41 research outputs found

    Sago hydrogel as dressing for partial thickness wound in rabbits

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    Pada masa kini bergai jenis pembebab luka kedapatan dipasaran. Banyak kajian menunjukkan pembebat yang berjaya mempertahankan kelembapan pada permukaan luka dapat menyembuh luka dengan lebih cepat. Semua nya dihasilkan dari negara luar. Oleh hal demikian Malaysian Institute of National and Technology telah menghasilkan pembebat dari jenis tersebut yang dihasilkan dari sago. Tujuan penyelidikan ini adalah untuk menilai Sago hydrogel: 1: Dapat digunakan sebagai pembebat luka 2: Dapat menggalakkan proses penyembuhan luka dengan kadar lebih baik berbanding dengan pembebab standard 3. Dapat menghalang jangkitan kuman keatas luka pembebat standard. At present there are various wound dressing available. Occlusive dressing is believed to promote better wound as healing compared to dry dressing. However, all the occlusive dressings available are not produced locally. In an attempt to promote our local, The Malaysian Institute of Nuclear Technology (MINT) has come out with a sago starch based occlusive dressing. The aims of this study are: 1. To assess whether locally produced hydrogel is useful as a wound dressing 2. To assess whether it has any advantages over conventional dressing 3. To determine tissue response and infection control properties of the locally produced hydrogel used as wound dressing infection in comparison with paraffin gauze dressing

    Persepsi belia terhadap pengajaran dan pembelajaran kursus Tamadun Islam di Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin

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    Kursus Tamadun Islam adalah kursus wajib bagi semua pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi di Malaysia termasuk politeknik. Makalah ini membincangkan persepsi pelajar terhadap pelaksanaan kursus Tamadun Islam di Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin (PSMZA), Dungun,Terengganu. Sampel kajian ini terdiri daripada 231 orang pelajar dari kalangan belia daripada 6 program pengajian peringkat diploma.Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tahap persepsi pelajar terhadap prosesberada pada tahap tinggi. Secara ringkas, pelajar berpuas hati dengan proses pengajian di PSMZA. Kajian ini juga mendapati perbezaan gender dan program pengajian yang diikuti tidak mempengaruhi persepsi mereka terhadap proses P&P. Respon pelajar terhadap sokongan akademik yang pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) Tamadun Islam di PSMZA adalah disediakan oleh PSMZA adalah baik. Walau bagaimanapun, PSMZA menghadapi kekurangan jumlah tenaga pengajar dan tenaga pengajar sedia ada tidak mempunyai kelayakan iktisas yang sepatutnya

    Case Study of Engineering Ethics toward Natural Gas Pipeline Leaking: An Analysis through Solving Technique

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    This paper focuses on the case study of engineering ethics for Gas Pipeline Explosion at Ghislenghien, Belgium. The tragedy happened on 30th of July, 2004 and investigation was conducted to find the root cause. However, the question is remains unsolved. Investigators and experts listed few reasons that may affecting the gas pipeline including safety regulations not being observed due to deadline given is too short, soil erosion and used of mechanical diggers within one meter of the gas pipe. Rescue operation was initiated immediate after the gas explosion. This tragedy causes 24 dead including 5 fire fighters and indicated an amount of 100 million euros lost and lead to multiple reformation. Therefore, a case study of engineering ethics has been done and the analysis has been made in terms of ethical framework and ethical theories respectively. The recommendation of this study is hoped to help the engineers in order to reduce the numbers of accidentin their work place

    Influence of supervisees' working alliance on supervision outcomes: a study in Malaysia context

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    Supervisory working alliance is an essential element in the supervision process. The experiences of supervisees during dyad or supervision process with their supervisors contribute to the levels of relationships (positive or negative) between supervisors and supervisees in their working alliance. The purposes of the research are to determine the relationships between supervisees’ working alliance and supervision outcomes and to investigate the influence of supervisees’ working alliance on the supervision outcomes. This quantitative study consists of two types of respondents: 1) supervisee (counselor trainee) and 2) supervisor (academic lecturer). A total of 120 supervisees and 18 supervisors participated in the research. This study found that there was a significant relationship between supervisees’ working alliance and supervision outcomes (supervisees’ satisfaction and performance) [F (1, 116) = 49.5, (β = 1.04, p < 0.05), r =. 55 (adjusted R2 =. 293)]. As a conclusion, the supervisees’ working alliance has a unique contribution on the supervision outcomes (supervisees’ satisfaction and performance) among supervisees (counselor trainees) in Malaysia

    Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship (ENT300) Ayam Sihat Trading / Nor Rasidah Binti Nen... [et al.]

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    AYAM SIHAT is a cold storage that occur processing organic live poultry and selling a chicken at our own shop, We will sell a high protein and health by producing an organic chicken. This business is based on partnership where it consists of four (4) members. The members consist of the General Manager, Administration Manager, Marketing Manager, Operational Manager and Financial Manager. The business capital is amounted to RM 80, 000 where General Manager contributed RM 24 000, Administration Manager RM 8, 000, Operating Manager, Marketing Manager, and Financial Manager each of them contributed RM 16, 000 and the rest is from the financial company's loan. Our market focus based on population in Kota Samarahan which is our target group is caterers, groceries and housewife. We have an agreement with Joel's Farmland, whereas his company will supply us the fresh chicken every day. Why we choose on this business? It is because there is still a high potential in making a high profit. Besides, it has been high demand among restaurants, caterers, groceries and housewife. Other reason is because it important daily consume by our target customers. We will only provide the high quality and fresh chicken to our customers. That is our speciality among others competitors. This can effect on continuous service and we can gain a high profit due to our hard work in providing this kind of production. In future for around three (3) years after this project established, our target is to add workers, to expand our site and to be the number one of well-known business, open branch in other places and be trusted cold storage for all level ages of people and races

    Subchronic oral toxicity study of Morinda citrifolia (mengkudu) in Spraque Dawley rats

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    A subchronic oral toxicity study was conducted to evaluate the safety of Morinda citrifolia in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. For this purpose, the fruit of Morinda citrifolia were oven dried and ground into powder form before incorporating into diet and fed to SD rats (10 males and 10 females per group) at dose levels of 2000 (low dose) and 5000 (high dose) mg/kg body weight/day for 13 weeks. Clinical observations were recorded, while body weight and feed consumption were measured throughout the study. At the end of the study, all the rats were subjected to a full necropsy. Their blood samples were collected for clinical pathology, whereas selected organs were weighed and tissues were preserved from all the animals. Total protein was found to be significantly lower (p<0.05) in male rats of all the treatment groups. Meanwhile, total white blood cells (3.96 ×10³/µl) and spleen weight (0.14%) were found to be significantly lower (p<0.05) in female rats of the low dose group. Nevertheless, the differences observed were within the normal range of normal healthy rats that were considered to be not toxicological significance. It was concluded that the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) for Morinda citrifolia was 5000 mg/kg body weight/day

    Strategic energy management plan and MS ISO 50001:2011 compliance / Mohd Tarmizi Mat Asim...[et al.]

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    Strategic energy management plan is a long-term approach provided for achieving the goals set, determining the level of energy efficiency, detecting, controlling, monitoring and reporting on the performance of energy consumption. Successful strategic energy management plan builds long-term relationships with energy users and can improve the persistence of energy savings. It will also benefit the organization, the country and the world directly and indirectly. However, without the support, these benefits may not be achieved and the implementation of strategic energy management plan will not be successful. The objective of the study is to improve energy performance at TH Headquarters building and to reduce electricity energy consumption. The study started with preliminaries study, data collection, data analysis and strategic energy management plan development process. All data and information were sourced from data collection activity that has been processed and analyzed based on the needs such as occupant behavior, trend of energy used and energy performance. Furthermore, wastage factors, target saving baseline, energy performance indicator, and strategic energy management plan were identified and developed. The proposed methods refer to MS ISO 50001:2011 as a guideline

    Penghasilan antibodi PPSP 1 dan PPSP 2 terhadap mononukles darah periferi manusia dengan teknik hibridoma

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    Dalam kajian ini, teknik hibridoma telah dilakukan untuk menghasilkan antibodi monoklon (mAb) mencit terhadap sel mononukleus darah periferi manusia (SMDP). Selepas hibridisasi sel limpa mencit yang diimunisasi dengan sel mieloma dilakukan sel hibridoma yang diperolehi didapati stabil dan mengeluarkan antibodi (Ab) yang berterusan. Dua hibridoma telah berjaya dihasilkan daripada pengklonan satu kultur awal berdasarkan analisis biot imunodot. Kedua-dua hibridoma ini menghasilkan Ab yang masing-masingnya dikenali sebagai PPSPl dan PPSP2. Analisis selanjutnya melalui flow sitometri menunjukkan bahawa kedua-dua hibridroma ini menghasilkan Ab yang bertindak balas dengan antigen permukaan SMDP. Walau bagaimanapun, intensiti pewarnaan PPSP1 lebih tinggi daripada PPSP2. Lebih daripada 98% SMDP dilabel positif dengan PPSP1 dan PPSP2 iaitu setanding dengan keputusan apabila menggunakan mAb kontrol positif komersial, CD45. Penyelidikan seterusnya untuk menentukan PPSP1 dan PPSP2 adalah antibodi monoklon sedang dalam perancangan

    Influence of Supervisees' Working Alliance on Supervision Outcomes: A Study in Malaysia Context

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    Supervisory working alliance is an essential element in the supervision process. The experiences of supervisees during dyad or supervision process with their supervisors contribute to the levels of relationships (positive or negative) between supervisors and supervisees in their working alliance. The purposes of the research are to determine the relationships between supervisees’ working alliance and supervision outcomes and to investigate the influence of supervisees’ working alliance on the supervision outcomes. This quantitative study consists of two types of respondents: 1) supervisee (counselor trainee) and 2) supervisor (academic lecturer). A total of 120 supervisees and 18 supervisors participated in the research. This study found that there was a significant relationship between supervisees’ working alliance and supervision outcomes (supervisees’ satisfaction and performance) [F (1, 116) = 49.5, (β = 1.04, p < 0.05), r =. 55 (adjusted R2 =. 293)]. As a conclusion, the supervisees’ working alliance has a unique contribution on the supervision outcomes (supervisees’ satisfaction and performance) among supervisees (counselor trainees) in Malaysia

    The Relationship between Supervision Contextual Factors and Supervision Outcomes

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the supervisory relationship and contextual supervision factors on supervision outcomes among trainee counsellors. There were 120 trainee counsellor respondents and 18 supervisors from four universities UM, UUM, UMT and UMS. The respondents were selected using the stratified random sampling technique. This study utilized the correlational research design. His research revealed there was no significant correlations between supervision contextual factors (supervisees’ and supervisors’ counselling orientation and supervisees’ cultural knowledge and awareness) and supervision outcomes. There were several recommendations outlined by the study which included, (i) the supervision contextual factors (cultural knowledge and awareness) should be examined from the supervisors’ perspective, (ii) future researchers should personally give explanations to the respondents when conducting the question and answer sessions and (iii) future researchers could also expand this investigation by examining the differences between supervision interaction of the supervisors and the supervisees