31 research outputs found

    Spells as a part of Finnish folklore

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    Jméno autorky: Magdalena Hošková Instituce: Ústav lingvistiky a ugrofinistiky, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy Obor: Finská filologie Název práce: Zaklínadla jako součást finské lidové slovesnosti Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Jan Dlask, Ph.D. Počet stran: 77 Rok obhajoby: 2012 Klíčová slova: zaklínadlo, finská zaklínadla, finská lidová slovesnost, Kalevala, starofinská mytologie, tietäjä, šaman, modlitba, léčebná magie, homeopatická magie, John Abercromby, James Frazer, neošamanismus, novopohanství Tato diplomová práce je věnována zaklínadlům jako součásti finské lidové slovesnosti. Jsou zde vylíčeny okolnosti vzniku zaklínadel, dále jejich charakteristika z hlediska formy a účelu použití. Za zlatý věk vzniku zaklínadel nejen ve Finsku, ale i v ostatních evropských zemích, je považována doba pozdního pohanství a raného křesťanství. V práci je nastíněna úloha dvou představitelů magické praxe: jednak šamana coby duchovního vůdce finské společnosti doby před vznikem zaklínadel a jednak jeho nástupce - zaříkávače, ve Finsku označovaného jako tietäjä. Následuje výčet finských pohanských bohů s jejich podrobnými charakteristikami a s příklady zaklínadel, v nichž se lidé obraceli k bohům o pomoc. Jádrem práce je typologie finských zaklínadel podle finského literárního vědce Kaie Laitinena a podle skotského...Author's name: Magdalena Hošková School: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts Department: Institute of Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies Title: Spells as a Part of Finnish Folklore Supervisor: Mgr. Jan Dlask, Ph.D. Number of pages: 77 Key words: spell, Finnish spells, Finnish folklore, Kalevala, Finnish mythology, tietäjä, shaman, prayer, healing magic, homoeopathic magic, John Abercromby, James Frazer, neoshamanism, neopaganism This thesis deals with spells as a part of Finnish folklore. It depicts the circumstances of the spells' genesis, as well as their structural features and different purposes of their use. It is considered that most spells were created during the era of late paganism and early Christianity. This is true not only of Finland but also of Europe in general. The thesis also analyses the role of the shaman as the spiritual leader of Finnish people living in the era before the spells' creation and thereafter analyses the role of the shaman's successor: the tietäjä, the charmer who created spells and used them to help people in his community. So the tietäjä used his spells for the same purpose as his predecessor, the shaman, used trance states, which he entered via drumming, chanting and dancing. In the trance state, he talked to animal spirits and ancestors' spirits and...Institute of LinguisticsÚstav obecné lingvistikyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Incomplet feminism: traces of ecofeminism in the work and thought of Milan Machovec, Hana Librová, Luba Lacinová and Mirek Vodrážka

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    The aim of the work is to analyze and dispute the predication about the absence of czech ecofeminism.Ústav politologieInstitute of Political ScienceFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Sociocultural and spiritual aspects of the image of Nature-Woman in the environmental context

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    This Bachelor's thesis is examining how is the image of Nature-Woman used in environmental context. When I speak about the image of Nature-Woman, I mean both explicit depiction of nature as a woman and general depiction of nature with emphasis on its feminine features. The image of Nature- Woman is being examined in following contexts: feminism, Gaia theory, deep ecology and wicca. The phenomenon of femininity is then being examined in two layers of meaning: in sociocultural layer and in spiritual layer. Sociocultural aspects of femininity in this thesis are based on social constructivism. Spiritual layer of femininity is based on archetypal femininity as it was described by C. G. Jung in his theory of archetypes. Questions this thesis examines are as follows: How does environmentalism uses the mythical image of a woman? Is it possible to connect sociocultural and spiritual layers of how femininity is being perceived in order to expand environmental awareness? Methods, that are being used to find answers to these questions are: literature comparation, analysis and deduction. Key words: femininity, archetypes, nature, culture, GaiaThis Bachelor's thesis is examining how is the image of Nature-Woman used in environmental context. When I speak about the image of Nature-Woman, I mean both explicit depiction of nature as a woman and general depiction of nature with emphasis on its feminine features. The image of Nature- Woman is being examined in following contexts: feminism, Gaia theory, deep ecology and wicca. The phenomenon of femininity is then being examined in two layers of meaning: in sociocultural layer and in spiritual layer. Sociocultural aspects of femininity in this thesis are based on social constructivism. Spiritual layer of femininity is based on archetypal femininity as it was described by C. G. Jung in his theory of archetypes. Questions this thesis examines are as follows: How does environmentalism uses the mythical image of a woman? Is it possible to connect sociocultural and spiritual layers of how femininity is being perceived in order to expand environmental awareness? Methods, that are being used to find answers to these questions are: literature comparation, analysis and deduction. Key words: femininity, archetypes, nature, culture, GaiaInstitute of EthnologyÚstav etnologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Wicca - The religion in present society

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    51 s., 3 s. příl. :obr. +CD ROMBakalářská práce pojednává o novém náboženském hnutí Wicca. Nejprve se zaobírá její historií, vznikem, vývojem a několika osobnostem, které jsou pro Wiccu důležití. Pokračuje strukturou, jak hnutí funguje, jaké jsou vztahy mezi jednotlivými členy a coveny. Dále hovoří o nauce, božstvu, svátcích, etice a praxi. Nakonec věnuje pozornost situaci v České republice. Jak dalece je u nás tento systém zakořeněn, kolik má členů a jak vypadá praxe českých Wiccanů. Kde a jak se scházejí, popřípadě ke které konkrétní tradici se hlásí

    The Phenomenon of Pilgrimage in Paulo Coelho's Works

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    HTF - Katedra religionistikyHussite Theological FacultyHusitská teologická fakult

    Tree in human culture

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    Diplomová práce se v kulturologické perspektivě zabývá fenoménem stromu v lidské kultuře s tím, že se soustřeďuje zejména na naše teritorium, respektive Evropu. V první části se zabývá rolí stromu v nejvýznamnějších civilizacích, které obývaly naše území a výraznějším způsobem tak ovlivnily pozdější vývoj naší kultury. Dále se soustřeďuje na lidové zvyky a tradice související s motivem stromu a uvádí jejich charakteristické příklady v průběhu kalendářního roku. Na lidové tradice navazují lidová rčení jako součást lidové mluvy. Jedna část práce je věnována lidovému léčitelství s ukázkami receptů na výrobu léčivých přípravků, pokrmů a nápojů z plodů a dalších částí stromů. V této práci jsou stromy zároveň pojaty jako jeden z archetypů lidské kultury v oblasti nejrůznějších mýtů i v kontextu historických skutečností. V poslední části se práce věnuje tématu ochrany stromů.The thesis deals with the phenomenon of the tree in human culture from the culturological perspective. It is mainly focused on the Czech lands or, in a broader sense, the whole of Europe. In the first part, the role of the tree in the most important civilizations inhabiting our country and thus influencing the later development of our culture is specified. Further, it refers to the folk customs and traditions linked to the "tree phenomenon" and demonstrates their characteristic examples in the course of the year. Folk sayings are linked with the traditions and form a part of the folk diction. One part of the work is dealing with popular medical treatments and examples of recipes for the production of folk medical preparations, dishes and beverages. Besides, the trees are conceived as one of the archetypes of human culture in the area of various myths as well as in the context of historical facts. The last part treats the subject of protection of the trees.Institute of EthnologyÚstav etnologieFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Čemu Češi věří: dimenze soudobé české religiozity

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    Although the Czech Republic is usually regarded as one of the most secular countries in Europe, current sociological surveys indicate that there is still a strong interest in supernatural and spiritual questions. This article begins by documenting the popularity of various religious concepts and then proceeds to analyse the socio-demographic factors that influence religious beliefs. The author tries to answer the question of whether and how people who believe in some kind of religious phenomenon differ in terms of sociodemographic characteristics from those who do not believe. There are two dimensions behind religious statements: a ‘traditional’ Christian outlook and an ‘alternative’ view connected with a belief in the power of magic. Further analyses indicated that traditional and alternative religious beliefs are connected with numerous socio-demographic characteristics, the most important of which is religious socialisation, measured by the frequency with which a person attended at religious services as a child and by the religious denomination of a person’s mother

    Sekularizace, její kritika a aplikace na případ dělnického hnutí v českých zemích

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    The Czech Republic is often said to be one of the most secular countries in Europe, or even in the world. For this, in accord with the secularization thesis, the modernization is often mentioned, where it was supposed that it automatically leads to the decline of religion in society. In my paper, I recapitulate the basic points of the secularization thesis and dissect its criticism which seems to be aimed at the idea, that secularization represents just an unintended effect of modernization. Based on this criticism, I deduce resources for analysis of the religious situation in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, I prove that Czech society is not so much atheist, but more dechristianized, and I focus on reasons of this dechristianization in political, social and class conflicts, which had, according to my opinion, a great impact on Czech church’s religionism. In this paper, I address the conflicts between socialist movement and the Catholic Church, which as a result had a substantial effect on the dechristianization of the czech working class