206 research outputs found

    Direct observation of nanoscale interface phase in the superconducting chalcogenide Kx_{x}Fe2−y_{2-y}Se2_2 with intrinsic phase separation

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    We have used scanning micro x-ray diffraction to characterize different phases in superconducting Kx_{x}Fe2−y_{2-y}Se2_2 as a function of temperature, unveiling the thermal evolution across the superconducting transition temperature (Tc∼_c\sim32 K), phase separation temperature (Tps∼_{ps}\sim520 K) and iron-vacancy order temperature (Tvo∼_{vo}\sim580 K). In addition to the iron-vacancy ordered tetragonal magnetic phase and orthorhombic metallic minority filamentary phase, we have found a clear evidence of the interface phase with tetragonal symmetry. The metallic phase is surrounded by this interface phase below ∼\sim300 K, and is embedded in the insulating texture. The spatial distribution of coexisting phases as a function of temperature provides a clear evidence of the formation of protected metallic percolative paths in the majority texture with large magnetic moment, required for the electronic coherence for the superconductivity. Furthermore, a clear reorganization of iron-vacancy order around the Tps_{ps} and Tc_c is found with the interface phase being mostly associated with a different iron-vacancy configuration, that may be important for protecting the percolative superconductivity in Kx_{x}Fe2−y_{2-y}Se2_2.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    A partially sex-reversed giant kelp sheds light into the mechanisms of sexual differentiation in a UV sexual system

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    In UV sexual systems, sex is determined during the haploid phase of the life cycle and males have a V chromosome whereas females have a U chromosome. Previous work in the brown alga Ectocarpus revealed that the V chromosome has a dominant role in male sex determination and suggested that the female developmental programme may occur by 'default'. Here, we describe the identification of a genetically male giant kelp strain presenting phenotypic features typical of a female, despite lacking the U-specific region. The conversion to the female developmental programme is however incomplete, because gametes of this feminized male are unable to produce the sperm-attracting pheromone lamoxirene. We identify the transcriptomic patterns underlying the male and female specific developmental programmes, and show that the phenotypic feminization is associated with both feminization and de-masculinization of gene expression patterns. Importantly, the feminization phenotype was associated with dramatic downregulation of two V-specific genes including a candidate male-determining gene. Our results reveal the transcriptional changes associated with sexual differentiation in a UV system, and contribute to disentangling the role of sex-linked and autosomal gene expression in the initiation of sex-specific developmental programmes. Overall, the data presented here imply that the U-specific region is not required to initiate the female developmental programme, but is critical to produce fully functional eggs, arguing against the idea that female is the 'default' sex in this species

    Wave vector dependence of the dynamics in supercooled metallic liquids

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    We present a detailed investigation of the wave vector dependence of collective atomic motion in Au49Cu26.9Si16.3Ag5.5Pd2.3 and Pd42.5Cu27Ni9.5P21 supercooled liquids close to the glass transition temperature. Using x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy in a precedent uncovered spatial range of only few interatomic distances, we show that the microscopic structural relaxation process follows in phase the structure with a marked slowing down at the main average inter-particle distance. This behavior is accompanied by dramatic changes in the shape of the intermediate scattering functions which suggest the presence of large dynamical heterogeneities at length-scales corresponding to few particle diameters. A ballistic-like mechanism of particle motion seems to govern the structural relaxation of the two systems in the highly viscous phase, likely associated to hopping of caged particles in agreement with theoretical studies

    Herpesviruses Serology Distinguishes Different Subgroups of Patients From the United Kingdom Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Biobank.

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    The evidence of an association between Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and chronic herpesviruses infections remains inconclusive. Two reasons for the lack of consistent evidence are the large heterogeneity of the patients' population with different disease triggers and the use of arbitrary cutoffs for defining seropositivity. In this work we re-analyzed previously published serological data related to 7 herpesvirus antigens. Patients with ME/CFS were subdivided into four subgroups related to the disease triggers: S0-42 patients who did not know their disease trigger; S1-43 patients who reported a non-infection trigger; S2-93 patients who reported an infection trigger, but that infection was not confirmed by a lab test; and S3-48 patients who reported an infection trigger and that infection was confirmed by a lab test. In accordance with a sensitivity analysis, the data were compared to those from 99 healthy controls allowing the seropositivity cutoffs to vary within a wide range of possible values. We found a negative association between S1 and seropositivity to Epstein-Barr virus (VCA and EBNA1 antigens) and Varicella-Zoster virus using specific seropositivity cutoff. However, this association was not significant when controlling for multiple testing. We also found that S3 had a lower seroprevalence to the human cytomegalovirus when compared to healthy controls for all cutoffs used for seropositivity and after adjusting for multiple testing using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. However, this association did not reach statistical significance when using Benjamini-Yekutieli procedure. In summary, herpesviruses serology could distinguish subgroups of ME/CFS patients according to their disease trigger, but this finding could be eventually affected by the problem of multiple testing

    Benchmarking homogenization algorithms for monthly data

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    The COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action ES0601: Advances in homogenization methods of climate series: an integrated approach (HOME) has executed a blind intercomparison and validation study for monthly homogenization algorithms. Time series of monthly temperature and precipitation were evaluated because of their importance for climate studies. The algorithms were validated against a realistic benchmark dataset. Participants provided 25 separate homogenized contributions as part of the blind study as well as 22 additional solutions submitted after the details of the imposed inhomogeneities were revealed. These homogenized datasets were assessed by a number of performance metrics including i) the centered root mean square error relative to the true homogeneous values at various averaging scales, ii) the error in linear trend estimates and iii) traditional contingency skill scores. The metrics were computed both using the individual station series as well as the network average regional series. The performance of the contributions depends significantly on the error metric considered. Although relative homogenization algorithms typically improve the homogeneity of temperature data, only the best ones improve precipitation data. Moreover, state-of-the-art relative homogenization algorithms developed to work with an inhomogeneous reference are shown to perform best. The study showed that currently automatic algorithms can perform as well as manual ones

    Discovery of Pod Shatter-Resistant Associated SNPs by Deep Sequencing of a Representative Library Followed by Bulk Segregant Analysis in Rapeseed

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    Background: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are an important class of genetic marker for target gene mapping. As of yet, there is no rapid and effective method to identify SNPs linked with agronomic traits in rapeseed and other crop species. Methodology/Principal Findings: We demonstrate a novel method for identifying SNP markers in rapeseed by deep sequencing a representative library and performing bulk segregant analysis. With this method, SNPs associated with rapeseed pod shatter-resistance were discovered. Firstly, a reduced representation of the rapeseed genome was used. Genomic fragments ranging from 450–550 bp were prepared from the susceptible bulk (ten F2 plants with the silique shattering resistance index, SSRI,0.10) and the resistance bulk (ten F2 plants with SSRI.0.90), and also Solexa sequencingproduced 90 bp reads. Approximately 50 million of these sequence reads were assembled into contigs to a depth of 20-fold coverage. Secondly, 60,396 ‘simple SNPs ’ were identified, and the statistical significance was evaluated using Fisher’s exact test. There were 70 associated SNPs whose –log10p value over 16 were selected to be further analyzed. The distribution of these SNPs appeared a tight cluster, which consisted of 14 associated SNPs within a 396 kb region on chromosome A09. Our evidence indicates that this region contains a major quantitative trait locus (QTL). Finally, two associated SNPs from this region were mapped on a major QTL region

    A study of soft tissue sarcomas after childhood cancer in Britain

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    Among 16 541 3-year survivors of childhood cancer in Britain, 39 soft tissue sarcomas (STSs) occurred and 1.1 sarcomas were expected, yielding a standardised incidence ratio (SIR) of 16.1. When retinoblastomas were excluded from the cohort, the SIR for STSs was 15.9, and the cumulative risk of developing a soft tissue tumour after childhood cancer within 20 years of 3-year survival was 0.23%. In the case–control study, there was a significant excess of STSs in those patients exposed to both radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy, which was five times that observed among those not exposed (P=0.02). On the basis of individual radiation dosimetry, there was evidence of a strong dose–response effect with a significant increase in the risk of STS with increasing dose of RT (P<0.001). This effect remained significant in a multivariate model. The adjusted risk in patients exposed to RT doses of over 3000 cGy was over 50 times the risk in the unexposed. There was evidence of a dose–response effect with exposure to alkylating agents, the risk increasing substantially with increasing cumulative dose (P=0.05). This effect remained after adjusting for the effect of radiation exposure

    Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) : Investigating care practices pointed out to disparities in diagnosis and treatment across European Union

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    ME/CFS is a chronic, complex, multisystem disease that often limits the health and functioning of the affected patients. Diagnosing patients with ME/CFS is a challenge, and many different case definitions exist and are used in clinical practice and research. Even after diagnosis, medical treatment is very challenging. Symptom relief and coping may affect how patients live with their disease and their quality of life. There is no consensus on which diagnostic criteria should be used and which treatment strategies can be recommended for patients. The purpose of the current project was to map the landscape of the Euromene countries in respect of national guidelines and recommendations for case definition, diagnosis and clinical approaches for ME/CFS patients. A 23 items questionnaire was sent out by email to the members of Euromene. The form contained questions on existing guidelines for case definitions, treatment/management of the disease, tests and questionnaires applied, and the prioritization of information for data sampling in research. We obtained information from 17 countries. Five countries reported having national guidelines for diagnosis, and five countries reported having guidelines for clinical approaches. For diagnostic purposes, the Fukuda criteria were most often recommended, and also the Canadian Consensus criteria, the International Consensus Criteria and the Oxford criteria were used. A mix of diagnostic criteria was applied within those countries having no guidelines. Many different questionnaires and tests were used for symptom registration and diagnostic investigation. For symptom relief, pain and anti-depressive medication were most often recommended. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Graded Exercise treatment were often recommended as disease management and rehabilitative/palliative strategies. The lack of consistency in recommendations across European countries urges the development of regulations, guidance and standards. The results of this study will contribute to the harmonization of diagnostic criteria and treatment for ME/CFS in Europe

    Administration of M. leprae Hsp65 Interferes with the Murine Lupus Progression

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    The heat shock protein [Hsp] family guides several steps during protein synthesis, are abundant in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and are highly conserved during evolution. The Hsp60 family is involved in assembly and transport of proteins, and is expressed at very high levels during autoimmunity or autoinflammatory phenomena. Here, the pathophysiological role of the wild type [WT] and the point mutated K409A recombinant Hsp65 of M. leprae in an animal model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus [SLE] was evaluated in vivo using the genetically homogeneous [NZBxNZW]F1 mice. Anti-DNA and anti-Hsp65 antibodies responsiveness was individually measured during the animal's life span, and the mean survival time [MST] was determined. The treatment with WT abbreviates the MST in 46%, when compared to non-treated mice [p<0.001]. An increase in the IgG2a/IgG1 anti-DNA antibodies ratio was also observed in animals injected with the WT Hsp65. Incubation of BALB/c macrophages with F1 serum from WT treated mice resulted in acute cell necrosis; treatment of these cells with serum from K409A treated mice did not cause any toxic effect. Moreover, the involvement of WT correlates with age and is dose-dependent. Our data suggest that Hsp65 may be a central molecule intervening in the progression of the SLE, and that the point mutated K409A recombinant immunogenic molecule, that counteracts the deleterious effect of WT, may act mitigating and delaying the development of SLE in treated mice. This study gives new insights into the general biological role of Hsp and the significant impact of environmental factors during the pathogenesis of this autoimmune process
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