216 research outputs found


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    ADAPTIVE PREDICTIVE CONTROL BASED ON FUZZY MODEL AND  GENETIC ALGORITHMS FOR UNCERTAINTY NONLINEAR SYSTEM The paper presents a method to design the Adaptive Predictive Controller for uncertainty nonlinear system. The predictive model  is used by a group of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models with Fuzzy Switching Element, the Optimisation Problem is solved by the Genetic Algorithms. The method to tuning the parameters of the Model Predictive Controller based on Lyapunov stability theorem is presented in this paper. These tuning parameters are the weight coefficients of the costfunction. These coefficients are tunned to bring higher control qualities and guaranty Global Stable System (GAS) for the closed system. Simulation results show that the proposed controller can be  applied for uncertainty nonlinear plant. The paper is organised as follows: The description of MPC based on Fuzzy Model and Genetic Algirithms is section 1, Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Model and Genetic Algirithms are presented in section 2, The method to tuning the parameters of the Model Predictive Controller based on Lyapunov stability theorem is  section 3, The simulink  and results are presented in section 4, Conclutinons are in section 5

    Vietnamese Word Segmentation with CRFs and SVMs: An Investigation

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    PACLIC 20 / Wuhan, China / 1-3 November, 200

    Lecane (Rotifera: Lecanidae) community in psammon habitat in Central Coast Vietnam: Diversity and relation to environmental condition

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    Characteristics of the Lecane (Rotifera) community in psammon in Central Coast Vietnam were investigated. A total of 50 taxa were identified in samples collected at hygropsammon zones of temporary pools, contributing 4 new species to rotifers' record of Vietnam. Psammonxenic species accounted for the largest percentage of Lecane community with 82%, followed by psammophiles (12%) and psammonbionts (6%). Influences of some environmental factors on the distribution of psammic lecanids were also observed. This group of organisms showed a slight tendency towards sand with grain sizes larger than 125 µm. Besides, other abiotic factors including pH, total phosphorus (TP) and total dissolved solids (TDS) were also found to significantly related to the distribution of some common Lecane species

    dbVar structural variant cluster set for data analysis and variant comparison

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    dbVar houses over 3 million submitted structural variants (SSV) from 120 human studies including copy number variations (CNV), insertions, deletions, inversions, translocations, and complex chromosomal rearrangements. Users can submit multiple SSVs to dbVAR that are presumably identical, but were ascertained by different platforms and samples, to calculate whether the variant is rare or common in the population and allow for cross validation. However, because SSV genomic location reporting can vary – including fuzzy locations where the start and/or end points are not precisely known – analysis, comparison, annotation, and reporting of SSVs across studies can be difficult. This project was initiated by the Structural Variant Comparison Group for the purpose of generating a non-redundant set of genomic regions defined by counts of concordance for all human SSVs placed on RefSeq assembly GRCh38 (RefSeq accession GCF_000001405.26). We intend that the availability of these regions, called structural variant clusters (SVCs), will facilitate the analysis, annotation, and exchange of SV data and allow for simplified display in genomic sequence viewers for improved variant interpretation. Sets of SVCs were generated by variant type for each of the 120 studies as well as for a combined set across all studies. Starting from 3.64 million SSVs, 2.5 million and 3.4 million non-redundant SVCs with count \u3e=1 were generated by variant type for each study and across all studies, respectively. In addition, we have developed utilities for annotating, searching, and filtering SVC data in GVF format for computing summary statistics, exporting data for genomic viewers, and annotating the SVC using external data sources

    A novel control method to maximize the energy-harvesting capability of an adjustable slope angle wave energy converter

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    This paper introduces a novel control approach to maximizing the output energy of an adjustable slope angle wave energy converter (ASAWEC) with oil-hydraulic power take-off. Different from typical floating-buoy WECs, the ASAWEC is capable of capturing wave energy from both heave and surge modes of wave motions. For different waves, online determination of the titling angle plays a significant role in optimizing the overall efficiency of the ASAWEC. To enhance this task, the proposed method was developed based on a learning vector quantitative neural network (LVQNN) algorithm. First, the LVQNN-based supervisor controller detects wave conditions and directly produces the optimal titling angles. Second, a so-called efficiency optimization mechanism (EOM) with a secondary controller was designed to regulate automatically the ASAWEC slope angle to the desired value sent from the supervisor controller. A prototype of the ASAWEC was fabricated and a series of simulations and experiments was performed to train the supervisor controller and validate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach with regular waves. The results indicated that the system could reach the optimal angle within 2s and subsequently, the output energy could be maximized. Compared to the performance of a system with a vertically fixed slope angle, an increase of 5% in the overall efficiency was achieved. In addition, simulations of the controlled system were performed with irregular waves to confirm the applicability of the proposed approach in practice

    A new species of the Cyrtodactylus chauquangensis species group (Squamata, Gekkonidae) from Lao Cai Province, Vietnam

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    We describe a new species of the genus Cyrtodactylus based on five adult specimens from Bac Ha District, Lao Cai Province, northern Vietnam. Cyrtodactylus luci sp. nov. is distinguished from the remaining Indochinese bent-toed geckos by a combination of the following morphological characteristics: medium size (SVL up to 89.5 mm); dorsal tubercles in 17–19 irregular transverse rows; ventral scales in 32–34 longitudinal rows at midbody; precloacal pores present in both sexes, 9 or 10 in males, 8 or 9 in females; 12–15 enlarged femoral scales on each thigh; femoral pores 9–12 in males, 5–10 in females; postcloacal tubercles 2–4; lamellae under toe IV 21–23; dorsal pattern consisting of 5 or 6 irregular dark bands, a thin neckband without V-shape or triangle shape in the middle, top of head with dark brown blotches; subcaudal scales transversely enlarged. Molecular phylogenetic analyses recovered the new species as the sister taxon to C. gulinqingensis from Yunnan Province, China, with strong support from all analyses and the two taxa are separated by approximately 8.87–9.22% genetic divergence based on a fragment of the mitochondrial ND2 gene. This is the first representative of Cyrtodactylus known from Lao Cai Province

    Effect of Silver Nanowire Dimension to Ammonia Adsorption of Graphene-silver Nanowires Hybrid

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    In this report, we study the effect of silver nanowires (AgNws) dimension to electrical properties of rGO/AgNws hybrid. The alteration of these electrical properties leads the difference of ammonia sensibility of the rGO/AgNws hybrid based sensing devices. When the rGO is accompanied by AgNws of different sizes from \sim 500$~\text{nm to } 10\;\mum, the ammonia sensitivity of these hybrids change from 60% to 340% alteration compared with the bare rGO material

    On the Out of Distribution Robustness of Foundation Models in Medical Image Segmentation

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    Constructing a robust model that can effectively generalize to test samples under distribution shifts remains a significant challenge in the field of medical imaging. The foundational models for vision and language, pre-trained on extensive sets of natural image and text data, have emerged as a promising approach. It showcases impressive learning abilities across different tasks with the need for only a limited amount of annotated samples. While numerous techniques have focused on developing better fine-tuning strategies to adapt these models for specific domains, we instead examine their robustness to domain shifts in the medical image segmentation task. To this end, we compare the generalization performance to unseen domains of various pre-trained models after being fine-tuned on the same in-distribution dataset and show that foundation-based models enjoy better robustness than other architectures. From here, we further developed a new Bayesian uncertainty estimation for frozen models and used them as an indicator to characterize the model's performance on out-of-distribution (OOD) data, proving particularly beneficial for real-world applications. Our experiments not only reveal the limitations of current indicators like accuracy on the line or agreement on the line commonly used in natural image applications but also emphasize the promise of the introduced Bayesian uncertainty. Specifically, lower uncertainty predictions usually tend to higher out-of-distribution (OOD) performance.Comment: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2023, Workshop on robustness of zero/few-shot learning in foundation model


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    GBSS1 gene regulates the biosynthesis of starch in cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, and its allelic diversity relates to variation in their starch production. In this research, genetic diversity of the recent conserved cassava germplast was estimated based on DNA polymorphism of a targeted fragment on GPSS1 gene of 14 representatives selected from 44 cassava varieties, whose genetic diversity was previously determined with SSR markers. The results from analyses of boostrap values on Neighbor Joining tree, of genetic indice from DNAsp 4.10.9 software, and of typical mutated points of 612bp-fragments on GBSS1 gene of the studied varieties revealed high genetic diversity and were in agreement to previous analyses with SSR markers. All 14 varieties were separated into 3 clusters on Neighbor Joining tree, in accordance with the variation in tuber-starch percentage and fresh root yield between groups. All three groups showed high genetic diversity with 53-99% of bootstrap values, high genetic differentiation (Kst=0.74, χ2=28; P=0.036), high number of allele (A=9) and high allenic diversity (Ad=0.91). The varieties of each group had 2-5 typical alleles. Results of this study could be applied for estimation of effectiveness of cassava germplast conservation. Together with the relevant SSR markers, the typical alleles of GBSS1 gene of different groups could be used as additional markers for selection and breeding of cassava with high starch yield in their tubers. GBSS1 (Granule bound starch synthase 1) là gen điều khiển sinh tổng hợp tinh bột ở cây sắn (Manihot esculenta Crantz) và đa dạng alen của gen phản ánh đa dạng về năng suất và chất lượng tinh bột. Trong nghiên cứu này đa dạng di truyền của tập đoàn giống sắn đang lưu giữ được đánh giá dựa vào đa hình trình tự ADN dọc đoạn đích trên gen GBSS1 của 14 giống đại diện trong 44 giống sắn đã đươc đánh giá bằng chỉ thị SSR. Kết quả phân tích dựa vào giá trị bootstrap trên cây phát sinh chủng loại theo phương pháp Neighbor Joining, dựa vào hệ số di truyền trên phần mềm DNAsp4.10.9 và dựa vào đột biến điểm dọc đoạn đích 612bp trên gen GBSS1 của các giống sắn nghiên cứu đều phản ánh đa dạng di truyền cao và phù hợp với kết quả đánh giá bằng chỉ thị SSR. Các giống sắn được phân thành 3 nhánh tách biệt trên cây phát sinh chủng loại theo tỷ lệ tinh bột và năng suất củ tươi trung bình đặc trưng của từng nhóm. Giữa các nhóm có giá trị bootstrap từ 53-99% và khác biệt di truyền tin cậy (Kst= 0,74, χ2=28; P=0,036) với số lượng alen (A=9) và đa dạng alen (Ad =0,91) cao. Mỗi nhóm sắn có 2-5 alen đặc trưng. Kết quả nghiên cứu có thể áp dụng để đánh giá hiệu quả công tác lưu giữ nguồn gen các giống sắn. Các alen đặc trưng của từng nhóm có thể sử dụng kết hợp với chỉ thị SSR liên quan làm cơ sở để chọn lọc hiệu quả các dòng sắn có tỷ lệ tinh bột cao