602 research outputs found

    Another Last Poem

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    Barriers to Lung Cancer Screening Among African American Males Aged 50-70 in the United States

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    Objectives: Identify the different barriers to lung cancer screening among African American males Examine potential methods of increasing access and participation within this populatio

    La política exterior de México hacia el Medio Oriente: el dilema entre el compromiso y realidad

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    El artículo busca indagar si los cambios experimentados por México a partir de la alternancia han traído cambios sustanciales en las relaciones con los países del Medio Oriente y en base a lo anterior evaluar cuáles son las posibilidades de mantener o mejThis article tries to investigate if the internal political developments in Mexico lead to changes in its foreign policy toward Middle Eastern countries and also if it is possible to identify good practices in order to maintain and to improve those relat

    The relationship between the ulama and the government in the contemporary Saudi Arabian Kingdom: an interdependent relationship?

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    This thesis examines the relationship between the ulama and the government in contemporary Saudi Arabia (end of 1970s until 1999). The study contends that the relationship between the ulama and the government is based on interdependence. The majority of previous analysis on Saudi Arabia underplays the importance of the role of the ulama, who indeed no longer have direct access to the government's decision making. However this study shows how the role of the ulama is paramount for the legitimacy of the regime, an aspect that defines the nature of the interdependence between the ulama and the government. Two sets of hypothesis are used to explain how this relationship oscillates between conflict and cooperation in relation to the creation and maintenance of the legitimacy of the regime. An analysis of the historical role of the ulama and examples of their role in current times has been brought in, to provide an understanding of the development of the role of both the ulama and the government in Saudi Arabia. The creation and maintenance of the legitimacy of the political system in Saudi Arabia underscores how and in which domains the relationship between the parties produces both conflict and cooperation, as well as how Saudi society participates in the maintenance of the legitimacy. The ulama's role, moderating among the different actors of the society, has been emphasized through an examination of the contestation of the regime by different groups and individuals since 1979, and the record of cooperation with the government. The conclusions of the research show how the ulama are important for the definition of the rules and values around which Saudi society revolves. However the role of the ulama is being threatened by the challenges emanating from the access to modern technology and the implications of the incorporation of Saudi society into the world economy

    Stepping Outside the Faculty-Mediated Outreach Model: Collaborations with Student Academic Support Services to Reach Students

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    The discussion will focus on collaborations with campus student academic support services (SASS) -- programs that are funded and staffed to provide academic support to students -- to enable librarians to reach diverse student audiences. As campus resources diminish and workloads increase, collaborative partnerships are essential to continue to reach diverse student constituencies. Such collaborations add value to librarians\u27 work by reading audiences that would otherwise be difficult to attract through traditional library programming channels or venues. In turn, SASS programs are enhanced with the participation of a librarian who can provide expertise in library research skills. These kinds of collaborative efforts may result in long-standing partnerships offering librarians the opportunity to move beyond the general library tours and orientations currently offered to provide more effective, engaging, and relevant library classes. The results not only serve to benefit the intended audiences, but help in the overall evolution of library instruction programs. Through problem solving activities and examples from the University of California, Santa Cruz, participants will learn about a variety of outreach services to offer

    Tricking the gatekeepers: subversion of host immune responses by Porphyromonas gingivalis

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    Periodontitis is characterized by a chronic inflammation of the tissues supporting the teeth eventually leading to tooth loss. An important characteristic of this widespread oral disease is the microbial dysbiosis that is initiated by the keystone pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis. Interestingly, both periodontitis and P. gingivalis were previously associated with several major non-oral diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease. P. gingivalis contributes to periodontal disease by producing several virulence factors, especially (i) the ‘P. gingivalis peptidyl-arginine deiminase’ (PPAD), which is an enzyme capable of removing positive charges from bacterial and human proteins, and (ii) aggressive proteolytic enzymes, known as gingipains, which degrade a wide array of host proteins. The aim of this PhD research project was to determine how P. gingivalis targets these virulence factors to human host cells, and how they contribute to disease development. The results show that the bacterium targets its virulence factors to human host cells both in a water-soluble state and in association with secreted outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). The OMVs were subsequently shown to coat and antagonize major human immune cells, the so-called neutrophils, which form the main frontline against P. gingivalis in the gum tissues of patients with periodontitis. In particular, PPAD was found to ‘neutralize’ the neutrophil immune defenses at several levels, whereas the gingipains were shown to degrade neutrophil-derived antibacterial proteins. Altogether, this PhD research shows that PPAD, gingipains and OMVs secreted by P. gingivalis are important potential targets for preventive and therapeutic approaches against periodontitis and associated diseases

    Interpretasi Khalayak Terhadap Eksploitasi Ruang Privat dalam Reality Show Uya Emang Kuya di SCTV

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    Audience Interpretation of Privacy Exploitation in Reality Show Uya Emang Kuya in SCTV This research discusses the acceptance of reality show Uya Emang Kuya viewers, especially the interpretation of the exploitation of private space. Reality Show Uya Emang Kuya is a television programme that sets the privacy of ordinary people using hypnosis. The purpose of this show is actually to provide entertainment to the viewers and show honesty as an important aspect of personal relationships between individuals. However, disclosure of the private sphere into public space by reality show Uya Emang Kuya has reaped both pros and cons opinions from the public. The author used qualitative reception analysis methods to examine how viewers interpret the exploitation of private space in reality show Uya Emang Kuya. Reception analysis was selected because it has a special perspective on the audience or in this case is the viewer Uya Emang Kuya, where the audience viewed not only as consumers of media content but also as a producer of meaning. The results of this research indicate that as part of interpretive communities, the difference of making meaning among all research informants also influenced by psychological factors such as tastes and habits of watching television. However, social background and level of education also determine the views and arguments that support their opinions. Informants has various potensial decoding position in meaning reality show Uya Emang Kuya. Informants who like Uya Emang Kuya interpret this programme as an ethical and entertaining show (dominant reading). But most of the informants choose to be negosiatif (negotiated reading). They accept the dominant code offered by reality show Uya Emang Kuya but are also critical in accordance with their framework. While those doing readings radically (oppositional reading) argue that such exploitation of private space contained in this show is unethical to broadcast. Keywords: interpretation, reception analysis, reality sho


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    A infecção pelo Herpesvírus tipo 1 (FHV-1) é comum entre felinos. É uma doença de distribuição mundial e sinais clínicos como descargas nasais e oculares, espirros, tosse e dispnéia são frequentemente observados. A exposição a estas secreções é a principal forma de contaminação. Um gato macho, sem raça definida, de nove meses de idade foi apresentado para atendimento clínico Veterinário com histórico de secreção nasal, espirros, diminuição do apetite e cegueira. Após a instituição do tratamento a base de antibióticos e L-lisina houve uma melhora clínica observada nos primeiros cinco dias. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pela presença de corpúsculos de inclusão em material de raspado conjuntival. Decorridos vinte dias o animal apresentava apenas raros episódios de espirros. A ocorrência deste caso de infecção pelo (FHV-1) deve servir como alerta para a ocorrência desta condição mórbida, como também, da importância da utilização da vacinação entre os pacientes felinos na região


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kinerja keuangan Pusat Koperasi Unit Desa (PUSKUD) Ambon tahun 2016 – 2018 dengan menggunakan rasio likuiditas. Metode penelitan yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa laporan keuangan PUSKUD Ambon tahun 2016 – 2018. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tingkat likuiditas yang dilihat dari nilai current ratio tahun 2016, 2017 dan 2018 menunjukan adanya kecenderungan penurunan rasio dari tahun ke tahun, dimana pada tahun 2016 current ratio sebesar 320 %, tahun 2017 current ratio sebesar 285 % dan tahun 2018 current ratio sebesar 244 %. Namun angka-angka tersebut masih berada di atas standar 200 %,  dengan demikian kinerja keuangan PUSKUD Ambon dari sisi current ratio dinyatakan sangat baik. Jika dilihat dari cash ratio, menunjukkan bahwa cash ratio tahun 2016 – 2018 mengalami fluktuasi dan cenderung meningkat, dimana pada tahun 2016 cash ratio sebesar 24 % dan tahun 2017 mengalami peningkatan sebesar 5 % menjadi 29 %. Walaupun mengalami peningkatan namun angka cash ration  tahun 2016 dan 2017 masih di bawah strandar 50 %, sehingga kinerja keuangan tahun 2016 dinyatakan cukup baik dan tahun 2017 kinerja keuangan dinyatakan baik. Pada tahun 2018 cash ratio mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan yaitu sebesar 99 % dan berada di atas sandar 50 %, ini menunjukkan kinerja keuangan tahun 2018 dinyatakan sangat baik. Selanjutnya Quick ratio tahun 2016, 2017 dan 2018 meskipun cenderung mengalami penurunan dari tahun ke tahun, dimana quick rasio tahun 2016 sebesar 316 %, quick rasio tahun 2017 sebesar 282 % dan quick rasio tahun 2018 sebesar 242 %, namun masih berada di atas standar 150 %, ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja keuangan dari sisi quick ratio dinyatakan sangat bai
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