1,770 research outputs found

    Irrotational Binary Neutron Stars in Quasiequilibrium in General Relativity

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    Neutron stars in binary orbit emit gravitational waves and spiral slowly together. During this inspiral, they are expected to have very little vorticity. It is in fact a good approximation to treat the system as having zero vorticity, i.e., as irrotational. Because the orbital period is much shorter than the radiation reaction time scale, it is also an excellent approximation to treat the system as evolving through a sequence of equilibrium states, in each of which the gravitational radiation is neglected. In Newtonian gravity, one can simplify the hydrodynamic equations considerably for an equilibrium irrotational binary by introducing a velocity potential. The equations reduce to a Poisson-like equation for the potential, and a Bernoulli-type integral for the density. We show that a similar simplification can be carried out in general relativity. The resulting equations are much easier to solve than other formulations of the problem.Comment: 14 pages, AASTeX, accepted in ApJ. Simplified final form of equation (eq. 52). Added Shibata re

    Forecasting U.S. Trade in Services

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    This paper provides a set of forecasts of United States international trade in services, both at the aggregate level and for four subcategories. These sectors are: travel, which is mostly tourist expenditures; passenger fares, which is mostly passenger air transportation; transportation, other than passenger transportation; and other private services, including education, financial services, insurance, telecommunications, and business, professional and technical services. A forecasting model is constructed and estimated, based on conventional economic forces of supply and demand, dependent on cost variables and income variables as well as relative prices. For forecasting purposes, these variables are taken from the Michigan Quarterly Econometric Model of the U.S. Economy, a macroeconomic forecasting model with forecasts provided regularly by the University of Michigan Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics. The equations of the services trade model are reported and discussed, and the performance of the estimated equations is evaluated. The quarterly forecast paths are provided for both aggregate and sectoral services trade, including exports and imports, through the end of 2001. Results indicate that imports will continue to rise over the forecast period, while exports, after remaining nearly stationary for several quarters in some sectors in 1999, will resume their rise thereafter. This forecasting work is to be continued, and it is suggested, in addition, that future research would be useful to explore the determinants of the production and sales of foreign services affiliates of U.S. parent companies.Services, International Trade

    Information needs of patients with cancer: results from a large study in UK cancer centres

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    As part of a multi-centred study evaluating a communication skills training model for clinicians, we collected information preferences using an adaptation of Cassileth's Information Needs questionnaire from a heterogeneous sample of 2331 patients. Results showed that 87% (2027) wanted all possible information, both good and bad news and 98% (2203) preferred to know whether or not their illness was cancer. Cross tabulation of responses revealed no significant differences in information preferences for tumour site or treatment aims but did show an effect of age and sex. The few 58/440 (13.2%) patients who stated that in general they preferred to leave disclosure of details up to the doctor, tended to be older patients more than 70 years of age (chi square = 26.01, df = 2, P< 0.0001), although paradoxically they still wanted to know certain specific details. In comparison to men women preferred to know the specific name of the illness (chi square = 4.9, df = 1, P< 0.02) and what were all the possible treatments (chi square = 8.26, df = 1, P< 0.004). The results from this very large sample provide conclusive evidence that the vast majority of patients with cancer want a great deal of specific information concerning their illness and treatment. Failure to disclose such information on the grounds that significant numbers of patients prefer not to know is untenable. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    A Nonlinear Coupling Network to Simulate the Development of the r-mode Instablility in Neutron Stars II. Dynamics

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    Two mechanisms for nonlinear mode saturation of the r-mode in neutron stars have been suggested: the parametric instability mechanism involving a small number of modes and the formation of a nearly continuous Kolmogorov-type cascade. Using a network of oscillators constructed from the eigenmodes of a perfect fluid incompressible star, we investigate the transition between the two regimes numerically. Our network includes the 4995 inertial modes up to n<= 30 with 146,998 direct couplings to the r-mode and 1,306,999 couplings with detuning< 0.002 (out of a total of approximately 10^9 possible couplings). The lowest parametric instability thresholds for a range of temperatures are calculated and it is found that the r-mode becomes unstable to modes with 13<n<15. In the undriven, undamped, Hamiltonian version of the network the rate to achieve equipartition is found to be amplitude dependent, reminiscent of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem. More realistic models driven unstable by gravitational radiation and damped by shear viscosity are explored next. A range of damping rates, corresponding to temperatures 10^6K to 10^9K, is considered. Exponential growth of the r-mode is found to cease at small amplitudes, approximately 10^-4. For strongly damped, low temperature models, a few modes dominate the dynamics. The behavior of the r-mode is complicated, but its amplitude is still no larger than about 10^-4 on average. For high temperature, weakly damped models the r-mode feeds energy into a sea of oscillators that achieve approximate equipartition. In this case the r-mode amplitude settles to a value for which the rate to achieve equipartition is approximately the linear instability growth rate.Comment: 18 Pages 14 Figure

    Multi-Color Light Curves of Type Ia Supernovae on the Color-Magnitude Diagram: a Novel Step Toward More Precise Distance and Extinction Estimates

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    We show empirically that fits to the color-magnitude relation of Type Ia supernovae after optical maximum can provide accurate relative extragalactic distances. We report the discovery of an empirical color relation for Type Ia light curves: During much of the first month past maximum, the magnitudes of Type Ia supernovae defined at a given value of color index have a very small magnitude dispersion; moreover, during this period the relation between BB magnitude and BVB-V color (or BRB-R or BIB-I color) is strikingly linear, to the accuracy of existing well-measured data. These linear relations can provide robust distance estimates, in particular, by using the magnitudes when the supernova reaches a given color. After correction for light curve strech factor or decline rate, the dispersion of the magnitudes taken at the intercept of the linear color-magnitude relation are found to be around 0m^m.08 for the sub-sample of supernovae with \BVm 0m.05\le 0^m.05, and around 0m^m.11 for the sub-sample with \BVm 0m.2\le 0^m.2. This small dispersion is consistent with being mostly due to observational errors. The method presented here and the conventional light curve fitting methods can be combined to further improve statistical dispersions of distance estimates. It can be combined with the magnitude at maximum to deduce dust extinction. The slopes of the color-magnitude relation may also be used to identify intrinsically different SN Ia systems. The method provides a tool that is fundamental to using SN Ia to estimate cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant and the mass and dark energy content of the universe.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of CGLSS II and U.S. NLDN Using Ground-Truth Data from Launch Complex 398, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

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    A new comprehensive lightning instrumentation system has been designed for Launch Complex 39B (LC39B) at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. This new instrumentation system includes six synchronized high-speed video cameras, current sensors installed on the nine downcouductors of the new lightning protection system (LPS) for LC39B; four dH/dt, 3-axis measurement stations; and five dE/dt stations composed of two antennas each. The LPS received 8 direct lightning strikes (a total of 19 strokes) from March 31 through December 31, 2011. The measured peak currents and locations are compared to those reported by the CGLSS 11 and the NLDN. Results of comparison are presented and analyzed in this paper

    Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of CGLSS II and U.S. NLDN Using Ground-Truth Dalta from Launch Complex 398, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

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    A new comprehensive lightning instrumentation system has been designed for Launch Complex 39B (LC39B) at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. This new instrumentation system includes seven synchronized high-speed video cameras, current sensors installed on the nine downconductors of the new lightning protection system (LPS) for LC39B; four dH/dt, 3-axis measurement stations; and five dE/dt stations composed of two antennas each. The LPS received 8 direct lightning strikes (a total of 19 strokes) from March 31 through December 31 2011. The measured peak currents and locations are compared to those reported by the Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Surveillance System (CGLSS II) and the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN). Results of comparison are presented and analyzed in this paper

    Study of NAP adsorption and assembly on the surface of HOPG

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    NAP is an octapeptide that has demonstrated a neuroprotective/therapeutic efficacy at very low concentrations in preclinical studies and in a number of clinical trials. Yet little is known about its structural organization at low concentrations. Here, we have employed atomic force microscopy to investigate NAP peptide assembly on graphite in aqueous media at nanomolar concentration. High spatial resolution scans of NAP assemblies reveal their fine structure with clearly resolved single NAP units. This observation leads us to conclude that NAP molecules do not form complex self-assembled structures at nanomolar concentration when adsorbed on graphite surface

    What happens to ART-eligible patients who do not start ART? Drop out between screening and ART initiation: a cohort study in Karonga, Malawi

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    BACKGROUND: Routine ART programme statistics generally only provide information about individuals who start treatment. We aimed to investigate the outcome of those who are eligible but do not start ART in the Malawi programme, factors associated with this dropout, and reasons for not starting treatment, in a prospective cohort study.METHODS: Individuals having a first screening visit at the ART clinic at Karonga District Hospital, northern Malawi, between September 2005 and July 2006 were interviewed. Study follow-up to identify treatment outcomes was conducted at the clinic and in the community. Logistic regression models were used to identify factors associated with dropout before ART initiation among participants identified as clinically eligible for ART.RESULTS: 88 participants eligible for ART at their first screening visit (out of 633, 13.9%) defaulted before starting ART. Participants with less education, difficulties in dressing, a more delayed ART initiation appointment, and mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) &lt; 22 cm were significantly less likely to have visited the clinic subsequently. Thirty-five (58%) of the 60 participants who defaulted and were tracked at home had died, 21 before their ART initiation appointment.CONCLUSIONS: MUAC and reported difficulties in dressing may provide useful screening indicators to identify sicker ART-eligible individuals at high risk of dropping out of the programme who might benefit from being brought back quickly or admitted to hospital for observation. Individuals with less education may need adapted health information at screening. Deaths of ART-eligible individuals occurring prior to ART initiation are not included in routine programme statistics. Considering all those who are eligible for ART as a denominator for programme indicators would help to highlight this vulnerable group, in order to identify new opportunities for further improving ART programmes