238 research outputs found

    Effect of Tentoxin on the Activation and on the Catalytic Reaction of Reconstituted H+-ATPase from Chloroplasts

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    The proton-translocating ATPase from chloroplasts, CF0F1, was isolated, purified and reconstituted into asolectin liposomes. The effect of the energy transfer inhibitor, tentoxin, on different functions of the enzyme was investigated. Tentoxin does not inhibit the nucleotide release during energization by a pH /ΔΨ jump, i.e. the activation of the enzyme is not influenced. ATP synthesis driven by a pH /ΔΨ jump and multi-site ATP hydrolysis are completely inhibited by tentoxin, whereas uni-site ATP hydrolysis is not influenced

    Structure and function of photosystem I: interaction with its soluble electron carriers and external antenna systems

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    AbstractPhotosystem I (PS I) is a large membrane protein complex that catalyzes the first step of solar conversion, the light-induced transmembrane electron transfer, and generates reductants for CO2 assimilation. It consists of 12 different proteins and 127 cofactors that perform light capturing and electron transfer. The function of PS I includes inter-protein electron transfer between PS I and smaller soluble electron transfer proteins. The structure of PS I is discussed with respect to the potential docking sites for the soluble electron acceptors, ferredoxin/flavodoxin, at the stromal side and the soluble electron donors, cytochrome c6/plastocyanin, at the luminal side of the PS I complex. Furthermore, the potential interaction sites with the peripheral antenna proteins are discussed

    Crystallization of Intact and Subunit L-Deficient Monomers from Synechocystis PCC 6803 Photosystem I

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    Photosystem I monomers from wildtype cells of Synechocystis PCC 6803 and from a mu­tant deficient in the psaL gene were crystallized. PsaL encodes for the hydrophobic subunit L, which has been proposed to constitute the trimerization domain in the PS I trimer. The absence of subunit L facilitated crystallization of the PS I monomer. The unit cell dimensions and the space group for the crystals from this preparation could be determined to be a = b = 132 Å , c -525 Å, α = β = 90°, y = 120°, the space group is P61 or P65. The results show the potential of using specifically designed deletion mutants of an integral membrane protein for the systematic improvement of crystal structure data


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    The nozzle is utilized to change over the compound warm vitality created in the ignition chamber into motor vitality. The spout changes over the low speed, high weight, high temperature gas in the ignition chamber into high speed gas of lower weight and temperature. Spout is a gadget intended to control the rate of stream, speed, heading, mass, shape, as well as the weight of the stream that fumes from them. Spouts arrive in an assortment of shapes and sizes relying upon the mission of the rocket, this is critical for the comprehension of the execution attributes of rocket. Joined dissimilar spout is the most normally utilized spout since in utilizing it the force can be warmed in burning chamber. In this theory examination is done to the focalized dissimilar spout by changing distinctive spout measurements and diverse liquids at various speeds. We displayed focalized dissimilar spout changing with various spout distances across and Analyzed the joined disparate spout with various mass stream rates to decide the weight drop, warm exchange coefficient, and speed and warmth exchange rate for the liquid by CFD strategy

    Structural insights into the function of the catalytically active human Taspase1

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    19 pags., 7 figs., 2 tabs.Taspase1 is an Ntn-hydrolase overexpressed in primary human cancers, coordinating cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. Loss of Taspase1 activity disrupts proliferation of human cancer cells in vitro and in mouse models of glioblastoma. Taspase1 is synthesized as an inactive proenzyme, becoming active upon intramolecular cleavage. The activation process changes the conformation of a long fragment at the C-terminus of the α subunit, for which no full-length structural information exists and whose function is poorly understood. We present a cloning strategy to generate a circularly permuted form of Taspase1 to determine the crystallographic structure of active Taspase1. We discovered that this region forms a long helix and is indispensable for the catalytic activity of Taspase1. Our study highlights the importance of this element for the enzymatic activity of Ntn-hydrolases, suggesting that it could be a potential target for the design of inhibitors with potential to be developed into anticancer therapeutics.This project has been funded in whole with Federal funds from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), under Chemical Biology Consortium contract no. HHSN261200800001E

    Serial macromolecular crystallography at ALBA Synchrotron Light Source

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    12 pags., 4 figs., 2 tabs. -- Addenda and errata: https://journals.iucr.org/s/issues/2022/03/00/rv5160/rv5160.pdfThe increase in successful adaptations of serial crystallography at synchrotron radiation sources continues. To date, the number of serial synchrotron crystallography (SSX) experiments has grown exponentially, with over 40 experiments reported so far. In this work, we report the first SSX experiments with viscous jets conducted at ALBA beamline BL13-XALOC. Small crystals (15-30 μm) of five soluble proteins (lysozyme, proteinase K, phycocyanin, insulin and α-spectrin-SH3 domain) were suspended in lipidic cubic phase (LCP) and delivered to the X-ray beam with a high-viscosity injector developed at Arizona State University. Complete data sets were collected from all proteins and their high-resolution structures determined. The high quality of the diffraction data collected from all five samples, and the lack of specific radiation damage in the structures obtained in this study, confirm that the current capabilities at the beamline enables atomic resolution determination of protein structures from microcrystals as small as 15 μm using viscous jets at room temperature. Thus, BL13-XALOC can provide a feasible alternative to X-ray free-electron lasers when determining snapshots of macromolecular structures.The following funding is acknowledged: Ayuda de Atracciony Retencion de Talento Investigador" from the Community of Madrid (scholarship No. 2019-T1/BMD-15552); STC Programof the National Science Foundation through BioXFEL (awardNo. 1231306); the Centre for Applied Structural Discovery(CASD) at the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University; the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, grants EQC2021-007532-P, PID2020-117028GB-I00, BIO2016-77883-C2-2-

    Ternary structure reveals mechanism of a membrane diacylglycerol kinase

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    Diacylglycerol kinase catalyses the ATP-dependent conversion of diacylglycerol to phosphatidic acid in the plasma membrane of Escherichia coli. The small size of this integral membrane trimer, which has 121 residues per subunit, means that available protein must be used economically to craft three catalytic and substrate-binding sites centred about the membrane/cytosol interface. How nature has accomplished this extraordinary feat is revealed here in a crystal structure of the kinase captured as a ternary complex with bound lipid substrate and an ATP analogue. Residues, identified as essential for activity by mutagenesis, decorate the active site and are rationalized by the ternary structure. The g-phosphate of the ATP analogue is positioned for direct transfer to the primary hydroxyl of the lipid whose acyl chain is in the membrane. A catalytic mechanism for this unique enzyme is proposed. The active site architecture shows clear evidence of having arisen by convergen