466 research outputs found

    Redistribution of critical major histocompatibility complex and T cell receptor-binding functions of residues in an antigenic sequence after biterminal substitution

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    Residues critical for establishing a trimolecular interaction with a major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded receptor and a T cell antigen receptor (TcR) were determined for an antigenic nonapeptide. The N-terminal residue proved to be involved in binding of the peptide to both receptors and the C-terminal residue was essential for MHC binding. While substitution of either of these critical terminal residues by alanine resulted in an almost complete loss of peptide antigenicity, simultaneous substitution of both created a new functional ligand for the same MHC molecule and the same TcR. Notably, in the biterminally substituted peptide, the core residues took on new roles in the trimolecular interaction in that a residue critical in the authentic nonapeptide for TcR binding became critical for MHC binding and former spacer residues became essential to various degrees for the interaction with either receptor or both. Thus, apparently, the loss of the terminal residues' contribution was at least partially compensated by a redistribution of the roles among the remaining residues. These results reflect a cooperative contribution of all residues of an antigenic peptide to its binding to both receptors and thus challenge a static definition of agretope and epitope as MHC and TcR binding sites

    L’équité et le droit : étude herméneutique d’une notion fondamentale du raisonnement judiciaire et de son intégration dans l’éthos du juge

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    L’équité est un concept large dont la signification et la richesse conceptuelle ont évolué temporellement au sein de la théorie du droit et de la théorie politique. Au travers d’une histoire de l’équité, partant de la conception d’Aristote jusqu’aux juristes réalistes américains, ce mémoire analyse et explique la transformation graduelle de ce concept dans le droit, dont la place fut tantôt au centre des réflexions autour de la justice, tantôt minimisée, voire écartée, mais jamais complètement supprimée. Nous fondant sur cette riche histoire de l’équité, nous reconnectons ce concept phare de la théorie du droit à une réception de celui-ci au sein de la théorie politique. Pour ce faire, nous mobilisons la théorie de la liberté comme non-domination de Philip Pettit comme le cadre d’une pratique contemporaine de l’équité, au travers de la jurisprudence de la Cour suprême du Canada sur l’équité procédurale.The concept of “equity” is vast, and its meaning and depth have dramatically evolved over time within the political and legal theory fields. This thesis offers a history of the concept of equity, starting from Aristotle’s conception of justice and equity to the American legal realist movement. On that basis, this thesis analyzes and explains the reasons why such a gradual transformation of this concept happened and, therefore, how the role of equity changed from being at the centre of theories of justice and law to being minimized, almost excluded from the sphere of legal theory, but never completely suppressed. Drawing on this rich history of equity, we reconnect this key concept of legal theory with its reception in political theory. In that regard, we offer an account of Philip Pettit’s theory of freedom as non-domination understood as the framework for the contemporary practice of equity, notably through the example of the case law of the Supreme Court of Canada on procedural fairness

    Estrategias neobarrocas en la obra de Alfredo Márquez (1998-2005)

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    Alfredo Márquez es un artista peruano que se ha destacado por desarrollar una obra con un alto contenido político y estético, donde las preocupaciones sociales y plásticas son una búsqueda constante. En la presente investigación analizaremos el desarrollo de la obra de Márquez dentro del contexto del arte y la sociedad peruana, estudiando sus orígenes y su participación en distintos colectivos artísticos, pero concentrándonos en una etapa de su trabajo en la cual predominan las estrategias, los signos y las formas “neobarrocas”. Este período abarca desde la realización de La Pachakuti (Like a virgen), en 1998, continúa con Caja Negra, en 2001, y culmina con las obras realizadas para la exposición Inkarri/Vestigio Barroco, en 2005. Para esto rastrearemos los distintos referentes iconográficos peruanos y universales, virreinales y contemporáneos, que utiliza para la construcción de estas obras y como se apropia de la estrategia barroca de la alegoría, entre otras, para multiplicar sus significados y crear piezas de arte de gran complejidad visual e ideológica.Tesi

    Rasgos caracterológicos de la personalidad y la satisfacción en la elección de su especialidad de los cadetes, en la Escuela Militar de Chorrillos “Coronel Francisco Bolognesi”, Chorrillos 2014

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    Debido a la importancia del rol del militar en nuestra sociedad, es imperativo conocer cuáles son los rasgos de personalidad predominantes de los cadetes en la escuela Militar de Chorrillos Coronel “Francisco Bolognesi” 2014, que están a punto de ser graduados como oficiales y el grado de satisfacción de la especialidad que eligieron. La Población fue de 1112 y-muestra fue no probabilística de 251 cadetes entre 18 y 25 años. La investigación fue básica, descriptiva, diseño no experimental y transversal, Mediante una encuesta se evaluó a los cadetes usando el test caracterológico de Gastón Berger (1961) y el inventario de satisfacción profesional de Vildoso (2002).Las conclusiones a las que se llegaron fueron que el rasgo caracterológico de personalidad preponderante en los cadetes fue el flemático con 197 casos (78.5%), seguido del tipo Sanguíneo con 35 casos (13.9%), luego el Amorfo con 8 casos (3.2%). En menor cantidad estuvieron los Nerviosos con 4 casos (1.6%), Coléricos con 3 casos (1.2%) y el Pasional y Apático con 2 casos cada uno (0.8%) de un total de 251 personas evaluadas. El 98.41% de los cadetes de la E.M. de Chorrillos estuvieron satisfechos (247 casos de 251) y solamente un 1.54% de insatisfechos con sus especialidades elegidas. Mayoritariamente los cadetes manifestaron respuestas de Adecuada en las necesidades de Seguridad, Pertenencia y Autoestima, influyendo positivamente en la satisfacción de la especialidad elegida por los cadetes, solamente en la necesidad de autorrealización indicaron respuesta ambivalente (69.3%) e insatisfacción (30.7%).y finalmente no se encontró influencia de los rasgos caracterológicos de la personalidad en el grado de satisfacción en la elección de la especialidad en los cadetes (p-valor= 0.948 y p-valor=0.725 > 0.05)

    A new transcript in the TCRB locus unveils the human ortholog of the mouse pre-DĂź1 promoter

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    Introduction: While most transcripts arising from the human T Cell Receptor locus reflect fully rearranged genes, several germline transcripts have been identified. We describe a new germline transcript arising from the human TCRB locus. Methods: cDNA sequencing, promoter, and gene expression analyses were used to characterize the new transcript. Results: The new germline transcript encoded by the human TCRB locus consists of a new exon of 103bp, which we named TRBX1 (X1), spliced with the first exon of gene segments C ss 1 or C ss 2. X1 is located upstream of gene segment D ss 1 and is therefore deleted from a V-DJ rearranged TCRB locus. The X1-C ss transcripts do not appear to code for a protein. We define their transcription start and minimal promoter. These transcripts are found in populations of mature T lymphocytes from blood or tissues and in T cell clones with a monoallelic TCRB rearrangement. In immature thymocytes, they are already detectable in CD1a(-)CD34(+)CD4(-)CD8(-) cells, therefore before completion of the TCRB rearrangements. Conclusions: The X1 promoter appears to be the ortholog of the mouse pre-D ss 1 promoter (PD ss 1). Like PD ss 1, its activation is regulated by E ss in T cells and might facilitate the TCRB rearrangement process by contributing to the accessibility of the D ss 1 locus

    Presentation of CMV immediate-early antigen to cytolytic T lymphocytes is selectively prevented by viral genes expressed in the early phase

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    The regulation of antigen processing and presentation to MHC class I-restricted cytolytic T lymphocytes was studied in cells infected with murine cytomegalovirus. Recognition by cytolytic T lymphocytes of the phosphoprotein pp89, the immunodominant viral antigen expressed in the immediate-early phase of infection, was selectively prevented during the subsequent expression of viral early genes. The surface expression of MHC class I glycoproteins and their capacity to present externally added pp89-derived antigenic peptides were not affected. Because recognition of several other antigens occurred during the early phase, a general failure in processing and presentation was excluded. Since neither rate of synthesis, amount, stability, nor nuclear transport of pp89 was modified, the failure in recognition indicates a selective interference with pp89 antigen processing and presentation

    Personality correlates of dispositional forgiveness: a direct comparison of interpersonal and self-forgiveness using common transgression scenarios

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    Although the personality correlates of dispositional interpersonal forgiveness (forgiveness of others) have been well characterized, those of dispositional self-forgiveness are less well understood. Moreover, when the personality correlates are examined for both types of forgiveness, the comparison has been based on participants’ self-report ratings on questionnaires. The current study sought to address these gaps in the literature by adopting a scenario-based approach, which has been used less frequently, especially in self-forgiveness research. A total of 160 participants read six fictional scenarios, each describing a severe transgression, from the perspective of the transgressor (self-forgiveness, n = 78) or the victim (interpersonal forgiveness, n = 82) of the transgression, and then responded to several items assessing different facets of forgiveness (avoidance, revenge, and benevolence). Participants’ personality (Big Five) and explanatory style were also assessed. Consistent with prior literature, agreeableness and neuroticism generally predicted different facets of interpersonal forgiveness. These two personality traits also predicted facets of self-forgiveness, but, additionally, conscientiousness and one’s tendency to internalize failure (the personal component of explanatory style) uniquely predicted self-forgiveness, especially avoidance motivations. These results point to both similarities and differences in the personality correlates of interpersonal and self-forgiveness. As a secondary, more exploratory aim, the current study compared the results from our scenario-based assessment of forgiveness to those based on a commonly used questionnaire, the Other and Self subscales of the Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS). As expected, the Other subscale of the HFS were associated with levels of interpersonal forgiveness assessed with our transgression scenarios, but, surprisingly, the HFS Self subscale was more strongly related to interpersonal than self-forgivess assessed with scenarios. Moreover, the Self subscale was not associated with levels of self-forgiveness assessed with transgression scenarios, except for avoidance motivations. These results suggest that scenario-based and questionnaire-based methods may capture different facts of forgiveness and cannot be used interchangeably, especially for the assessment of self-forgiveness. More generally, the current study illustrates the importance of conducting direct within-study comparisons of interpersonal and self-forgiveness as well as of different assessment methods to better understand the similarities and differences between the two types of forgiveness
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