2,549 research outputs found

    Influence of single-neutron stripping on near-barrier <sup>6</sup>He+<sup>208</sup>Pb and <sup>8</sup>He+<sup>208</sup>Pb elastic scattering

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    The influence of single-neutron stripping on the near-barrier elastic scattering angular distributions for the 6,8He+208Pb systems is investigated through coupled reaction channels (CRC) calculations fitting recently published data to explore the differences in the absorptive potential found in the scattering of these two neutron-rich nuclei. The inclusion of the coupling reduces the elastic cross section in the Coulomb-nuclear interference region for 8He scattering, whereas for 6He its major impact is on the large-angle elastic scattering. The real and imaginary dynamic polarization potentials are obtained by inverting the CRC elastic scattering S-matrix elements. These show that the main absorptive features occur between 11 and 12 fm for both projectiles, while the attractive features are separated by about 1 fm, with their main structures occurring at 10.5 fm for 6He and 11.5 fm for 8He

    Using environmental DNA for detection of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in natural water

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    Rapid, early, and reliable detection of invasive pathogenic microorganisms is essential in order to either predict or delineate an outbreak, and monitor appropriate mitigation measures. The chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans is expanding in Europe, and infection with this fungus may cause massive mortality in urodelans (salamanders and newts). In this study, we designed and validated species‐specific primers and a probe for detection of B. salamandrivorans in water. In a garden pond in close proximity to the B. salamandrivorans index site in the Netherlands, B. salamandrivorans‐infected newts had been detected in 2015 and have been monitored since. In 2016 and 2017, no B. salamandrivorans was detected at this site, but in 2018 B. salamandrivorans flared up in this isolated pond which allowed validation of the technique in situ. We here present the development of an environmental DNA technique that successfully detects B. salamandrivorans DNA in natural waterbodies even at low concentrations. This technique may be further validated to play a role in B. salamandrivorans range delineation and surveillance in both natural waterbodies and in captive collections

    Three-body continuum-discretized coupled-channel calculations for 6 He scattering from heavy nuclei

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    ata for scattering of 6He from 197Au, 208Pb, and 209Bi targets at low energies were consistently analyzed by use of the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method and the dineutron model of the projectile. A very good description of the experimental data was obtained with the strength of the dipole couplings reduced by 50%. We find that the dipole couplings are responsible for the suppression of the Coulomb rainbow and that the quadrupole couplings must be included in the calculations in order to obtain good agreement with the elastic-scattering data at more backward angles.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología FPA2003-05958 FPA2005-0446

    Multi-neutron transfer in 8^{8}He induced reactions near the Coulomb barrier

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    The measured inclusive 6^6He and 4^4He production cross sections of G. Marqu{\'i}nez-Dur{\'a}n {\em et al.}, Phys.\ Rev.\ C {\bf 98}, 034615 (2018) are reexamined and the conclusions concerning the relative importance of 1n and 2n transfer to the production of 6^6He arising from the interaction of a 22 MeV 8^8He beam with a 208^{208}Pb target revised. A consideration of the kinematics of the 2n-stripping reaction when compared with the measured 6^6He total energy versus angle spectrum places strict limits on the allowed excitation energy of the 210^{210}Pb residual, so constraining distorted wave Born approximation calculations that the contribution of the 2n stripping process to the inclusive 6^6He production can only be relatively small. It is therefore concluded that the dominant 6^6He production mechanism must be 1n stripping followed by decay of the 7^7He ejectile. Based on this result we present strong arguments in favor of direct, one step four-neutron (4n) stripping as the main mechanism for 4^4He production.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Elastic Scattering of 6He on Heavy Targets at Coulomb Barrier Energies

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    Elastic cross sections for the scattering of 6He projectiles by 208Pb at 27 MeV have been studied. The data have been analyzed within the framework of the Optical Model using Saxon–Woods phenomenological form factors for both the real and imaginary parts of the nuclear potential. The elastic scattering data suggests the presence of a long range absorption mechanisms which might be related to the halo structure of 6He.Ministerio Ciencia y Tecnología FPA2002-04181- C04-04 y FPA2000-1592-C03-0

    Reorientation and coupling effects in polarized heavy ion fusion

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    A simple model to understand the reaction mechanisms in the fusion of polarized heavy ions based on tidal symmetry, the sudden approximation and barrier penetration is presented. The model is applied to 23Na+208Pb. The effect of the ground state reorientation and the coupling to rotational states is studied. Enhancement of the sub-barrier fusion cross sections and the fusion J-moments just above the barrier are found. The polarization of the projectile affects strongly the fusion around and below the Coulomb barrier.Dirección General de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas PB89-063

    Positron-neutrino correlations in 32Ar and 33Ar Decays: Probes of Scalar weak currents and nuclear isospin mixing

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    The positron-neutrino correlation in the 0^+ \to 0^+ \beta decay of ^{32}Ar was measured at ISOLDE by analyzing the effect of lepton recoil on the shape of the narrow proton group following the superallowed decay. Our result is consistent with the Standard Model prediction; for vanishing Fierz interference we find a=0.9989 \pm 0.0052 \pm 0.0036. Our result leads to improved constraints on scalar weak interactions. The positron-neutrino correlation in ^{33}Ar decay was measured in the same experiment; for vanishing Fierz interference we find a=0.944 \pm 0.002 \pm 0.003. The ^{32}Ar and ^{33}Ar correlations, in combination with precision measurements of the half-lives, superallowed branching ratios and beta endpoint energies, will determine the isospin impurities of the superallowed transitions. These will provide useful tests of isospin-violation corrections used in deducing |V_{\rm ud}| which currently indicates non-unitarity of the KM matrix.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Finite size effects near the onset of the oscillatory instability

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    A system of two complex Ginzburg - Landau equations is considered that applies at the onset of the oscillatory instability in spatial domains whose size is large (but finite) in one direction; the dependent variables are the slowly modulated complex amplitudes of two counterpropagating wavetrains. In order to obtain a well posed problem, four boundary conditions must be imposed at the boundaries. Two of them were already known, and the other two are first derived in this paper. In the generic case when the group velocity is of order unity, the resulting problem has terms that are not of the same order of magnitude. This fact allows us to consider two distinguished limits and to derive two associated (simpler) sub-models, that are briefly discussed. Our results predict quite a rich variety of complex dynamics that is due to both the modulational instability and finite size effects