340 research outputs found

    Los sistemas fluviales cuaternarios de la Península Ibérica: conceptos y preguntas sin resolver

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    Los sistemas fluviales durante el Cuaternario adquieren especial relevancia porque registran tanto variaciones en el clima como en el nivel del mar o en la actividad tectónica para periodos en los que la actividad humana se ha desarrollado. La Península Ibérica es rica en su registro, si bien dadas las particularidades de la geología peninsular y las incertidumbres en la edad de los depósitos, el análisis de su registro es muy problemático. A pesar de ello, los diferentes grupos de investigadores consideran que la génesis de estas secuencias de depósitos se puede atribuir a los cambios climáticos que acontecieron durante este periodo y a los que se superpuso la actividad tectónica, modificando la disposición de las secuencias de terrazas e incluso su número. El efecto de las variaciones del nivel del mar sólo se ha invocado en el curso bajo del Tajo mientras que no se considera que haya afectado a las secuencias de terrazas del Guadalquivir.Departamento de Estratigrafía, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, EspañaDepartamento de Investigación en Recursos Geológicos, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Españ

    Julio Nepote y la agonía del Imperio Romano de Occidente

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    Cuando Glicerio se convirtió en el antepenúltimo emperador de Roma, la sucesión al trono era ya poco más que un tira y afloja entre Bizancio y la influencia cada vez más manifiesta de las potencias bárbaras que dominaban el Imperio de Occidente. Glicerio, comes domesticorum durante el mandato de Olibrio, fue nombrado por un príncipe burgundio, Gundobado, sin el consentimiento de León I, emperador de Oriente

    El filantrocapitalismo como modelo de acción social

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    [ES] El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar filantrocapitalismo ―o filantropía de riesgo― desde la perspectiva de la acción social y la forma en que se ha ido desplegando a lo largo de los últimos años, en los que ha acabado por convertirse en una herramienta más de la cooperación al desarrollo, la lucha contra la pobreza o las enfermedades. Desde la perspectiva de la economía global, estas fundaciones filantrópicas actúan en ámbitos que antes pertenecían al Estado o que, en casos de países menos desarrollados, nunca llegaron a ser públicos. La merma de las políticas sociales y la búsqueda de una estrategia global de desarrollo han promovido el crecimiento de estas organizaciones. Los Partenariados Público-Privados (PPP) son, en la mayor parte de los casos, la forma innovadora que eligen para su financiación, aprovechando el reparto de riesgos y beneficios. Asistimos a una forma de filantropía en la que a los filántropos no solo les mueve un afán altruista, sino que se buscan proyectos que resulten beneficiosos. En este contexto, la filantropía se transforma no solo en una nueva herramienta para el desarrollo sino también en un prisma analítico. Los filántropos se convierten en líderes éticos y la hegemonía se transforma en un concepto básico para entender sus movimientos. En esta tesis se analiza el sistema filantrocapitalista desde varias perspectivas. Por un lado, se analizan los condicionantes sociohistóricos de la filantropía, las motivaciones y las propias fundaciones filantrópicas desde el punto de vista de sus intereses, sus objetivos, su legitimidad y hegemonía. Además, también veremos sus formas de financiación, así como sus limitaciones. A modo práctico, buscaremos en los discursos de las fundaciones filantrópicas y de las organizaciones supranacionales para ver de qué forma se alinean éstos y cómo utilizan conceptos ambiguos para generar nuevas nociones y significados. También se analizan cuatro casos concretos en los que se pueden observar diferencias regionales en el propio sistema y cuidadas excepciones.[EN]The purpose of this work is to analyze philanthrocapitalism (or venture philanthropy) from the perspective of social action and how it has been gone displaying over the past few years, in which has finally become an additional tool of the development cooperation, the fight against poverty or disease. In a global economic perspective, philanthropic foundations work in areas that formerly belonged to the State, or, in cases of less developed countries, never became public. The decrease of social policies and the pursuit of a global development strategy have promoted the growth of these organizations. Public-Private Partnerships are, in most cases, the innovative way they choose for their funding, using the distribution of risks and benefits. We are witness of a form of philanthropy in which philanthropists are motivated not only a desire altruistic, but is seeking projects that are beneficial. In this context, philanthropy becomes not only a new tool for development but also an analytical prism. Philanthropists become ethical leaders and hegemony becomes a basic concept to understand their movements. This thesis analyzes the philanthrocapitalist system from various perspectives. On the one hand, the socio-historical conditions of philanthropy, the motivations and own philanthropic foundations are analyzed from the point of view of their interests, their objectives, their legitimacy and hegemony. Furthermore, we will see its funding, as well as its limitations. As a practical matter, we look at the discourses of philanthropic foundations and supranational organizations to see how they line up and how they use ambiguous concepts to generate new ideas and meanings. Four specific cases where regional differences can be observed in the system itself and maintained exceptions are analyzed

    North-western Cainozoic record: present knowledge and the correlation problem

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    Tertiary deposits of the north-western Iberian Peninsula are heterogeneous because they occur in several morpho-structural positions as isolated and dispersed basins and outerops. The quality of the palaeontological record is usually very poor and there are scarce data. Correlation depends on a wide range of criteria which arc not always equivalent: palaeontology, mineralogy and petrology, geomorphology, tectonics and comparison with better-known and better-dated facies in regions nearby. The results lack homogeneity and there arc notable discrepancie

    Multiscale building modelling and energy simulation support tools

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    Building and district modelling (BIM, CityGML…) are key technologies for the deployment of energy efficiency strategies at building and district level, from the initial stages of planning and design to the operation and maintenance ones. These technologies allow satisfying the interoperability requirements that fa-cilitate the cooperation among the multiple stakeholders and provide the framework to develop more intelli-gent tools. This paper introduces five complementary European R&D projects in which TECNALIA is col-laborating, very good examples of innovative systems based on these concepts. MOEEBIUS enhances passive and active building elements modelling approaches enabling improved building energy performance simula-tions. HOLISTEEC focuses on building multi-physical simulations considering the neighborhood context. FASUDIR exploits the high potential of GIS tools for urban sustainability analysis and accurate building en-ergy performance evaluation. EFFESUS integrates district and building scales in historic districts. OPTEEMAL develops a platform at district level, based on an IPD approach.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 680517

    Alpine tectonic framework of south-western Duero basin

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    The tectonic activity in the south-western area of the Spanish Northern Meseta (Ciudad Rodrigo and Duero basins) during most of the Tertiary was determined by u transpressive regime that reactivated Hercynian to Late-Hercynian faults. The record of the Alpine Orogeny is complex because the sedimentary record indicates a compresive regime in the sour e areas coeval with the extensionall to transpresive regime indicated by normal or strike-slip faults. This duality is due 10 the geotectonics position of this area between two compressive areas, the Cantabrian Range and the Central System, and the extensional Atlantic margin

    Quasi-octave bandwidth phase matched K/Ka antenna feed subsystem for dual

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    The architecture concept and fabrication of a quasi-octave bandwidth waveguide feed network for circular polarized antennas is discussed here. The main advantages of this extremely compact topology rely on three key achievements: the instantaneous bandwidth capability, the axial ratio improvement and the significant size reduction which is in many cases determinant in antenna feed subsystems. Experimental measurements exhibit very good agreement with the predicted results given by conventional mode matching techniques. The overall structure provides an axial ratio as low as 0.7 dB along with a return loss better than 25 dB, at every waveguide port, over the whole bandwidth (60%), which represents the today's state-of-the-art. Moreover, yield analysis and simple scaling properties assure the use up to Q band

    On the use of a new class of simplified multi-window iris notch in the design of ultra-compact high-rejection waveguide filters for satellite links

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    This work introduces a simplified multi-aperture iris notch suitable for designing waveguide filters having an extremely improved compactness/rejection ratio, regarding available solutions, and adequate pass-band performances. The proposed iris architecture, analyzed for the first time, exhibits a unique transmission zero in the waveguide mono-mode bandwidth which can be easily located below or above the pass-band. The frequency of this transmission zero is evaluated in terms of the iris dimensions thus providing useful guidelines for designing filters with suitable responses. As a consequence of this simplified topology, any designed filter can be easily manufactured by cutting along its E-field symmetry plane. This strategy greatly improves the filter’s insertion loss regarding classical implementations based on more complicated arrangements with piled thin metallic sheets. Two exemplary filters have been designed and tested to be used in a high-performance X-band SATCOM terminal with an 80% size reduction with respect to the existing systems. Both filters covering the Rx (7.25–75 GHz) and Tx (7.9–8.4 GHz) sub-bands show a reflection of −25 dB with insertion losses below 1 dB in the pass-band, whereas they present a very sharp out-of-band rejection of at least 90 dB, that is, a 600 dB/GHz slope at X band.This work was supported by the State Research Agency, Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, through project TEC2017-83343-C4-1-R and FEDER funds from the EU

    Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in the Elderly

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    The incidence of hypertension is high in the elderly and is present in 2/3 of the patients older than 65 years. Prevalence can reach 90% in patients older than 80 years. The presence of isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) is characteristic of this population. However, the prevalence of hypertension by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is not well known. In this study, we analyzed the special characteristics of hypertension in this population, giving special emphasis on ABPM readings