3 research outputs found

    Web application to support applications for jobs

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    In the graduation thesis, we will focus on the following problem of the employment procedure. For certain professions, there is a high number of job applicants. Consequently, when a job vacancy is advertised, employees are overburdened and it is difficult to perform their own regular work. In most cases, the employer has a sample of the desirable properties he is looking for in a future employee. Usually, the most important ones are age, education,and above all, work experience. Therefore, as the objective of the thesis, we decided to create a web application that allows the employer to narrow down the list of suitable applicants. For this purpose, we used classi�fication methods, which, based on attributes age, education and work experience, determine if the applicant is suitable for the given job

    Web application to support applications for jobs

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    In the graduation thesis, we will focus on the following problem of the employment procedure. For certain professions, there is a high number of job applicants. Consequently, when a job vacancy is advertised, employees are overburdened and it is difficult to perform their own regular work. In most cases, the employer has a sample of the desirable properties he is looking for in a future employee. Usually, the most important ones are age, education,and above all, work experience. Therefore, as the objective of the thesis, we decided to create a web application that allows the employer to narrow down the list of suitable applicants. For this purpose, we used classi�fication methods, which, based on attributes age, education and work experience, determine if the applicant is suitable for the given job

    Web application to support applications for jobs

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    V diplomski nalogi smo se posvetili problemu zaposlovanja, ko je število iskalcev zaposlitve za nekatere poklice zelo veliko. Posledično so zaposleni ob razpisu prostega delovnega mesta zelo obremenjeni in težko opravljajo svoje redno delo. V večini primerov ima delodajalec nek vzorec lastnosti, ki jih išče pri bodočem zaposlencu. Običajno so za delodajalca najbolj pomembne starost, izobrazba in predvsem delovne izkušnje. Zato smo se v okviru diplomske naloge odločili ustvariti spletno aplikacijo, ki bi delodajalcu omogočila zožitev izbora primernih iskalcev zaposlitve. Za zožitev izbora smo uporabili klasifikacijske metode, ki na podlagi atributov starost, izobrazba in delovne izkušnje določi, če je iskalec zaposlitve primeren za to delovno mesto.In the graduation thesis, we will focus on the following problem of the employment procedure. For certain professions, there is a high number of job applicants. Consequently, when a job vacancy is advertised, employees are overburdened and it is difficult to perform their own regular work. In most cases, the employer has a sample of the desirable properties he is looking for in a future employee. Usually, the most important ones are age, education,and above all, work experience. Therefore, as the objective of the thesis, we decided to create a web application that allows the employer to narrow down the list of suitable applicants. For this purpose, we used classification methods, which, based on attributes age, education and work experience, determine if the applicant is suitable for the given job