111 research outputs found

    Clustering and Triaxial Deformations of 40^{40}Ca

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    We have studied the positive-parity states of 40^{40}Ca using antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) and the generator coordinate method (GCM). Imposing two different kinds of constraints on the variational calculation, we have found various kinds of 40Ca^{40}{\rm Ca} structures such as a deformed-shell structure, as well as α\alpha-36^{36}Ar and 12^{12}C-28^{28}Si cluster structures. After the GCM calculation, we obtained a normal-deformed band and a superdeformed band together with their side bands associated with triaxial deformation. The calculated B(E2)B(E2) values agreed well with empirical data. It was also found that the normal-deformed and superdeformed bands have a non-negligible α\alpha-36^{36}Ar cluster component and 12^{12}C-28^{28}Si cluster component, respectively. This leads to the presence of an α\alpha-36^{36}Ar higher-nodal band occurring above the normal-deformed band.Comment: 11pages, 9 figure

    世田谷区松原の亀井邸(昭和5年築)について ―昭和戦前の住宅に関する研究―

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    The Kamei residence has survived for nearly 90 years. This paper investigates the architectural history of the residence through research and interviews with the present owner, analyzes and characterizes the house using relevant literature and previous knowledge gleaned from previous studies.◦The two-storied house was built as his villa in 1930 by Mitsumasa Kamei (1882-1946) who had been governor of Okinawa Prefecture (1924-1926). The floor space is 192.6 square meters.◦Both the main building and an attached porte-cochere have gable-and-hip roofs. The eaves of the roofs are warped upward and contribute to the majestic appearance of the building’s exterior. ◦This house has a western-style room beside the main entrance, a double-loaded corridor, a private entrance, 2 restrooms and a parlor and a living room at the center of the house, and a wide solarium in front of these 2 rooms. This was a common plan for middle-class housing in the early Showa Period. ◦However, the style of drawn doors in the main entrance and the tatami-floored hall in this house seems rather obsolete. This suggests that the openness of the entrance and traditional courtesy of meeting the visitors sitting on tatami in the entrance hall were preferred by the residents.◦Many inspection windows for crime prevention remain in this house, some of which provide a view of blind spots outside. Locks with keys were also installed indoors to prevent intruders.◦The south side of the building has many horizontal sliding doors and windows. The rooms open onto a solarium and a terrace beyond. This perspective brings the rooms and the garden together.◦This house was bombed during the air raids, but there was little damage. After the war, it was requisitioned by the occupation army. Later, another family rented part of the villa and lived together with the Kamei family. Two restrooms and 2 stair cases made this possible. There have been only minor renovations, and the house is well-preserved

    第二次国会仮議事堂の意匠,平面計画ならびに小屋組について ─第一次仮議事堂との比較考察─

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      The Japanese Provisional Diet Buildings were used for over 46 years until 1936 when the present Diet Building was completed. The Provisional Diet Buildings were built four times, in 1890, 1891, 1894, and 1925 and they were all made of wood.   This paper focusses on the Second Provisional Diet Building (1891-1925). Using the extant plans, related documents, newspaper articles and pictures, the author examined to deduce what the Second Provisional Diet Building inherited from the First Provisional Diet Building (1890-1891) and what was newly adopted.   The results obtained are as follows.  The installation of brick firewalls in the Second was a priority because the First, which did not have them, burnt down only 2 months after completion in 1890.  The same style of German roof frame as the First building was used for the roof truss of the Second. The wide attic space provided by the German roof frame improved lighting to the assembly room. The scale of the assembly hall of both buildings was the same. This may be because German architects who had experience working on the first building project were also involved in the second project.   There was no tower in the central part of the First building, though it had been included in the plans. The idea was realized in the Second.  The Second was larger than the First, but in both buildings, the location and scale of the octagonal front door hall, the oblong hall and the assembly hall were identical. Also the location of the Emperor’s temporary space on the 2nd floor, the terraced arrangements of meeting seats, and the direction of the meeting seats facing the chairman’s seat were all unchanged.  Thus the Second building inherited many elements from the First, but the glass installed on the renewed coffered ceiling of the assembly room improved the lighting and the acoustics, many rooms were expanded as required, and the view of the assembly seats was improved by making the floor inclined

    New Constraint of Clustering for AMD and Its Application to the Study of 2α2\alpha-12^{12}C Structure of 20^{20}Ne

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    A new constraint of clustering for the AMD calculation is proposed. This new constraint gives us large improvement in studying the cluster structure by AMD which sometimes meets difficulty in giving rise to some specific cluster configurations. The usefulness of this new constraint is verified by applying it to the the study of the third Kπ=0+K^\pi = 0^+ band of 20^{20}Ne which has been discussed to have 2α2\alpha-12^{12}C structure. This band has not been easy even to construct by AMD. We see that the AMD+GCM calculation by the use of the new constraint gives rise to the third Kπ=0+K^\pi = 0^+ band which contains the 2α2\alpha-12^{12}C structure as an important component.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Triaxial superdeformation in 40^{40}Ar

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    Superdeformed (SD) states in 40^{40}Ar have been studied using the deformed-basis antisymmetrized molecular dynamics. Low energy states were calculated by the parity and angular momentum projection (AMP) and the generator coordinate method (GCM). Basis wave functions were obtained by the energy variation with a constraint on the quadrupole deformation parameter β\beta, while other quantities such as triaxiality γ\gamma were optimized by the energy variation. By the GCM calculation, an SD band was obtained just above the ground state (GS) band. The SD band involves a Kπ=2+K^\pi = 2^+ side band due to the triaxiality. The calculated electric quadrupole transition strengths of the SD band reproduce the experimental values appropriately. Triaxiality is significant for understanding low-lying states.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} nature of the superdeformed band of 32S^{32}{\rm S} and the evolution of the molecular structure

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    The relation between the superdeformed band of 32S^{32}{\rm S} and 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} molecular bands is studied by the deformed-base antisymmetrized molecular dynamics with the Gogny D1S force. It is found that the obtained superdeformed band members of 32S^{32}{\rm S} have considerable amount of the 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} component. Above the superdeformed band, we have obtained two excited rotational bands which have more prominent character of the 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} molecular band. These three rotational bands are regarded as a series of 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} molecular bands which were predicted by using the unique 16O^{16}{\rm O} -16O^{16}{\rm O} optical potentil. As the excitation energy and principal quantum number of the relative motion increase, the 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} cluster structure becomes more prominent but at the same time, the band members are fragmented into several states


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      The original Yanagisawa House has been partly preserved as a registered tangible cultural property and the rest was rebuilt in the early Heisei period. The author has written previously about the house, and this paper supplies further information about the original form of the house and of a project which has made use of the house. The results of an investigation and interviews with related persons are as follows.   The layout of the original house was a compromise between Japanese and European style. A western-style room (drawing room) was constructed by the front door. The house had a middle corridor. There were rooms equipped with a water supply on the north side of the corridor, and 3 rooms were distributed on the south side.  There was a hearth in the Japanese-style room next to the drawing room and there was a door in the center of the middle corridor. The drawing room and the Japanese-style room on the east side of the house were used for service, and the rooms on the west side were for family.  Though the rooms on the west side of the house were demolished during reconstruction, this lost section seems to have been built with no particular design. The designer of this house, Yasubee Ito, tried to foreground a feature of a traditional private house by leaving the structural materials exposed: the logs which appear under the ceiling of the drawing room remain visible.  The extant part of the old house is open to the public during Tokyo Heritage Weeks. And various events are performed in the other house at the same site while the project of tea-processing is held in the tract of green land formed by the garden of the Yanagisawa house. Though the tea industry in Setagaya declined after about 1900, tea cultivation was popular in what was then Daita village and in Shimokitazawa, and the Yanagisawa family were at one time engaged in the trade. The events at Yanagisawa house aiming at the reproduction of the past will motivate people to revive the house as an important local historical property. Yanagisawa house, in cooperation with Saita Memorial Hall (established for the purpose of promoting tea culture) and shops in the Shimokitazawa area, will be a good base for this campaign