2,439 research outputs found

    Different concepts of personality: Nikolaj Berdjaev and Sergej Bulgakov

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    The main concern of both Berdjaev's and Bulgakov's philosophical strivings consists in developing a concept of the person as the foundation of human dignity and creativity within a Christian worldview. Once attracted by Marxism with its emphasis on human dignity and social justice, they started to struggle against Marxism's atheist materialism because of its lack of a concept of person. However, the same concern will lead both thinkers down very different paths with different consequences. This paper argues that, even though Berdjaev has become famous as a philosopher of the person and a herald of creative ethics, Bulgakov developed a more solid Christian justification of the same claims. Both systems are presented by means of comparing some crucial notions within their concepts of personality—potentiality, trinity and autonom

    The Ecology of Rawa Aopa, a Peat-swamp in Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Rawa Aopa is a large swamp in South-East Sulawesi, Indonesia — the only major peat-swamp in this mainly mountainous island. Its vegetation and fauna are still quite poorly known. The existing information is summarized here. With the creation of new villages as part of Indonesia's transmigration programme, the human population in this area has increased very rapidly. Pressure on natural resources — especially soils and forests — is increasing, and primary forests are dwindling rapidly. This in turn increases the threats to Rawa Aopa, as erosion in its catchment area inevitably leads to a rapid silting up of the swamp. The swamp has a potential as a source of food (fish and sago) and income (rattan and other products), and it might to some degree become a tourist attraction. From a scientific point of view, the gaps in the knowledge about water-regime, vegetation, and fauna, ought to be remedied. In order to attain sustainable utilization of this area, a thorough plan ought to be made for the whole catchment of Rawa Aopa. The most important measure to take is the protection of the forests covering the hills and the surroundings of the swamp. Also important very widely is the protection of soils. Furthermore, it is recommended to include the northern part of the swamp in the already-existing Rawa Aopa—Watumohai National Par

    What is a “Healthy National Feeling”? Serge Bulgakov’s Response to Chaadaev’s Despair

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    In Serge Bulgakov’s thought “Chaadaev’s despair” is concerned with Russia’s search for a proper mission. Bulgakov’s “national turn” after the first Russian Revolution was based on “cultural patriotism” and intended to provide a progressive alternative to the “militant nationalism” of the time. A return to Orthodox Christianity is, according to Bulgakov, both the right medicine for his sick country and the Russian people’s mission in world history. The article critically explores the changes in Bulgakov’s thoughts about the concept of “the nation” against the background of the historical context of his time.Według Sergiusza Bułgakowa „rozpacz Czaadajewa” jest związana z poszukiwaniem przez Rosję właściwej misji. „Zwrot narodowy” Buł­ga­kowa po pierwszej rewolucji rosyjskiej był oparty na „patriotyzmie kulturowym” i miał na celu dostarczenie alternatywy dla „wojującego nacjonalizmu” epoki. Zdaniem Bułgakowa powrót do prawosławia jest zarówno odpowiednim lekiem dla jego chorego kraju, jak i misji narodu rosyjskiego w historii świata. W artykule dokonano krytycznej analizy zmiany w myśleniu Bułgakowa na temat „narodu” w historycznym kontekście jego czasów