11 research outputs found

    Mathematical Identity in Learning Mathematics: Bibliometric Review

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    Students' mathematical identities must be properly identified to obtain information on the causes of difficulties and decreased student motivation in learning mathematics so that this becomes a teacher's reference in preparing learning scenarios that are able to form strong and enduring mathematical characters in students. This bibliometric study aims to assess the global research trends in the field of mathematical identity through analyzing publication output, co-authorship among authors and their country affiliations, and the co-occurrence of author keywords. Using the Scopus database, a total of 53 journal articles published between 2007 and 2023 were collected. The findings indicate a consistent growth in the number of publications since 2018, with an increment of 5 articles every two years. Consequently, the cumulative total of articles has steadily increased. The United States stands out as the leading contributor, accounting for approximately 60% of the global publications, surpassing 10 other countries/territories. Moreover, among the most productive universities in the top 5 countries, four of them are ranked in the top 1000 universities in the world. In conclusion, recent advancements in research on mathematical identity encompass various aspects such as mathematics achievement, race, equity, learners' mathematical identity, and black students

    Compositions Of Crimes In The Sphere Of Economic Activity, Referred To The Competence Of The Magistrate (Chapter 22 Of The Criminal Code Of The Russian Federation)

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    The international documents oblige the Russian legislator to pay substantial attention to the issues of jurisdiction. These requirements are stipulated in paragraph 1 of Article 14 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, etc. The essence of these requirements is to provide the states with guarantees of the right to a fair public consideration of the case without any delay by a competent court.The issues of the court competence in the criminal cases in Russia are regulated in Article 31 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. The significance of meeting the requirements of this article is in the fact that if there are some violations of the rules stipulated in Article 31, it automatically leads to a sentence cancellation. The sign of territorial jurisdiction, as a rule, is not violated, but there are not only the issues, but also the facts of violations and sentence cancellation concerning a compliance with the requirements of subject jurisdiction, i.e. which court should consider a particular criminal case in vertical direction. In such cases, the entire procedure starts again, of course, this is a nuisance for everyone.  However, the arbitrary transfer of criminal cases from court to court is not allowed. In particular, no one can be deprived of the right to his case consideration by that court, to the jurisdiction of which it is attributed by law. This rule seems to be simple, but it should be impeccably observed


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    Introduction: Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by colonies of dysbiotic bacteria that form biofilms and cause destruction of the periodontal tissues. This damage can be induced by silk ligation on Sprague Dawley teeth and results in an increase in Alkaline Phosphate levels in the gingival sulcus. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of brown algae extract gel (Sargassum sp) on reducing alkaline phosphatase levels in gingival sulcus fluid in Sprague Dawley periodontitis induced by silk ligation Material and Methods: This research is True Experimental with the Pre test - Post test Control Group Design. The research sample consisted of 36 male Wistar rats which were ligated with silk to periodontitis. Rats were divided into two groups (n=18), the control group was treated with Tie-es metronidazole gel plus and brown algae extract (Sargassum sp) gel treatment with a concentration of 75%. Sampling of gingival sulcus fluid (CSG) on days 0 and 5, ALP levels were measured using a UV/V is spectrophotometer with an absorbance of 450 nm. Results and Discussions: This study showed a decrease in ALP levels after being treated with metronidazole and 75% brown algae extract gel, the normal amount of ALP levels in the reference was 53-57 U/L and increased when inflammation occurred to 8283 U / L then a significant difference was obtained. The average reduction in ALP levels from pre test to post test for each group was 39-41  /L, and there was a significant relationship between giving brown algae extract and a decrease in ALP levels (p <0.05). Conclusion: Brown algae gel extract (Sargassum sp) concentration of 75% has a lowering effect on alkaline phosphatase levels of gingival sulcus fluid in periodontitis induced by silk ligatio

    Judicial system of Saudi Arabia and analysis of jurisdiction courts of first instance

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    The above analysis of the development of judicial system of Saudi Arabia allows authors reflecting the dynamics of the judiciary hierarchy. Particular attention is focused on the jurisdiction of the courts of first instance. The Law on the Justice System of Saudi Arabia (2007) excluded single consideration of petty crimes by kadi. Hence, their consideration was completely transferred to the courts of first instance in a collegiate composition of three kadis. In most countries of the world, consideration of petty crimes has been transferred to the jurisdiction of world courts or magistrates' courts. Therefore, the authors recommend the legislator of Saudi Arabia to return to the system of courts of summary jurisdiction, which provide the consideration of petty criminal cases under simplified legal proceedings

    Dampak Pengungkapan Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility Tiap Dimensi Individu Terhadap Profitabilitas

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    Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui dampak dari pengungkapan secara dimensi individu laporan Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSR) terhadap profitabilitas dalam bank umum syariah. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode regresi data panel serta dengan bantuan alat statistik yaitu Eviews 9. Terdapat 10 bank umum syariah di Indonesia pada periode 2016-2020 yang dijadikan sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini. Pengukuran pengungkapan ICSR dilakukan dengan teknik konten analisis berdasarkan item-item yang mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai Islam pada laporan tahunan bank sehingga menghasilkan indeks pengungkapan Index Social Reporting (ISR). Hasil dari pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan pengungkapan ICSR berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap profitabilitas bank umum syariah. Secara parsial, pengungkapan dimensi per individu ICSR tidak mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik antara dimensi individu ICSR terhadap profitabilitas, kecuali untuk ‘komitmen terhadap karyawan', ‘komitmen terhadap debitur', dan ‘komitmen terhadap komunitas'.Kata Kunci: Pengungkapan, Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility, Profitabilitas, Bank Umum Syariah. ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the impact of the disclosure of individual dimensions of Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSR) reports on profitability in Islamic commercial banks. In this study, a quantitative approach was used with the panel data regression method and with the help of a statistical tool, namely Eviews 9. There were 10 Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia in the 2016-2020 period which were used as samples in this study. The measurement of ICSR disclosure is carried out using content analysis techniques based on items that describe Islamic values in the bank's annual report so as to produce a disclosure index of the Index Social Reporting (ISR). The results of hypothesis testing indicate that simultaneously the disclosure of ICSR has a significant positive effect on the profitability of Islamic commercial banks. Partially, the disclosure of individual dimensions of ICSR does not have a statistically significant relationship between individual dimensions of ICSR on profitability, except for 'commitment to employees', 'commitment to debtors', and 'commitment to community'.Keywords: Disclosure, Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility, Profitability, Islamic Commercial Banks.DAFTAR PUSTAKAChariri, A., & Ghozali, I. (2007). Teori akuntansi. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro.Ahmad, N. N. N., & Sulaiman, M. (2004). 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    Low speed vertical axis current turbine (LS-VACT): Experimental results

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    Depleting of fossil fuels and climate change problem as well as the pollutions arise make the renewable energy one of the best options for long-term usage. In hydropower energy extraction, vertical axis marine current turbine applications; Savonius turbine, which has the ability to operate in low speed current is suitable with the Malaysia's sea conditions. However, due to the drawbacks which are low efficiency and low tip speed ratio, modifications need to be done to harness more power. Low Speed Vertical Axis Current Turbine is appeared to extract energy based on the Savonius rotor. In conjunction to this matter, laboratory work has been done in a way to study the relationship between Power Coefficient (Cp) and Tip Speed Ratio (λ), and also the relationship between Torque Coefficient (Ct) and Tip Speed Ratio (λ) at different current speed which are 0.32 m/s and 0.64 m/s