1,383 research outputs found

    Displacement of Histones at Promoters of \u3ci\u3eSaccharomyces cerevisiae\u3c/i\u3e Heat Shock Genes Is Differentially Associated with Histone H3 Acetylation

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    Chromatin remodeling at promoters of activated genes spans from mild histone modifications to outright displacement of nucleosomes in trans. Factors affecting these events are not always clear. Our results indicate that histone H3 acetylation associated with histone displacement differs drastically even between promoters of such closely related heat shock genes as HSP12, SSA4, and HSP82. The HSP12 promoter, with the highest level of histone displacement, showed the highest level of H3 acetylation, while the SSA4 promoter, with a lower histone displacement, showed only modest H3 acetylation. Moreover, for the HSP12 promoter, the level of acetylated H3 is temporarily increased prior to nucleosome departure. Individual promoters in strains expressing truncated versions of heat shock factor (HSF) showed that deletion of either one of two activating regions in HSF led to the diminished histone displacement and correspondingly lower H3 acetylation. The deletion of both regions simultaneously severely decreased histone displacement for all promoters tested, showing the dependence of these processes on HSF. The level of histone H3 acetylation at individual promoters in strains expressing truncated HSF also correlated with the extent of histone displacement. The beginning of chromatin remodeling coincides with the polymerase II loading on heat shock gene promoters and is regulated either by HSF binding or activation of preloaded HSF

    How to Lose $5.2 Million in Your Operational Budget and Still Make It Balance

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    Some cities experience exponential growth. Some cities experience operating budget shortfalls. Significantly few cities experience both simultaneously and are still able to balance their budgets for the upcoming fiscal year. This is the predicament a small municipality found itself in as it was forced to face unimaginable challenges at the beginning of fiscal year 2022. The operational budget shortfall could happen to any municipality and may have even happened to yours. This article will explore what happened, how it was discovered, what was done to balance the budget, and what measures were put in place to prevent this from happening in the future. To understand how this happened, you will need to first understand the process that was being used, how the operational budget was presented to the city council, and some of the “tricks” that were used to veil actual representations


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    Luasnya wilayah laut Indonesia dengan sumber daya kelautan dan  perikanan yang melimpah sangat menjanjikan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran bagi masyarakat dan bangsa apabila dijaga, dikelola serta dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Kekayaan sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan kita mempunyai daya tarik tersendiri bagi pelaku usaha di laut, sehingga berbagai cara dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi serta mengeksploitasinya, salah satunya dilakukan dengan cara illegal. Persoalan illegal fishing yang sering terjadi di perairan yurisdiksi nasional  memberi perhatian serius kepada pemerintah untuk mengatasinya.  Berbagai kebijakan pemerintah lewat aturan perundang-undangan memberi kepercayaan sekaligus kewenangan kepada beberapa instansi penegak hukum  di laut, antara lain Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut (TNI AL). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kewenangan Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut  serta pelaksanaannya dalam upaya memberantas illegal fishing di perairan yurisdiksi nasional sehingga dapat menjadi bahan masukan sekaligus memberi manfaat bagi seluruh elemen bangsa dan negara tentang pentingnya laut demi kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif yang difokuskan pada kajian kewenangan TNI AL dalam upaya memberantas illegal fishing di perairan yurisdiksi nasional. Sebagai bahan hukum penelitian ini adalah berbagai Undang-Undang tentang tindak pidana tertentu di laut, lebih khusus Undang-Undang Nomor 45 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 2004 Tentang Perikanan serta literatur lainnya seperti buku-buku, hasil karya ilmiah, majalah, artikel, surat kabar dan internet.  Hasil penelitian secara umum menunjukkan pelaksanaan kewenangan penegakan hukum oleh TNI AL berjalan optimal, walaupun harus diakui masih terdapat beberapa kendala sehingga perlu sedini mungkin pemerintah melakukan pembenahan dan peningkatan baik sarana prasarana, perangkat aturan, hubungan koordinasi serta profesionalitas aparat penyidik. Kata kunci : illegal fishing, penegakan hukum, kewenangan tni al, perairan yurisdiksi nasiona

    Strongly Monotone Drawings of Planar Graphs

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    A straight-line drawing of a graph is a monotone drawing if for each pair of vertices there is a path which is monotonically increasing in some direction, and it is called a strongly monotone drawing if the direction of monotonicity is given by the direction of the line segment connecting the two vertices. We present algorithms to compute crossing-free strongly monotone drawings for some classes of planar graphs; namely, 3-connected planar graphs, outerplanar graphs, and 2-trees. The drawings of 3-connected planar graphs are based on primal-dual circle packings. Our drawings of outerplanar graphs are based on a new algorithm that constructs strongly monotone drawings of trees which are also convex. For irreducible trees, these drawings are strictly convex

    Solving Visual Madlibs with Multiple Cues

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    This paper focuses on answering fill-in-the-blank style multiple choice questions from the Visual Madlibs dataset. Previous approaches to Visual Question Answering (VQA) have mainly used generic image features from networks trained on the ImageNet dataset, despite the wide scope of questions. In contrast, our approach employs features derived from networks trained for specialized tasks of scene classification, person activity prediction, and person and object attribute prediction. We also present a method for selecting sub-regions of an image that are relevant for evaluating the appropriateness of a putative answer. Visual features are computed both from the whole image and from local regions, while sentences are mapped to a common space using a simple normalized canonical correlation analysis (CCA) model. Our results show a significant improvement over the previous state of the art, and indicate that answering different question types benefits from examining a variety of image cues and carefully choosing informative image sub-regions

    The Evolution of an Architectural Paradigm - Using Blockchain to Build a Cross-Organizational Enterprise Service Bus

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    Cross-organizational collaboration and the exchange of process data are indispensable for many processes in federally organized governments. Conventional IT solutions, such as cross-organizational workflow management systems, address these requirements through centralized process management and architectures. However, such centralization is difficult and often undesirable in federal contexts. One alternative solution that emphasizes decentralized process management and a decentralized architecture is the blockchain solution of Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. Here, we investigate the architecture of this solution and examine how it addresses the requirements of federal contexts. We find that the solution’s architecture resembles an improvement and cross-organizational adaption of an old architectural paradigm, the enterprise service bus

    Shutting the gate: A preliminary study of farm crime prevention methods used by the police in rural England and Wales

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    Rural crime is an issue for farms across the United Kingdom. The costs of farm crime are at their highest level in eight years and impact on both farmers and consumers.  Past research has examined farmers' attitudes towards farm crime prevention but the attitudes of the police have been little explored. Police forces in rural England and Wales were surveyed about their views on farm crime prevention (e.g. prevention methods used, efficacy of methods, future of farm crime prevention). Traditional and community-based prevention methods such as regular patrols, proactive operations, prevention initiatives and community education were widely used, as were technological prevention methods such as CCTV. Just over half of respondents perceived these methods to be effective though concerns were raised that their efficacy was affected by limited police resources. The majority of respondents felt that the future of farm crime prevention would involve better physical security, more CCTV and more crime prevention initiatives
