermal contacts designed to cool a 50-cm diam fused-silica mirror to 5 K without serious distortion of the optical surfaces were tested. Rubber cement and copper-filled rubber cement were found to be well suited for maintaining thermal contact between the fused-silica and copper straps. A variety of other adhesives proved to be unreliable because they spalled the glass. The thermal resistances of the rubber cement and copper-filled rubber cement were determined. For the copper-filled rubber cement, the thermal resistances varied from 570 K/W at 60 K to 15,000 K/W at 10 K

    Thermal infrared observations of Mars (7.5-12.8 microns) during the 1990 opposition

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    Thirteen spectra of Mars, in the 7.5 to 12.8 micron wavelength were obtained on 7 Dec. 1990 from the Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF). For these observations, a grating with an ultimate resolving power of 120 to 250 was used and wavelengths were calibrated for each grating setting by comparison with the absorption spectrum of polystyrene measured prior to each set of observations. By sampling the Nyquist limit at the shortest wavelengths, an effective resolving power of about 120 over the entire wavelength range was achieved. A total of four grating settings were required to cover the entire wavelength region. A typical observing sequence consisted of: (1) positioning the grating in one of the intervals; (2) calibrating the wavelength of positions; and (3) obtaining spectra for a number of spots on Mars. Several observations of the nearby stellar standard star, alpha Tauri, were also acquired throughout the night. Each Mars spectrum represents an average of 4 to 6 measurements of the individual Mars spots. As a result of this observing sequence, the viewing geometry for a given location or spot on Mars does not change, but the actual location of the spot on Mars's surface varies somewhat between the different grating settings. Other aspects of the study are presented

    Interstellar grain mantles

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    Interstellar molecular grain mantles are an important component of the interstellar dust inside dense molecular clouds as evidenced by the detection of absorption bands at 2.97, 3.08, 4.61, 6.0 and 6.8 microns. Mantles may also be the precursors of more complex grain mantles in the diffuse interstellar medium. The molecular composition of these icy grain mantles were calculated employing gas phase as well as grain surface reactions. The calculated mixtures consist mainly of the molecules H2O, H2CO, N2, CO, O2, H2O2, NH2, and their deuterated counterparts in varying ratios. The exact compositions depend strongly on the physical conditions in the gas phase. The absorption spectra of H2O with other molecules was studied in the laboratory. Optical constants were determined for a few selected mixtures. Extinction and polarization cross sections across the 3 micron ice band were calculated. A comparison with the observations towards BN shows that the low frequency wing observed on this feature is due to absorption by a mixture of H2O and other molecules rather than scattering by large, pure H2O ice grains

    A multicomponent model of the infrared emission from Comet Halley

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    A model based on a mixture of coated silicates and amorphous carbon grains produces a good spectral match to the available Halley data and is consistent with the compositional and morphological information derived from interplanetary dust particle studies and Halley flyby data. The dark appearance of comets may be due to carbonaceous coatings on the dominant (by mass) silicates. The lack of a 10 micrometer feature may be due to the presence of large silicate grains. The optical properties of pure materials apparently are not representative of cometary materials. The determination of the optical properties of additional silicates and carbonaceous materials would clearly be of use

    Spectral structure near the 11.3 micron emission feature

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    If the 11.3 micron emission feature seen in the spectra of many planetary nebulae, H II regions, and reflection nebulae is attributable to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), then additional features should be present between 11.3 and 13.0 microns. Moderate resolution spectra of NGC 7027, HD 44179, BD+30 deg 3639, and IRAS 21282+5050 are presented which show evidence for new emission features centered near 12.0 and 12.7 microns. These are consistent with an origin from PAHs and can be used to constrain the molecular structure of the family of PAHs responsible for the infrared features. There is an indication that coronene-like PAHs contribute far more to the emission from NGC 7027 than to the emission from HD 44179. The observed asymmetric profile of the 11.3 micron band in all the spectra is consistent with the slight anharmonicity expected in the C-H out-of-plane bending mode in PAHs. A series of repeating features between 10 and 11 microns in the spectrum of HD 44179 suggests a simple hydride larger than 2 atoms is present in the gas phase in this object

    The 2.5-5.0 micron spectra of Io: Evidence for H2S and H2O frozen in SO2

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    The techniques of low temperature spectroscopy are applied to identify the constituents of the ices covering the surface of Io, a satellite of Jupiter. Infrared spectra of Io in the 4000-2000 cm exp -1 region, including new observational data, are analyzed using laboratory studies of plausible surface ices
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