225,988 research outputs found


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    The paper is an attempt to clarify the importance of the human, the cultural and the social capital and their metamorphoses in result of their mutual complementarity and conversiveness. By becoming major factors of life reproduction in general, they also act as essential organizing principles of the functional and structural model of social selforganisation and performance and human development


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    This article is an attempt to interpret fundamental issues related to the spontaneous formation and the course of social life; the role of free human choice of goals, means and actions; the relationship between the spontaneity of social life and its management. Based on the trends generated by new developments in technology and information and social changes, we proposes the thesis that from spontaneous, social life could become anthropocentrically directed and managed

    The Overall Factor Of All Good – The Well-Behaved And Educated Person

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    The article deals with the issue set as its title. It is essential for the efficiency of any other activity and our civil behaviour. As it is in many other countries, it could become a reality in our country as well, provided that the central government and private funds spending on science and education grows at a faster rate than the budget spending in any other aspect and its quality is improved proportionally. This thesis is corroborated through conceptualization of the issue as per its status quo in the current context and explanation of its importance for the overall social development

    Capitalism Against Itself (Critical Views And Insights)

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    The pragmatic mass conscience and behavior of individuals towards the achievement of private and public wealth sets the accumulation of capital as its leading motive and factor – it creates jobs, goods and income. As it turns into a lifestyle, it becomes a mass principle of modernity which has led to renaming it to capitalism. This, however, poses the question – does moderniy not problematize the relationships economic – non-economic activities, capital – labor, private – public interests, national – global dependencies? On balance, does it not ignore the moral nature of man contrary to its initial humanistic spirit? The article makes an attempt to defend this hypothesis as it takes into account the views of a number of established social erudite scholars; the judgements are supported by empirical proof leading to the conclusion that by evolving, capitalism all by itself prepares the need of a reorganization of social life on a new basis. As a result of the presented arguments, we reach the conclusion that successful countires will rely primarily on the free multifaceted development of each individual. With a veiw of all this, we need a complete (economic, spritiual, social and legal and political) vision of a positive change which shall harmoniously direct its resources to all spheres of life. This would secure: spirituality – ideas, culture and meaning; economy – material prosperity; morality – virtue; legal and political sphere – social peace, harmonious and just social order

    An Exploration of Factors Influencing Wild Animals Poaching in Ruvuma Region Tanzania

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    The general objective of this study was to explore factors influencing wild animals’ poaching in Ruvuma Region Tanzania. The study adapted the Theory of Planed Behaviour (TPB) in exploring the influence of individual attitudes, social factors and facilitating conditions on intentional wild animals’ poaching. Moreover, the study adopted the pragmatic approach whereby qualitative influenced data collection using case studies while developing an in-depth interview of factors influencing wild animals’ poaching. Field observation methods were also employed. To validate case study and field observation, quantitative method was also employed using self-administered questionnaires from a sample of 283 Game Wardens and Village Game Scouts. Qualitative data were thematically analysed using NVivo 10 software whereas quantitative data were analysed by correlation and multiple regressions techniques. The findings of the study indicated that individual attitudes (AT) and social environment (SO) have positive and significant influence on intentional poaching of wild animals in Ruvuma Region, while facilitating conditional (FA) was found to be with insignificant influences on intentional wild animals poaching. The study concludes that individual attitudes and social environment influence the intentional wild animals’ poaching in Ruvuma Region. The study recommends the improvement of existing wild animals’ poaching mitigation measures by addressing individual attitude and social environment in anti-poaching activities. Factors that hinder making FA to perform poorly in the model should be traced and be adopted to enhance wild animals’ poaching mitigation measures in Tanzania

    Image analysis in heat transfer.

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    Cílem této práce je porovnat vysoko tlaké vodní trysky a vysvětlit čtenáři použité metody. Matematické metody použité v programu jsou také uvedeny v této práci.The object of this work is to describe and compare water tracks of high pressure nozzles and explain image processing methods to the reader. Mathematical methods used in the program for getting properties of dierent jets are also present.

    Metody badań pilotażowych

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    Tradycje polskich badań naukowych nad pilotażem związane są głównie z „łódzką szkołą metodologiczną” i sięgają lat 70. oraz 80. ubiegłego wieku. Obecnie zainteresowanie problematyką testowania i oceny narzędzi badawczych obserwuje się przede wszystkim na gruncie amerykańskim. Artykuł prezentuje dokonania w tej dziedzinie i przedstawia najważniejsze terenowe metody badań pilotażowych. Charakterystyka każdej z metod zawiera omówienie procedur badawczych, z uwzględnieniem sposobu doboru próby i opracowania materiałów, a także uwagi dotyczące praktycznych możliwości ich wykorzystania w terenie. Autorka dokonuje analizy wykorzystywanych w poszczególnych metodach źródeł informacji, omawia problemy dotyczące symulowania w pilotażu warunków charakterystycznych dla wywiadu właściwego oraz dokonuje podsumowania przedstawionych metod pod kątem stopnia, w jakim realizują cele postawione przed badaniami pilotażowymi

    Měření mechanických vlastností látek pružných nádrží

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    This work is focused on measuring mechanical properties of a fabric used in flexible intermediate bulk containers. Firstly, the methods of measuring are analyzed and discussed. Then a method of measuring is chosen with the devices needed to accomplish it. The results of the actual experiment are presented in form of pictures and charts. At last conclusions of the measured data are presented.Tato práce se zaměřuje na měření mechanických vlastností textilií používaných v tzv. pružných nádržích nebo také žocích. Nejprve jsou vyhodnoceny a diskutovány metody měření. Po zvolení metody jsou také zvážena nutná zařízení pro tyto experimenty. Výsledky provedených experimentů jsou prezentovány pomocí obrázků a grafů. Nakonec jsou tato změřená data shodnocena do závěrů


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    Nowadays, in many fields of science it is necessary to carry out miscellaneous analyses using classical statistical methods, which usually have correct assumptions. These assumptions in the research realities cannot always be met, which makes it impossible to carry out analyses and leads to incorrect conclusions and recommendations.The study of the production process largely consists in the use of tools of statistical quality control which are based on classical statistical methods. These methods result in some improvements in technological and economic results of the manufacturing process. One of the tools of statistical quality control is the design of experiments, whose important element is the estimation of response surface function.The aim of this paper is to present the bootstrap method of estimation of response surface function and its use for empirical data

    The Application Of Local Indicators For Categorical Data (LICD) In The Spatial Analysis Of Economic Development

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    Firstly, we identify classes of regions presenting different economic development levels using taxonomic methods of multivariate data analysis. Secondly, we apply a join-count test to examine spatial dependencies between regions. It examines the tendency to form the spatial clusters. The global test indicates general spatial interactions between regions, while local tests give detailed results separately for each region. The global test detects spatial clustering of economically poor regions but is statistically insignificant as regards well-developed regions. Thus, the local tests are also applied. They indicate the occurrence of five spatial clusters and three outliers in Poland. There are three clusters of wealth. Their development is based on a diffusion impact of regional economic centres. The areas of eastern and north western Poland include clusters of poverty. The first one is impeded by the presense of three indiviual growth centres, while the second one is out of range of diffusion influence of bigger agglomerations